public function dispatchAction($container, $user, $pass, $comefrom = "00", $datascope = "", $portalversion = "")
     $request = $container->get("request");
     $clientdatetime = $request->get("clientdatetime");
     $appid = $request->get("appid");
     $db = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $db_im = $this->get("we_data_access_im");
     try {
         $authobj = new Enterprise($db, $this->get("logger"), $container->container);
         if ($comefrom == "03") {
             $classname = "DefaultAuth";
         } else {
             $authConfig = $authobj->getUserAuth();
             $classname = $authConfig["ssoauthmodule"];
             if (empty($classname) || $classname == "null") {
                 $re = array("msg" => "invalid ssoauthmodule");
                 $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
                 return $re;
         $classname = "\\Justsy\\InterfaceBundle\\SsoAuth\\Sso" . $classname;
         $re = call_user_func(array($classname, 'userAuthAction'), $container->container, $request, $db, $db_im, $user, $pass, $comefrom);
         if ($re["returncode"] == ReturnCode::$SUCCESS) {
             if (!empty($appid)) {
                 $appMgr = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\App($container->container);
                 $appinfo = $appMgr->getappinfo(array('appid' => $appid));
                 if (empty($appinfo)) {
                     $re = array("msg" => "无效的应用标识号");
                     $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
                     return $re;
                 $appkey = $appinfo['appkey'];
                 $code = strtolower(MD5($appid . $appkey));
                 $re['auth2_code'] = $code;
             $this->getLoginAppendData($re, $re["login_account"], $portalversion, $comefrom, $db, $db_im, $clientdatetime);
             if (!empty($re["info"])) {
                 $einfo = $authobj->getInfo($re["info"]["eno"]);
                 if (!empty($einfo)) {
                     $re["info"]["ename"] = $einfo["ename"];
                     $re["info"]["circle_id"] = $einfo["circle_id"];
                     $re["info"]["circle_name"] = $einfo["circle_name"];
             $this->setLoginDate($re["openid"], $db);
         return $re;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re = array("msg" => "invalid ssoauthmodule");
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         return $re;
 public function getEnterpriseCardAction()
     $da = $this->get('we_data_access');
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $eno = $request->get('eno');
     $enterprise = new Enterprise($da, $this->get('logger'), $this->container);
     $row = $enterprise->getInfoByEno($user->getUserName(), $eno);
     $atten = $enterprise->getAtten($eno);
     $tag = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Management\UserTag($da, $this->get("logger"));
     $tags = $tag->getentag($eno);
     return $this->render("JustsyBaseBundle:Enterprise:enterprise_card.html.twig", array('row' => $row, 'atten' => $atten, 'tag' => $tags));
Exemple #3
 public function e($parameters)
     if (count($parameters) == 0) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("无效的eno参数");
     $eno = $parameters[0];
     if (empty($eno)) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("无效的eno参数");
     $staffMgr = new Enterprise($this->conn, $this->logger, $this->container);
     $staffdata = $staffMgr->getInfo($eno);
     if (empty($staffdata)) {
         return Utils::WrapResultError("未查找到企业信息");
     return Utils::WrapResultOK($staffdata);
Exemple #4
 public static function userAuthAction($container, $request, $dbcon, $con_im, $login_account, $password, $comefrom)
     if (strlen($login_account) < 32) {
         $classname = "\\Justsy\\InterfaceBundle\\SsoAuth\\SsoWefafaMd5Auth";
         $re = call_user_func(array($classname, 'userAuthAction'), $container, $request, $dbcon, $con_im, $login_account, $password, $comefrom);
         return $re;
     $token = DES::decrypt_crv_fortoken($login_account, "");
     if ($token === false) {
         $container->get("logger")->err("decrypt token error:" . $login_account);
