public function search($query, Condition $condition = null, $max = 20) { $result = []; $finder = Finder::create()->in($webRoot = sprintf('%s/../web', $this->jarves->getRootDir()))->followLinks()->exclude('cache')->exclude('bundles/jarves'); $query = trim($query); $regexSearch = true; $regex = '/' . str_replace(['\\*', '_'], ['.*', '.'], preg_quote($query, '/')) . '/'; if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.]+\\*?$/', $query)) { //onl query like 'test*'; $regexSearch = false; $query = rtrim($query, '*'); } /** @var SplFileInfo $file */ foreach ($finder as $file) { $path = substr($file->getPath() . '/' . $file->getFilename(), strlen($webRoot)); if ($regexSearch) { if (!preg_match($regex, $file->getFilename())) { continue; } } else { if (0 !== strpos($file->getFilename(), $query)) { continue; } } $result[] = ['path' => $path, '_label' => $path]; if (count($result) >= $max) { return $result; } } return $result; }
/** * @param array $files * @param string $includePath The directory where to compressed css is. with trailing slash! * * @return string */ public function compressCss(array $files, $includePath = '') { $webDir = realpath($this->jarves->getRootDir() . '/../web') . '/'; $content = ''; foreach ($files as $assetPath) { $cssFile = $this->jarves->resolvePublicWebPath($assetPath); //bundles/jarves/css/style.css $cssDir = dirname($cssFile) . '/'; //admin/css/... $cssDir = str_repeat('../', substr_count($includePath, '/')) . $cssDir; $content .= "\n\n/* file: {$assetPath} */\n\n"; if (file_exists($file = $webDir . $cssFile)) { $h = fopen($file, "r"); if ($h) { while (!feof($h) && $h) { $buffer = fgets($h, 4096); $buffer = preg_replace('/@import \'(?!.*:\\/\\/)([^\\/].*)\'/', '@import \'' . $cssDir . '$1\'', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('/@import "(?!.*:\\/\\/)([^\\/].*)"/', '@import "' . $cssDir . '$1"', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('/url\\(\'(?!.*:\\/\\/)([^\\/][^\\)]*)\'\\)/', 'url(\'' . $cssDir . '$1\')', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('/url\\(\\"(?!.*:\\/\\/)([^\\/][^\\)]*)\\"\\)/', 'url(\\"' . $cssDir . '$1\\")', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('/url\\((?!.*data:image)(?!.*:\\/\\/)([^\\/\'].*)\\)/', 'url(' . $cssDir . '$1)', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(array(' ', ' ', "\t", "\n", "\r"), '', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace(': ', ':', $buffer); $content .= $buffer; } fclose($h); } } else { $content .= '/* => `' . $cssFile . '` not exist. */'; } } return $content; }
/** * @param string $path * * @return AdapterInterface */ public function getAdapter($path = null) { $adapterServiceId = 'jarves.filesystem.adapter.local'; $params['root'] = realpath($this->jarves->getRootDir() . '/../web/'); if ($path && '/' !== $path[0]) { $path = '/' . $path; } if ($path != '/') { $sPos = strpos(substr($path, 1), '/'); if (false === $sPos) { $firstFolder = substr($path, 1); } else { $firstFolder = substr($path, 1, $sPos); } } else { $firstFolder = '/'; } if ('/' !== $firstFolder) { //todo $mounts = $this->jarvesConfig->getSystemConfig()->getMountPoints(true); //if firstFolder a mounted folder? if ($mounts && $mounts->hasMount($firstFolder)) { // $mountPoint = $mounts->getMount($firstFolder); // $adapterClass = $mountPoint->getClass(); // $params = $mountPoint->getParams(); // $mountName = $firstFolder; } else { $firstFolder = '/'; } } if (isset($this->adapterInstances[$firstFolder])) { return $this->adapterInstances[$firstFolder]; } $adapter = $this->newAdapter($adapterServiceId, $firstFolder, $params); $adapter->setMountPath($firstFolder); if ($adapter instanceof ContainerAwareInterface) { $adapter->setContainer($this->container); } $adapter->loadConfig(); return $this->adapterInstances[$firstFolder] = $adapter; }
