Exemple #1
  * Delete the directory with the filename and all files inside
  * Fire FileWasDeleted Event
 public function handle()
     if (Storage::exists($this->getFileDirectory())) {
     event(new FileWasDeleted($this->filename));
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
  * @throws ImageFailedException
  * @throws \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException
 public function store()
     $data = \Request::only(['user_id', 'category', 'description', 'amount', 'expense_date', 'file']);
     if (\Input::file('file')) {
         try {
             $filePath = \Input::file('file')->getRealPath();
             $ext = \Input::file('file')->guessClientExtension();
             $mimeType = \Input::file('file')->getMimeType();
             $newFilename = \App::environment() . '/expenses/' . str_random() . '.' . $ext;
             Storage::put($newFilename, file_get_contents($filePath), 'public');
             $data['file'] = $newFilename;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new ImageFailedException($e->getMessage());
     //Reformat from d/m/y to YYYY-MM-DD
     $data['expense_date'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('j/n/y', $data['expense_date']);
     if ($data['user_id'] != \Auth::user()->id) {
         throw new \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException('You can only submit expenses for yourself', new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag(['general' => 'You can only submit expenses for yourself']));
     $expense = $this->expenseRepository->create($data);
     event(new NewExpenseSubmitted($expense));
     return \Response::json($expense, 201);
 public function actualizar($id, Request $request)
     try {
         $rules = array('nombre' => array('required', 'string', 'min:5', 'unique:promociones,nombre' . $id), 'descripcion' => array('required', 'string', 'min:30'), 'imagen' => array('image', 'image_size:>=300,>=300'), 'inicio' => array('date'), 'fin' => array('date', 'after: inicio'));
         $this->validate($request, $rules);
         $registro = Promociones::find($id);
         $registro->nombre = \Input::get('nombre');
         $registro->descripcion = \Input::get('descripcion');
         if ($archivo = BRequest::file('foto')) {
             $foto = BRequest::file('imagen');
             $extension = $foto->getClientOriginalExtension();
             Storage::disk('image')->put($foto->getFilename() . '.' . $extension, File::get($foto));
             $registro->imagen = $foto->getFilename() . '.' . $extension;
         if ($inicio = \Input::get('inicio')) {
             $registro->inicio = \Input::get('inicio');
         if ($inicio = \Input::get('fin')) {
             $registro->fin = \Input::get('fin');
         return \Redirect::route('adminPromociones')->with('alerta', 'La promocion ha sido modificada con exito!');
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         return \Redirect::action('PromocionesCtrl@editar', array('id' => $id))->withInput()->withErrors($e->get_errors());
 public function add(Request $request)
     $name = Input::get('user_name');
     $id = Input::get('user_id');
     $text = Input::get('description');
     if ($request->hasFile('filefield')) {
         $file = $request->file('filefield');
         $entry = new Fileentry();
         $filename = time() . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         //			Image::make($file)->orientate()->save(public_path('recipe/'. $filename));
         Storage::disk('local')->put($file->getFileName() . '.' . $extension, File::get($file));
         $entry->mime = $file->getClientMimeType();
         $entry->original_filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $entry->filename = $file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension;
     $entry->user_name = $name;
     $entry->user_id = $id;
     $entry->description = $text;
     //		$file = Request::file('filefield');
     //		$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     //		Storage::disk('local')->put($file->getFilename().'.'.$extension,  File::get($file));
     //		$entry = new Fileentry();
     //		$entry->mime = $file->getClientMimeType();
     //		$entry->original_filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
     //		$entry->filename = $file->getFilename().'.'.$extension;
     //		$entry->user_name = $name;
     //		$entry->user_id = $id;
     //		$entry->description = $text;
     //		$entry->save();
     return redirect('/');
Exemple #5
  * Bootstrap the application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     Storage::extend('bos', function ($app, $config) {
         $client = new BosClient($config);
         return new Filesystem(new BosAdapter($client, $config));
Exemple #6
 public function add()
     $file = Request::file('file');
     if (Request::hasFile('file')) {
