  * Insert into sitemap
  * @param   array $pageData   Page informations
  * @param   string $type       Parser type (page/link)
 public static function index($pageData, $type)
     static $cache = array();
     // do not index empty urls
     if (empty($pageData['page_url'])) {
     // calc page hash
     $pageData['page_hash'] = md5($pageData['page_url']);
     $pageHash = $pageData['page_hash'];
     // Escape/Quote data
     foreach ($pageData as &$pageDataValue) {
         if ($pageDataValue === NULL) {
             $pageDataValue = 'NULL';
         } elseif (is_int($pageDataValue) || is_numeric($pageDataValue)) {
             // Don't quote numeric/integers
             $pageDataValue = (int) $pageDataValue;
         } else {
             // String
             $pageDataValue = DatabaseUtility::quote($pageDataValue, 'tx_metaseo_sitemap');
     // only process each page once to keep sql-statements at a normal level
     if (empty($cache[$pageHash])) {
         // $pageData is already quoted
         $query = 'SELECT uid
                     FROM tx_metaseo_sitemap
                    WHERE page_uid      = ' . $pageData['page_uid'] . '
                      AND page_language = ' . $pageData['page_language'] . '
                      AND page_hash     = ' . $pageData['page_hash'];
         $sitemapUid = DatabaseUtility::getOne($query);
         if (!empty($sitemapUid)) {
             $query = 'UPDATE tx_metaseo_sitemap
                          SET tstamp                = ' . $pageData['tstamp'] . ',
                              page_rootpid          = ' . $pageData['page_rootpid'] . ',
                              page_language         = ' . $pageData['page_language'] . ',
                              page_url              = ' . $pageData['page_url'] . ',
                              page_depth            = ' . $pageData['page_depth'] . ',
                              page_change_frequency = ' . $pageData['page_change_frequency'] . '
                         WHERE uid = ' . (int) $sitemapUid;
         } else {
             // #####################################
             // INSERT
             // #####################################
             $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('tx_metaseo_sitemap', $pageData, array_keys($pageData));
         $cache[$pageHash] = 1;
 protected function _getRootPageIdFromId($var)
     global $TYPO3_DB;
     $ret = NULL;
     if (is_numeric($var)) {
         // TODO: check if var is a valid root page
         $ret = (int) $var;
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT pid
                     FROM sys_domain
                    WHERE domainName = ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($var, 'sys_domain') . '
                      AND hidden = 0';
         $pid = DatabaseUtility::getOne($query);
         if (!empty($pid)) {
             $ret = $pid;
     return $ret;
  * Return sitemap entry list for root tree
  * @return    array
 protected function _executeGetList()
     // Init
     $rootPageList = \Metaseo\Metaseo\Utility\BackendUtility::getRootPageList();
     $rootPid = (int) $this->_postVar['pid'];
     $offset = (int) $this->_postVar['start'];
     $limit = (int) $this->_postVar['limit'];
     $itemsPerPage = (int) $this->_postVar['pagingSize'];
     $searchFulltext = trim((string) $this->_postVar['criteriaFulltext']);
     $searchPageUid = trim((int) $this->_postVar['criteriaPageUid']);
     $searchPageLanguage = trim((string) $this->_postVar['criteriaPageLanguage']);
     $searchPageDepth = trim((string) $this->_postVar['criteriaPageDepth']);
     $searchIsBlacklisted = (bool) trim((string) $this->_postVar['criteriaIsBlacklisted']);
     // ############################
     // Critera
     // ############################
     $where = array();
     // Root pid limit
     $where[] = 'page_rootpid = ' . (int) $rootPid;
     // Fulltext
     if (!empty($searchFulltext)) {
         $where[] = 'page_url LIKE ' . DatabaseUtility::quote('%' . $searchFulltext . '%', 'tx_metaseo_sitemap');
     // Page id
     if (!empty($searchPageUid)) {
         $where[] = 'page_uid = ' . (int) $searchPageUid;
     // Lannguage
     if ($searchPageLanguage != -1 && strlen($searchPageLanguage) >= 1) {
         $where[] = 'page_language = ' . (int) $searchPageLanguage;
     // Depth
     if ($searchPageDepth != -1 && strlen($searchPageDepth) >= 1) {
         $where[] = 'page_depth = ' . (int) $searchPageDepth;
     if ($searchIsBlacklisted) {
         $where[] = 'is_blacklisted = 1';
     // Build where
     $where = '( ' . implode(' ) AND ( ', $where) . ' )';
     // ############################
     // Pager
     // ############################
     // Fetch total count of items with this filter settings
     $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                 FROM tx_metaseo_sitemap
                WHERE ' . $where;
     $itemCount = DatabaseUtility::getOne($query);
     // ############################
     // Sort
     // ############################
     // default sort
     $sort = 'page_depth ASC, page_uid ASC';
     if (!empty($this->_sortField) && !empty($this->_sortDir)) {
         // already filered
         $sort = $this->_sortField . ' ' . $this->_sortDir;
     // ############################
     // Fetch sitemap
     // ############################
     $list = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('uid,
          FROM_UNIXTIME(tstamp) as tstamp,
          FROM_UNIXTIME(crdate) as crdate', 'tx_metaseo_sitemap', $where, '', $sort, $offset . ', ' . $itemsPerPage);
     $ret = array('results' => $itemCount, 'rows' => $list);
     return $ret;
Exemple #4
  * @param integer        $pid               PID
  * @param integer|NULL   $sysLanguage       System language id
  * @param string|array   $metaTag           MetaTag name
  * @param string         $value             MetaTag value
  * @param integer        $tagGroup          MetaTag group
 protected function _updateMetaTag($pid, $sysLanguage, $metaTag, $value, $tagGroup = NULL)
     $tstamp = time();
     $crdate = time();
     $cruserId = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'];
     $subTagName = '';
     if (is_array($metaTag)) {
         list($metaTag, $subTagName) = $metaTag;
     if ($tagGroup === NULL) {
         $tagGroup = 1;
     $query = 'INSERT INTO tx_metaseo_metatag
                           (pid, tstamp, crdate, cruser_id, sys_language_uid, tag_name, tag_subname, tag_value, tag_group)
                     VALUES (
                           ' . (int) $pid . ',
                           ' . (int) $tstamp . ',
                           ' . (int) $crdate . ',
                           ' . (int) $cruserId . ',
                           ' . (int) $sysLanguage . ',
                           ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($metaTag) . ',
                           ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($subTagName) . ',
                           ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($value) . ',
                           ' . (int) $tagGroup . '
                     ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                             tstamp    = VALUES(tstamp),
                             tag_value = VALUES(tag_value)';
  * Clear cache entry
  * @param   integer $pageId     Page UID
  * @param   string  $section    Cache section
  * @param   string  $identifier Cache identifier
  * @return  boolean
 public static function remove($pageId, $section, $identifier)
     $pageId = (int) $pageId;
     try {
         $query = 'DELETE FROM tx_metaseo_cache
                 WHERE page_uid = ' . (int) $pageId . '
                   AND cache_section = ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($section, 'tx_metaseo_cache') . '
                   AND cache_identifier = ' . DatabaseUtility::quote($identifier, 'tx_metaseo_cache');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;