/** * Save a template with the current params. Writes file to `Create::$path`. * Override default save to add timestamp in file name. * * @param array $params * @return string A result string on success of writing the file. If any errors occur along * the way such as missing information boolean false is returned. */ protected function _save(array $params = array()) { $defaults = array('namespace' => null, 'class' => null); $params += $defaults; if (empty($params['class']) || empty($this->_library['path'])) { return false; } $contents = $this->_template(); $result = String::insert($contents, $params); $namespace = str_replace($this->_library['prefix'], '\\', $params['namespace']); $date = date('YmdHis'); $path = str_replace('\\', '/', "{$namespace}\\{$date}_{$params['class']}"); $path = $this->_library['path'] . stristr($path, '/'); $file = str_replace('//', '/', "{$path}.php"); $directory = dirname($file); $relative = str_replace($this->_library['path'] . '/', "", $file); if (!is_dir($directory) && !mkdir($directory, 0755, true)) { return false; } if (file_exists($file)) { $prompt = "{$relative} already exists. Overwrite?"; $choices = array('y', 'n'); if ($this->in($prompt, compact('choices')) !== 'y') { return "{$params['class']} skipped."; } } if (file_put_contents($file, "<?php\n\n{$result}\n\n?>")) { return "{$params['class']} created in {$relative}."; } return false; }
/** * Generate hashed and salted token from `'prefix'` and `md5` hashed `$email` value * @param $email string User email that will be used as base for secret token * @param array $options Supported options: * - `'prefix'` _string|int_ If not passed this method will generate random int from * `100000` to `999999`. Hashed email will be prefixed with value of this option. * Example: `'prefix_value' . md5($email)` * - All other options are same as `lithium\util\String::hash()` * @return string Hashed prefixed email salted and hashed again * @see lithium\util\String::hash() */ public static function generate($email, array $options = array()) { $options += array('prefix' => null, 'salt' => LI3_UM_TokenSalt, 'type' => 'sha256'); $prefix = $options['prefix'] ? $options['prefix'] : mt_rand(100000, 999999); unset($options['prefix']); return String::hash($prefix . md5($email), $options); }
/** * Override the save method to handle view specific params. * * @param array $params * @return mixed */ protected function _save(array $params = array()) { $params['path'] = Inflector::underscore($this->request->action); $params['file'] = $this->request->args(0); $contents = $this->_template(); $result = String::insert($contents, $params); if (!empty($this->_library['path'])) { $path = $this->_library['path'] . "/views/{$params['path']}/{$params['file']}"; $file = str_replace('//', '/', "{$path}.php"); $directory = dirname($file); if (!is_dir($directory)) { if (!mkdir($directory, 0755, true)) { return false; } } $directory = str_replace($this->_library['path'] . '/', '', $directory); if (file_exists($file)) { $prompt = "{$file} already exists. Overwrite?"; $choices = array('y', 'n'); if ($this->in($prompt, compact('choices')) !== 'y') { return "{$params['file']} skipped."; } } if (is_int(file_put_contents($file, $result))) { return "{$params['file']}.php created in {$directory}."; } } return false; }
/** * Obtain the session key. * * For this adapter, it is a UUID based on the SERVER_ADDR variable. * * @return string UUID. */ public static function key() { $context = function ($value) use(&$config) { return isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : ''; }; return String::uuid($context); }
public static function addModules($modules) { $modules = (array) $modules; $calledClass = get_called_class(); $baseClassName = array_pop(explode('\\', $calledClass)); if (!isset(self::$_modules[$calledClass])) { self::$_modules[$calledClass] = array(); } foreach ($modules as $name => $config) { if (is_integer($name) and is_string($config)) { $name = $config; $config = array(); } $current = isset(self::$_modules[$calledClass][$name]) ? self::$_modules[$calledClass][$name] : ($current = array()); $defaults = array('class' => String::insert('\\app\\modules\\{:class}\\{:name}Module', array('class' => $baseClassName, 'name' => ucfirst($name))), 'partial' => String::insert('modules/{:class}/{:name}', array('class' => $baseClassName, 'name' => $name))); self::$_modules[$calledClass][$name] = $config + $defaults + $current; if (!class_exists(self::$_modules[$calledClass][$name]['class'])) { throw new \Exception('Module class ' . self::$_modules[$calledClass][$name]['class'] . ' not found.'); } if (isset($config['filters'])) { foreach ($config['filters'] as $function => $filter) { static::applyFilter($function, $filter); } } } return true; }
