sendMessage() public static méthode

Use this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned
public static sendMessage ( array $data ) : ServerResponse
$data array
Résultat Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     if (empty($text)) {
         $text_back = 'Write the message to sent: /sendtochannel <message>';
     } else {
         $your_channel = $this->getConfig('your_channel');
         //Send message to channel
         $data = [];
         $data['chat_id'] = $your_channel;
         $data['text'] = $text;
         $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
         if ($result->isOk()) {
             $text_back = 'Message sent succesfully to: ' . $your_channel;
         } else {
             $text_back = 'Sorry message not sent to: ' . $your_channel;
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = $text_back;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function execute()
        $message = $this->getMessage();
        $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
        $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
        $text = $message->getText(true);
        if (empty($text)) {
            $text = 'You must specify timezone in format: /time <timezone>
			timezone list -> 
					EET = UTC+2
					UTC = UTC
					PRC = PRC --- UTC+8
					CET = 	UTC+1
        } else {
            $tz = $this->IsTimeZone($text, $timezone);
            if (empty($tz)) {
                $text = strftime("Time is %F  %H:%M:%S", time());
            } else {
                $text = strftime("Time is %F  %H:%M:%S", time());
        $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'disable_notification' => false, 'reply_to_message_id' => $message_id, 'text' => $text];
        return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $command = trim($message->getText(true));
     //Only get enabled Admin and User commands
     $commands = array_filter($this->telegram->getCommandsList(), function ($command) {
         return !$command->isSystemCommand() && $command->isEnabled();
     //If no command parameter is passed, show the list
     if ($command === '') {
         $text = $this->telegram->getBotName() . ' v. ' . $this->telegram->getVersion() . "\n\n";
         $text .= 'Commands List:' . "\n";
         foreach ($commands as $command) {
             $text .= '/' . $command->getName() . ' - ' . $command->getDescription() . "\n";
         $text .= "\n" . 'For exact command help type: /help <command>';
     } else {
         $command = str_replace('/', '', $command);
         if (isset($commands[$command])) {
             $command = $commands[$command];
             $text = 'Command: ' . $command->getName() . ' v' . $command->getVersion() . "\n";
             $text .= 'Description: ' . $command->getDescription() . "\n";
             $text .= 'Usage: ' . $command->getUsage();
         } else {
             $text = 'No help available: Command /' . $command . ' not found';
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'reply_to_message_id' => $message_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $inline_keyboard = [new InlineKeyboardButton(['text' => 'inline', 'switch_inline_query' => 'true']), new InlineKeyboardButton(['text' => 'callback', 'callback_data' => 'identifier']), new InlineKeyboardButton(['text' => 'open url', 'url' => ''])];
     $data = ['chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(), 'text' => 'inline keyboard', 'reply_markup' => new InlineKeyboardMarkup(['inline_keyboard' => [$inline_keyboard]])];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * Command execute method
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $command = trim($message->getText(true));
     //Only get enabled Admin and User commands
     /** @var Command[] $command_objs */
     $command_objs = array_filter($this->telegram->getCommandsList(), function ($command_obj) {
         /** @var Command $command_obj */
         return !$command_obj->isSystemCommand() && $command_obj->isEnabled();
     //If no command parameter is passed, show the list
     if ($command === '') {
         $text = sprintf('%s v. %s' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Commands List:' . PHP_EOL, $this->telegram->getBotName(), $this->telegram->getVersion());
         foreach ($command_objs as $command) {
             $text .= sprintf('/%s - %s' . PHP_EOL, $command->getName(), $command->getDescription());
         $text .= PHP_EOL . 'For exact command help type: /help <command>';
     } else {
         $command = str_replace('/', '', $command);
         if (isset($command_objs[$command])) {
             /** @var Command $command_obj */
             $command_obj = $command_objs[$command];
             $text = sprintf('Command: %s v%s' . PHP_EOL . 'Description: %s' . PHP_EOL . 'Usage: %s', $command_obj->getName(), $command_obj->getVersion(), $command_obj->getDescription(), $command_obj->getUsage());
         } else {
             $text = 'No help available: Command /' . $command . ' not found';
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'reply_to_message_id' => $message_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Press a Button:';
     //Keyboard examples
     $inline_keyboards = [];
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => '<', 'callback_data' => 'go_left'], ['text' => '^', 'callback_data' => 'go_up'], ['text' => '>', 'callback_data' => 'go_right']];
     $inline_keyboards[] = $inline_keyboard;
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'open', 'url' => ''], ['text' => 'open', 'url' => '']];
     $inline_keyboards[] = $inline_keyboard;
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'search \'test\' inline', 'switch_inline_query' => 'test'], ['text' => 'search \'cats\' inline', 'switch_inline_query' => 'cats']];
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'search \'earth\' inline', 'switch_inline_query' => 'earth']];
