echo "<div class='col-xs-12'>";
    // Display total replys
    // Display total topic replys
    echo "<div class='btn btn-info btn-xs'>";
    echo "Replies <span class='badge'>{$row2->total_topic_replys}</span>";
    echo "</div>";
    // Display total sweets
    echo Sweets::getTotalSweets($f_p_id, 'Forum_Topic', 'Forum_Topic_Reply');
    // Display total views
    echo "<div class='btn btn-info btn-xs'> Views <span class='badge'>";
    echo PageViews::views('false', $f_p_id, 'Forum_Topic', $data['current_userID']);
    echo "</span></div>";
    // Check to see if there has been a reply for this topic.  If not then don't show anything.
    if (isset($row2->LR_UserID)) {
        // Display Last Reply User Name
        $rp_user_name2 = CurrentUserData::getUserName($row2->LR_UserID);
        //Display how long ago this was posted
        echo "<Br> Last Reply by <a href='" . DIR . "Profile/{$row2->LR_UserID}/' style='font-weight: bold'>{$rp_user_name2}</a> " . TimeDiff::dateDiff("now", "{$row2->LR_TimeStamp}", 1) . " ago ";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div></td></tr>";
// End query
echo "</table>";
// Display Create New Topic Button if user is logged in
if (isset($data['current_userID'])) {
    echo "<a class='btn btn-sm btn-success' href='" . DIR . "NewTopic/" . $data['current_topic_id'] . "'>";
    echo "Create New Topic";
    echo "</a>";
    if (!isset($rp_timestamp2)) {
        echo "<ul class='list-group-item'>";
        echo "<a href='" . DIR . "Profile/{$f_p_user_id}/'>{$f_p_user_name}</a> created.. <br>";
        echo "<strong>";
        echo "<a href='" . DIR . "Topic/{$f_p_id}/' title='{$f_p_title}' ALT='{$f_p_title}'>{$f_p_title}</a>";
        echo "</strong>";
        echo "<br>";
        //Display how long ago this was posted
        $timestart = $f_p_timestamp;
        //Time of post
        echo " <font color=green> " . TimeDiff::dateDiff("now", "{$timestart}", 1) . " ago</font> ";
        //echo "($f_p_timestamp)"; // Test timestamp
        unset($timestart, $f_p_timestamp);
        echo "</ul>";
    } else {
        $rp_user_name2 = CurrentUserData::getUserName($rp_user_id2);
        //If reply show the following
        echo "<ul class='list-group-item'>";
        echo "<a href='" . DIR . "Profile/{$rp_user_id2}/'>{$rp_user_name2}</a> posted on.. <br>";
        echo "<strong>";
        echo "<a href='" . DIR . "Topic/{$f_p_id}/' title='{$f_p_title}' ALT='{$f_p_title}'>{$f_p_title}</a>";
        echo "</strong>";
        //Display how long ago this was posted
        $timestart = $rp_timestamp2;
        //Time of post
        echo "<br><font color=green> " . TimeDiff::dateDiff("now", "{$timestart}", 1) . " ago</font> ";
        unset($timestart, $rp_timestamp2);
        echo "</ul>";
    // End reply check
     echo "</div>";
 foreach ($data['topic_replys'] as $row) {
     $rf_p_main_id = $row->id;
     $rf_p_id = $row->fpr_post_id;
     $rf_p_id_cat = $row->fpr_id;
     $rf_p_content = $row->fpr_content;
     $rf_p_edit_date = $row->fpr_edit_date;
     $rf_p_timestamp = $row->fpr_timestamp;
     $rf_p_user_id = $row->fpr_user_id;
     $rf_p_allow = $row->allow;
     $rf_p_hide_userID = $row->hide_userID;
     $rf_p_hide_reason = $row->hide_reason;
     $rf_p_hide_timestamp = $row->hide_timestamp;
     $rf_p_user_name = CurrentUserData::getUserName($rf_p_user_id);
     $rf_p_hide_user_name = CurrentUserData::getUserName($rf_p_hide_userID);
     //$rf_p_content = stripslashes($rf_p_content);
     echo "<a class='anchor' name='topicreply{$rf_p_main_id}'></a>";
     // Reply Topic Display
     echo "<div class='panel panel-info'>";
     echo "<div class='panel-heading'>";
     echo "<div class='row'>";
     echo "<div class='col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6'>";
     echo " Reply By: ";
     // Show user main pic
     echo " <a href='" . DIR . "Profile/{$rf_p_user_id}/'>{$rf_p_user_name}</a> ";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class='col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6' style='text-align:right'>";
     // Display how long ago this was posted
     $timestart = "{$rf_p_timestamp}";
     //Time of post
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<table class='table table-hover responsive'><tr><th>";
    echo "Reply ID";
    echo "</th><th class='hidden-xs'>";
    echo "Poster";
    echo "</th><th class='hidden-xs'>";
    echo "Blocker";
    echo "</th><th class='hidden-xs'>";
    echo "Block DateTime";
    echo "</th></tr>";
    foreach ($data['blocked_replies'] as $row) {
        echo "<tr><td>";
        echo "<a href='" . DIR . "Topic/{$row->fpr_post_id}#topicreply{$row->id}' target='_blank'>{$row->id}</a>";
        echo "</td><td class='hidden-xs'>";
        $poster_user_name = CurrentUserData::getUserName($row->fpr_user_id);
        echo "{$poster_user_name}";
        echo "</td><td class='hidden-xs'>";
        $hide_user_name = CurrentUserData::getUserName($row->hide_userID);
        echo "{$hide_user_name}";
        echo "</td><td class='hidden-xs'>";
        echo "{$row->hide_timestamp}";
        echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</div>";