Exemple #1
 public static function swap(DAOConnected $first, DAOConnected $second, $property = 'position')
     Assert::isTrue(get_class($first) === get_class($second));
     $setMethod = 'set' . ucfirst($property);
     $getMethod = 'get' . ucfirst($property);
     Assert::isTrue(method_exists($first, $setMethod) && method_exists($first, $getMethod));
     /** @var StorableDAO $dao */
     $dao = $first->dao();
     $db = DBPool::me()->getByDao($dao);
     $oldPosition = $first->{$getMethod}();
     $newPosition = $second->{$getMethod}();
     $e = null;
     try {
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     $dao->uncacheByIds([$first->getId(), $second->getId()]);
     if ($e) {
         throw $e;
Exemple #2
 public static function eq(Query $query, $prefix = null)
     if ($prefix === null) {
         $trace = debug_backtrace();
         $prefix = basename($trace[0]['file']) . ':' . $trace[0]['line'];
     error_log($prefix . ": " . $query->toDialectString(DBPool::me()->getLink()->getDialect()));
 private function checkEnumerationReferentialIntegrity($enumeration, $tableName)
     Assert::isTrue($enumeration instanceof Enumeration || $enumeration instanceof Enum || $enumeration instanceof Registry, 'argument enumeation must be instacne of Enumeration or Enum! gived, "' . gettype($enumeration) . '"');
     $updateQueries = null;
     $db = DBPool::me()->getLink();
     $class = get_class($enumeration);
     $ids = [];
     if ($enumeration instanceof Enumeration) {
         $list = $enumeration->getList();
     } elseif ($enumeration instanceof Enum) {
         $list = ClassUtils::callStaticMethod($class . '::getList');
     } elseif ($enumeration instanceof Registry) {
         $list = ClassUtils::callStaticMethod($class . '::getList');
     foreach ($list as $enumerationObject) {
         $ids[$enumerationObject->getId()] = $enumerationObject->getName();
     $rows = $db->querySet(OSQL::select()->from($tableName)->multiGet('id', 'name'));
     echo "\n";
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (!isset($ids[$row['id']])) {
             echo "Class '{$class}', strange id: {$row['id']} found. \n";
         } else {
             if ($ids[$row['id']] != $row['name']) {
                 echo "Class '{$class}',id: {$row['id']} sync names. \n";
                 $updateQueries .= OSQL::update($tableName)->set('name', $ids[$row['id']])->where(Expression::eq('id', $row['id']))->toDialectString($db->getDialect()) . ";\n";
     foreach ($ids as $id => $name) {
         echo "Class '{$class}', id: {$id} not present in database. \n";
     echo $updateQueries;
     return $this;
 public function getCustomRowList(SelectQuery $query, $expires = Cache::DO_NOT_CACHE)
     if ($query->getFieldsCount() !== 1) {
         throw new WrongArgumentException('you should select only one row when using this method');
     if ($expires !== Cache::DO_NOT_CACHE && ($list = $this->getCachedByQuery($query))) {
         if ($list === Cache::NOT_FOUND) {
             throw new CachedObjectNotFoundException();
         return $list;
     } elseif ($list = DBPool::getByDao($this->dao)->queryColumn($query)) {
         if (Cache::DO_NOT_CACHE === $expires) {
             return $list;
         } else {
             return $this->cacheByQuery($query, $list, $expires);
     } else {
         throw new ObjectNotFoundException("empty list" . (defined('__LOCAL_DEBUG__') ? " for such query - " . $query->toDialectString(DBPool::me()->getByDao($this->dao)->getDialect()) : null));