public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; $this->P->cb_subnav = 'admin'; $this->P->cb_customcontenttemplate = 'textcatadmin'; $return = ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST["action"]) || $_REQUEST["action"] == '') { $aData = $this->textcats->getCompleteTextcatForCurrentLang(); $aListSetting = [['title' => HardcodedText::get('textcatadmin_list_title_key'), 'key' => 'tc_key', 'width' => '20%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => HardcodedText::get('textcatadmin_list_title_text'), 'key' => 'tcl_text', 'width' => '80%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true], ['title' => HardcodedText::get('textcatadmin_list_title_edit'), 'key' => 'tc_id', 'width' => 35, 'linked' => true, 'ltarget' => '/_admin/textcatadmin.html', 'lkeyname' => 'id', 'lgetvars' => ['action' => 'edit']]]; $return .= Tools::makeListtable($aListSetting, $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); } elseif ($_GET["action"] == 'edit' || $_GET["action"] == 'delete') { if ($_GET["action"] == 'delete' && isset($_POST["delete"]) && $_POST["delete"] == 'do') { $this->textcats->deleteText($_GET["id"]); $this->P->cb_customdata["deleted"] = true; } else { $this->P->cb_customdata["edit"] = true; $this->textcats->initTextIfVoid($_GET["id"]); // if post:edit is set, update if (isset($_POST["edit"]) && $_POST["edit"] == 'do') { if (HelperConfig::$core['textcat_enable_purifier']) { $this->textcats->purifier = \HaaseIT\HCSF\Helper::getPurifier('textcat'); } else { $this->textcats->purifier = false; } $this->textcats->saveText($_POST["lid"], $_POST["text"]); $this->P->cb_customdata["updated"] = true; } $aData = $this->textcats->getSingleTextByID($_GET["id"]); $this->P->cb_customdata["editform"] = ['id' => $aData["tc_id"], 'lid' => $aData["tcl_id"], 'key' => $aData["tc_key"], 'lang' => $aData["tcl_lang"], 'text' => $aData["tcl_text"]]; // show archived versions of this textcat /** @var \PDOStatement $hResult */ $hResult = $this->serviceManager->get('db')->query('SELECT * FROM textcat_lang_archive WHERE tcl_id = ' . $aData["tcl_id"] . " AND tcl_lang = '" . HelperConfig::$lang . "' ORDER BY tcla_timestamp DESC"); $iArchivedRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iArchivedRows > 0) { $aListSetting = [['title' => 'tcla_timestamp', 'key' => 'tcla_timestamp', 'width' => '15%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'tcl_text', 'key' => 'tcl_text', 'width' => '85%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true]]; $aData = $hResult->fetchAll(); $this->P->cb_customdata['archived_list'] = Tools::makeListtable($aListSetting, $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); } } } elseif ($_GET["action"] == 'add') { $this->P->cb_customdata["add"] = true; if (isset($_POST["add"]) && $_POST["add"] == 'do') { $this->P->cb_customdata["err"] = $this->textcats->verifyAddTextKey($_POST["key"]); if (count($this->P->cb_customdata["err"]) == 0) { $this->P->cb_customdata["addform"] = ['key' => $_POST["key"], 'id' => $this->textcats->addTextKey($_POST["key"])]; } } } $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $return; }
public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; if (CHelper::getUserData()) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->serviceManager->get('textcats')->T("denied_default"); } else { $this->P->cb_customcontenttemplate = 'customer/register'; $aErr = []; if (isset($_POST["doRegister"]) && $_POST["doRegister"] == 'yes') { $aErr = CHelper::validateCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, $aErr); if (count($aErr) == 0) { $sql = 'SELECT cust_email FROM customer WHERE cust_email = :email'; $sEmail = filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("email")), FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); /** @var \PDOStatement $hResult */ $hResult = $this->serviceManager->get('db')->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':email', $sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $hResult->execute(); $iRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iRows == 0) { $sEmailVerificationcode = md5($_POST["email"] . time()); $aData = ['cust_email' => $sEmail, 'cust_corp' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("corpname")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_name' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("name")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_street' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("street")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_zip' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("zip")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_town' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("town")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_phone' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("phone")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_cellphone' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("cellphone")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_fax' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("fax")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_country' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("country")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_password' => password_hash($_POST["pwd"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'cust_tosaccepted' => isset($_POST["tos"]) && $_POST["tos"] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n', 'cust_cancellationdisclaimeraccepted' => isset($_POST["cancellationdisclaimer"]) && $_POST["cancellationdisclaimer"] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n', 'cust_emailverified' => 'n', 'cust_emailverificationcode' => $sEmailVerificationcode, 'cust_active' => HelperConfig::$customer["register_require_manual_activation"] ? 