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         return $re;
     $pass = DES::decrypt_crv_fortoken($password, "");
     if ($pass === false) {
         $container->get("logger")->err("decrypt password error:" . $password);
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         return $re;
     $defaultPostURl = "";
     $cacheobj = new Enterprise($dbcon, $container->get("logger"), $container);
     $authConfig = $cacheobj->getUserAuth();
     $httpUrlConfig = $authConfig["ssoauthurl"];
     if (empty($httpUrlConfig)) {
         $httpUrlConfig = $defaultPostURl;
         $eno = "100001";
     } else {
         $ldapConfgiObject = json_decode($httpUrlConfig, true);
         $eno = $ldapConfgiObject["ENO"];
         $httpUrlConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["URL"];
     try {
         $para = "access_token=" . $token;
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA URL:" . $httpUrlConfig . "?" . $para);
         $postresult = Utils::getUrlContent($httpUrlConfig . "?" . $para, null);
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA Result:" . $postresult);
         $resultObject = json_decode($postresult, true);
         //$resultObject=array("empUid"=>"test101","empName"=>"TEST101"); //集成测试
         if (!isset($resultObject["empUid"])) {
             $container->get("logger")->err("get user info error." . $postresult);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             return $re;
         $crvuser = $resultObject["empUid"];
         $email = $resultObject["email"];
         $fafa_account = !empty($crvuser) ? strtolower($crvuser) : $email;
         $Obj = new \Justsy\BaseBundle\Login\UserProvider($container);
         $user = $Obj->loadUserByUsername($fafa_account, $comefrom);
         $token = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken($user, $user->getPassword(), "secured_area", $user->getRoles());
         $session = $request->getSession()->set('_security_' . 'secured_area', serialize($token));
         $event = new \Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent($request, $token);
         $container->get("event_dispatcher")->dispatch("security.interactive_login", $event);
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
         $re["openid"] = $user->openid;
         $re["login_account"] = $fafa_account;
         $re["ldap_uid"] = $user->ldap_uid;
         $re["jid"] = $user->fafa_jid;
         $sql = "select password from users where username=?";
         $iminfo = $con_im->GetData("im", $sql, array((string) $user->fafa_jid));
         $re["des"] = count($iminfo["im"]["rows"]) > 0 ? $iminfo["im"]["rows"][0]["password"] : "";
     } catch (\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$ERROFUSERORPWD;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
     return $re;
Exemple #5
 public static function registerToPlatform($container, $type, $uid, $openid, $nickName)
     $defaultPostURl = "";
     $cacheobj = new Enterprise(null, $container->get("logger"), $container);
     $authConfig = $cacheobj->getUserAuth();
     $httpUrlConfig = $authConfig["ssoauthurl"];
     if (empty($httpUrlConfig)) {
         $httpUrlConfig = $defaultPostURl;
         $eno = "100001";
     } else {
         $ldapConfgiObject = json_decode($httpUrlConfig, true);
         $eno = $ldapConfgiObject["ENO"];
         $httpUrlConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["URL"];
     try {
         $data = array();
         $data["providerLoginKey"] = $uid;
         $data["loginProviderName"] = $type;
         $data["nickName"] = $nickName;
         $data["openid"] = $openid;
         $data["isNeedSyn"] = false;
         $para = "ServiceName=WXSC_Account&MethodName=POST:JSON:loginWithRegisterExternal&Message=" . json_encode($data) . "&Version=1";
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA URL:" . $httpUrlConfig . "?" . $para);
         $postresult = Utils::do_post_request($httpUrlConfig, $para);
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA Result:" . $postresult);
         $resultObject = json_decode($postresult, true);
         return $resultObject;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $container->get("logger")->err("SOA ERROR:" . $e);
