  * @return CsrfProtectionEngine
 public static function getEngine()
     $engine = Registry::get('hyperframework.web.csrf_protection_engine');
     if ($engine === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.web.csrf_protection.engine_class', CsrfProtectionEngine::class);
         $engine = new $class();
     return $engine;
  * @return ResponseEngine
 public static function getEngine()
     $engine = Registry::get('hyperframework.web.response_engine');
     if ($engine === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.web.response_engine_class', ResponseEngine::class);
         $engine = new $class();
     return $engine;
  * @return void
 protected function writeLog()
     if ($this->isLoggerEnabled() === false) {
     $logLevel = $this->getLogLevel();
     $callback = function () {
         return $this->getLog();
     $loggerClass = Config::getClass('hyperframework.error_handler.logger_class', Logger::class);
     $loggerClass::log($logLevel, $callback);
  * @return void
 protected function renderErrorView()
     $error = $this->getError();
     if ($error instanceof HttpException) {
         $statusCode = $error->getStatusCode();
         $statusReasonPhrase = $error->getStatusReasonPhrase();
     } else {
         $statusCode = 500;
         $statusReasonPhrase = 'Internal Server Error';
     $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.web.error_view.class', ErrorView::class);
     $view = new $class();
     $view->render($statusCode, $statusReasonPhrase, $error);
  * @param string $name
  * @return DbConnection
 public function createConnection($name = null)
     $config = $this->getConfig($name);
     if (isset($config['dsn']) === false) {
         $errorMessage = "Field 'dsn' is missing in database connection config";
         if ($name !== null) {
             $errorMessage .= " '{$name}'";
         throw new ConfigException($errorMessage . '.');
     $username = isset($config['username']) ? $config['username'] : null;
     $password = isset($config['password']) ? $config['password'] : null;
     $options = isset($config['options']) ? $config['options'] : [];
     $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.db.connection_class', DbConnection::class);
     $connection = new $class($name, $config['dsn'], $username, $password, $options);
     return $connection;
  * @return Router
 public function getRouter()
     if ($this->router === null) {
         $configName = 'hyperframework.web.router_class';
         $class = Config::getClass($configName);
         if ($class === null) {
             $class = 'Router';
             $namespace = Config::getAppRootNamespace();
             if ($namespace !== '' && $namespace !== '\\') {
                 $class = NamespaceCombiner::combine($namespace, $class);
             if (class_exists($class) === false) {
                 throw new ClassNotFoundException("Router class '{$class}' does not exist," . " can be changed using config '{$configName}'.");
         $this->router = new $class($this);
     return $this->router;
  * @return string
 public function getName()
     if ($this->name !== null) {
         return $this->name;
     $words = [];
     $word = '';
     $length = strlen($this->parameterName);
     for ($index = 0; $index < $length; ++$index) {
         $char = $this->parameterName[$index];
         $ascii = ord($char);
         if ($char !== '_' && ($ascii < 65 || $ascii > 90)) {
             $word .= $this->parameterName[$index];
         } else {
             if ($word !== '') {
                 $words[] = $word;
                 $word = '';
             if ($char !== '_') {
                 $word = strtolower($char);
     if ($word !== '') {
         if ($this->isRepeatable() && ctype_alpha($word)) {
             if ($word !== 'list') {
                 $inflectorClass = Config::getClass('hyperframework.inflector_class', Inflector::class);
                 $words[] = $inflectorClass::singularize($word);
             } elseif (count($words) === 0) {
                 $words[] = 'element';
         } else {
             $words[] = $word;
     $this->name = implode('-', $words);
     return $this->name;
  * @return LoggerEngine
 public static function getEngine()
     $engine = Registry::get('hyperframework.logging.logger_engine');
     if ($engine === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.logging.logger_engine_class', LoggerEngine::class);
         $engine = new $class();
     return $engine;
  * @return LogWriter
 protected function getWriter()
     if ($this->writer === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.logging.log_writer_class', LogWriter::class);
         $this->writer = new $class();
     return $this->writer;
  * @param array $configs
  * @param string $subcommandName
  * @return MutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfig[]
 private function parseMutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfigs($configs, $subcommandName = null)
     if ($this->mutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfigParser === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.cli.' . 'mutually_exclusive_option_group_config_parser_class', MutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfigParser::class);
         $this->mutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfigParser = new $class();
     return $this->mutuallyExclusiveOptionGroupConfigParser->parse($configs, $this->getOptionConfigIndex($subcommandName), $this->isMultipleCommandMode(), $subcommandName);
  * @return DbConnectionFactory
 private function getConnectionFactory()
     if ($this->connectionFactory === null) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.db.connection_factory_class', DbConnectionFactory::class);