     $inline_keyboards[] = $inline_keyboard;
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'open url', 'url' => '']];
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'switch to inline', 'switch_inline_query' => 'thumb up']];
     $inline_keyboard[] = [['text' => 'send callback query', 'callback_data' => 'thumb up'], ['text' => 'send callback query (no alert)', 'callback_data' => 'thumb down']];
     $inline_keyboards[] = $inline_keyboard;
     $data['reply_markup'] = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(['inline_keyboard' => $inline_keyboards[3]]);
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => 'Keyboard Hidden', 'reply_markup' => new ReplyKeyboardHide(['selective' => false])];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * Command execute method
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = 'Hi there!' . PHP_EOL . 'Type /help to see all commands!';
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Write something:';
     $data['reply_markup'] = new ForceReply(['selective' => false]);
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['parse_mode'] = 'MARKDOWN';
     $data['text'] = "*bold* _italic_ `inline fixed width code` ```preformatted code block\ncode block\n```\n[Best Telegram bot api!!](\n\n";
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = trim($message->getText(true));
     if ($text === '') {
         $text = 'Command usage: ' . $this->getUsage();
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = $text;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
  * Command execute method
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $member = $message->getNewChatMember();
     $text = 'Hi there!';
     if (!$message->botAddedInChat()) {
         $text = 'Hi ' . $member->tryMention() . '!';
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
Exemple #14
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     //$text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = "Ciao dal tuo bot...";
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $text = "Hi there!\nType /help to see all commands!";
     $data['text'] = $text;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     //You can use $command as param
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $user_id = $message->getFrom()->getId();
     $command = $message->getCommand();
     if (in_array($user_id, $this->telegram->getAdminList()) && strtolower(substr($command, 0, 5)) == 'whois') {
         return $this->telegram->executeCommand('whois', $this->update);
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => 'Command /' . $command . ' not found.. :('];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function execute()
        $message = $this->getMessage();
        $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
        $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'parse_mode' => 'MARKDOWN', 'text' => '*bold* _italic_ `inline fixed width code`
preformatted code block
code block
[Best Telegram bot api!!](
        return Request::sendMessage($data);
  * Command execute method
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     //You can use $command as param
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $user_id = $message->getFrom()->getId();
     $command = $message->getCommand();
     //If the user is and admin and the command is in the format "/whoisXYZ", call the /whois command
     if (stripos($command, 'whois') === 0 && $this->telegram->isAdmin($user_id)) {
         return $this->telegram->executeCommand('whois');
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => 'Command /' . $command . ' not found.. :('];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $user_id = $message->getFrom()->getId();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     //send chat action
     Request::sendChatAction(['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'action' => 'typing']);
     $caption = 'Your Id: ' . $message->getFrom()->getId();
     $caption .= "\n" . 'Name: ' . $message->getFrom()->getFirstName() . ' ' . $message->getFrom()->getLastName();
     $caption .= "\n" . 'Username: '******'user_id' => $user_id, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset]);
     //Check if the request isOK
     if ($ServerResponse->isOk()) {
         $UserProfilePhoto = $ServerResponse->getResult();
         $totalcount = $UserProfilePhoto->getTotalCount();
     } else {
         $totalcount = 0;
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     if ($totalcount > 0) {
         $photos = $UserProfilePhoto->getPhotos();
         //I pick the latest photo with the hight definition
         $photo = $photos[0][2];
         $file_id = $photo->getFileId();
         $data['photo'] = $file_id;
         $data['caption'] = $caption;
         $result = Request::sendPhoto($data);
         //Download the image pictures
         //Download after send message response to speedup response
         $file_id = $photo->getFileId();
         $ServerResponse = Request::getFile(['file_id' => $file_id]);
         if ($ServerResponse->isOk()) {
     } else {
         //No Photo just send text
         $data['text'] = $caption;
         $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $text = '';
     if ($message->getSuperGroupChatCreated()) {
         $text = "Your group has become a Supergroup!\n";
         $text .= 'Chat id has changed from' . $message->getMigrateFromChatId() . ' to ' . $message->getMigrateToChatId();
     $data = [];
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = $text;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result->isOk();
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Test finalizado';
     //Se crea un nuevo fichero de test
     $file = $chat_id . '.txt';
     $puntero = fopen($file, "w+");
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     //you can use $command as param