'n' : 'y', 'cust_registrationtimestamp' => time()]; $sql = \HaaseIT\DBTools::buildPSInsertQuery($aData, 'customer'); $hResult = $this->serviceManager->get('db')->prepare($sql); foreach ($aData as $sKey => $sValue) { $hResult->bindValue(':' . $sKey, $sValue, \PDO::PARAM_STR); } $hResult->execute(); CHelper::sendVerificationMail($sEmailVerificationcode, $sEmail, $this->serviceManager, true); $aPData["showsuccessmessage"] = true; } else { $aErr["emailalreadytaken"] = true; $this->P->cb_customdata["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'register', $aErr); } } else { $this->P->cb_customdata["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'register', $aErr); } } else { $this->P->cb_customdata["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'register'); } if (isset($aPData) && count($aPData)) { $this->P->cb_customdata["register"] = $aPData; } } }
public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; $html = '<pre>'; /* $this->entityManager->getConnection() ->getConfiguration() ->setSQLLogger(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\EchoSQLLogger()) ; */ //$customer = $this->entityManager->find(ENTITY_CUSTOMER, 1); //$this->P->oPayload->cl_html = \HaaseIT\Tools::debug($customer->getName(), 'customername', true); $dql = "SELECT l, b FROM " . ENTITY_USERPAGE_LANG . " l JOIN l.basepage b WHERE l.language = ?1 AND b.key = ?2"; //$dql = "SELECT l FROM ".ENTITY_USERPAGE_LANG." l"; //die($dql); try { $pages = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql)->setParameter(1, 'de')->setParameter(2, '/index.html')->setMaxResults(10)->getResult(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $html .= 'base id:' . $page->getBasepage()->getId() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'base key:' . $page->getBasepage()->getKey() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'base group:' . $page->getBasepage()->getGroup() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'base pagetype:' . $page->getBasepage()->getPagetype() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'base pageconfig:' . $page->getBasepage()->getPageconfig() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'base subnav:' . $page->getBasepage()->getSubnav() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang id:' . $page->getId() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang language:' . $page->getLanguage() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang html:' . $page->getHtml() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang keywords:' . $page->getKeywords() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang description:' . $page->getDescription() . PHP_EOL; $html .= 'lang title:' . $page->getTitle() . PHP_EOL; $page->getBasepage()->setGroup('testi'); $page->setKeywords('testi kel'); $this->serviceManager->get('entitymanager')->persist($page); $this->serviceManager->get('entitymanager')->flush(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $html .= \HaaseIT\Tools::debug($e, 'exception', true); } $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $html . '</pre>'; }
/** * @param $aErr * @return array */ private function handleForgotPassword($aErr) { if (!filter_var($_POST["email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $aErr[] = 'emailinvalid'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE cust_email = :email'; $sEmail = filter_var(trim(\HaaseIT\Tools::getFormfield("email")), FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':email', $sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() != 1) { $aErr[] = 'emailunknown'; } else { $aResult = $hResult->fetch(); $iTimestamp = time(); if ($iTimestamp - HOUR < $aResult['cust_pwresettimestamp']) { // 1 hour delay between requests $aErr[] = 'pwresetstilllocked'; } else { $sResetCode = md5($aResult['cust_email'] . $iTimestamp); $aData = ['cust_pwresetcode' => $sResetCode, 'cust_pwresettimestamp' => $iTimestamp, 'cust_id' => $aResult['cust_id']]; $sql = \HaaseIT\DBTools::buildPSUpdateQuery($aData, 'customer', 'cust_id'); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); foreach ($aData as $sKey => $sValue) { $hResult->bindValue(':' . $sKey, $sValue); } $hResult->execute(); $sTargetAddress = $aResult['cust_email']; $sSubject = $this->textcats->T("forgotpw_mail_subject"); $sMessage = $this->textcats->T("forgotpw_mail_text1"); $sMessage .= "<br><br>" . '<a href="http' . (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://'; $sMessage .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . '/_misc/rp.html?key=' . $sResetCode . '&email=' . $sTargetAddress . '">'; $sMessage .= 'http' . (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == 'on' ? 's' : '') . '://'; $sMessage .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . '/_misc/rp.html?key=' . $sResetCode . '&email=' . $sTargetAddress . '</a>'; $sMessage .= '<br><br>' . $this->textcats->T("forgotpw_mail_text2"); \HaaseIT\HCSF\Helper::mailWrapper($sTargetAddress, $sSubject, $sMessage); } } } return $aErr; }
