hasValidationInformation() public méthode

public hasValidationInformation ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean
  * @param RequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return CacheEntry|null entry to save, null if can't cache it
 protected function getCacheObject(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     if (!isset($this->statusAccepted[$response->getStatusCode()])) {
         // Don't cache it
     $cacheControl = new KeyValueHttpHeader($response->getHeader('Cache-Control'));
     $varyHeader = new KeyValueHttpHeader($response->getHeader('Vary'));
     if ($varyHeader->has('*')) {
         // This will never match with a request
     if ($cacheControl->has('no-store')) {
         // No store allowed (maybe some sensitives data...)
     if ($cacheControl->has('no-cache')) {
         // Stale response see RFC7234 section
         $entry = new CacheEntry($request, $response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
         return $entry->hasValidationInformation() ? $entry : null;
     foreach ($this->ageKey as $key) {
         if ($cacheControl->has($key)) {
             return new CacheEntry($request, $response, new \DateTime('+' . (int) $cacheControl->get($key) . 'seconds'));
     if ($response->hasHeader('Expires')) {
         $expireAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat(\DateTime::RFC1123, $response->getHeaderLine('Expires'));
         if ($expireAt !== false) {
             return new CacheEntry($request, $response, $expireAt);
     return new CacheEntry($request, $response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return CacheEntry|null entry to save, null if can't cache it
 protected function getCacheObject(ResponseInterface $response)
     if ($response->hasHeader("Cache-Control")) {
         $values = new KeyValueHttpHeader($response->getHeader("Cache-Control"));
         if ($values->has('no-store')) {
             // No store allowed (maybe some sensitives data...)
             return null;
         if ($values->has('no-cache')) {
             // Stale response see RFC7234 section
             $entry = new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
             return $entry->hasValidationInformation() ? $entry : null;
         if ($values->has('max-age')) {
             return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('+' . $values->get('max-age') . 'seconds'));
         return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime());
     if ($response->hasHeader("Expires")) {
         $expireAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $response->getHeaderLine("Expires"));
         if ($expireAt !== FALSE) {
             return new CacheEntry($response, $expireAt);
     return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return CacheEntry|null entry to save, null if can't cache it
 protected function getCacheObject(ResponseInterface $response)
     if ($response->hasHeader("Cache-Control")) {
         $cacheControlDirectives = $response->getHeader("Cache-Control");
         if (in_array("no-store", $cacheControlDirectives)) {
             // No store allowed (maybe some sensitives data...)
             return null;
         if (in_array("no-cache", $cacheControlDirectives)) {
             // Stale response see RFC7234 section
             $entry = new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
             return $entry->hasValidationInformation() ? $entry : null;
         $matches = [];
         if (preg_match('/^max-age=([0-9]*)$/', $response->getHeaderLine("Cache-Control"), $matches)) {
             // Handle max-age header
             return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('+' . $matches[1] . 'seconds'));
     if ($response->hasHeader("Expires")) {
         $expireAt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $response->getHeaderLine("Expires"));
         if ($expireAt !== FALSE) {
             return new CacheEntry($response, $expireAt);
     return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('1 days ago'));
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @param KeyValueHttpHeader $cacheControl
  * @return CacheEntry|null
 protected function getCacheObjectForCacheControl(ResponseInterface $response, KeyValueHttpHeader $cacheControl)
     if ($cacheControl->has('no-store')) {
         // No store allowed (maybe some sensitives data...)
         return null;
     if ($cacheControl->has('no-cache')) {
         // Stale response see RFC7234 section
         $entry = new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('-1 seconds'));
         return $entry->hasValidationInformation() ? $entry : null;
     if ($cacheControl->has('max-age')) {
         return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime('+' . (int) $cacheControl->get('max-age') . 'seconds'));
     return new CacheEntry($response, new \DateTime());