  * @see LiveTest\Config\Tags\TestSuite.Base::doProcess()
  * @fixme does not work if no Pages are added
 protected function doProcess(\LiveTest\Config\TestSuite $config, $testsuites)
     foreach ($testsuites as $testsuite) {
         $filename = $testsuite['filename'];
         // @todo must be part of base library
         if (strpos($filename, '/') > 0) {
             $filename = $config->getBaseDir() . '/' . $filename;
         try {
             $yaml = new Yaml($filename);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new ConfigurationException("Error parsing included testsuite '" . $filename . "': " . $e->getMessage(), null, $e);
         $testSuiteConfig = new TestSuite($config->getCurrentSession(), $config);
         $parameters = $yaml->toArray();
         $this->getParser()->parse($parameters, $testSuiteConfig);
         $this->getParser()->parse($testsuite, $testSuiteConfig);
  * Creates a properties object that was created using a yaml file.
  * @todo is this method neccessary? If yes: Where to put it? At the moment it is only used to make testing easier
  * @param String $filename The file name of the yaml file
  * @param Uri $defaultUri The default uri
 public static function createByYamlFile($filename, Uri $defaultUri, Dispatcher $eventDispatcher)
     try {
         $yamlConfig = new Yaml($filename);
     } catch (\Zend\Config\Exception $e) {
         throw new ConfigurationException('Unable to load test suite yaml file (filename: ' . $filename . ')');
     $testSuiteConfig = new TestSuite();
     $parser = new Parser('LiveTest\\Config\\Tags\\TestSuite\\');
     try {
         $testSuiteConfig = $parser->parse($yamlConfig->toArray(), $testSuiteConfig);
     } catch (UnknownTagException $e) {
         throw new ConfigurationException('Error parsing testsuite configuration (' . $filename . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), null, $e);
     $eventDispatcher->simpleNotify('LiveTest.TestRun.Properties.PostTestSuiteInit', array('config' => $testSuiteConfig));
     return new self($testSuiteConfig, $defaultUri);