public function __construct()
     //$this->beforeFilter(function(){  });
     $this->uriSegment = null;
     $this->modelName = null;
     $this->viewsPath = null;
     $this->resourceId = null;
     if (Route::input('alias') !== null) {
         $this->uriSegment = Route::input('alias');
         $this->viewsPath = File::exists(app_path('views/' . Config::get('reactiveadmin::uri') . '/' . $this->uriSegment)) ? Config::get('reactiveadmin::uri') . '.' . $this->uriSegment : 'reactiveadmin::default';
         $this->modelName = studly_case(str_singular(Route::input('alias')));
         $this->modelWrapper = App::make('model_wrapper');
         if (Route::input('id') !== null) {
             $this->resourceId = Route::input('id');
         View::share('config', $this->modelWrapper->getConfig());
         // TODO: refactor this!
         // custom behavior
         switch ($this->uriSegment) {
             case 'settings':
                 View::composer(array('admin.' . $this->viewsPath . '.index'), function ($view) {
                     $view->with('settings', Settings::all());
                 # code...
     View::share('view', $this->uriSegment);
     View::share('model', $this->modelName);
 function __construct()
     // share current route in all views
     View::share('current_url', Route::current()->getPath());
     // share current logged in user details all views
     View::share('current_user', $this->current_user());
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param \Closure                 $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
     $uri = $request->route()->getParameter('location');
     $page = Page::findByUri($uri);
     if (!$page) {
         $url = URL::findByLocation($uri);
         // The URL isn't in use or
         // The URL is in use and has a page - the page must not be visible to the current user
         // 404.
         if (!$url || !$url->getPage()->isVisible()) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException();
         // The url is in use but doesn't have a page.
         // The page must have been deleted.
         // 410.
         throw new GoneHttpException();
     if (Editor::isDisabled() && !$page->isVisible()) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     if (!$page->url()->is($uri)) {
         return redirect((string) $page->url(), 301);
     $request->route()->setParameter('page', $page);
     View::share('page', $page);
     return $next($request);
 public function __construct()
     //        $this->middleware('auth');
     // Fetch the Site Settings object
     $this->currentModelName = Lang::get('crud.shiaiCategory');
     View::share('currentModelName', $this->currentModelName);
 public function __construct()
     // Fetch the Site Settings object
     $this->currentModelName = Lang::get('crud.competitor');
     View::share('currentModelName', $this->currentModelName);
  * Setup the layout used by the controller.
  * @return void
 protected function setupLayout()
     $this->layout = View::make(Config::get('syntara::views.master'));
     $this->layout->title = 'VietSol CMS';
     $this->layout->breadcrumb = array();
     View::share('siteName', 'VietSol CMS');
Exemple #7
 public function process()
     View::share('steps', $this->getSteps());
     View::share('currentStage', $this);
     return View::make(INSTALLER_NAMESPACE . '::stage')->render();
 public function __construct()
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $groups = Auth::user()->groups();
         $menu = [];
         if (in_array('Administrator', $groups)) {
             $menu[] = ['text' => 'Sales', 'url' => '/sales'];
             $menu[] = ['text' => 'Create Sale', 'url' => '/sales/create'];
             $menu[] = ['text' => 'Admin', 'url' => '/admin'];
         } else {
             if (in_array('Agent', $groups)) {
                 $menu[] = ['text' => 'Create Sale', 'url' => '/sales/create'];
             } else {
                 if (in_array('QC', $groups)) {
                     $menu[] = ['text' => 'Sales', 'url' => '/sales'];
         $userRepo = new UserRepo();
         $e = $userRepo->findEmployee(Auth::user()->id);
         if ($e) {
             $this->employeeId = $e->id;
         View::share('myData', $e);
         View::share('menu', $menu);
         $id = Input::get('id');
         if ($id) {
             $this->userId = $id;
         } else {
             $this->userId = Auth::user()->id;
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Closure $next
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $setLocale = Session::get('setLocale');
     //flash data
     if (Config::get('app.locale_use_cookie')) {
         if ($setLocale) {
             Session::set('locale', $setLocale);
         if (Session::has('locale')) {
         } else {
     } else {
         if (Config::get('app.locale_use_url')) {
             if ($setLocale) {
             } else {
                 $lang = self::getLocaleFromURL();
                 if ($lang) {
                 } else {
                     if ($request->segment(1) != 'locale') {
                         //ignore set-locale URL
     View::share('lang', self::get());
Exemple #10
  * Displays the CMS interface with buttons for add page, settings, etc.