/** * Process incoming messages * * @param string $data * @return string */ public function process($data) { $responses = $this->_responses; $model = $this->_classes['model']; $location = null; extract($data); $words = preg_split("/[\\s]/", $message, 2); if ($words[0] != '~weather') { return; } if (!isset($words[1])) { return String::insert($responses['missing'], compact('user')); } $location = $model::find('search', $words[1]); if (!$location || isset($location->title)) { return String::insert($responses['unknown'], compact('user') + array('location' => $words[1])); } if (isset($location->location)) { $location = $model::find('search', $location->location[0]->name); if (!$location || isset($location->title)) { return String::insert($responses['unknown'], compact('user') + array('location' => $words[1])); } } $station = $location->nearby_weather_stations->airport->station[0]; $weather = $model::find('station', (string) $station->icao); if (!$weather || isset($weather->title)) { return String::insert($responses['unknown'], compact('user') + array('location', $words[1])); } return String::insert($responses['weather'], compact('user') + array('city' => (string) $station->city, 'state' => (string) $station->state, 'country' => (string) $station->country, 'icao' => (string) $station->icao, 'temperature' => (string) $weather->temperature_string, 'windchill' => (string) $weather->windchill_string, 'wind' => (string) $weather->wind_string)); }
/** * With lots of various rules we created 4 various rulesets for operators. If one * of the tokens or content is found we use the given regex on the joined array. * * @param Testable $testable The testable object * @return void */ public function apply($testable, array $config = array()) { $tokens = $testable->tokens(); foreach ($this->inspector as $inspector) { if (isset($inspector['tokens'])) { $byToken = $testable->findAll($inspector['tokens']); } else { $byToken = array(); } if (isset($inspector['content'])) { $byContent = $testable->findAllContent($inspector['content']); } else { $byContent = array(); } foreach (array_merge($byToken, $byContent) as $id) { $token = $tokens[$id]; $isPHP = $testable->isPHP($token['line']); if ($isPHP && empty($token['isString'])) { $pattern = String::insert($inspector['regex'], array('content' => preg_quote($token['content'], "/"))); $firstId = $id - $inspector['relativeTokens']['before']; $firstId = $firstId < 0 ? 0 : $firstId; $length = $inspector['relativeTokens']['length']; $inspectTokens = array_slice($tokens, $firstId, $length); $html = null; foreach ($inspectTokens as $htmlToken) { $html .= $htmlToken['content']; } if (preg_match($pattern, $html) === 0) { $this->addViolation(array('message' => String::insert($inspector['message'], $token), 'line' => $token['line'])); } } } } }
/** * Process incoming messages. * * @param string $data * @return string */ public function process($data) { $model = $this->_classes['model']; extract($data); if ($message[0] != '~') { return; } list($command, $recipient) = preg_split("/[\\s]/", $message, 2) + array(null, null); if (!($recipient = trim($recipient))) { return; } if ($command == '~inc') { if ($recipient == $user) { return String::insert($this->_responses['self'], compact('user')); } $model::increment($recipient); $current = $model::current($recipient); return String::insert($this->_responses['update'], compact('recipient', 'current')); } elseif ($command == '~dec') { if ($model::current($recipient) == 0) { return String::insert($this->_responses['decrementFail'], compact('recipient')); } $model::decrement($recipient); $current = $model::current($recipient); return String::insert($this->_responses['update'], compact('recipient', 'current')); } elseif ($command == '~karma') { $current = $model::current($recipient); return String::insert($this->_responses['current'], compact('recipient', 'current')); } }