/** * @ApiDoc( * section="Backend", * description="Prints all CSS files combined" * ) * * @Rest\Get("/admin/backend/css") * * @return string CCS */ public function loadCssAction() { $oFile = $this->jarves->getRootDir() . '/../web/cache/'; $md5String = ''; /** @var \Jarves\AssetHandler\Container $assetHandlerContainer */ $assetHandlerContainer = $this->container->get('jarves.asset_handler.container'); $files = []; foreach ($this->jarves->getConfigs() as $bundleConfig) { foreach ($bundleConfig->getAdminAssetsInfo() as $assetInfo) { if (!$assetInfo->isCompressionAllowed()) { continue; } if ($assetInfo->isStylesheet()) { $path = $this->jarves->resolveWebPath($assetInfo->getPath()); if (file_exists($path)) { $files[] = $assetInfo->getPath(); $md5String .= filemtime($path); } } if ($assetInfo->isScss()) { $path = $this->jarves->resolveWebPath($assetInfo->getPath()); if (file_exists($path)) { foreach ($assetHandlerContainer->compileAsset($assetInfo) as $subAssetInfo) { $files[] = $subAssetInfo->getPath(); } $md5String .= filemtime($path); } } } } $handle = @fopen($oFile, 'r'); $fileUpToDate = false; $md5Line = '/* ' . md5($md5String) . "*/\n"; if ($handle) { $line = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); if ($line == $md5Line) { $fileUpToDate = true; } } if (!$fileUpToDate) { $content = $this->utils->compressCss($files, $this->jarves->getAdminPrefix() . 'admin/backend/'); $content = $md5Line . $content; file_put_contents($oFile, $content); } $expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; $response = new Response(file_get_contents($oFile)); $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/css'); $response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public'); $response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'max-age=' . $expires); $response->headers->set('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT'); return $response; }
/** * @ApiDoc( * section="Bundle/Package Manager", * description="Returns a list of all local available bundles and packages" * ) * * @Rest\Get("/admin/system/bundle/manager/local") * * @return array */ public function getLocalAction() { $finder = new Finder(); $root = $this->jarves->getRootDir(); $finder->files()->ignoreUnreadableDirs()->name('*Bundle.php')->exclude('Jarves/vendor')->exclude('/\\/Test\\//')->exclude('/\\/Tests\\//'); if (file_exists($root . '/../vendor')) { $finder->in($root . '/../vendor'); } if (file_exists($root . '/../src')) { $finder->in($root . '/../src'); } return $this->getBundles($finder); }
/** * Extracts parent's class information. * * @internal * * @param $parentClass * @param $methods * * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected function extractParentClassInformation($parentClass, &$methods) { if (!class_exists($parentClass)) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(); } $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass); $root = realpath($this->jarves->getRootDir() . '/../'); // $parentPath = substr($reflection->getFileName(), strlen($root) + 1); $parentContent = explode("\n", file_get_contents($reflection->getFileName())); $parentReflection = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass); $methods2 = $parentReflection->getMethods(); foreach ($methods2 as $method) { if (isset($methods[$method->name])) { continue; } if ($method->class == $parentClass) { $code = ''; $startLine = $method->getStartLine(); $endLine = $method->getEndLine(); for ($i = $startLine - 1; $i < $method->getEndLine(); $i++) { $code .= @$parentContent[$i] . "\n"; if (strpos(@$parentContent[$i], '{')) { break; } } if ($doc = $method->getDocComment()) { $code = " {$doc}\n{$code}"; } $methods[$method->name] = str_replace("\r", '', $code); } } $parent = $parentReflection->getParentClass(); if ($parent) { $this->extractParentClassInformation($parent->name, $methods); } }