/** * */ public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; if (\HaaseIT\HCSF\Customer\Helper::getUserData()) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->textcats->T("denied_default"); } else { if (!isset($_GET["key"]) || !isset($_GET["email"]) || trim($_GET["key"]) == '' || trim($_GET["email"]) == '' || !\filter_var($_GET["email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->textcats->T("denied_default"); } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE cust_email = :email AND cust_pwresetcode = :pwresetcode AND cust_pwresetcode != \'\''; $sEmail = filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("email")), FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':email', $sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $hResult->bindValue(':pwresetcode', filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("key")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), \PDO::PARAM_STR); $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() != 1) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->textcats->T("denied_default"); } else { $aErr = []; $aResult = $hResult->fetch(); $iTimestamp = time(); if ($aResult['cust_pwresettimestamp'] < $iTimestamp - DAY) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->textcats->T("pwreset_error_expired"); } else { $this->P->cb_customcontenttemplate = 'customer/resetpassword'; $this->P->cb_customdata["pwreset"]["minpwlength"] = HelperConfig::$customer["minimum_length_password"]; if (isset($_POST["doSend"]) && $_POST["doSend"] == 'yes') { $aErr = $this->handlePasswordReset($aErr, $aResult['cust_id']); if (count($aErr) == 0) { $this->P->cb_customdata["pwreset"]["showsuccessmessage"] = true; } else { $this->P->cb_customdata["pwreset"]["errors"] = $aErr; } } } } } } }
/** * @param $aGroups * @return bool|mixed */ private function admin_showItemgroups($aGroups) { $aList = [['title' => HardcodedText::get('itemgroupadmin_list_no'), 'key' => 'gno', 'width' => 80, 'linked' => false, 'style-data' => 'padding: 5px 0;'], ['title' => HardcodedText::get('itemgroupadmin_list_name'), 'key' => 'gname', 'width' => 350, 'linked' => false, 'style-data' => 'padding: 5px 0;'], ['title' => HardcodedText::get('itemgroupadmin_list_edit'), 'key' => 'gid', 'width' => 30, 'linked' => true, 'ltarget' => '/_admin/itemgroupadmin.html', 'lkeyname' => 'gid', 'lgetvars' => ['action' => 'editgroup'], 'style-data' => 'padding: 5px 0;']]; if (count($aGroups) > 0) { $aData = []; foreach ($aGroups as $aValue) { $aData[] = ['gid' => $aValue['itmg_id'], 'gno' => $aValue['itmg_no'], 'gname' => $aValue['itmg_name']]; } return Tools::makeListtable($aList, $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); } else { return false; } }
public static function getShippingcost() { $fShippingcost = HelperConfig::$shop["shippingcoststandardrate"]; $sCountry = CHelper::getDefaultCountryByConfig(HelperConfig::$lang); if (isset($_SESSION["user"]["cust_country"])) { $sCountry = $_SESSION["user"]["cust_country"]; } elseif (isset($_POST["doCheckout"]) && $_POST["doCheckout"] == 'yes' && isset($_POST["country"])) { $sCountry = trim(\HaaseIT\Tools::getFormfield("country")); } elseif (isset($_SESSION["formsave_addrform"]["country"])) { $sCountry = $_SESSION["formsave_addrform"]["country"]; } foreach (HelperConfig::$shop["shippingcosts"] as $aValue) { if (isset($aValue["countries"][$sCountry])) { $fShippingcost = $aValue["cost"]; break; } } return $fShippingcost; }
/** * @param $CSA * @return array */ private function handleShopAdmin($CSA) { $aSData = []; $aData = []; if (!isset($_GET["action"])) { $bIgnoreStorno = false; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE '; if (!isset($_REQUEST["type"]) or $_REQUEST["type"] == 'openinwork') { $sql .= "(o_ordercompleted = 'n' OR o_ordercompleted = 'i') "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'closed') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted = 'y' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'open') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted = 'n' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'inwork') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted = 'i' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'storno') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted = 's' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'deleted') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted = 'd' "; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'all') { $sql .= "o_ordercompleted != 'd' "; $bIgnoreStorno = true; } else { die(HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_error_invalidrequest')); } $bFromTo = false; $sFrom = null; $sTo = null; if (isset($_REQUEST["type"]) && ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'deleted' or $_REQUEST["type"] == 'all' or $_REQUEST["type"] == 'closed')) { $sql .