Exemple #1
  * Load and extract our application development files
  * @return  void
 public static function extract()
     /* Are we IN_DEV (and does it matter)? */
     if (static::$checkInDev) {
         if (!defined('\\IPS\\IN_DEV') or !\IPS\IN_DEV) {
     /* Attempt to load our application */
     $thisApp = NULL;
     $applications = \IPS\Application::applications();
     foreach ($applications as $application) {
         if ($application->directory === static::$appDir) {
             $thisApp = $application;
     if (!$thisApp) {
         \IPS\Log::i(\LOG_ERR)->write('Error : Application ' . static::$appDir . ' not found', 'devpackager_error');
     /* Set our paths */
     $appPath = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [\IPS\ROOT_PATH, 'applications', $thisApp->directory]);
     $devPath = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$appPath, 'dev']);
     $devTar = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$appPath, 'data', 'dev.tar']);
     /* Load and extract our tarball */
     try {
         if (!is_dir($devPath)) {
             mkdir($devPath, 0777, true);
         $devFiles = new \PharData($devTar, 0, NULL, \Phar::TAR);
         $devFiles->extractTo($devPath, NULL, TRUE);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         \IPS\Log::i(\LOG_ERR)->write('Error : ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(), 'devpackager_error');
Exemple #2
  * Dynamic AdminCP menu generator for extensions
  * @return array
 public function acpMenu()
     $extensions = \IPS\faker\Faker::allExtensions();
     $menu = array();
     foreach ($extensions as $key => $extension) {
         $splitKey = explode('_', $key);
         /* What app is this extension for? */
         $app = property_exists($extension, 'app') ? $extension::$app : implode('_', array_slice($splitKey, 0, -1));
         /* Make sure the application is enabled */
         if (!\IPS\Application::appIsEnabled($app)) {
         /* Do we need to create a new category for this app? */
         if (!isset($menu[$app])) {
             $menu[$app] = array();
         $extName = implode('_', array_slice($splitKey, 1));
         $menu[$app][$extName] = array('tab' => 'faker', 'controller' => $extension::$_controller, 'do' => "manage&module=generator&extApp={$app}&extension={$extName}", 'restriction' => $extension::$acpRestriction);
     /* Append any misc. modules we want to display here */
     $origMenu = parent::acpMenu();
     $menu['tools'] = $origMenu['tools'];
     return $menu;
Exemple #3
  * Retrieve generator extensions
  * @param   string|null $generator The generator to retrieve extensions for, or NULL to retrieve all generators
  * @return  array
 public static function allExtensions($generator = NULL)
     /* Fetching extensions for a specific generator or all generators? */
     if ($generator === NULL) {
         $rawExtensions = array_merge(\IPS\Application::allExtensions('faker', static::NODES), \IPS\Application::allExtensions('faker', static::ITEMS), \IPS\Application::allExtensions('faker', static::COMMENTS), \IPS\Application::allExtensions('faker', static::ACTIVERECORDS));
     } else {
         $rawExtensions = \IPS\Application::allExtensions('faker', $generator);
     /* Update keys for extensions with explicitly defined apps */
     $extensions = array();
     foreach ($rawExtensions as $key => $extension) {
         if (property_exists($extension, 'app')) {
             $splitKey = explode('_', $key);
             $splitKey = array($extension::$app, end($splitKey));
             $key = implode('_', $splitKey);
         $extensions[$key] = $extension;
     return $extensions;