Exemple #1
  * Merges the dependencies class maps.
  * @param $vendor
 private function mergeComposerClassMap($vendor)
     if ($composerClassMap = $this->findComposerDirectory($vendor, 'autoload_classmap.php')) {
         $this->log->debug('Located autoload_classmap.php file', ['path' => $composerClassMap]);
         $classMap = (require $composerClassMap);
         if ($classMap) {
 public function __invoke(array $data) : array
     foreach ($data['prepared'] as $key => $value) {
         try {
             $json = json_decode((string) $this->request($value['data'])->getBody(), true);
             $searchId = $json['search_id'];
             $data['ongoing'][$key] = $value;
             $data['ongoing'][$key]['data'] = $searchId;
             $this->log->debug('Count has begun', ['date' => $key, 'searchId' => $searchId]);
         } catch (RequestException $e) {
              * This may happen. Just skip that query and move on.
             $this->log->warning('Count failed to begin', ['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'date' => $key, 'searchId' => $searchId]);
     return $data;
  * Execute the job
  * @param Log $log
  * @return void
 public function handle(Log $log)
     $log->debug("Handling check job for queue '{$this->queueName}', queued at {$this->startTime}");
     $status = QueueStatus::get($this->queueName);
     if (!$status) {
         $message = "Queue status was not found in cache, yet queued job ran; is the cache correctly configured?";
         $status = new QueueStatus($this->queueName, QueueStatus::ERROR, false);
     } elseif (!$status->isPending()) {
         $log->warning("Non-pending status for check for queue '{$this->queueName}' found in the cache; ignoring: " . $status);
     } elseif (!$status->getStartTime() || $status->getStartTime()->ne($this->startTime)) {
         $log->warning("Pending status for check for queue '{$this->queueName}' found in the cache with mismatching time (expected {$this->startTime}, found {$status->getStartTime()}); ignoring: " . $status);
     } else {
         $log->debug("Successful queue check for queue '{$this->queueName}'");
 protected function replayEvents()
     $allEvents = $this->getAllEvents();
     foreach ($allEvents as $eventRow) {
         $object = ['class' => str_replace('.', '\\', $eventRow->type), 'payload' => json_decode($eventRow->payload, true)['payload']];
         try {
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventRow->type, $this->serializer->deserialize($object));
         } catch (SerializedClassDoesNotExist $e) {
             if ($this->logger) {
                 $this->logger->debug("Event class does not exist: [{$object['class']}]");
Exemple #5
  * Updates a given package.
  * This is the wrong method if you are looking
  * for something like 'composer update'. Look
  * at the 'configurePackage' method instead.
  * @throws ComposerException
  * @param $packageName
  * @return mixed
 public function updatePackage($packageName)
     if (!$this->packageExists($packageName)) {
         return false;
     $newPackageLocation = $this->resolvePackagePath($packageName);
     $oldPackageLocation = $this->normalizePath($newPackageLocation . '_{updating_in_progress}');
     $installationInstructionsPath = $this->normalizePath($oldPackageLocation . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_newup_install_instructions');
     if ($this->files->exists($oldPackageLocation)) {
         $this->files->deleteDirectory($oldPackageLocation, false);
     $this->files->makeDirectory($oldPackageLocation, 0755, true);
     $this->files->copyDirectory($newPackageLocation, $oldPackageLocation);
     $this->files->deleteDirectory($newPackageLocation, false);
     // Retrieve the old installation instructions that were stored
     // when the package template was first installed.
     $installInstructions = $this->files->get($installationInstructionsPath);
     // Write updated initiated here in case of early failures.
     $this->writePackageUpdateInitiated($newPackageLocation, $installInstructions);
     try {
         // Write updated initiated here in case of failures during configuration.
         $this->writePackageUpdateInitiated($newPackageLocation, $installInstructions);
         $this->files->deleteDirectory($oldPackageLocation, false);
         $this->log->info('Updated package template', ['package' => $packageName]);
         // If we are at this point of the update process, we can safely assume that
         // it is okay to remove the update initiated file.
         return true;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // There was an issue updating the package. We will rollback.
         $this->files->deleteDirectory($newPackageLocation, false);
         $this->files->makeDirectory($newPackageLocation, 0755, true);
         $this->files->copyDirectory($oldPackageLocation, $newPackageLocation);
         $this->files->deleteDirectory($oldPackageLocation, false);
         $this->log->debug('Package updated failed', ['package' => $packageName, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'exception' => $e]);
         throw new ComposerException('There was an unexpected failure during the package update process.', $e->getCode(), $e);
Exemple #6
  * Checks the installation directory to make sure it is ready.
  * @throws InvalidInstallationDirectoryException
  * @throws PackageInstallationException
  * @param $directory
 private function checkInstallationDirectory($directory)
     if ($this->installationAttempts >= $this->breakAtInstallationAttempt) {
         $this->log->error('Installation directory checks failed at max attempts', ['attempts' => $this->installationAttempts]);
         throw new PackageInstallationException(null, "The package template could not be installed.");
     $files = $this->files->allFiles($directory);
     $directories = $this->files->directories($directory);
     if (count($files) == 0 && count($directories) == 0) {
     $directoriesReadable = true;
     $filesReadable = true;
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if (!$this->files->isReadable($directory)) {
             $this->log->error('Unreadable directory preventing Composer install', ['directory' => $directory]);
             $directoriesReadable = false;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!$this->files->isReadable($file->getPathname())) {
             $this->log->error('Unreadable file preventing Composer install', ['file' => $file]);
             $filesReadable = false;
     if (!$directoriesReadable || !$filesReadable) {
         $this->log->critical('Unreadable files/directories, cannot proceed with install.');
         throw new InvalidInstallationDirectoryException(null, "The installation directory ({$directory}) is not empty and could not be cleared due to a permissions issue. Please manually remove all files from the directory and try again.");
     if (!$this->files->isWritable($directory)) {
         $this->log->critical('Installation directory is not writeable by NewUp. Cannot proceed with install.', ['directory' => $directory, 'permissions' => fileperms($directory)]);
         throw new InvalidInstallationDirectoryException(null, "The installation directory ({$directory}) is not writeable by the NewUp process.");
     // At this point, there is no clear reason why the preparation
     // did not succeed. Because of this, we will try again.
     $this->log->debug('Installation attempt incremented', ['directory' => $directory, 'attempt' => $this->installationAttempts]);
  * @param DomainMessage $domainMessage
 public function handle(DomainMessage $domainMessage)
     $name = explode('.', $domainMessage->getType());
     $name = preg_replace('/(?!^)[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z])|[A-Z][a-z]/', ' $0', end($name));
     $this->log->debug(trim(ucwords($name)) . " ({$domainMessage->getType()})");
Exemple #8
  * Marks the last started query as stopped. This can be used for timing of queries.
  * @return void
 public function stopQuery()
     $this->logger->debug($this->getQuery(), [$this->getExecutionTime()]);