= "AND "; $sFrom = \filter_var($_REQUEST["fromyear"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) . '-' . Tools::dateAddLeadingZero(\filter_var($_REQUEST["frommonth"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); $sFrom .= '-' . Tools::dateAddLeadingZero(\filter_var($_REQUEST["fromday"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); $sTo = \filter_var($_REQUEST["toyear"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) . '-' . Tools::dateAddLeadingZero(\filter_var($_REQUEST["tomonth"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); $sTo .= '-' . Tools::dateAddLeadingZero(\filter_var($_REQUEST["today"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)); $sql .= "o_orderdate >= :from "; $sql .= "AND o_orderdate <= :to "; $bFromTo = true; } $sql .= "ORDER BY o_ordertimestamp DESC"; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); if ($bFromTo) { $hResult->bindValue(':from', $sFrom); $hResult->bindValue(':to', $sTo); } $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() != 0) { $i = 0; $j = 0; $k = 0; $fGesamtnetto = 0.0; while ($aRow = $hResult->fetch()) { if ($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 'y') { $sStatus = '<span style="color: green; font-weight: bold;">' . HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_orderstatus_completed') . '</span>'; } elseif ($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 'n') { $sStatus = '<span style="color: orange; font-weight: bold;">' . HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_orderstatus_open') . '</span>'; } elseif ($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 'i') { $sStatus = '<span style="color: orange;">' . HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_orderstatus_inwork') . '</span>'; } elseif ($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 's') { $sStatus = '<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">' . HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_orderstatus_canceled') . '</span>'; } elseif ($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 'd') { $sStatus = HardcodedText::get('shopadmin_orderstatus_deleted'); } else { $sStatus = ''; } if ($aRow["o_paymentcompleted"] == 'y') { $sZahlungsmethode = '<span style="color: green;">'; } else { $sZahlungsmethode = '<span style="color: red;">'; } $mZahlungsmethode = $this->serviceManager->get('textcats')->T("order_paymentmethod_" . $aRow["o_paymentmethod"], true); if ($mZahlungsmethode) { $sZahlungsmethode .= $mZahlungsmethode; } else { $sZahlungsmethode .= ucwords($aRow["o_paymentmethod"]); } $sZahlungsmethode .= '</span>'; if (trim($aRow["o_corpname"]) == '') { $sName = $aRow["o_name"]; } else { $sName = $aRow["o_corpname"]; } $aData[] = ['o_id' => $aRow["o_id"], 'o_account_no' => $aRow["o_custno"], 'o_email' => $aRow["o_email"], 'o_cust' => $sName . '<br>' . $aRow["o_zip"] . ' ' . $aRow["o_town"], 'o_authed' => $aRow["o_authed"], 'o_sumnettoall' => number_format($aRow["o_sumnettoall"], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimals'], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimal_point'], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_thousands_seperator']) . ' ' . HelperConfig::$shop["waehrungssymbol"] . ($aRow["o_mindermenge"] != 0 && $aRow["o_mindermenge"] != '' ? '<br>+' . number_format($aRow["o_mindermenge"], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimals'], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimal_point'], HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_thousands_seperator']) . ' ' . HelperConfig::$shop["waehrungssymbol"] : ''), 'o_order_status' => $sStatus . (trim($aRow["o_lastedit_user"]) != '' ? '<br>' . $aRow["o_lastedit_user"] : ''), 'o_ordertime_number' => date(HelperConfig::$core['locale_format_date_time'], $aRow["o_ordertimestamp"]) . (trim($aRow["o_transaction_no"]) != '' ? '<br>' . $aRow["o_transaction_no"] : ''), 'o_order_host_payment' => $sZahlungsmethode . '<br>' . $aRow["o_srv_hostname"]]; if (!($aRow["o_ordercompleted"] == 's' && $bIgnoreStorno)) { $fGesamtnetto += $aRow["o_sumnettoall"]; $j++; } else { $k++; } $i++; } $aSData['listtable_orders'] = Tools::makeListtable($CSA["list_orders"], $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); $aSData['listtable_i'] = $i; $aSData['listtable_j'] = $j; $aSData['listtable_k'] = $k; $aSData['listtable_gesamtnetto'] = $fGesamtnetto; } else { $aSData['nomatchingordersfound'] = true; } } elseif (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == 'edit') { $iId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE o_id = :id'; /** @var \PDOStatement $hResult */ $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $iId); $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() == 1) { $aSData["orderdata"] = $hResult->fetch(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM orders_items WHERE oi_o_id = :id'; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $iId); $hResult->execute(); $aItems = $hResult->fetchAll(); $aUserdata = ['cust_no' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_custno"], 