  * Called from an iframe when logged into the CMS.
  * The ID of the page which is being viewed is given as a URL paramater (e.g. /boomscms/editor/toolbar/<page ID>).
 public function getToolbar()
     $page = Page::find($this->request->input('page_id'));
     $toolbarFilename = $this->editor->isEnabled() ? 'toolbar' : 'toolbar_preview';
     View::share(['page' => $page, 'editor' => $this->editor, 'auth' => auth(), 'person' => auth()->user()]);
     return view("boomcms::editor.{$toolbarFilename}");
  * Creates a new DashScheduleController instance.
  * @return \CachetHQ\Cachet\Http\Controllers\DashScheduleController
 public function __construct()
     // TODO: Remove this from DashIncidentController, so it's shared?
     $this->subMenu = ['incidents' => ['title' => trans('dashboard.incidents.incidents'), 'url' => route('dashboard.incidents.index'), 'icon' => 'ion-android-checkmark-circle', 'active' => false], 'schedule' => ['title' => trans('dashboard.schedule.schedule'), 'url' => route('dashboard.schedule.index'), 'icon' => 'ion-android-calendar', 'active' => true]];
     View::share('sub_menu', $this->subMenu);
     View::share('sub_title', trans('dashboard.incidents.title'));
Exemple #12
 public function __construct()
     $this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on' => 'post'));
     // This should be moved. Think about a nice location
     View::share('playersMini', app('Metin2CMS\\Services\\HighscoreService')->players());
     View::share('guildsMini', app('Metin2CMS\\Services\\HighscoreService')->guilds());
 public function index()
     View::share(['title' => 'Permission', 'sideBar' => NavigatorHelper::getSideBarBE()]);
     $user = Session::get('user');
     $userRole = $user['role_id'];
     $role = Role::where('id', '!=', 1)->where('id', '!=', $userRole)->get(['id', 'name'])->toArray();
     return view('permission.list')->with(['role' => $role]);
 public function create()
     View::share(['title' => Lang::get('content.create account'), 'sideBar' => NavigatorHelper::getSideBarBE()]);
     $model = new Role();
     //Not display SA
     $role = $model->where('id', '!=', 1)->get();
     return view('account.create', compact('role', $role));
 public function index()
     View::share(['title' => 'Product management', 'sideBar' => NavigatorHelper::getSideBarBE()]);
     $type = Type::all(['id', 'name'])->toArray();
     $format = Format_cd::all(['id', 'name'])->toArray();
     $price_groups = Price_group::all(['id', 'name', 'root_price', 'price'])->toArray();
     return view('catalog.product.list')->with(['type' => $type, 'format' => $format, 'price_groups' => $price_groups]);
Exemple #16
 function __construct(ClientRepo $clientRepo, SellerRepo $sellerRepo)
     $this->clientRepo = $clientRepo;
     $this->sellerRepo = $sellerRepo;
     $properties = $this->groupedSelect();
     View::share('properties', $properties);
 public function __construct()
     if (Auth::user()) {
         $this->user = Auth::user();
     View::share('authUser', $this->user);
  * Setup the testing environment.