         $this->connectionFactory = new $class();
     return $this->connectionFactory;
  * @param mixed $viewModel
  * @return View
 public static function createView($viewModel = null)
     $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.web.view.class', View::class);
     return new $class($viewModel);
  * @return void
 private function getProfileHandler()
     if ($this->isProfileHandlerInitialized === false) {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.db.operation_profiler.profile_handler_class');
         if ($class !== null) {
             $this->profileHandler = new $class();
         $this->isProfileHandlerInitialized = true;
     return $this->profileHandler;
Exemple #14
  * @return array
 protected function parseCommand()
     try {
         $class = Config::getClass('hyperframework.cli.command_parser_class', CommandParser::class);
         $commandConfig = $this->getCommandConfig();
         $commandParser = new $class();
         return $commandParser->parse($commandConfig);
     } catch (CommandParsingException $e) {
  * @param string $pattern
  * @param array $options
  * @return bool
 protected function matchResources($pattern, $options = [])
     if (preg_match('#[:*]id($|[/{])#', $pattern) !== 0) {
         throw new RoutingException("Invalid pattern '{$pattern}', " . "dynamic segment ':id' is reserved.");
     if (isset($options[':id'])) {
         throw new RoutingException("Invalid option ':id', " . "use option 'id' to change the pattern of element id.");
     if (isset($options['id'])) {
         $options[':id'] = $options['id'];
     } else {
         $options[':id'] = '\\d+';
     $actionOptions = ['default_actions', 'element_acitons', 'collection_actions'];
     foreach ($actionOptions as $actionOption) {
         if (isset($options[$actionOption]) && is_array($options[$actionOption]) === false) {
             throw new RoutingException("Option '{$actionOption}' must be an array, " . gettype($options[$actionOption]) . ' given.');
     if (isset($options['default_actions']) === false) {
         $defaultActions = ['index' => ['GET', '/', 'belongs_to' => 'collection'], 'new' => ['belongs_to' => 'collection'], 'create' => ['POST', '/', 'belongs_to' => 'collection'], 'show' => ['GET', '/', 'belongs_to' => 'element'], 'edit' => ['belongs_to' => 'element'], 'update' => [['PATCH', 'PUT'], '/', 'belongs_to' => 'element'], 'delete' => ['DELETE', '/', 'belongs_to' => 'element']];
     } else {
         $defaultActions = $options['default_actions'];
         foreach ($defaultActions as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($value['belongs_to']) === false) {
                 throw new RoutingException("Default action '{$key}' is invalid, " . "because property 'belongs_to' is missing.");
             if ($value['belongs_to'] !== 'collection' && $value['belongs_to'] !== 'element') {
                 throw new RoutingException("Default action '{$key}' is invalid, " . "the value of property 'belongs_to'" . " must be equal to 'collection' or 'element'.");
     if (isset($options['collection_actions'])) {
         foreach ($options['collection_actions'] as $key => $value) {
             if (is_int($key)) {
                 if (isset($defaultActions[$value])) {
                     $action = $defaultActions[$value];
                     if ($action['belongs_to'] === 'element') {
                         $options['collection_actions'][$value] = [];
         $options['actions'] = $options['collection_actions'];
     } else {
         $options['actions'] = [];
         foreach ($defaultActions as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['belongs_to'] === 'collection') {
                 $actionName = $value;
                 if (is_int($key)) {
                     $options['actions'][] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $options['actions'][] = $key;
     if (isset($options['element_actions'])) {
         $actions = $this->convertElementActionsToCollectionActions($options['element_actions'], $defaultActions);
         $options['actions'] = array_merge($options['actions'], $actions);
     } else {
         foreach ($defaultActions as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['belongs_to'] === 'element') {
                 if (is_int($key)) {
                     $options['actions'][] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $options['actions'][] = $key;
     $options['default_actions'] = $this->convertElementActionsToCollectionActions($defaultActions, null, true);
     $isMatched = $this->matchResource($pattern, $options);
     if ($isMatched) {
         $controller = (string) $this->getController();
         if ($controller === '') {
             return true;
         $hyphenPosition = strrpos($controller, '-');
         $underscorePosiiton = strrpos($controller, '_');
         $separatorPosition = $hyphenPosition;
         if ($hyphenPosition < $underscorePosiiton) {
             $separatorPosition = $underscorePosiiton;
         $controllerPrefix = '';
         $controllerLastWord = $controller;
         if ($separatorPosition > 0) {
             $controllerPrefix = substr($controller, 0, $separatorPosition + 1);
             $controllerLastWord = substr($controller, $separatorPosition + 1);
             if ($controllerLastWord === '') {
                 return true;
         $inflectorClass = Config::getClass('hyperframework.inflector_class', Inflector::class);
         $controllerLastWord = $inflectorClass::singularize($controllerLastWord);
         $this->setController($controllerPrefix . $controllerLastWord);
     return $isMatched;