Exemple #1
  * 发送消息
  * @param array $message
  * @param bool $is_notify
  * @return array|int
 public static function sendMessage(array $message, $is_notify = false)
     $db = self::db();
     // 取得当前用户UID,如果没有则返回错误代码0
     $from_uid = intval(self::getLoggedUserInfo('uid'));
     if ($from_uid < 1) {
         return 0;
     if ($is_notify) {
         $type = 'notify';
         $room_id = $message['room_id'];
     } else {
         // 检查消息类型
         $type = isset($message['message_type']) ? $message['message_type'] : false;
         $types = array('text', 'voice', 'image', 'position', 'card');
         if (!$type || !in_array($type, $types)) {
             return 1;
         // 检查房间是否存在
         $room_id = isset($message['room_id']) ? intval($message['room_id']) : 0;
         if ($room_id <= 0 || !self::hasRoom($room_id)) {
             return 2;
     // 取得房间成员
     $table = self::table('message_member');
     $where = 'list_id=' . $room_id;
     $to_uid_list = $db->select('member_uid')->from($table)->where($where)->column();
     if (!$is_notify) {
         if (!$to_uid_list || !in_array($from_uid, $to_uid_list)) {
             return 3;
     // 4 私信隐私检查
     // TODO
     // 准备消息数据
     $data['from_uid'] = $from_uid;
     $data['type'] = $type;
     $data['list_id'] = $room_id;
     $data['mtime'] = time();
     $return = $data;
     // 开始具体检查内容
     if ($type == 'notify') {
         // 通知动态信息,仅内部发送
         $data['content'] = @trim($message['content']) ?: '[动态]';
         $return['content'] = $data['content'];
         $data['content'] = Util::htmlEncode($data['content']);
         if (@is_array($message['attach'])) {
             $return = array_merge($message['attach'], $return);
             $data['attach_ids'] = @serialize($message['attach']);
         } else {
             $data['attach_ids'] = '';
     } elseif ($type == 'text') {
         // 普通消息
         $content = @trim($message['content']) ?: null;
         if (empty($content)) {
             return 5;
         $return['content'] = $content;
         $data['content'] = Util::htmlEncode($content);
         $data['attach_ids'] = '';
     } elseif ($type == 'card') {
         // 发名片消息
         if (!isset($message['uid']) || !self::hasUser($message['uid'])) {
             return 6;
         $data['content'] = $return['content'] = '[名片]';
         $return['uid'] = $message['uid'];
         $data['attach_ids'] = serialize(array('uid' => $message['uid']));
     } else {
         // 发送 带附件的消息
         // 取得附件ID
         $attach_id = @intval(Util::desDecrypt($message['attach_id']));
         if ($attach_id <= 0) {
             return 7;
         $return['attach_id'] = $attach_id;
         if ($type == 'voice') {
             if (!@is_numeric($message['length'])) {
                 return 8;
             $data['attach_ids'] = serialize(array('attach_id' => $attach_id, 'length' => $message['length']));
             $return['length'] = $message['length'];
             $data['content'] = $return['content'] = '[语音]';
         } elseif ($type == 'position') {
             // 位置消息
             $latitude = @trim($message['latitude']) ?: null;
             $longitude = @trim($message['longitude']) ?: null;
             $location = @trim($message['location']) ?: null;
             if (!is_numeric($latitude) || !is_numeric($longitude) || !$location) {
                 return 9;
             $data['attach_ids'] = serialize(array('attach_id' => $attach_id, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'location' => Util::htmlEncode($location)));
             $return['latitude'] = $latitude;
             $return['longitude'] = $longitude;
             $return['location'] = $location;
             $data['content'] = $return['content'] = '[位置]';
         } else {
             $data['attach_ids'] = serialize(array('attach_id' => $attach_id));
             $data['content'] = $return['content'] = '[图片]';
     // 添加消息内容
     $db = self::db();
     $table = self::table('message_content');
     $message_id = $db->insert($table)->cols($data)->query();
     if ($message_id) {
         $return['message_id'] = $message_id;
         try {
             $time = $data['mtime'];
             $table = self::table('message_member');
             // 更新其他成员新消息数量
             $db->query("UPDATE `{$table}` SET `new`=`new`+1,`message_num`=`message_num`+1 " . "WHERE `list_id`={$room_id} AND `member_uid`<>{$from_uid}");
             // 更新自己消息总数和最后发布时间
             $db->query("UPDATE `{$table}` SET `message_num`=`message_num`+1,`list_ctime`={$time} " . "WHERE `list_id`={$room_id} AND `member_uid`={$from_uid}");
             // 更新最后一条消息
             $table = self::table('message_list');
             $lastMessage = array('mtime' => $time, 'last_message' => serialize($return));
             // 加入推送暂存表
             $table = self::table('message_push');
             $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` (`message_id`,`list_id`,`uid`,`ctime`) VALUES ";
             $insert_val = '';
             foreach ($to_uid_list as $to_uid) {
                 if ($is_notify || $to_uid != $from_uid) {
                     $insert_val .= "('{$message_id}',{$room_id},{$to_uid},{$time}),";
             if ($insert_val) {
                 $db->query($insert_sql . rtrim($insert_val, ','));
             // 返回数据
             $return['room_id'] = $return['list_id'];
             if (!empty($attach_id)) {
                 $return['attach_id'] = $message['attach_id'];
             $return['from_uname'] = self::getLoggedUserInfo('uname');
             return array('return' => $return, 'to_user_list' => $to_uid_list);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // none
     return 10;
Exemple #2
  * 将消息列表整理为标准的返回格式
  * @param array $list 需要整理的消息列表
  * @return array 返回整理好的消息列表
 public static function parseMessage($list)
     if (!$list) {
         return array();
     $array = array();
     $users = self::getUserInfo(Util::arrayColumn($list, 'from_uid'));
     foreach ($list as $key => $rs) {
         $array[$key]['message_id'] = (int) $rs['message_id'];
         $array[$key]['from_uid'] = (int) $rs['from_uid'];
         $array[$key]['from_uname'] = (string) $users[$rs['from_uid']]['uname'];
         $array[$key]['type'] = $rs['type'];
         $array[$key]['content'] = Util::htmlDecode($rs['content']);
         $array[$key]['room_id'] = (int) $rs['list_id'];
         $array[$key]['mtime'] = (int) $rs['mtime'];
         if (empty($rs['attach_ids'])) {
             $attach = array();
         } else {
             $attach = @unserialize($rs['attach_ids']);
         if ($rs['type'] == 'notify') {
             if ($attach) {
                 $array[$key] = array_merge($attach, $array[$key]);
         } elseif ($rs['type'] == 'voice') {
             $array[$key]['length'] = @$attach['length'];
             $array[$key]['attach_id'] = @Util::desEncrypt($attach['attach_id']);
         } elseif ($rs['type'] == 'image') {
             $array[$key]['attach_id'] = @Util::desEncrypt($attach['attach_id']);
         } elseif ($rs['type'] == 'position') {
             $array[$key]['latitude'] = @$attach['latitude'];
             $array[$key]['longitude'] = @$attach['longitude'];
             $array[$key]['location'] = @Util::htmlEncode($attach['location']);
             $array[$key]['attach_id'] = @Util::desEncrypt($attach['attach_id']);
         } elseif ($rs['type'] == 'card') {
             $array[$key]['uid'] = @(int) $attach['uid'];
         } else {
             $array[$key]['type'] = 'text';
     return $array;