'cust_email' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_email"], 'cust_corp' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_corpname"], 'cust_name' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_name"], 'cust_street' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_street"], 'cust_zip' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_zip"], 'cust_town' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_town"], 'cust_phone' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_phone"], 'cust_cellphone' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_cellphone"], 'cust_fax' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_fax"], 'cust_country' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_country"], 'cust_group' => $aSData["orderdata"]["o_group"]]; $aSData["customerform"] = \HaaseIT\HCSF\Customer\Helper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'shopadmin', '', $aUserdata); $aSData["orderdata"]["options_shippingservices"] = ['']; foreach (HelperConfig::$shop["shipping_services"] as $sValue) { $aSData["orderdata"]["options_shippingservices"][] = $sValue; } $aItemsCarttable = []; foreach ($aItems as $aValue) { $aPrice = ['netto_list' => $aValue["oi_price_netto_list"], 'netto_sale' => $aValue["oi_price_netto_sale"], 'netto_rebated' => $aValue["oi_price_netto_rebated"], 'netto_use' => $aValue["oi_price_netto_use"], 'brutto_use' => $aValue["oi_price_brutto_use"]]; //$aPrice = $oItem->calcPrice($aValue["oi_price_netto"], HelperConfig::$shop["vat"][$aValue["oi_vat_id"]], '', true); $aItemsCarttable[$aValue["oi_cartkey"]] = ['amount' => $aValue["oi_amount"], 'price' => $aPrice, 'vat' => $aValue["oi_vat"], 'rg' => $aValue["oi_rg"], 'rg_rebate' => $aValue["oi_rg_rebate"], 'name' => $aValue["oi_itemname"], 'img' => $aValue["oi_img"]]; } $aSData = array_merge(\HaaseIT\HCSF\Shop\Helper::buildShoppingCartTable($aItemsCarttable, true, $aSData["orderdata"]["o_group"], '', $aSData["orderdata"]["o_vatfull"], $aSData["orderdata"]["o_vatreduced"]), $aSData); } else { $aSData['ordernotfound'] = true; } } return $aSData; }
private function showMyOrders($COList) { $return = ''; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE o_custno = :custno ORDER BY o_ordertimestamp DESC'; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':custno', CHelper::getUserData('cust_no')); $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() >= 1) { $aData = []; while ($aRow = $hResult->fetch()) { $sStatus = SHelper::showOrderStatusText($this->textcats, $aRow["o_ordercompleted"]); if ($aRow["o_paymentmethod"] == 'prepay') { $sPaymentmethod = $this->textcats->T("order_paymentmethod_prepay"); } elseif ($aRow["o_paymentmethod"] == 'paypal') { $sPaymentmethod = $this->textcats->T("order_paymentmethod_paypal"); } elseif ($aRow["o_paymentmethod"] == 'debit') { $sPaymentmethod = $this->textcats->T("order_paymentmethod_debit"); } elseif ($aRow["o_paymentmethod"] == 'invoice') { $sPaymentmethod = $this->textcats->T("order_paymentmethod_invoice"); } else { $sPaymentmethod = ucwords($aRow["o_paymentmethod"]); } if ($aRow["o_paymentcompleted"] == 'y') { $sPaymentstatus = ucwords($this->textcats->T("misc_yes")); } else { $sPaymentstatus = ucwords($this->textcats->T("misc_no")); } $aData[] = ['o_id' => $aRow["o_id"], 'o_order_status' => $sStatus, 'o_ordertime' => date(HelperConfig::$customer['locale_format_date_time'], $aRow["o_ordertimestamp"]), 'o_paymentmethod' => $sPaymentmethod, 'o_paymentcompleted' => $sPaymentstatus, 'o_shipping_service' => $aRow["o_shipping_service"], 'o_shipping_trackingno' => $aRow["o_shipping_trackingno"]]; } $return .= \HaaseIT\Tools::makeListtable($COList, $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); } else { $return .= $this->textcats->T("myorders_no_orders_to_display"); } return $return; }
/** * @param $CUA * @param $twig * @return mixed */ private function handleCustomerAdmin($CUA, $twig) { $sType = 'all'; if (isset($_REQUEST["type"])) { if ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'active') { $sType = 'active'; } elseif ($_REQUEST["type"] == 'inactive') { $sType = 'inactive'; } } $return = ''; if (!isset($_GET["action"])) { $sql = 'SELECT ' . DB_ADDRESSFIELDS . ' FROM customer'; if ($sType == 'active') { $sql .= ' WHERE cust_active = \'y\''; } elseif ($sType == 'inactive') { $sql .= ' WHERE cust_active = \'n\''; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY cust_no ASC'; $hResult = $this->db->query($sql); if ($hResult->rowCount() != 0) { $aData = $hResult->fetchAll(); $return .