  * Execute AJAX post actions to toggle.
  * @param string         $action
  * @param \DataContainer $dc
 public function executePostActions($action, \DataContainer $dc)
     if ($action !== 'hasteAjaxOperation') {
     $id = $dc->id = \Input::post('id');
     $currentValue = \Input::post('value');
     $operation = \Input::post('operation');
     $hasteAjaxOperationSettings = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['list']['operations'][$operation]['haste_ajax_operation'];
     if (!isset($hasteAjaxOperationSettings)) {
     // Check permissions
     if (!$this->checkPermission($dc->table, $hasteAjaxOperationSettings)) {
         \System::log(sprintf('Not enough permissions to toggle field %s::%s', $dc->table, $hasteAjaxOperationSettings['field']), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     // Initialize versioning
     $versions = new \Versions($dc->table, $id);
     // Determine next value and icon
     $options = $this->getOptions($hasteAjaxOperationSettings);
     $nextIndex = 0;
     foreach ($options as $k => $option) {
         if ($option['value'] == $currentValue) {
             $nextIndex = $k + 1;
     // Make sure that if $nextIndex does not exist it's the first
     if (!isset($options[$nextIndex])) {
         $nextIndex = 0;
     $value = $options[$nextIndex]['value'];
     $value = $this->executeSaveCallback($dc, $value, $hasteAjaxOperationSettings);
     // Update DB
     \Database::getInstance()->prepare('UPDATE ' . $dc->table . ' SET ' . $hasteAjaxOperationSettings['field'] . '=? WHERE id=?')->execute($value, $id);
     if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['config']['enableVersioning']) {
         \System::log(sprintf('A new version of record "%s.id=%s" has been created', $dc->table, $id), __METHOD__, TL_GENERAL);
     $response = array('nextValue' => $options[$nextIndex]['value'], 'nextIcon' => $options[$nextIndex]['icon']);
     $response = new JsonResponse($response);
  * Generate ajax
 public function generateAjax()
     if (!\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     if ($this->iso_searchAutocomplete && \Input::get('iso_autocomplete') == $this->id) {
         $objProducts = Product::findPublishedByCategories($this->findCategories(), array('order' => 'c.sorting'));
         if (null === $objProducts) {
             $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array());
         $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array_values($objProducts->fetchEach($this->iso_searchAutocomplete)));
 public function testJsonOutput()
     $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array('foo' => 'bar'), 201);
     $this->assertSame(201, $objResponse->getStatusCode());
     $this->assertSame("HTTP/1.1 201 Created\nContent-Length: 13\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\n\n{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", (string) $objResponse);
  * Return the demanded frontend module or content element parsed as html string
  * Required GET data:
  * * action: "reload-element"
  * * element: "ce::id" or "mod::id" (replace 'id' with the element's id)
  * * page: "id" (optionally, replace 'id' with the current page's id)
  * * auto_item: (an optional auto_item which will be set before fetching the element)
 public function getModuleOrContentElement()
     if (!\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest') || Input::get('action') != 'reload-element') {
     global $objPage;
     // Set page object as it may be needed for the language e.g.
     if (!$objPage && (int) Input::get('page')) {
         $objPage = \PageModel::findWithDetails((int) Input::get('page'));
     $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = null !== $objPage ? $objPage->language : $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     list($strElementType, $intElementId) = trimsplit('::', Input::get('element'));
     $strError = '';
     $return = '';
     // Authenticate front end user, e.g. for insert tags
     if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
         $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
         /** @var \FrontendUser $this ->User */
     // Load default language file
     // Set a given auto_item to fetch the correct version of a module or content element
     if ($strAutoItem = Input::get('auto_item')) {
         Input::setGet('auto_item', $strAutoItem);
     switch ($strElementType) {
         case 'mod':
             /** @type \Model $objModule */
             $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intElementId);
             if (null === $objModule) {
                 $strError = sprintf('Could not find module ID %s', $intElementId);
             if (!$objModule->allowAjaxReload) {
                 $strError = sprintf('Module ID %u is not allowed to fetch', $intElementId);
             $return = \Controller::getFrontendModule($objModule);
         case 'ce':
             /** @type \Model $objContent */
             $objContent = ContentModel::findByPk($intElementId);
             if (null === $objContent) {
                 $strError = sprintf('Could not find content element ID %s', $intElementId);
             if (!$objContent->allowAjaxReload) {
                 $strError = sprintf('Content element ID %u is not allowed to fetch', $intElementId);
             $return = \Controller::getContentElement($objContent);
             $strError = 'Could not determine whether the element is a module or content element';
     $arrResponse = array();
     if ($strError) {
         $arrResponse['status'] = 'error';
         $arrResponse['error'] = $strError;
     } else {
         $arrResponse['status'] = 'ok';
         $arrResponse['html'] = $return;
     $objResponse = new JsonResponse($arrResponse);
  * Generate ajax
 public function generateAjax()
     if (!\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     // todo: Use the current filters too...
     if ($this->iso_searchAutocomplete && \Input::get('iso_autocomplete') == $this->id) {
         include_once TL_ROOT . '/system/modules/isotope_direct/config/stopwords.php';
         $arrWhere = array("c.page_id IN (" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $this->findCategories())) . ")");
         $arrValues = array();
         $keywords = explode(' ', \Input::get('query'));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($keywords); $i++) {
             $strTerm = trim($keywords[$i]);
             if (empty($strTerm) || in_array(strtolower($strTerm), array_map('strtolower', $GLOBALS['KEYWORD_STOP_WORDS'])) || in_array(strtolower($strTerm), array_map('strtolower', $GLOBALS['KEYWORD_STOP_WORDS']))) {
             $arrWhere[] = Product_Model::getTable() . "." . $this->iso_searchAutocomplete . " REGEXP ?";
             $arrValues[] = $strTerm;
         if ($this->iso_list_where != '') {
             $arrWhere[] = Haste::getInstance()->call('replaceInsertTags', $this->iso_list_where);
         $objProducts = Product_Model::findPublishedBy($arrWhere, $arrValues, array('order' => "c.sorting"));
         if (null === $objProducts) {
             $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array('suggestions' => array()));
         $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array('suggestions' => array_values(array_map('html_entity_decode', $objProducts->fetchEach($this->iso_searchAutocomplete)))));