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         Storage::disk('local')->put($file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension, File::get($file));
         $entry = new \App\File();
         $entry->mime = $file->getClientMimeType();
         $entry->original_filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $entry->filename = $file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension;
         $part = new Part();
         $part->file_id = $entry->id;
         $part->name = Request::input('name');
         $part->sku = Request::input('sku');
         $part->make = Request::input('make');
         $part->year = Request::input('year');
         $part->condition = Request::input('condition');
         $part->description = Request::input('description');
         $part->price = Request::input('price');
         $part->imageurl = Request::input('imageurl');
         if (Request::has('price')) {
     return redirect('/admin/part');
Exemple #7
 protected function downloadFileInWindowsNT(TFFile $file)
     $client = new Client();
     try {
         $response = $client->get($file->source, ['verify' => false]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $error = 'TFDownloader: Downloading file failed, url is %s, msg is %s.';
         $error = sprintf($error, $file->source, $e->getMessage());
         $file->state = 'error';
         $file->error = $error;
     if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
         $location = 'file/' . $file->name;
         Storage::put($location, $response->getBody());
         $file->state = 'downloaded';
         $file->location = $location;
     } else {
         $error = 'TFDownloader: Bad HTTP response code in downloading videos, url is %s, status code is %d.';
         $error = sprintf($error, $file->source, $response->getStatusCode());
         $file->state = 'error';
         $file->error = $error;
 public function resize($image)
     $width = config('medias.max_size.width');
     $height = config('medias.max_size.height');
     // this orientate method needs to be called because sometimes
     // images uploaded came rotated, but need to be ajusted
     $img = $this->image->make(Storage::disk(config('medias.disk'))->get($image))->orientate();
     if ($img->width() <= $width && $img->height() <= $height) {
     if ($img->width() > $width && $img->height() > $height) {
         $img->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) {
         Storage::disk(config('medias.disk'))->put($image, $img->stream());
     if ($img->width() > $width) {
         $height = null;
     } elseif ($img->height() > $height) {
         $width = null;
     $img->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) {
     Storage::disk(config('medias.disk'))->put($image, $img->stream());
Exemple #9
function upload_file($file)
    $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
    $filename = $file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension;
    Storage::disk('local')->put($filename, File::get($file));
    return $filename;
Exemple #10
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['customer_id' => 'required|numeric', 'location' => 'required|max:100', 'name' => 'required|max:100', 'description' => 'required|max:150', 'content' => 'required|in:complete,modify', 'type' => 'required|in:file,url']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return redirect('admin/feeds/create')->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
     if ($request->hasFile('feed')) {
         $file = $request->file('feed');
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         Storage::disk('local')->put($file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension, File::get($file));
         //return Redirect::to('admin/users/create')
         //->withErrors(array('message' => 'Login field is required.'));
     //$input = $request->all();
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->customer_id = $request->customer_id;
     $feed->name = $request->name;
     $feed->location = $request->location;
     $feed->type = $request->type;
     $feed->content = $request->content;
     $feed->description = $request->description;
     //$feed = new Feed(Input::all())->save();
     Activity::log(Auth::user()->name . ' Add feed:' . $request->name);
     //Activity::log(Auth::user()->name.' Add file:'.$file->name);
     return redirect('admin/feeds');
Exemple #11
  * Execute the job.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     // get directory path from file
     $goalDirectory = pathinfo($this->path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
     // get all subdirectories
     $directories = Storage::disk('powerimage')->allDirectories($goalDirectory);
     // delete resized iamges
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if ($goalDirectory == '.') {
             // root directory
             $checkPath = $directory . '/' . $this->path;
         } else {