 public function setUp()
     // Share view errors to prevent undefined variable in views
     View::share('errors', Session::get('errors', new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag()));
     $this->artisan('migrate', ['--database' => 'testbench', '--path' => '../vendor/cartalyst/sentry/src/migrations']);
     $this->artisan('migrate', ['--database' => 'testbench', '--path' => __DIR__ . '/Migrations']);
 public function __construct()
     View::share('setting', Cache::get('setting'));
  * Register any other events for your application.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher  $events
  * @return void
 public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
     //get the current view name and set a var with its value
     view()->composer('*', function ($view) {
         $view_name = str_replace('.', '-', $view->getName());
         View::share('view_name', $view_name);
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     $favicon = Settings::getSettings()['favicon'];
     $logo = Settings::getSettings()['logo'];
     $parent_categories = Category::getCategoriesByPublish(1, 0, 1);
     View::share('favicon', $favicon);
     View::share('logo', $logo);
     View::share('parent_categories', $parent_categories);
  * @param $page
 private function setViewVariables($page)
     View::share('page', $page);
     View::share('title', $page->content->title);
     //only allow page edit in a page with a page_id
     View::share('allow_edit_page', $page->id ? true : false);
     View::share('breadcrumbs', \Cms\Models\Page::subPages($page->id));
 public function __construct()
     $models = Config::get('dashboard::models');
     if (Auth::pep__dashboard()->check()) {
         $user = Auth::pep__dashboard()->user();
         $models = array_intersect_key($models, array_flip($user->rights));
     View::share('models', $models);
 public function __construct()
     //Create nav
     $this->nav = array(Lang::get('') => route('settings'), Lang::get('cms::m.manage-users') => route('users'), 'Unsorted pages' => route('unsortedPages'));
     View::share("nav", $this->nav);
     View::share("title", false);
     //set default zero / false value for title
Exemple #25
  * Displays the CMS interface with buttons for add page, settings, etc.
  * Called from an iframe when logged into the CMS.
  * The ID of the page which is being viewed is given as a URL paramater (e.g. /cms/editor/toolbar/<page ID>).
 public function getToolbar()
     $page = Page::find($this->request->input('page_id'));
     View::share('page', $page);
     View::share('editor', $this->editor);
     $toolbarFilename = $this->editor->isEnabled() ? 'toolbar' : 'toolbar_preview';
     return view("boomcms::editor.{$toolbarFilename}");
Exemple #26
  * Displays the CMS interface with buttons for add page, settings, etc.
  * Called from an iframe when logged into the CMS.
 public function getToolbar(EditorObject $editor, Request $request)
     $page = PageFacade::find($request->input('page_id'));
     View::share(['page' => $page, 'editor' => $editor, 'auth' => auth(), 'person' => auth()->user()]);
     if ($editor->isHistory()) {
         return view('boomcms::editor.toolbar.history', ['previous' => $page->getCurrentVersion()->getPrevious(), 'next' => $page->getCurrentVersion()->getNext(), 'version' => $page->getCurrentVersion(), 'diff' => new Diff()]);
     $toolbarFilename = $editor->isEnabled() ? 'edit' : 'preview';
     return view("boomcms::editor.toolbar.{$toolbarFilename}");
 public function __construct(Auth $auth)
     $this->auth = $auth;
     if ($auth::guest()) {
         return redirect('auth.login');
     $this->currentUser = $auth::user();
     View::share('currentUser', $this->currentUser);
     View::share('eUnreadCount', $this->currentUser->emailsTo()->unread()->count());
Exemple #28
 public function __construct(Currency $currencyModel, Note $noteModel)
     $notes = $noteModel->getLastNote();
     if (count($notes) < 1) {
         $notes = false;
     $this->_glob = array('_note' => $notes, '_curr' => $currencyModel->getRate(), '_baseCurrency' => 'RUB', '_precision' => 2, '_countProductsOfPage' => Auth::User() ? Auth::User()->count_products : 100, '_maxCountProductsOfPage' => 500, '_alerts' => AbsentController::shortView());
     View::share('_glob', $this->_glob);
  * Execute an action on the controller.
  * @param  string  $method
  * @param  array   $parameters
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function callAction($method, $parameters)
     $user = Auth::user();
     $notification = app('Smile\\Repositories\\NotificationContract');
     View::share('unread', $notification->countUnOpened($user));
     View::share('notifications', $notification->search($user));
     View::share('categories', app('Smile\\Repositories\\CategoryContract')->allActive());
     View::share('featured', app('Smile\\Services\\PostService')->featured(10, $user));
     return parent::callAction($method, $parameters);
 public function __construct()
     if (Auth::user()) {
         $this->user = Auth::user();
         $this->datosempresa = User::find(Auth::user()->id)->empresa;
         View::share(['user' => $this->user]);
         View::share(['datosempresa' => $this->datosempresa]);