Exemple #6
 public function getFriendBaseinfoList()
     $jid = "";
     if ($this->userInfo != null) {
         $jid = $this->userInfo->fafa_jid;
         $eno = $this->userInfo->eno;
     } else {
         $userInfo = $this->getInfo();
         $jid = $userInfo["fafa_jid"];
         $eno = $userInfo["eno"];
     $paras = array();
     $domain = $this->container->getParameter('edomain');
     $sql = "select jid from rosterusers where username=? and subscription='B' and jid not in(?,?,?,?,?)";
     $paras[] = (string) $jid;
     $paras[] = "admin-" . $eno . "@" . $domain;
     $paras[] = "sale-" . $eno . "@" . $domain;
     $paras[] = "front-" . $eno . "@" . $domain;
     $paras[] = "service-" . $eno . "@" . $domain;
     $paras[] = "guest-" . $eno . "@" . $domain;
     $ds = $this->conn_im->getData("t", $sql, $paras);
     $list = array();
     if ($ds && count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($ds["t"]["rows"]); $i++) {
             $list[] = $ds["t"]["rows"][$i]["jid"];
     if (count($list) > 0) {
         $FILE_WEBSERVER_URL = $this->container->getParameter('FILE_WEBSERVER_URL');
         $sql = "select eno,'' eshortname,login_account,nick_name,concat('" . $FILE_WEBSERVER_URL . "',photo_path) photo_path,fafa_jid,concat('" . $FILE_WEBSERVER_URL . "',photo_path_small) photo_path_small,concat('" . $FILE_WEBSERVER_URL . "',photo_path_big) photo_path_big from we_staff where fafa_jid in('" . implode("','", $list) . "')";
         $ds = $this->conn->getData("t", $sql, array());
         $list = array();
         if ($ds && count($ds["t"]["rows"]) > 0) {
             $enMgr = new Enterprise($this->conn, $this->logger, $this->container);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ds["t"]["rows"]); $i++) {
                 $t_eno = $ds["t"]["rows"][$i]["eno"];
                 if ($eno == $t_eno) {
                 $endata = $enMgr->getinfo($t_eno);
                 if (!empty($endata)) {
                     $ds["t"]["rows"][$i]["eshortname"] = $endata["eshortname"];
                     //$ds["t"]["rows"][$i]["nick_name"] = $ds["t"]["rows"][$i]["nick_name"]."{".$endata["eshortname"]."}";
             return $ds["t"]["rows"];
     return null;
Exemple #7
 public function createUser($container, $attributes)
     $createUserRest = $container->getParameter('staff_sync_url');
     $defaultPostURl = "";
     $appcodeConfig = "fafa-app";
     $appkeyConfig = "DKGHwqJ5H91noPYNYm9b8EUPQSY";
     $cacheobj = new Enterprise(null, $container->get("logger"), $container);
     $authConfig = $cacheobj->getUserAuth();
     $httpUrlConfig = $authConfig["ssoauthurl"];
     if (empty($httpUrlConfig)) {
         $httpUrlConfig = $defaultPostURl;
         $eno = "100001";
     } else {
         $ldapConfgiObject = json_decode($httpUrlConfig, true);
         $eno = $ldapConfgiObject["ENO"];
         $httpUrlConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["URL"];
         $appcodeConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["AppCode"];
         $appkeyConfig = $ldapConfgiObject["AppKey"];
     $reqHeader = SsoAvicAuth::getHeaders($appcodeConfig, $appkeyConfig);
     $data = array();
     $data["name"] = "";
     $data["attributes"] = array(array("name" => "mobile", "value" => $attributes["mobile"]), array("name" => "smart-securemobile", "value" => $attributes["mobile"]), array("name" => "userpassword", "value" => $attributes["password"]), array("name" => "smart-type", "value" => "2"), array("name" => "cn", "value" => $attributes["nick_name"]));
     $para = json_encode($data);
     $container->get("logger")->err("SOA URL:" . $createUserRest . "?" . $para);
     $postresult = Utils::do_post_request($createUserRest, $para, $reqHeader, $container->get("logger"));
     $container->get("logger")->err("SOA Result:" . $postresult);
     $resultObject = json_decode($postresult, true);
     if (!$resultObject["status"] || $resultObject["status"] == "false") {
         throw new \Exception($resultObject["message"]);
     $resultObject["ldap_uid"] = $resultObject["key"];
     $resultObject["deptid"] = "100054";
     return $resultObject;