Exemple #1
 public function testAddParamShouldSetParamsCorrectly()
     $this->form->addParam('language', 'en');
     $this->form->addParam('PSPID', 'SOMEPSPID');
     $this->form->addParam('someParamName', 'someValue');
     $html = $this->form->render();
     $this->assertTrue(stripos($html, 'input type="hidden" name="language" value="en') !== false);
     $this->assertTrue(stripos($html, 'input type="hidden" name="PSPID" value="SOMEPSPID') !== false);
     $this->assertTrue(stripos($html, 'input type="hidden" name="someParamName" value="someValue') !== false);
Exemple #2

require "../vendor/autoload.php";
use Jvandemo\Ogone\Form;
 * Example to generate an Ogone payment form
 * to initiate Ogone payments from your website
 * @author       Jurgen Van de Moere (http://www.jvandemo.com)
 * @copyright    JobberID (http://www.jobberid.com) *
// Define form options
// See Ogone_Form for list of supported options
$options = array('sha1InPassPhrase' => 'your_sha1_in_password', 'formAction' => Form::OGONE_TEST_URL);
// Define form parameters (see Ogone documentation for list)
// Default parameter values can be set in Ogone_Form if required
$params = array('PSPID' => 'your_ogone_pspid', 'orderID' => 'your_order_id', 'amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'EUR', 'language' => 'en', 'CN' => 'name of your client', 'EMAIL' => 'email of your client', 'accepturl' => 'where_to_go_if_accepted.html', 'declineurl' => 'where_to_go_if_declined.html', 'exceptionurl' => 'where_to_go_if_exception_occurs.html', 'cancelurl' => 'where_to_go_if_cancelled.html');
// Instantiate form
$form = new Form($options, $params);
// You can also add parameters after instantiation
// with the addParam() method
$form->addParam('CN', 'Jurgen Van de Moere')->addParam('EMAIL', '*****@*****.**')->addParam('language', 'en');
// Automatically generate HTML form with all params and SHA1Sign
echo $form->render();