  * Colorizes a message for console output.
  * @param string $message the message to colorize.
  * @param array $format the message format.
  * @return string the colorized message.
  * @see Console::ansiFormat() for details on how to specify the message format.
 protected function formatMessage($message, $format = [Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD])
     $stream = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? \STDERR : \STDOUT;
     // try controller first to allow check for --color switch
     if (Leaps::$app->controller instanceof \Leaps\Console\Controller && Leaps::$app->controller->isColorEnabled($stream) || Leaps::$app instanceof \Leaps\Console\Application && Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors($stream)) {
         $message = Console::ansiFormat($message, $format);
     return $message;
  * Writes messages into PHP files
  * @param array $messages
  * @param string $dirName name of the directory to write to
  * @param boolean $overwrite if existing file should be overwritten without backup
  * @param boolean $removeUnused if obsolete translations should be removed
  * @param boolean $sort if translations should be sorted
  * @param boolean $markUnused if obsolete translations should be marked
 protected function saveMessagesToPHP($messages, $dirName, $overwrite, $removeUnused, $sort, $markUnused)
     foreach ($messages as $category => $msgs) {
         $file = str_replace("\\", '/', "{$dirName}/{$category}.php");
         $path = dirname($file);
         $msgs = array_values(array_unique($msgs));
         $coloredFileName = Console::ansiFormat($file, [Console::FG_CYAN]);
         $this->stdout("Saving messages to {$coloredFileName}...\n");
         $this->saveMessagesCategoryToPHP($msgs, $file, $overwrite, $removeUnused, $sort, $category, $markUnused);
  * Displays the overall information of the command.
  * @param Controller $controller the controller instance
 protected function getCommandHelp($controller)
     $controller->color = $this->color;
     $this->stdout("\nDESCRIPTION\n", Console::BOLD);
     $comment = $controller->getHelp();
     if ($comment !== '') {
     $actions = $this->getActions($controller);
     if (!empty($actions)) {
         $this->stdout("\nSUB-COMMANDS\n\n", Console::BOLD);
         $prefix = $controller->getUniqueId();
         $maxlen = 5;
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             $len = strlen($prefix . '/' . $action) + 2 + ($action === $controller->defaultAction ? 10 : 0);
             if ($maxlen < $len) {
                 $maxlen = $len;
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             $this->stdout('- ' . $this->ansiFormat($prefix . '/' . $action, Console::FG_YELLOW));
             $len = strlen($prefix . '/' . $action) + 2;
             if ($action === $controller->defaultAction) {
                 $this->stdout(' (default)', Console::FG_GREEN);
                 $len += 10;
             $summary = $controller->getActionHelpSummary($controller->createAction($action));
             if ($summary !== '') {
                 $this->stdout(str_repeat(' ', $maxlen - $len + 2) . Console::wrapText($summary, $maxlen + 2));
         $scriptName = $this->getScriptName();
         $this->stdout("\nTo see the detailed information about individual sub-commands, enter:\n");
         $this->stdout("\n  {$scriptName} " . $this->ansiFormat('help', Console::FG_YELLOW) . ' ' . $this->ansiFormat('<sub-command>', Console::FG_CYAN) . "\n\n");
  * Returns full description from the docblock.
  * @param \Reflector $reflection
  * @return string
 protected function parseDocCommentDetail($reflection)
     $comment = strtr(trim(preg_replace('/^\\s*\\**( |\\t)?/m', '', trim($reflection->getDocComment(), '/'))), "\r", '');
     if (preg_match('/^\\s*@\\w+/m', $comment, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
         $comment = trim(substr($comment, 0, $matches[0][1]));
     if ($comment !== '') {
         return rtrim(Console::renderColoredString(Console::markdownToAnsi($comment)));
     return '';
  * Loads the specified fixture data.
  * For example,
  * ~~~
  * # load the fixture data specified by User and UserProfile.
  * # any existing fixture data will be removed first
  * yii fixture/load User UserProfile
  * # load all available fixtures found under 'tests\unit\fixtures'
  * yii fixture/load "*"
  * # load all fixtures except User and UserProfile
  * yii fixture/load "*" -User -UserProfile
  * ~~~
  * @throws Exception if the specified fixture does not exist.
 public function actionLoad()
     $fixturesInput = func_get_args();
     if ($fixturesInput === []) {
         $this->stdout($this->getHelpSummary() . "\n");
         $helpCommand = Console::ansiFormat("leaps help fixture", [Console::FG_CYAN]);
         $this->stdout("Use {$helpCommand} to get usage info.\n");
         return self::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
     $filtered = $this->filterFixtures($fixturesInput);
     $except = $filtered['except'];
     if (!$this->needToApplyAll($fixturesInput[0])) {
         $fixtures = $filtered['apply'];
         $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures($fixtures);
         $notFoundFixtures = array_diff($fixtures, $foundFixtures);
         if ($notFoundFixtures) {
     } else {
         $foundFixtures = $this->findFixtures();
     $fixturesToLoad = array_diff($foundFixtures, $except);
     if (!$foundFixtures) {
         throw new Exception("No files were found by name: \"" . implode(', ', $fixturesInput) . "\".\n" . "Check that files with these name exists, under fixtures path: \n\"" . $this->getFixturePath() . "\".");
     if (!$fixturesToLoad) {
         $this->notifyNothingToLoad($foundFixtures, $except);
         return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
     if (!$this->confirmLoad($fixturesToLoad, $except)) {
         return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
     $fixtures = $this->getFixturesConfig(array_merge($this->globalFixtures, $fixturesToLoad));
     if (!$fixtures) {
         throw new Exception('No fixtures were found in namespace: "' . $this->namespace . '"' . '');
     $fixturesObjects = $this->createFixtures($fixtures);
     return static::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
Exemple #6
  * Renders the strike through feature.
  * @param array $element
  * @return string
 protected function renderStrike($element)
     return Console::ansiFormat($this->parseInline($this->renderAbsy($element[1])), [Console::CROSSED_OUT]);