Exemple #1
 public function user()
     $saveTime = Config::getConfig('save_account_time') + Config::getConfig('max_remember_time') * 2;
     $saveDay = $saveTime / 86400;
     $sql = "SELECT `u`.`uid`, `s`.`name` FROM `user` `u`\n                LEFT JOIN `student` `s` ON `s`.`sid` = `u`.`uid`\n                WHERE `u`.`rank` < ?\n                AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$saveDay} DAY) >= DATE(`u`.`lastTime`)";
     if (!($users = Mysql::execute($sql, array(Config::RANK_ADMIN)))) {
     $names = array();
     $cache = new Cache('auth');
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $names[] = $user['name'];
         $tokens = $cache->smembers($user['uid']);
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             $cache->hdelete('token', $token);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `rank` < ?\n                AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$saveDay} DAY) >= DATE(`lastTime`)";
     Mysql::execute($sql, array(Config::RANK_ADMIN));
     return '删除用户' . implode('、', $names);
Exemple #2
 public function update()
     $oldPasswd = \Hnust\input('oldPasswd');
     $newPasswd = \Hnust\input('newPasswd');
     $mail = \Hnust\input('mail');
     $phone = \Hnust\input('phone');
     if (!empty($oldPasswd) && !empty($newPasswd)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `passwd` = ? LIMIT 1';
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid, \Hnust\passwdEncrypt($this->uid, $oldPasswd)));
         if (empty($result)) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `error` = (`error` + 1) WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
             Mysql::execute($sql, array($this->uid));
             $this->code = Config::RETURN_ALERT;
             $this->msg = '原密码错误';
             return false;
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM `weak` WHERE `md5` = ? LIMIT 1';
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($newPasswd));
         if ('0' != $result[0]['count']) {
             $this->code = Config::RETURN_ALERT;
             $this->msg = '您的密码过于简单';
             return false;
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `passwd` = ?, `error` = 0 WHERE `uid` = ?';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array(\Hnust\passwdEncrypt($this->uid, $newPasswd), $this->uid));
         $tokens = $this->authCache->smembers($this->uid);
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if ($token === $this->token) {
             $this->authCache->hdelete('token', $token);
             $this->authCache->sdelete($this->uid, $token);
         $this->data = '修改成功,请牢记您的密码';
     $sql = "UPDATE `user` `u`,`student` `s`\n                SET `s`.`mail` = IF(? = '', `s`.`mail`, ?),\n                    `s`.`phone` = IF(length(?) <> 11, `s`.`phone`, ?)\n                WHERE `s`.`sid` = `u`.`uid` AND `u`.`uid` = ?";
     Mysql::execute($sql, array($mail, $mail, $phone, $phone, $this->uid));
     $this->msg = '系统提示';
     $this->data = empty($this->data) ? '已保存您的修改' : $this->data;
     $this->code = Config::RETURN_CONFIRM;
     return true;
Exemple #3
 public static function wechat($uid, $type, $data)
     return Wechat::sendMsg($uid, $type, $data);
Exemple #4
 public function follow()
     $info = Wechat::getUser($this->uid, false);
     if (!empty($info) && is_array($info)) {
         $wid = empty($info['weixinid']) ? '' : $info['weixinid'];
         $status = empty($info['status']) ? -1 : $info['status'];
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `weixin`(`uid`, `wid`, `status`) VALUES(?, ?, ?)\n                       ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `wid` = IF(? = '', `wid`, ?), `status` = ?";
         $sqlArr = array($this->uid, $wid, $status, $wid, $wid, $status);
         Mysql::execute($sql, $sqlArr);
Exemple #5
 public function user()
     $type = \Hnust\input('type');
     $uid = \Hnust\input('uid');
     if ('add' === $type) {
         $rank = \Hnust\input('rank');
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM\n                    (SELECT COUNT(*) `user` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = ?) `a` ,\n                    (SELECT COUNT(*) `student` FROM `student` WHERE `sid` = ?) `b`";
         $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($uid, $uid));
         if (empty($result)) {
             return $this->msg = '添加失败';
         } elseif ($result[0]['user'] > 0) {
             return $this->msg = '添加失败,用户已存在';
         } elseif ($result[0]['student'] <= 0) {
             return $this->msg = '添加失败,未找到对应学号';
         $randPasswd = \Hnust\randStr(6);
         $passwd = \Hnust\passwdEncrypt($uid, md5($randPasswd));
         do {
             $apiToken = \Hnust\randStr(32);
             $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM `user` WHERE `apiToken` = ? ';
             $result = Mysql::execute($sql, array($apiToken));
         } while ('0' != $result[0]['count']);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `user`(\n                      `uid`, `inviter`, `passwd`, `apiToken`,\n                      `lastTime`, `regTime`, `rank`\n                    ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)";
         $sqlArr = array($uid, $this->uid, $passwd, $apiToken, $rank);
         if (Mysql::execute($sql, $sqlArr)) {
             $push = new \Hnust\Analyse\Push();
             $push->add($uid, 1, '系统安全提示:', '您的密码过弱,请立即修改密码!', '#/user');
             $this->msg = '成功添加网站用户';
             $this->data = "新用户 {$uid} 的密码为 {$randPasswd}";
         } else {
             $this->msg = '添加失败,数据库有误';
     } elseif ('unlock' === $type) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `error` = 0 WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($uid));
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_NORMAL;
     } elseif ('change' === $type) {
         $rank = \Hnust\input('rank');
         if ($this->uid == $uid) {
             return $this->msg = '不能修改自己的权限';
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `rank` = ? WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($rank, $uid));
         $this->code = Config::RETURN_NORMAL;
     } elseif ('reset' === $type) {
         $randPasswd = \Hnust\randStr(6);
         $passwd = \Hnust\passwdEncrypt($uid, md5($randPasswd));
         $sql = 'UPDATE `user` SET `passwd` = ?, `error` = 0 WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($passwd, $uid));
         $this->msg = '重置密码成功';
         $this->data = "已成功重置用户密码为{$randPasswd}";
     } elseif ('delete' === $type) {
         if ($uid == $this->uid) {
             return $this->msg = '不能删除自己';
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = ? LIMIT 1';
         Mysql::execute($sql, array($uid));
         $this->msg = '删除成功';
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT `u`.`uid`, `s1`.`name`, `s2`.`name` `inviter`,\n                      `u`.`webCount`, `u`.`wxCount`, `u`.`apiCount`,\n                      `u`.`error`, `u`.`rank`, `u`.`lastTime`, `u`.`regTime`,\n                      `wx`.`wid`, `wx`.`status` `wxStatus`,\n                      IF(`wx`.`time` IS NULL, '', `wx`.`time`) `wxTime`\n                    FROM `user` `u`\n                    LEFT JOIN `student` `s1` ON `s1`.`sid` = `u`.`uid`\n                    LEFT JOIN `student` `s2` ON `s2`.`sid` = `u`.`inviter`\n                    LEFT JOIN `weixin`  `wx` ON `wx`.`uid` = `u`.`uid`";
         $this->data = Mysql::execute($sql);
         $maxError = Config::getConfig('max_passwd_error');
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->data); $i++) {
             $this->data[$i]['count'] = $this->data[$i]['webCount'] + $this->data[$i]['wxCount'] + $this->data[$i]['apiCount'];
             if ('0' == $this->data[$i]['error']) {
                 $this->data[$i]['state'] = '正常';
             } elseif ($maxError == $this->data[$i]['error']) {
                 $this->data[$i]['state'] = '冻结';
             } else {
                 $this->data[$i]['state'] = "{$this->data[$i]['error']}次错误";