             // subdirectory
             $checkPath = str_replace($goalDirectory, $directory, $this->path);
         if (Storage::disk('powerimage')->exists($checkPath)) {
     // delete original image
     if (Storage::disk('powerimage')->exists($this->path)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #12
  * Rename the file directory to rename the file in the system
 public function handle()
     if (Storage::exists($this->getOldFileDirectory())) {
         Storage::move($this->getOldFileDirectory(), $this->getNewFileDirectory());
     event(new FileWasRenamed($this->from, $this->to));
Exemple #13
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $file = Request::file('xmlfile');
     $type = Input::get('type');
     $userid = Input::get('userid');
     $alpha = Input::get('alpha');
     $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     $oname = $file->getClientOriginalName();
     Storage::disk('local')->put("uploads/" . $file->getClientOriginalName(), File::get($file));
     $parser = new Parser();
     $contents = Storage::get("uploads/" . $file->getClientOriginalName());
     $rawxml = $parser->xml($contents);
     $importer = new Importer();
     if ($type == 'recipes') {
         $importer->parseRecipe($rawxml, $userid, $alpha, 1);
     if ($type == 'blocks') {
         $importer->parseBlocks($rawxml, $userid, $alpha, 1);
     if ($type == 'materials') {
         $importer->parseMaterial($rawxml, $userid, $alpha, 1);
     if ($type == 'items') {
         $importer->parseItems($rawxml, $userid, $alpha, 1);
     //Flash::success('You successfully imported a '.$type.' xml file for 7 Days to Die Alpha '.$alpha.'!');
     return view('pages.import');
 public function upload()
     $path = $this->folder . '/' . $this->newFileName;
     $content = file_get_contents($this->file->getRealPath());
     Storage::put($path, $content);
     return 'uploads/' . $path;
 public function get($filename)
     $entry = Fileentry::where('filename', '=', $filename)->firstOrFail();
     $file = Storage::disk('local')->get($entry->filename);
     //dd(Response($file, 200)->header('Content-Type', $entry->mine));
     return Response($file, 200)->header('Content-Type', $entry->mine);
Exemple #16
 public static function getLatest()
     return self::remember('latest', function () {
         $meta = json_decode(Storage::disk('local')->get('subtitles/meta.json'), true);
         return $meta['latest'];
 public function administraFotoPerfil($model, $file)
     if (!is_null($file) or !empty($file)) {
         if ($model->foto != '' and Storage::disk('assets')->has('perfil/' . $model->foto)) {
             Storage::disk('assets')->delete('perfil/' . $model->foto);
         if ($model->avatar != '' and Storage::disk('assets')->has('perfil/' . $model->avatar)) {
             Storage::disk('assets')->delete('perfil/' . $model->avatar);
         $extArquivo = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $nomeArquivo = 'CP.' . $model->company_id . '.ID.' . $model->id . '.T.' . Carbon::now()->timestamp . '.' . $extArquivo;
         $model->foto = $nomeArquivo;
         $model->avatar = 'AVT.' . $nomeArquivo;
         $img = Image::make($file);
         $img->resize(400, null, function ($constraint) {
         $img->crop(250, 250);
         $img->save(storage_path('app/assets/perfil/' . $nomeArquivo));
         $img->resize(60, null, function ($constraint) {
         $img->save(storage_path('app/assets/perfil/' . $model->avatar));
     return true;
 public function handle()
     switch ($this->argument('option')) {
         case 'slotitem':
             $this->info('Fetching lua table in kcwiki.moe...');
             $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->slotitem_url), true);
             $content = $data['query']['pages'][5462]['revisions'][0]['*'];
             $re = "/p.equipDataTb = \\{.*\\}/s";
             preg_match($re, $content, $match);
             $result = $match[0];
             $parsed = new LuaParser($result);
             $slotitems = $parsed->toArray()['p.equipDataTb'];
             $table = [];
             foreach ($slotitems as $i => $item) {
                 if (array_key_exists('中文名称', $item)) {
                     $table[intval($i)] = $item['中文名称'];
                 } else {
                     $name = array_key_exists('日文名称', $item) ? $item['日文名称'] : $i;
                     echo $name . " missing!\n";
             Storage::disk('local')->put('slotitem/chinese_name/all.json', json_encode($table));
 public function uploadW9(Request $request, $link, $app_name, $aff_code)
     $affiliate_row = Affiliate::where('external_link', '=', $link)->first();
     if ($affiliate_row == null) {
         return redirect('error');
     //$user_infusionsoft = UserInfusionsoft::where('app_name','=', $app_name)->first();
     $user_infusionsoft = $affiliate_row->infusionsoft_user;
     $app_infusionsoft = new iSDK();