public function url($url, array $options = []) { $absolute = static::_url(); return function ($self, $params) use($url, $absolute, $options) { $style = ['style' => $options['key']]; return $absolute . String::insert($url, $style); }; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param array $config Configuration options. */ public function __construct(array $config = array()) { $defaults = array('scheme' => 'https', 'host' => '{:login}.freshbooks.com', 'port' => null, 'login' => null, 'password' => '', 'auth' => 'Basic', 'version' => '1.1', 'path' => '/api/2.1'); $config += $defaults; $config['host'] = String::insert($config['host'], $config); $config['login'] = $config['password']; $config['password'] = '******'; parent::__construct($config); }
public function interpolate($file) { $styles = $this->_config['styles']; $return = []; foreach ($styles as $style => $dimension) { $return[$dimension] = String::insert($file, ['style' => $style]); } return $return; }
protected function _paths($type, array $params) { if (!isset($this->_paths[$type])) { throw new TemplateException("Invalid template type '{$type}'."); } return array_map(function ($path) use($params) { return String::insert($path, $params); }, (array) $this->_paths[$type]); }
protected function _render($method, $string, $params, $options = array()) { $defaults = array(); $options += $defaults; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $params[$key] = $this->_context->applyHandler($this, $method, $key, $value, $options); } $strings = $this->_context ? $this->_context->strings() : $this->_strings; return String::insert(isset($strings[$string]) ? $strings[$string] : $string, $params); }
public static function __init() { parent::__init(); static::applyFilter('create', function ($self, $params, $chain) { if (empty($params['data']['id'])) { $params['data']['id'] = String::uuid(); } return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); }); }
/** * Will iterate over each line checking if any weak comparison operators * are used within the code. * * @param Testable $testable The testable object * @return void */ public function apply($testable, array $config = array()) { $tokens = $testable->tokens(); $message = 'Weak comparison operator {:key} used, try {:value} instead'; $filtered = $testable->findAll(array_keys($this->inspectableTokens)); foreach ($filtered as $id) { $token = $tokens[$id]; $this->addWarning(array('message' => String::insert($message, array('key' => token_name($token['id']), 'value' => $this->inspectableTokens[$token['id']])), 'line' => $token['line'])); } }
/** * Renders content from a template file provided by `template()`. * * @param string $template * @param array $data * @param array $options * @return string */ public function render($template, $data = array(), $options = array()) { $context = array(); $this->_context = $options['context'] + $this->_context; foreach (array_keys($this->_context) as $key) { $context[$key] = $this->__get($key); } $data = array_merge($this->_toString($context), $this->_toString($data)); return String::insert($template, $data, $options); }
/** * Appends a message to a log file. * * @see lithium\analysis\Logger::$_priorities * @param string $priority The message priority. See `Logger::$_priorities`. * @param string $message The message to write to the log. * @return \Closure Function returning boolean `true` on successful write, `false` otherwise. */ public function write($priority, $message) { $config = $this->_config; return function ($self, $params) use(&$config) { $path = $config['path'] . '/' . $config['file']($params, $config); $params['timestamp'] = date($config['timestamp']); $message = String::insert($config['format'], $params); return file_put_contents($path, $message, FILE_APPEND); }; }
/** * Outputs a stack trace based on the supplied options. * * @param array $options Format for outputting stack trace. Available options are: * - `'args'`: A boolean indicating if arguments should be included. * - `'depth'`: The maximum depth of the trace. * - `'format'`: Either `null`, `'points'` or `'array'`. * - `'includeScope'`: A boolean indicating if items within scope * should be included. * - `'scope'`: Scope for items to include. * - `'start'`: The depth to start with. * - `'trace'`: A trace to use instead of generating one. * @return string|array|null Stack trace formatted according to `'format'` option. */ public static function trace(array $options = array()) { $defaults = array('depth' => 999, 'format' => null, 'args' => false, 'start' => 0, 'scope' => array(), 'trace' => array(), 'includeScope' => true, 'closures' => true); $options += $defaults; $backtrace = $options['trace'] ?: debug_backtrace(); $scope = $options['scope']; $count = count($backtrace); $back = array(); $traceDefault = array('line' => '??', 'file' => '[internal]', 'class' => null, 'function' => '[main]'); for ($i = $options['start']; $i < $count && $i < $options['depth']; $i++) { $trace = array_merge(array('file' => '[internal]', 'line' => '??'), $backtrace[$i]); $function = '[main]'; if (isset($backtrace[$i + 1])) { $next = $backtrace[$i + 1] + $traceDefault; $function = $next['function']; if (!empty($next['class'])) { $function = $next['class'] . '::' . $function . '('; if ($options['args'] && isset($next['args'])) { $args = array_map(array('static', 'export'), $next['args']); $function .= join(', ', $args); } $function .= ')'; } } if ($options['closures'] && strpos($function, '{closure}') !== false) { $function = static::_closureDef($backtrace[$i], $function); } if (in_array($function, array('call_user_func_array', 'trigger_error'))) { continue; } $trace['functionRef'] = $function; if ($options['format'] === 'points' && $trace['file'] !== '[internal]') { $back[] = array('file' => $trace['file'], 'line' => $trace['line']); } elseif (is_string($options['format']) && $options['format'] !== 'array') { $back[] = String::insert($options['format'], array_map(function ($data) { return is_object($data) ? get_class($data) : $data; }, $trace)); } elseif (empty($options['format'])) { $back[] = $function . ' - ' . $trace['file'] . ', line ' . $trace['line']; } else { $back[] = $trace; } if (!empty($scope) && array_intersect_assoc($scope, $trace) == $scope) { if (!$options['includeScope']) { $back = array_slice($back, 0, count($back) - 1); } break; } } if ($options['format'] === 'array' || $options['format'] === 'points') { return $back; } return join("\n", $back); }
/** * Writes the message to the configured cache adapter. * * @param string $type * @param string $message * @return closure Function returning boolean `true` on successful write, `false` otherwise. */ public function write($type, $message) { $config = $this->_config + $this->_classes; return function ($self, $params) use($config) { $params += array('timestamp' => strtotime('now')); $key = $config['key']; $key = is_callable($key) ? $key($params) : String::insert($key, $params); $cache = $config['cache']; return $cache::write($config['config'], $key, $params['message'], $config['expiry']); }; }
/** * Main method * @param array $menu The menu description. * @param array $options Options. * @return string The HTML buffer. */ public function display(array $menu, array $options = array()) { $options += static::$defaults; $menu = $this->_prepare($menu, $options); $out = String::insert($options['open'], $options); foreach ($menu as $item) { $out .= String::insert($options['content'], $item); } $out .= $options['close']; return $out; }
/** * Returns the template paths. * * @param mixed $type * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function template($type, array $params = array()) { if (!isset($this->_config['paths'][$type])) { return null; } $library = Libraries::get(isset($params['library']) ? $params['library'] : true); $params['library'] = $library['path']; return array_map(function ($item) use($params) { return String::insert($item, $params); }, (array) $this->_config['paths'][$type]); }
public function template($type, array $params) { foreach ((array) $this->_paths[$type] as $path) { if (!file_exists($path = String::insert($path, $params))) { continue; } self::$templateData[] = compact('type', 'params') + array('return' => $path); return $path; } self::$templateData[] = compact('type', 'params') + array('return' => false); return false; }
/** * Returns the template paths. * * @param mixed $type * @param array $options * @return mixed */ public function template($type, $options = array()) { if (!isset($this->_config['paths'][$type])) { return null; } $options['library'] = isset($options['library']) ? $options['library'] : 'app'; $library = Libraries::get($options['library']); $options['library'] = $library['path']; return array_map(function ($item) use($options) { return String::insert($item, $options); }, (array) $this->_config['paths'][$type]); }
public function _item($type, $params = array()) { $defaults = array('namespace' => null, 'name' => null, 'menu' => null); $params += $defaults; $params['namespace'] = str_replace('/', '.', $params['namespace']); if ($type == 'group') { return String::insert("-group {:namespace}\n{:menu}\n", $params); } if ($type == 'case') { return String::insert("-case {:namespace}.{:name}\n", $params); } return String::insert("\n{:menu}\n", $params); }
