  * Sync sharepoint access for a list of courses and users.
  * @param array $courses The courses to sync.
  * @param array $users The users to sync.
  * @param string $requiredcap The required capability.
  * @param \local\o365\rest\sharepoint $sharepoint Constructed sharepoint API client.
  * @return bool Success/Failure.
 protected function sync_spsiteaccess_for_courses_and_users(array $courses, array $users, $requiredcap, \local_o365\rest\sharepoint $sharepoint)
     global $DB;
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         $courseid = is_numeric($course) ? $course : $course->id;
         $context = \context_course::instance($courseid);
         $spgroupsql = 'SELECT *
                          FROM {local_o365_coursespsite} site
                          JOIN {local_o365_spgroupdata} grp ON grp.coursespsiteid = site.id
                         WHERE site.courseid = ? AND grp.permtype = ?';
         $spgrouprec = $DB->get_record_sql($spgroupsql, [$courseid, 'contribute']);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $userid = is_numeric($user) ? $user : $user->id;
             $userupn = \local_o365\rest\azuread::get_muser_upn($user);
             $hascap = has_capability($requiredcap, $context, $user);
             if ($hascap === true) {
                 // Add to group.
                 $sharepoint->add_user_to_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $userid);
             } else {
                 // Remove from group.
                 $sharepoint->remove_user_from_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $userid);
     return true;
  * Sync sharepoint access for a list of courses and users.
  * @param array $courses The courses to sync.
  * @param array $users The users to sync.
  * @param string $requiredcap The required capability.
  * @param \local\o365\rest\sharepoint $sharepoint Constructed sharepoint API client.
  * @return bool Success/Failure.
 protected function sync_spsiteaccess_for_courses_and_users(array $courses, array $users, $requiredcap, \local_o365\rest\sharepoint $sharepoint)
     global $DB;
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         $courseid = is_numeric($course) ? $course : $course->id;
         $context = \context_course::instance($courseid);
         $spgroupsql = 'SELECT *
                          FROM {local_o365_coursespsite} site
                          JOIN {local_o365_spgroupdata} grp ON grp.coursespsiteid = site.id
                         WHERE site.courseid = ? AND grp.permtype = ?';
         $spgrouprec = $DB->get_record_sql($spgroupsql, [$courseid, 'contribute']);
         if (!empty($spgrouprec)) {
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 $userid = is_numeric($user) ? $user : $user->id;
                 if (!\local_o365\utils::is_o365_connected($userid)) {
                 $userupn = \local_o365\rest\azuread::get_muser_upn($user);
                 $hascap = has_capability($requiredcap, $context, $user);
                 if ($hascap === true) {
                     // Add to group.
                     try {
                         mtrace('Adding user #' . $userid . ' to group id ' . $spgrouprec->groupid . '...');
                         $sharepoint->add_user_to_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $userid);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         mtrace('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                 } else {
                     // Remove from group.
                     try {
                         mtrace('Removing user #' . $userid . ' from group id ' . $spgrouprec->groupid . '...');
                         $sharepoint->remove_user_from_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $userid);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         mtrace('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return true;
  * Sync Sharepoint course site access when a role was assigned or unassigned for a user.
  * @param int $roleid The ID of the role that was assigned/unassigned.
  * @param int $userid The ID of the user that it was assigned to or unassigned from.
  * @param int $contextid The ID of the context the role was assigned/unassigned in.
  * @return bool Success/Failure.
 public static function sync_spsite_access_for_roleassign_change($roleid, $userid, $contextid)
     global $DB;
     $requiredcap = \local_o365\rest\sharepoint::get_course_site_required_capability();
     // Check if the role affected the required capability.
     $rolecapsql = "SELECT *\n                         FROM {role_capabilities}\n                        WHERE roleid = ? AND capability = ?";
     $capassignrec = $DB->get_record_sql($rolecapsql, [$roleid, $requiredcap]);
     if (empty($capassignrec) || $capassignrec->permission == CAP_INHERIT) {
         // Role doesn't affect required capability. Doesn't concern us.
         return false;
     $context = \context::instance_by_id($contextid, IGNORE_MISSING);
     if (empty($context)) {
         // Invalid context, stop here.
         return false;
     if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
         $courseid = $context->instanceid;
         $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $userid]);
         if (empty($user)) {
             // Bad userid.
             return false;
         $userupn = \local_o365\rest\azuread::get_muser_upn($user);
         if (empty($userupn)) {
             // No user UPN, can't continue.
             return false;
         $spgroupsql = 'SELECT *
                          FROM {local_o365_coursespsite} site
                          JOIN {local_o365_spgroupdata} grp ON grp.coursespsiteid = site.id
                         WHERE site.courseid = ? AND grp.permtype = ?';
         $spgrouprec = $DB->get_record_sql($spgroupsql, [$courseid, 'contribute']);
         if (empty($spgrouprec)) {
             // No sharepoint group, can't fix that here.
             return false;
         // If the context is a course context we can change SP access now.
         $sharepoint = static::construct_sharepoint_api_with_system_user();
         if (empty($sharepoint)) {
             // O365 not configured.
             return false;
         $hascap = has_capability($requiredcap, $context, $user);
         if ($hascap === true) {
             // Add to group.
             $sharepoint->add_user_to_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $user->id);
         } else {
             // Remove from group.
             $sharepoint->remove_user_from_group($userupn, $spgrouprec->groupid, $user->id);
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($context->get_course_context(false) == false) {
             // If the context is higher than a course, we have to run a sync in cron.
             $spaccesssync = new \local_o365\task\sharepointaccesssync();
             $spaccesssync->set_custom_data(['roleid' => $roleid, 'userid' => $userid, 'contextid' => $contextid]);
             return true;
Exemple #4
  * Add users with a given capability in a given context to a Sharepoint group.
  * @param \context $context The context to check for the capability.
  * @param string $capability The capability to check for.
  * @param int $spgroupid The sharepoint group ID to add users to.
 public function add_users_with_capability_to_group($context, $capability, $spgroupid)
     $now = time();
     $users = get_users_by_capability($context, $capability);
     $results = [];
     // Assign users to group.
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         // Only Azure AD users can be added to sharepoint.
         if (\local_o365\utils::is_o365_connected($user->id) !== true) {
         try {
             $userupn = \local_o365\rest\azuread::get_muser_upn($user);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (!empty($userupn)) {
             $results[$user->id] = $this->add_user_to_group($userupn, $spgroupid, $user->id);
     return $results;