     if (!$app_infusionsoft->cfgCon($user_infusionsoft->app_name, $user_infusionsoft->app_apikey)) {
         return redirect('error');
     $file = $request->file('w9file');
     if ($file) {
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $mimeType = $file->getMimeType();
         if (strtolower($extension) != 'pdf' || $mimeType != 'application/pdf') {
             return redirect(URL::to('aff/' . $link . '/' . $app_name . '/' . $aff_code))->with('error', 'You can upload pdf files only.');
         Storage::disk('local')->put($file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension, File::get($file));
         $affiliate_row->w9_file_original_name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $affiliate_row->w9_file = $file->getFilename() . '.' . $extension;
         return redirect(URL::to('aff/' . $link . '/' . $app_name . '/' . $aff_code))->with('success', 'Congratulations! Your W9 is uploaded.');
     return redirect(URL::to('aff/' . $link . '/' . $app_name . '/' . $aff_code))->with('error', 'No file is selected.');
Exemple #20
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $host = config('database.connections.mysql.host');
     $database = config('database.connections.mysql.database');
     $username = config('database.connections.mysql.username');
     $password = config('database.connections.mysql.password');
     $backupPath = config('backup.path');
     $cloudStorage = config('backup.cloud-storage');
     $cloudDisk = config('backup.cloud-disk');
     $cloudPath = config('backup.cloud-path');
     $keepLocal = config('backup.keep-local');
     $path = config('backup.path');
     $filename = $database . '_' . empty(trim($this->argument('filename'))) ? \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('YmdHis') : trim($this->argument('filename'));
     $mysqldumpCommand = "mysqldump -e -f -h {$host} -u {$username} -p{$password} {$database} > {$backupPath}{$filename}.sql";
     $this->info('Backup completed!');
     if ($cloudStorage) {
         $fileContents = file_get_contents("{$backupPath}{$filename}.sql");
         Storage::disk($cloudDisk)->put("{$cloudPath}{$filename}.sql", $fileContents);
         if (!$keepLocal) {
             $rmCommand = "rm {$backupPath}{$filename}.sql";
         $this->info('Backup uploaded to cloud storage!');
Exemple #21
  * User registration
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector|\Illuminate\View\View
 public function register(Request $request)
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $rules = ['first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', 'position' => 'required', 'phone' => 'phone:AM', 'username' => 'required|unique:users,username', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email', 'pass' => 'required|min:6|max:12', 'pass_confirmation' => 'required|min:6|max:12|same:pass', 'image' => 'mimes:jpeg,jpg,png'];
         Validator::make($request->all(), $rules)->validate();
         $user = new User();
         $user->first_name = $request->input('first_name');
         $user->last_name = $request->input('last_name');
         $user->position = $request->input('position');
         $user->role_id = 2;
         if ($request->has('phone')) {
             $user->phone = $request->input('phone');
         if (!empty($request->file("image"))) {
             $generated_string = str_random(32);
             $file = $request->file("image")->store('uploads');
             $new_file = $generated_string . '.' . $request->file("image")->getClientOriginalExtension();
             Storage::move($file, 'uploads/' . $new_file);
             $img = Image::make($request->file('image'));
             $img->crop(200, 200);
             $img->save(storage_path('app/public/uploads/' . $new_file));
             $user->image = $new_file;
         $user->username = $request->input('username');
         $user->email = $request->input('email');
         $user->password = Hash::make($request->input('pass'));
         $user->activation_token = str_random(32);
         return redirect('/');
     } else {
         return view('site.auth.register');
 public function getFileName($file, $folder, $mode)
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'default':
             $newFileName = str_random(10) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         case 'ai':
             $explodeFolder = explode('/', $folder);
             $lastFolder = end($explodeFolder);
             $files = Storage::files($folder);
             if (count($files) < 1) {
                 $newFileName = $lastFolder . '-1' . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             } else {
                 sort($files, SORT_NATURAL);
                 $fileName = explode('/', end($files));
                 $increment = explode('-', explode('.', end($fileName))[0])[1] + 1;
                 $newFileName = $lastFolder . '-' . $increment . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         case 'replace':