public function query($connection, $service, array $options) { if (!($path = $this->service($service))) { throw new UnexpectedValueException("Service configuration `{$name}` not defined."); } $url = String::insert($path, array_map('rawurlencode', $options)); if (!($result = $connection->get($url))) { return; } if (!($config = $this->_decode($service, $result))) { return; } return $this->_instance('location', $config); }
/** * Format a message with formatter. * * @see li3_mailer\net\mail\transport\adapter\Debug::_formatters() * @param object $message Message to format. * @param string $format Formatter name to use. * @return string Formatted log entry. */ protected function format($message, $format) { $formatters = $this->_formatters(); $formatter = isset($formatters[$format]) ? $formatters[$format] : null; switch (true) { case $formatter instanceof Closure: return $formatter($message); case is_string($formatter): $data = $this->_message_data($message); return String::insert($formatter, $data); default: throw new RuntimeException("Formatter for format `{$format}` is neither string nor closure."); } }
public static function parse($conditions, $data, array $options = array()) { $params = compact('conditions', 'data', 'options'); return static::_filter(__METHOD__, $params, function ($self, $params) { extract($params); $defaults = array(); $options += $defaults; $check = String::insert($conditions, Set::flatten($data)); if (strpbrk($check, '&|')) { return eval("return (boolean)({$check});"); } // TODO: take care, that spaces are around operator return $self::invokeMethod('compare', explode(" ", $check, 3)); }); }
public static function __init() { parent::__init(); static::applyFilter('create', function ($self, $params, $chain) { if (empty($params['data']['secret'])) { $params['data']['secret'] = bin2hex(String::random(16)); } return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); }); static::finder('getApplicationByIdAndSecret', function ($self, $params, $chain) { // Do stuff $data = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); return $data ?: null; }); }
/** * Process incoming messages * * @param string $data * @return string */ public function process($data) { $responses = $this->_responses; $model = $this->_classes['model']; $key = null; extract($data); if ($message[0] == '~') { $words = preg_split("/[\\s]/", $message, 4); if ($words[0] == '~tell') { if (count($words) > 3 && $words[2] == 'about') { $key = $words[3]; $to = $words[1]; } } else { $key = ltrim($words[0], '~'); $to = $user; if ($key == 'forget') { $response = $this->_forget($words[1]); return String::insert($response, array('user' => $to, 'tell' => $words[1])); } } $tell = $model::find('first', ['conditions' => compact('key')]); if (!$tell) { /* Not catching unknown tells, those could as well be other commands. */ return; } return String::insert($responses['success'], array('user' => $to, 'tell' => $tell->key, 'answer' => $tell->value)); } if (stripos($message, $nick) !== false) { $words = preg_split("/[\\s]/", $message, 4); if ($words[1] == 'forget') { $response = $this->_forget($words[2]); return String::insert($response, array('user' => $user, 'tell' => $words[2])); } if (!empty($words[2]) && $words[2] == 'is') { $tell = $model::find('first', ['conditions' => ['key' => $words[1]]]); if ($tell) { return String::insert($responses['known'], array('user' => $user, 'tell' => $tell->key, 'answer' => $tell->value)); } $tell = $model::create(['key' => $words[1], 'value' => $words[3], 'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); if ($tell->save()) { return String::insert($responses['remember'], array('user' => $user, 'tell' => $tell->key)); } } } }
public function address($extract = null) { if (!$extract) { return $this->_address; } if (is_string($extract)) { if (strpos($extract, '{:')) { return preg_replace('/\\{:\\w+\\}/', '', String::insert($extract, $this->_address)); } return isset($this->_address[$extract]) ? $this->_address[$extract] : null; } if (is_array($extract)) { $address = $this->_address; return array_filter(array_map(function ($key) use($address) { return isset($address[$key]) ? $address[$key] : null; }, array_combine($extract, $extract))); } }