= \HaaseIT\Tools::makeListtable($CUA, $aData, $twig); } else { $aInfo["nodatafound"] = true; } } elseif (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == 'edit') { $iId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $aErr = []; if (isset($_POST["doEdit"]) && $_POST["doEdit"] == 'yes') { $sCustno = filter_var(trim($_POST["custno"]), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW); if (strlen($sCustno) < HelperConfig::$customer["minimum_length_custno"]) { $aErr["custnoinvalid"] = true; } else { $sql = 'SELECT ' . DB_ADDRESSFIELDS . ' FROM customer WHERE cust_id != :id AND cust_no = :custno'; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $iId); $hResult->bindValue(':custno', $sCustno); $hResult->execute(); $iRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iRows == 1) { $aErr["custnoalreadytaken"] = true; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . DB_ADDRESSFIELDS . ' FROM customer WHERE cust_id != :id AND cust_email = :email'; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $iId); $hResult->bindValue(':email', filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)); $hResult->execute(); $iRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iRows == 1) { $aErr["emailalreadytaken"] = true; } $aErr = CHelper::validateCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, $aErr, true); if (count($aErr) == 0) { $aData = ['cust_no' => $sCustno, 'cust_email' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)), 'cust_corp' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'corpname', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_name' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_street' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'street', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_zip' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'zip', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_town' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'town', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_phone' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'phone', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_cellphone' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'cellphone', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_fax' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'fax', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_country' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'country', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_group' => trim(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'custgroup', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)), 'cust_emailverified' => isset($_POST["emailverified"]) && $_POST["emailverified"] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n', 'cust_active' => isset($_POST["active"]) && $_POST["active"] == 'y' ? 'y' : 'n', 'cust_id' => $iId]; if (isset($_POST["pwd"]) && $_POST["pwd"] != '') { $aData['cust_password'] = password_hash($_POST["pwd"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $aInfo["passwordchanged"] = true; } $sql = \HaaseIT\DBTools::buildPSUpdateQuery($aData, 'customer', 'cust_id'); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); foreach ($aData as $sKey => $sValue) { $hResult->bindValue(':' . $sKey, $sValue); } $hResult->execute(); $aInfo["changeswritten"] = true; } } } $sql = 'SELECT ' . DB_ADDRESSFIELDS . ' FROM customer WHERE cust_id = :id'; $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $iId); $hResult->execute(); if ($hResult->rowCount() == 1) { $aUser = $hResult->fetch(); $aPData["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'admin', $aErr, $aUser); } else { $aInfo["nosuchuserfound"] = true; } } $aPData["customeradmin"]["text"] = $return; $aPData["customeradmin"]["type"] = $sType; if (isset($aInfo)) { $aPData["customeradmin"]["info"] = $aInfo; } return $aPData; }
private function getRoutingoverride($aPath) { $aRoutingoverride = []; // /xxxx/item/0010.html $aTMP["parts_in_path"] = count($aPath); // if the last dir in path is 'item' and the last part of the path is not empty if ($aPath[$aTMP["parts_in_path"] - 2] == 'item' && $aPath[$aTMP["parts_in_path"] - 1] != '') { // explode the filename by . $aTMP["exploded_request_file"] = explode('.', $aPath[$aTMP["parts_in_path"] - 1]); // if the filename ends in '.html', get the requested itemno if ($aTMP["exploded_request_file"][count($aTMP["exploded_request_file"]) - 1] == 'html') { // to allow dots in the filename, we have to iterate through all parts of the filename $aRoutingoverride["itemno"] = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aTMP["exploded_request_file"]) - 1; $i++) { $aRoutingoverride["itemno"] .= $aTMP["exploded_request_file"][$i] . '.'; } // remove the trailing dot $aRoutingoverride["itemno"] = \HaaseIT\Tools::cutStringend($aRoutingoverride["itemno"], 1); $aRoutingoverride["cb_pagetype"] = 'itemdetail'; // rebuild the path string without the trailing '/item/itemno.html' $this->sPath = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $aTMP["parts_in_path"] - 2; $i++) { $this->sPath .= $aPath[$i] . '/'; } } } return $aRoutingoverride; }