             $newFileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
     return $newFileName;
Exemple #23
  * Destroy file
  * Path is relative to /app directory
  * @param $filenamepath
 public function destroyFile($filenamepath)
     if (Storage::has($filenamepath)) {
         return Storage::delete($filenamepath);
     return true;
Exemple #24
 protected static function boot()
     static::created(function ($model) {
         $storage = Storage::disk('gallery');
         $path = 'galleries/' . str_slug($model->title);
         if (!$storage->exists($path)) {
             return true;
         return false;
     static::updating(function ($model) {
         $changed = $model->getDirty();
         $original = $model->getOriginal();
         $storage = Storage::disk('gallery');
         $existsPath = 'galleries/' . $changed['slug'];
         if (!$storage->exists($existsPath)) {
             $oldPath = public_path() . '/gallery_assets/galleries/' . $original['slug'];
             $newPath = public_path() . '/gallery_assets/galleries/' . $changed['slug'];
             if (rename($oldPath, $newPath)) {
                 $model->setAttribute('slug', $changed['slug']);
                 return true;
         return false;
     static::deleting(function ($model) {
         $storage = Storage::disk('gallery');
         $path = 'galleries/' . str_slug($model->title);
         if ($storage->exists($path)) {
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $person = new User();
     $person->first_name = $request->input('first-name');
     $person->last_name = $request->input('last-name');
     $person->email = $request->input('work-email');
     $person->personal_email = $request->input('personal-email');
     $person->password = Hash::make(uniqid());
     $person->address1 = $request->input('address-one');
     $person->address2 = $request->input('address-two');
     $person->zip = $request->input('postcode');
     $person->city = $request->input('city');
     $person->state = $request->input('state');
     $person->country = $request->input('country');
     $person->dob = Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $request->input('dob'))->toDateString();
     $person->work_telephone = $request->input('work-telephone');
     $person->personal_telephone = $request->input('personal-telephone');
     $person->gender = $request->input('gender');
     // Placeholder face until one is submitted
     $path = 'people/' . $person->id . '/face.jpg';
     \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage::put($path, file_get_contents('http://api.adorable.io/avatar/400/' . md5($person->id . $person->email . Carbon::now()->getTimestamp()) . ''));
     // Default job position
     $person->jobPositions()->attach(1, ['primary' => true]);
     // Default role
     $person->roles()->attach(1, ['primary' => true]);
     return redirect()->intended('/people/');
 public function getBaseUrl($file)
     switch (Storage::getDefaultDriver()) {
         case 'local':
             return Storage::getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix() . '/' . $file->id . '.' . $file->extension;
Exemple #27
 public static function lists()
     $templates = Storage::directories('resources/views/vendor/front');
     return array_map(function ($template) {
         return basename($template);
     }, $templates);
  * Save new email
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
 public function updateEmail(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['email' => 'required|email']);
     $email = $request->get("email");
     Storage::put('admin.txt', $email);
     return redirect("/");
 public function putContent(Request $request)
     $contents = $request->all();
     $file = Storage::put('filter.txt', $contents['keywords']);
     return redirect()->back();
Exemple #30
  * 文件上传
  * @throws \Exception
 public function upload()
     // 要上传的空间
     $bucket = "genffy";
     // 生成上传 Token
     $token = self::auth()->uploadToken($bucket);
     // 要上传文件的本地路径
     $floder = Storage::disk("local");
     $filePath = $floder->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix() . "头像.png";
     // 上传到七牛后保存的文件名
     $key = md5($filePath) . ".png";
     // 初始化 UploadManager 对象并进行文件的上传。
     $uploadMgr = new UploadManager();
     list($ret, $err) = $uploadMgr->putFile($token, $key, $filePath);
     echo "\n====> putFile result: \n";
     if ($err !== null) {
     } else {
         // 返回下载链接
         $time = time() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
         $url = self::QI_NIU_DOMAIN . $ret["key"] . "?e={$time}";
         $sign = hash_hmac('sha1', $url, self::getKey("secret"), true);
         $token = self::getKey("access") . ":" . self::urlsafe_base64_encode($sign);
         $realUrl = $url . "&token={$token}";
         echo "<a href='{$realUrl}' target='_blank'>头像</a>";