function fix_orientation($source, $name) { $imginfo = getimagesize($source); $requiredMemory1 = ceil($imginfo[0] * $imginfo[1] * 5.35); $requiredMemory2 = ceil($imginfo[0] * $imginfo[1] * ($imginfo['bits'] / 8) * $imginfo['channels'] * 2.5); $requiredMemory = (int) max($requiredMemory1, $requiredMemory2); $mem_avail = elgg_get_ini_setting_in_bytes('memory_limit'); $mem_used = memory_get_usage(); $mem_avail = $mem_avail - $mem_used - 2097152; // 2 MB buffer if ($requiredMemory > $mem_avail) { // we don't have enough memory for any manipulation // @TODO - we should only throw an error if the image needs rotating... //register_error(elgg_echo('image_orientation:toolarge')); return false; } elgg_load_library('imagine'); $name = uniqid() . $name; $tmp_location = elgg_get_config('dataroot') . 'image_orientation/' . $name; //@note - need to copy to a tmp_location as // imagine doesn't like images with no file extension copy($source, $tmp_location); try { $imagine = new Imagine(); $imagine->setMetadataReader(new ExifMetadataReader()); $autorotate = new Autorotate(); $autorotate->apply($imagine->open($tmp_location))->save($tmp_location); copy($tmp_location, $source); unlink($tmp_location); return true; } catch (Imagine\Exception\Exception $exc) { // fail silently, we don't need to rotate it bad enough to kill the script return false; } }
/** * @dataProvider provideMetadataAndRotations */ public function testApply($expectedRotation, MetadataBag $metadata) { $image = $this->getImage(); $image->expects($this->any())->method('metadata')->will($this->returnValue($metadata)); if (null === $expectedRotation) { $image->expects($this->never())->method('rotate'); } else { $image->expects($this->once())->method('rotate')->with($expectedRotation); } $filter = new Autorotate($this->getColor()); $filter->apply($image); }