  * @param $productScheduled
  * @param $expectedProductReindexCall
  * @dataProvider reindexFlatDisabledTestDataProvider
 public function testReindexFlatDisabled($productScheduled, $expectedProductReindexCall)
     $affectedProductIds = ["1", "2"];
     $pathIds = ['path/1/2', 'path/2/3'];
     $this->category->setData('path_ids', $pathIds);
Exemple #2
  * Save category products relation
  * @param \Magento\Catalog\Model\Category $category
  * @return $this
 protected function _saveCategoryProducts($category)
     $id = $category->getId();
      * new category-product relationships
     $products = $category->getPostedProducts();
      * Example re-save category
     if ($products === null) {
         return $this;
      * old category-product relationships
     $oldProducts = $category->getProductsPosition();
     $insert = array_diff_key($products, $oldProducts);
     $delete = array_diff_key($oldProducts, $products);
      * Find product ids which are presented in both arrays
      * and saved before (check $oldProducts array)
     $update = array_intersect_key($products, $oldProducts);
     $update = array_diff_assoc($update, $oldProducts);
     $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
      * Delete products from category
     if (!empty($delete)) {
         $cond = array('product_id IN(?)' => array_keys($delete), 'category_id=?' => $id);
         $adapter->delete($this->_categoryProductTable, $cond);
      * Add products to category
     if (!empty($insert)) {
         $data = array();
         foreach ($insert as $productId => $position) {
             $data[] = array('category_id' => (int) $id, 'product_id' => (int) $productId, 'position' => (int) $position);
         $adapter->insertMultiple($this->_categoryProductTable, $data);
      * Update product positions in category
     if (!empty($update)) {
         foreach ($update as $productId => $position) {
             $where = array('category_id = ?' => (int) $id, 'product_id = ?' => (int) $productId);
             $bind = array('position' => (int) $position);
             $adapter->update($this->_categoryProductTable, $bind, $where);
     if (!empty($insert) || !empty($delete)) {
         $productIds = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($insert), array_keys($delete)));
         $this->_eventManager->dispatch('catalog_category_change_products', array('category' => $category, 'product_ids' => $productIds));
     if (!empty($insert) || !empty($update) || !empty($delete)) {
          * Setting affected products to category for third party engine index refresh
         $productIds = array_keys($insert + $delete + $update);
     return $this;