/** * */ public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; if (!CHelper::getUserData()) { $this->P->oPayload->cl_html = $this->textcats->T("denied_notloggedin"); } else { $this->P->cb_customcontenttemplate = 'customer/customerhome'; $aPData["display_logingreeting"] = false; if (isset($_GET["login"]) && $_GET["login"]) { $aPData["display_logingreeting"] = true; } if (isset($_GET["editprofile"])) { $sErr = ''; if (isset($_POST["doEdit"]) && $_POST["doEdit"] == 'yes') { $sql = 'SELECT ' . DB_ADDRESSFIELDS . ' FROM customer WHERE cust_id != :id AND cust_email = :email'; $sEmail = filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("email")), FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); $hResult->bindValue(':id', $_SESSION["user"]['cust_id'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); $hResult->bindValue(':email', $sEmail, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $hResult->execute(); $iRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iRows == 1) { $sErr .= $this->textcats->T("userprofile_emailalreadyinuse") . '<br>'; } $sErr = CHelper::validateCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, $sErr, true); if ($sErr == '') { if (HelperConfig::$customer["allow_edituserprofile"]) { $aData = ['cust_corp' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("corpname")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_name' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("name")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_street' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("street")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_zip' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("zip")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_town' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("town")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_phone' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("phone")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_cellphone' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("cellphone")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_fax' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("fax")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), 'cust_country' => filter_var(trim(Tools::getFormfield("country")), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)]; } if (isset($_POST["pwd"]) && $_POST["pwd"] != '') { $aData['cust_password'] = password_hash($_POST["pwd"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $aPData["infopasswordchanged"] = true; } $aData['cust_id'] = $_SESSION["user"]['cust_id']; if (count($aData) > 1) { $sql = \HaaseIT\DBTools::buildPSUpdateQuery($aData, 'customer', 'cust_id'); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); foreach ($aData as $sKey => $sValue) { $hResult->bindValue(':' . $sKey, $sValue); } $hResult->execute(); $aPData["infochangessaved"] = true; } else { $aPData["infonothingchanged"] = true; } } } $this->P->cb_customdata["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'editprofile', $sErr); //if (HelperConfig::$customer["allow_edituserprofile"]) $P["lang"]["cl_html"] .= '<br>'.$this->textcats->T("userprofile_infoeditemail"); // Future implementation } else { $this->P->cb_customdata["customerform"] = CHelper::buildCustomerForm(HelperConfig::$lang, 'userhome'); } $aPData["showprofilelinks"] = false; if (!isset($_GET["editprofile"])) { $aPData["showprofilelinks"] = true; } if (isset($aPData) && count($aPData)) { $this->P->cb_customdata["userhome"] = $aPData; } } }
public function queryItemWhereClause($mItemIndex = '', $mItemno = '') { $sql = " WHERE "; if ($mItemno != '') { if (\is_array($mItemno)) { $sItemno = "'" . \implode("','", \filter_var_array($mItemno, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS)) . "'"; $sql .= 'item_base.itm_no IN (' . $sItemno . ')'; } else { $sql .= 'item_base.itm_no = :itemno'; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["searchtext"]) && \strlen($_REQUEST["searchtext"]) > 2) { if (isset($_REQUEST["artnoexact"])) { $sql .= 'item_base.itm_no = :searchtext'; } else { $sql .= '(item_base.itm_no LIKE :searchtextwild1 OR itm_name LIKE :searchtextwild2'; $sql .= ' OR itml_name_override LIKE :searchtextwild3 OR itml_text1 LIKE :searchtextwild4'; $sql .= ' OR itml_text2 LIKE :searchtextwild5)'; } } else { if (is_array($mItemIndex)) { $sql .= "("; foreach ($mItemIndex as $sAIndex) { $sql .= "itm_index LIKE '%" . filter_var($sAIndex, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS) . "%' OR "; } $sql = \HaaseIT\Tools::cutStringend($sql, 4); $sql .= ")"; } else { $sql .= "itm_index LIKE '%" . filter_var($mItemIndex, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS) . "%'"; } } $sql .= ' AND itm_index NOT LIKE \'%!%\' AND itm_index NOT LIKE \'%AL%\''; return $sql; }
/** * @param $sReply * @param array $aMore */ private function replyToCartUpdate($sReply, $aMore = []) { if (isset($_REQUEST["ajax"])) { $aAR = ['cart' => $_SESSION["cart"], 'reply' => $sReply, 'cartsums' => \HaaseIT\HCSF\Shop\Helper::calculateCartItems($_SESSION["cart"]), 'currency' => HelperConfig::$shop["waehrungssymbol"], 'numberformat_decimals' => HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimals'], 'numberformat_decimal_point' => HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_decimal_point'], 'numberformat_thousands_seperator' => HelperConfig::$core['numberformat_thousands_seperator']]; if (count($aMore)) { $aAR = array_merge($aAR, $aMore); } echo $this->serviceManager->get('twig')->render('shop/update-cart.twig', $aAR); } else { $aMSG["msg"] = $sReply; if (count($aMore)) { $aMSG = array_merge($aMSG, $aMore); } header('Location: ' . \HaaseIT\Tools::makeLinkHRefWithAddedGetVars($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], $aMSG, true, false)); } die; }
