Exemple #1
  * @static
  * @param Node $pNode
  * @param array $pBoxedContents
 function installContents(Node $pNode, $pBoxedContents)
     if (!is_array($pBoxedContents)) {
      * 0: type74
      * 1: title
      * 2: template
      * 3: content
     foreach ($pBoxedContents as $boxId => $contents) {
         foreach ($contents as $content) {
             $oContent = new Content();
Exemple #2
 public function testNestedSubPermission()
     $tokenStorage = $this->getTokenStorage();
     $token = new UsernamePasswordToken(UserQuery::create()->findOneByUsername('test'), null, "main");
     $user = $this->getPageStack()->getUser();
     $this->assertEquals('test', $user->getUsername());
     $domain = DomainQuery::create()->findOne();
     $root = NodeQuery::create()->findRoot($domain->getId());
     $subNode = new Node();
     $subNode->setTitle('TestNode tree');
     $subNode2 = new Node();
     $subNode2->setTitle('TestNode sub');
     //make access for all
     $rule = new Acl();
     //revoke access for all children of `TestNode tree`
     $rule2 = new Acl();
     $rule2->setConstraintCode(json_encode(['title', '=', 'TestNode tree']));
     $node1RequestListing = ACLRequest::create('jarves/node', $subNode->getId())->onlyListingMode();
     $node2RequestListing = ACLRequest::create('jarves/node', $subNode2->getId())->onlyListingMode();
     $items = $this->getObjects()->getBranch('jarves/node', $subNode->getId(), null, 1, null, ['permissionCheck' => true]);
     $this->assertNull($items, 'rule2 revokes the access to all elements');
     $item = $this->getObjects()->get('jarves/node', $subNode2->getId(), ['permissionCheck' => true]);
     // Deactivate sub
     $items = $this->getObjects()->getBranch('jarves/node', $subNode->getId(), null, 1, null, ['permissionCheck' => true]);
     $this->assertEquals('TestNode sub', $items[0]['title'], 'We got TestNode sub');
     $item = $this->getObjects()->get('jarves/node', $subNode2->getId(), ['permissionCheck' => true]);
     $this->assertEquals('TestNode sub', $item['title'], 'We got TestNode sub');
     // Activate access
     $items = $this->getObjects()->getBranch('jarves/node', $subNode->getId(), null, 1, null, ['permissionCheck' => true]);
     $this->assertEquals('TestNode sub', $items[0]['title'], 'We got TestNode sub');
 protected function exportNode($position, Domain $domain, Node $node, ExportPointer $exportPointer)
     $data = $node->toArray(TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME);
     if (!$node->getUrn()) {
     $path = $node->getUrn();
     if ($node->getId() === $domain->getStartnodeId()) {
         $domain->setVirtualColumn('startnodePath', $path);
     $nodeData = $this->clearData($data, ['id', 'lft', 'rgt', 'lvl', 'pid', 'urn', 'domainId'], ['type' => 0, 'layout' => 'default', 'visible' => true]);
     $nodeData['sort'] = $position;
     $contents = $node->getContents();
     $contentsData = [];
     foreach ($contents as $content) {
         $contentData = $content->toArray(TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME);
         $jsonDecoded = json_decode($contentData['content'], true);
         if (JSON_ERROR_NONE === json_last_error()) {
             $contentData['content'] = $jsonDecoded;
         $contentData = $this->clearData($contentData, ['id', 'nodeId'], ['template' => 'JarvesBundle:Default:content.html.twig', 'type' => 'text']);
         $contentsData[] = $contentData;
     $nodeData['contents'] = $contentsData;
     $exportPointer->addData($nodeData, '.yml');
     foreach ($node->getChildren() as $idx => $child) {
         $this->exportNode($idx, $domain, $child, $exportPointer);
Exemple #4
 public function registerPluginRoutes(Node $page)
     $domain = $this->pageStack->getDomain($page->getDomainId());
     $this->stopwatch->start('Register Plugin Routes');
     //add all router to current router and fire sub-request
     $cacheKey = 'core/node/plugins-' . $page->getId();
     $plugins = $this->cacher->getDistributedCache($cacheKey);
     if (null === $plugins) {
         $plugins = ContentQuery::create()->filterByNodeId($page->getId())->filterByType('plugin')->find();
         $this->cacher->setDistributedCache($cacheKey, serialize($plugins));
     } else {
         $plugins = unserialize($plugins);
     /** @var $plugins Content[] */
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         if (!$plugin->getContent()) {
         $data = json_decode($plugin->getContent(), true);
         if (!$data) {
             $this->logger->alert(sprintf('On page `%s` [%d] is a invalid plugin `%d`.', $page->getTitle(), $page->getId(), $plugin->getId()));
         $bundleName = isset($data['module']) ? $data['module'] : @$data['bundle'];
         $config = $this->jarves->getConfig($bundleName);
         if (!$config) {
             $this->logger->alert(sprintf('Bundle `%s` for plugin `%s` on page `%s` [%d] does not not exist.', $bundleName, @$data['plugin'], $page->getTitle(), $page->getId()));
         $pluginDefinition = $config->getPlugin(@$data['plugin']);
         if (!$pluginDefinition) {
             $this->logger->alert(sprintf('In bundle `%s` the plugin `%s` on page `%s` [%d] does not not exist.', $bundleName, @$data['plugin'], $page->getTitle(), $page->getId()));
         if ($pluginRoutes = $pluginDefinition->getRoutes()) {
             foreach ($pluginRoutes as $idx => $route) {
                 $controller = $pluginDefinition->getController();
                 $defaults = array('_controller' => $route->getController() ?: $controller, '_jarves_is_plugin' => true, '_content' => $plugin, '_title' => sprintf('%s: %s', $bundleName, $pluginDefinition->getLabel()), 'options' => isset($data['options']) && is_array($data['options']) ? $data['options'] : [], 'jarvesFrontend' => true, 'nodeId' => $page->getId());
                 if ($route->getDefaults()) {
                     $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $route->getArrayDefaults());
                 $url = $this->pageStack->getRouteUrl($page->getId());
                 $this->routes->add('jarves_frontend_plugin_' . ($route->getId() ?: $plugin->getId()) . '_' . $idx, new SyRoute($url . '/' . $route->getPattern(), $defaults, $route->getArrayRequirements() ?: array(), [], '', [], $route->getMethods() ?: []));
     $this->stopwatch->stop('Register Plugin Routes');