Exemple #1
  * delete
  * Delete attachments.
  * @param integer $attachmentID (required) ID of the attachment that will be deleted. 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function delete($attachmentID)
     $command = "Command=Attachment.Delete";
     $attachmentID = "AttachmentID=" . $attachmentID;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $attachmentID;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #2
  * delete
  * Delete a media item
  * @param integer $mediaID (required) Media ID of the media item 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function delete($mediaID)
     $command = "Command=Media.Delete";
     $mediaID = "MediaID=" . $mediaID;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $mediaID;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
  * copyAll
  * Copies auto responders of a subscriber list to another subscriber list.
  * @param integer $sourceListID (required) ID of source subscriber list 
  * @param integer $targetListID (required) ID of target subscriber list 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function copyAll($sourceListID, $targetListID)
     $command = "Command=AutoResponders.Copy";
     $sourceListID = "SourceListID=" . $sourceListID;
     $targetListID = "TargetListID=" . $targetListID;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $sourceListID . '&' . $targetListID;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
  * update
  * Update admin account information
  * @param integer $adminID (required) ID number of the admin account 
  * @param string $username (required) Username of the admin account 
  * @param string $password (required) Password of the admin account 
  * @param string $emailAddress (required) Email address of the admin account 
  * @param string $name (required) Name of the admin account 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function update($adminID, $username, $password, $emailAddress, $name)
     $command = "Command=Admin.Update";
     $adminID = "AdminID=" . $adminID;
     $username = "******" . $username;
     $password = "******" . $password;
     $emailAddress = "EmailAddress=" . $emailAddress;
     $name = "Name=" . $name;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $adminID . '&' . $username . '&' . $password . '&' . $emailAddress . '&' . $name;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #5
  * archive_GetURLAll
  * Returns the URL for the public archive page of campaigns
  * @param integer $tagID (required) Target tag ID to retrieve campaigns 
  * @param string $templateURL  URL of the public archive page template (optional) 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function archive_GetURLAll($tagID, $templateURL)
     $command = "Command=Campaigns.Archive.GetURL";
     $tagID = "TagID=" . $tagID;
     $templateURL = "TemplateURL=" . $templateURL;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $tagID . '&' . $templateURL;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
  * generateUnsubscriptionFormHTMLCode
  * Generates unsubscription form html code.
  * @param integer $subscriberListID (required) Subscriber list id. 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function generateUnsubscriptionFormHTMLCode($subscriberListID)
     $command = "Command=ListIntegration.GenerateUnsubscriptionFormHTMLCode";
     $subscriberListID = "SubscriberListID=" . $subscriberListID;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $subscriberListID;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #7
  * template_Delete
  * Delete email templates
  * @param string $templates (required) Template IDs separated by comma for deleting 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function template_Delete($templates)
     $command = "Command=Email.Template.Delete";
     $templates = "Templates=" . $templates;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $templates;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #8
  * deleteAll
  * Deletes subscriber accounts
  * @param integer $subscriberListID  ID number of the target subscriber list 
  * @param string $subscribers  ID number of subscribers separated by comma (Ex:     1,3,10) 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function deleteAll($subscriberListID, $subscribers)
     $command = "Command=Subscribers.Delete";
     $subscriberListID = "SubscriberListID=" . $subscriberListID;
     $subscribers = "Subscribers=" . $subscribers;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $subscriberListID . '&' . $subscribers;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #9
  * list_Get
  * Retrieves subscriber list of logged in client.
  * @param integer $listID (required) ID of subscriber list to retrieve 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function list_Get($listID)
     $command = "Command=Client.List.Get";
     $listID = "ListID=" . $listID;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $listID;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #10
  * unassignFromCampaigns
  * Unassign tag from campaigns
  * @param integer $tagID (required) ID number of the tag which is going to be unassigned from campaigns 
  * @param string $campaignIDs (required) ID number of campaigns for the tag removal 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function unassignFromCampaigns($tagID, $campaignIDs)
     $command = "Command=Tag.UnassignFromCampaigns";
     $tagID = "TagID=" . $tagID;
     $campaignIDs = "CampaignIDs=" . $campaignIDs;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $tagID . '&' . $campaignIDs;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
  * deleteAll
  * Deletes given subscriber lists.
  * @todo Implement the behaviour without the parameters
  * @param string $lists (required) Comma delimeted subscriber list ids. 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function deleteAll($lists)
     $command = "Command=Lists.Delete";
     $lists = "Lists=" . $lists;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $lists;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
  * getAll
  * Returns the list of themes
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function getAll()
     $command = "Command=Themes.Get";
     $apiPath = $command;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #13
  * getAll
  * Retrieves users
  * @param string $orderField (required) Name of the field to order based on. For multiple ordering, separate fields with pipe '|' 
  * @param ASC|DESC $orderType (required) Ascending or descending ordering. For multiple ordering, separate fields with pipe '|' 
  * @param mixed(required)</dt><dd>UsergroupIDofusers(integer)oraccountstatus("Enabled","Disabled")oronlinestatus('Online')</dd><dt>RecordsPerRequest={integer $relUserGroupID (required) How many rows to return per page 
  * @param integer $recordsFrom (required) Start from (starts from zero) 
  * @param string $searchField  Name of the field 
  * @param string $searchKeyword  Keyword for searching 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function getAll($orderField, $orderType, $relUserGroupID, $recordsFrom, $searchField, $searchKeyword)
     $command = "Command=Users.Get";
     $orderField = "OrderField=" . $orderField;
     $orderType = "OrderType=" . $orderType;
     $relUserGroupID = "RelUserGroupID=" . $relUserGroupID;
     $recordsFrom = "RecordsFrom=" . $recordsFrom;
     $searchField = "SearchField=" . $searchField;
     $searchKeyword = "SearchKeyword=" . $searchKeyword;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $orderField . '&' . $orderType . '&' . $relUserGroupID . '&' . $recordsFrom . '&' . $searchField . '&' . $searchKeyword;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #14
  * emailSendingTestAll
  * Tests provided email sending settings
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function emailSendingTestAll()
     $command = "Command=Settings.EmailSendingTest";
     $apiPath = $command;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);
Exemple #15
  * deleteAll
  * Deletes given custom fields.
  * @param string $customFields (required) Comma delimeted custom field ids. 
  * @return Object A parsed json object containing the response parameters 
 public function deleteAll($customFields)
     $command = "Command=CustomFields.Delete";
     $customFields = "CustomFields=" . $customFields;
     $apiPath = $command . '&' . $customFields;
     return SessionData::getSession()->getResponse($apiPath);