public function __construct(BasePlugin $main, $aliases, $humanPhrase, $column)
     $this->humanPhrase = $humanPhrase;
     $this->column = $column;
     $humanName = $main->getLanguageManager()->get($humanPhrase, []);
     parent::__construct($main, $cmd = array_shift($aliases), "Change your team {$humanName}", "/{$cmd} [new {$humanName}...] (use `|` to separate lines)", $aliases);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main, $level)
     $this->level = $level;
     $this->cmdName = self::$CMD_NAMES[$level];
     $this->humanName = self::$HUMAN_NAMES[$level];
     parent::__construct($main, $this->cmdName, "Set a player to be a {$this->humanName}", "/{$this->cmdName} <player>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main, $bit, $boolean, $humanPhrase, array $aliases)
     $this->bit = $bit;
     $this->humanPhrase = $humanPhrase;
     $humanName = $main->getLanguageManager()->get($humanPhrase, []);
     parent::__construct($main, $cmd = array_shift($aliases), "Toggle whether your team is {$humanName}", "/{$cmd} [on|off]", $aliases);
     $this->boolean = $boolean;
  * @param BasePlugin $main
  * @param bool $promote
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main, $promote)
     $this->promote = $promote;
     $this->humanName = $promote ? "promote" : "demote";
     parent::__construct($main, $name = $promote ? "tprom" : "tdem", ucfirst($this->humanName) . " a team member", "/{$name} <full name>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "fr", "Reduce a friend's level (best friend -> good friend -> acquaintance -> not a friend)", "/fr <player>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "console", "Send a message to console", "/console <message ...>", ["cs"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "fj", "Reject/Cancel a friend request", "/fj <player>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tell", "Send a private message to another player", "/w <player> <message>", ["w", "msg", "pm"]);
     touch($main->getDataFolder() . "privmsg.log");
     $this->pmLog = fopen($main->getDataFolder() . "privmsg.log", "at");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "ffa", "Friendly Fire Activation", "/ffa [on|off]", ["ff"]);
  * @param BasePlugin $plugin
  * @param string[] $aliases
  * @param string $human
  * @param int $id
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $plugin, array $aliases, $human, $id)
     parent::__construct($plugin, $name = array_shift($aliases), "Transfer to " . $human, "/{$name}", $aliases);
     $this->human = $human;
     $this->class = $id;
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $plugin)
     parent::__construct($plugin, "dtp", "Alternative LegionPE style teleportation", "/dtp [teleporter = me] <target[-<blocks behind target>]> [-f (force teleport multi-world)]");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "channel", "Choose or view your current channel", "/ch local|team|<channel name>" . Phrases::VAR_em . " OR " . Phrases::VAR_info . "/ch quit <channel name>", ["ch", "chan"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "coingrind", "Enable coin grinding", "/cg", ["grindcoin", "cg", "gc"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "friends", "Show help for friend commands", "/f", ["f", "friend"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "alt", "Join another server of the same game type", "/alt", []);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tm", "Show team member list", "/tm [team name]", ["tmem", "tmember", "tmembers"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tlist", "List the best 5 teams", "/tl", ["tl"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $plugin)
     parent::__construct($plugin, "coins", "View coins", "/coins");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "fa", "Accept or send invitation to another player to increase friend level", "/fa <player>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "team", "Help for team commands", "/t", ["t"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "label", "Check/change your prefix label", "/lbl [new label]", ["lbl"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $plugin)
     parent::__construct($plugin, "channel", "switch channels", "/channel <channel...>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tj", "Join, send an invitation request to or accept invitation from a team", "/tj <target team>", []);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tinfo", "Show a team's information", "/ti [team name]", ["ti"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tell", "Send a private message to another player", "/w <player> <message>", ["w", "msg", "pm"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "q", "Enable/disable one-to-one direct chat", "/q [target player]", ["query"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "fl", "Friend list", "/fl");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tinv", "Invite/Accept a player into your team", "/tinv <player full name>");
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "tq", "Quit a team", "/tq", ["tdisband"]);
 public function __construct(BasePlugin $main)
     parent::__construct($main, "me", "Chat", "/me <message>");