  * @covers Kunstmaan\AdminBundle\Helper\Security\Acl\AclNativeHelper::apply
 public function testApplyAnonymous()
     $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder($this->conn);
     $queryBuilder->add('from', array(array('table' => 'myTable', 'alias' => 'n')));
     $roles = array();
     $permissionDef = new PermissionDefinition(array('view'), 'Kunstmaan\\NodeBundle\\Entity\\Node', 'n');
     /* @var $qb QueryBuilder */
     $qb = $this->object->apply($queryBuilder, $permissionDef);
     $query = $qb->getSQL();
     $this->assertContains('"IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY"', $query);
     * Get all the information needed to build a menu tree with one query.
     * We only fetch the fields we need, instead of fetching full objects to limit the memory usage.
     * @param string          $lang                 The locale
     * @param string          $permission           The permission (read, write, ...)
     * @param AclNativeHelper $aclNativeHelper      The acl helper
     * @param bool            $includeHiddenFromNav Include nodes hidden from navigation or not
     * @return array
    public function getAllMenuNodes($lang, $permission, AclNativeHelper $aclNativeHelper, $includeHiddenFromNav = false)
        $connection = $this->_em->getConnection();
        $qb = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
        $databasePlatformName = $connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName();
        $createIfStatement = function ($expression, $trueValue, $falseValue) use($databasePlatformName) {
            switch ($databasePlatformName) {
                case 'sqlite':
                    $statement = 'CASE WHEN %s THEN %s ELSE %s END';
                    $statement = 'IF(%s, %s, %s)';
            return sprintf($statement, $expression, $trueValue, $falseValue);
        $sql = <<<SQL
n.id, n.parent_id AS parent, t.url,
{$createIfStatement('t.weight IS NULL', 'v.weight', 't.weight')} AS weight,
{$createIfStatement('t.title IS NULL', 'v.title', 't.title')} AS title,
{$createIfStatement('t.online IS NULL', '0', 't.online')} AS online,
n.hidden_from_nav AS hidden,
n.ref_entity_name AS ref_entity_name
        $qb->select($sql)->from('kuma_nodes', 'n')->leftJoin('n', 'kuma_node_translations', 't', '(t.node_id = n.id AND t.lang = ?)')->leftJoin('n', '(SELECT lang, title, weight, node_id, url FROM kuma_node_translations GROUP BY node_id ORDER BY id ASC)', 'v', '(v.node_id = n.id AND v.lang <> ?)')->where('n.deleted = 0')->addGroupBy('n.id')->addOrderBy('t.weight', 'ASC')->addOrderBy('t.title', 'ASC');
        if (!$includeHiddenFromNav) {
            $qb->andWhere('n.hidden_from_nav <> 0');
        $permissionDef = new PermissionDefinition(array($permission));
        $qb = $aclNativeHelper->apply($qb, $permissionDef);
        $stmt = $this->_em->getConnection()->prepare($qb->getSQL());
        $stmt->bindValue(1, $lang);
        $stmt->bindValue(2, $lang);
        return $stmt->fetchAll();