public function testIsNotInstanceOf() { $this->object(new stdClass())->isNotInstanceOf('exception')->if($asserter = new sut($generator = new asserter\generator()))->then->exception(function () use($asserter) { $asserter->object(new stdClass())->isNotInstanceOf('\\stdClass'); })->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\\atoum\\asserter\\exception')->hasMessage('object(stdClass) is an instance of \\stdClass')->exception(function () use($asserter) { $asserter->object(new stdClass())->isNotInstanceOf(new stdClass()); })->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\\atoum\\asserter\\exception')->hasMessage('object(stdClass) is an instance of object(stdClass)'); }
protected function matches($actual) { $asserter = new asserters\object(); try { $asserter->setWith($actual)->isNotInstanceOf($this->expected); } catch (logic $exception) { throw new \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception($exception->getMessage()); } }
protected function matches($actual) { if ($this->analyzer->isArray($actual) === false && $actual instanceof \traversable === false) { throw new \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception('Actual value of ' . __CLASS__ . ' must be an array or a traversable object'); } try { $asserter = new asserters\object(null, $this->analyzer); foreach ($actual as $value) { $asserter->setWith($value)->isInstanceOf($this->expected); } } catch (exceptions\logic $exception) { throw new \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception('Expected value of ' . __CLASS__ . ' must be a class instance or class name'); } }
protected function valueIsSet($message = 'Interval is undefined') { if (self::isDateInterval(parent::valueIsSet($message)->value) === false) { throw new exceptions\logic($message); } return $this; }
/** * @param mixed $value * @param bool $checkType * * @return $this */ public function setWith($value, $checkType = false) { parent::setWith($value, $checkType); if (self::isCrawler($this->value) === false) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->getLocale()->_('%s is not a crawler'), $this)); } else { $this->pass(); } return $this; }
/** * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $selector * * @return $this */ public function setWith($value, $selector = null) { parent::setWith($value, false); if (self::isCrawler($this->value) === false) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->getLocale()->_('%s is not a crawler'), $this)); } else { $this->pass(); } $this->selector = $selector; return $this; }
/** * @param mixed $value * @param bool $checkType * * @return $this */ public function setWith($value, $checkType = true) { parent::setWith($value, false); if ($checkType === true) { if (self::isResponse($this->value) === false) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->getLocale()->_('%s is not a response'), $this->getTypeOf($this->value))); } else { $this->pass(); } } return $this; }
public function setWith($value, $checkType = true) { parent::setWith($value, $checkType); if ($checkType === true) { if (self::isIterator($this->value) === false) { $this->fail($this->getLocale()->_('%s is not an iterator', $this)); } else { $this->pass(); } } return $this; }
/** * @param Client $client * @param \closure $callback * @param Configuration $config * * @return $this */ public function setWith($client, $callback = null, $config = null) { if (!$client instanceof Client) { $this->fail($this->_('%s is not a blackfire client', $this)); } if (!$callback instanceof \closure) { $this->fail($this->_('%s is not a closure', $this)); } if (!$config instanceof Configuration) { $this->fail($this->_('%s is not a profile configuration', $this)); } try { $probe = $client->createProbe($config); $callback(); $profile = $client->endProbe($probe); } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } parent::setWith($profile); return $this; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function valueIsSet($message = 'DataSource is undefined') { return parent::valueIsSet($message); }
protected function valueIsSet($message = 'Exception is undefined') { return parent::valueIsSet($message); }
protected function valueIsSet($message = 'Instance of \\dateTime is undefined') { if (parent::valueIsSet($message)->value instanceof \dateTime === false) { throw new exceptions\logic($message); } return $this; }
public function testToString() { $this->if($asserter = new asserters\object($generator = new asserter\generator()))->then->exception(function () use($asserter) { $asserter->toString(); })->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\\atoum\\exceptions\\logic')->hasMessage('Object is undefined')->if($asserter->setWith($this))->then->object($asserter->toString())->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\\atoum\\asserters\\castToString'); }
protected static function isException($value) { return parent::isObject($value) === true && $value instanceof \exception === true; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function valueIsSet($message = 'Enumerable is undefined') { return parent::valueIsSet($message); }
protected function valueIsSet($message = null) { $message = $message ?: 'Value is not an instance of \\dateTime or \\dateTimeInterface'; if (self::isDateTime(parent::valueIsSet($message)->value) === false) { throw new exceptions\logic($message); } return $this; }