Exemple #1
  * Handles view events for latex files
  * @param   \Hubzero\Filesystem\Collection  $collection  The file collection to view
  * @return  void
 public function onHandleView(\Hubzero\Filesystem\Collection $collection)
     if (!$this->canHandle($collection)) {
         return false;
     $file = $collection->findFirstWithExtension('tex');
     // Create view
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(['folder' => 'handlers', 'element' => 'latex', 'name' => 'latex', 'layout' => 'view']);
     // Build path for storing temp previews
     $outputDir = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->params->get('compile_dir', 'site/latex/compiled'), DS);
     $adapter = Manager::adapter('local', ['path' => $outputDir]);
     $uniqid = md5(uniqid());
     $temp = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.tex', $adapter);
     // Clean up data from Windows characters - important!
     $data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $file->read());
     // Store file locally
     // Build the command
     $command = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath', '/usr/bin/pdflatex'), DS);
     $command .= ' -output-directory=' . $outputDir . ' -interaction=batchmode ' . escapeshellarg($temp->getAbsolutePath());
     // Exec and capture output
     exec($command, $out);
     $compiled = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.pdf', $adapter);
     $log = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.log', $adapter);
     if (!$compiled->size()) {
     // Read log (to show in case of error)
     if ($log->size()) {
         $view->log = $log->read();
     $view->compiled = $compiled;
     return $view;