     $command = $message->getCommand();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Command: ' . $command . ' not found.. :(';
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     if (empty($text)) {
         $text = 'Write te message to sent: /sendall <message>';
     } else {
         $results = Request::sendToActiveChats('sendMessage', array('text' => $text), true, true, null, null);
         $tot = 0;
         $fail = 0;
         $text = "Message sended to:\n";
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $status = '';
             $type = '';
             if ($result->isOk()) {
                 $status = '✔️';
                 $ServerResponse = $result->getResult();
                 $chat = $ServerResponse->getChat();
                 if ($chat->isPrivateChat()) {
                     $name = $chat->getFirstName();
                     $type = 'user';
                 } else {
                     $name = $chat->getTitle();
                     $type = 'chat';
             } else {
                 $status = '✖️';
             $text .= $tot . ') ' . $status . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $name . "\n";
         $text .= "Delivered: " . ($tot - $fail) . '/' . $tot . "\n";
     if ($tot == 0) {
         $text = "No users or chats found..";
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     //$data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     $data['text'] = $text;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
  * Command execute method
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException
 public function execute()
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $sender = '@' . $message->getFrom()->getUsername();
     //username validation
     $test = preg_match('/@[\\w_]{5,}/', $text);
     if ($test === 0) {
         $text = $sender . ' sorry no one to slap around..';
     } else {
         $text = $sender . ' slaps ' . $text . ' around a bit with a large trout';
     $data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => $text];
     return Request::sendMessage($data);
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Your Id: ' . $message->getFrom()->getId();
     $data['text'] .= "\n" . 'Name: ' . $message->getFrom()->getFirstName() . ' ' . $message->getFrom()->getLastName();
     $data['text'] .= "\n" . 'Username: ' . $message->getFrom()->getUsername();
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Keyboard Hided';
     #$data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     $reply_keyboard_hide = new ReplyKeyboardHide(['selective' => false]);
     $data['reply_markup'] = $reply_keyboard_hide;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $participant = $message->getNewChatParticipant();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     if (strtolower($participant->getUsername()) == strtolower($this->getTelegram()->getBotName())) {
         $text = 'Hi there!';
     } else {
         $text = 'Hi ' . $this->tryMention($participant) . ' !';
     $data['text'] = $text;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Write something:';
     #$data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     $json = (new ForceReply(array('selective' => false)))->toJSON();
     #echo $json;
     $data['reply_markup'] = $json;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['text'] = 'Press a Button:';
     #$data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     #Keyboard examples
     $keyboards = array();
     $keyboard[] = ['7', '8', '9'];
     $keyboard[] = ['4', '5', '6'];
     $keyboard[] = ['1', '2', '3'];
     $keyboard[] = [' ', '0', ' '];
     $keyboards[] = $keyboard;
     $keyboard[] = ['7', '8', '9', '+'];
     $keyboard[] = ['4', '5', '6', '-'];
     $keyboard[] = ['1', '2', '3', '*'];
     $keyboard[] = [' ', '0', ' ', '/'];
     $keyboards[] = $keyboard;
     $keyboard[] = ['A'];
     $keyboard[] = ['B'];
     $keyboard[] = ['C'];
     $keyboards[] = $keyboard;
     $keyboard[] = ['A'];
     $keyboard[] = ['B'];
     $keyboard[] = ['C', 'D'];
     $keyboards[] = $keyboard;
     $json = (new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(array('keyboard' => $keyboards[1], 'resize_keyboard' => true, 'one_time_keyboard' => false, 'selective' => false)))->toJSON();
     #echo $json;
     $data['reply_markup'] = $json;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $update = $this->getUpdate();
     $message = $this->getMessage();
     $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
     $message_id = $message->getMessageId();
     $text = $message->getText(true);
     $commands = $this->telegram->getCommandsList();
     if (empty($text)) {
         $msg = 'GeoBot v. ' . $this->telegram->getVersion() . "\n\n";
         $msg .= 'Commands List:' . "\n";
         foreach ($commands as $command) {
             if (is_object($command)) {
                 if (!$command->isEnabled()) {
                 if (!$command->isPublic()) {
                 $msg .= '/' . $command->getName() . ' - ' . $command->getDescription() . "\n";
         $msg .= "\n" . 'For exact command help type: /help <command>';
     } else {
         $text = str_replace('/', '', $text);
         if (isset($commands[$text])) {
             $command = $commands[$text];
             if (!$command->isEnabled() || !$command->isPublic()) {
                 $msg = 'Command ' . $text . ' not found';
             } else {
                 $msg = 'Command: ' . $command->getName() . ' v' . $command->getVersion() . "\n";
                 $msg .= 'Description: ' . $command->getDescription() . "\n";
                 $msg .= 'Usage: ' . $command->getUsage();
         } else {
             $msg = 'Command ' . $text . ' not found';
     $data = array();
     $data['chat_id'] = $chat_id;
     $data['reply_to_message_id'] = $message_id;
     $data['text'] = $msg;
     $result = Request::sendMessage($data);
     return $result;