/** * @return string */ private function getNotification() { $return = ''; if (isset($this->get["msg"]) && trim($this->get["msg"]) != '') { if ($this->get["msg"] == 'updated' && isset($this->get["cartkey"]) && isset($this->get["amount"]) || $this->get["msg"] == 'removed' && isset($this->get["cartkey"])) { $return .= $this->textcats->T("shoppingcart_msg_" . $this->get["msg"] . "_1") . ' '; if (isset(HelperConfig::$shop["custom_order_fields"]) && mb_strpos($this->get["cartkey"], '|') !== false) { $mCartkeys = explode('|', $this->get["cartkey"]); foreach ($mCartkeys as $sKey => $sValue) { if ($sKey == 0) { $return .= $sValue . ', '; } else { $TMP = explode(':', $sValue); $return .= $this->textcats->T("shoppingcart_item_" . $TMP[0]) . ' ' . $TMP[1] . ', '; unset($TMP); } } $return = Tools::cutStringend($return, 2); } else { $return .= $this->get["cartkey"]; } $return .= ' ' . $this->textcats->T("shoppingcart_msg_" . $this->get["msg"] . "_2"); if ($this->get["msg"] == 'updated') { $return .= ' ' . $this->get["amount"]; } $return .= '<br><br>'; } } return $return; }
public static function buildCustomerForm($sLang, $sPurpose = 'none', $sErr = '', $aUserData = false) { $sDefaultCountry = self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_country', "country", $aUserData); // Purposes: shoppingcart, userhome, shopadmin, editprofile, register // fv = field_value, fr = field_required $aData = ['purpose' => $sPurpose, 'errormessage' => $sErr, 'readonlycustno' => $sPurpose == 'shopadmin' ? true : false, 'readonly' => $sPurpose == 'shopadmin' || $sPurpose == 'userhome' || $sPurpose == 'editprofile' && !HelperConfig::$customer["allow_edituserprofile"] || $sPurpose == 'shoppingcart' && self::getUserData() ? true : false, 'fv_custno' => Tools::getFormfield('custno', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_no', "custno", $aUserData), true), 'fv_email' => Tools::getFormfield('email', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_email', "email", $aUserData), true), 'fv_corpname' => Tools::getFormfield('corpname', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_corp', "corpname", $aUserData), true), 'fr_corpname' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_corpname"], 'fv_name' => Tools::getFormfield('name', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_name', "name", $aUserData), true), 'fr_name' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_name"], 'fv_street' => Tools::getFormfield('street', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_street', "street", $aUserData), true), 'fr_street' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_street"], 'fv_zip' => Tools::getFormfield('zip', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_zip', "zip", $aUserData), true), 'fr_zip' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_zip"], 'fv_town' => Tools::getFormfield('town', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_town', "town", $aUserData), true), 'fr_town' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_town"], 'fv_phone' => Tools::getFormfield('phone', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_phone', "phone", $aUserData), true), 'fr_phone' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_phone"], 'fv_cellphone' => Tools::getFormfield('cellphone', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_cellphone', "cellphone", $aUserData), true), 'fr_cellphone' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_cellphone"], 'fv_fax' => Tools::getFormfield('fax', self::getCustomerFormDefaultValue('cust_fax', "fax", $aUserData), true), 'fr_fax' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_fax"], 'fv_country' => Tools::getFormfield('country', $sDefaultCountry ? $sDefaultCountry : self::getDefaultCountryByConfig($sLang), true), 'fr_country' => HelperConfig::$customer["validate_country"]]; if ($sPurpose == 'admin') { $aData["fv_custgroups"] = HelperConfig::$customer["customer_groups"]; $aData["fv_custgroup_selected"] = Tools::getFormfield('custgroup', self::getUserData('cust_group', $aUserData), true); } elseif ($sPurpose == 'shopadmin') { $aData["fv_custgroup"] = ''; if (isset(HelperConfig::$customer["customer_groups"][self::getUserData('cust_group', $aUserData)])) { $aData["fv_custgroup"] = HelperConfig::$customer["customer_groups"][self::getUserData('cust_group', $aUserData)]; } } if ($sPurpose == 'admin' || $sPurpose == 'register' || $sPurpose == 'editprofile') { $aData["fv_pwd"] = $sPurpose == 'admin' || $sPurpose == 'editprofile' ? '' : Tools::getFormfield('pwd', ''); $aData["fv_pwdc"] = $sPurpose == 'admin' || $sPurpose == 'editprofile' ? '' : Tools::getFormfield('pwdc', ''); } if ($sPurpose == 'shoppingcart') { $sRememberedRemarks = ''; if (isset($_SESSION["formsave_addrform"]["remarks"])) { $sRememberedRemarks = $_SESSION["formsave_addrform"]["remarks"]; } $aData["fv_remarks"] = Tools::getFormfield('remarks', $sRememberedRemarks, true); } if ($sPurpose == 'shoppingcart' || $sPurpose == 'register') { if (!self::getUserData()) { $aData["fv_tos"] = Tools::getCheckbox('tos', 'y'); $aData["fv_cancellationdisclaimer"] = Tools::getCheckbox('cancellationdisclaimer', 'y'); } } if ($sPurpose == 'shoppingcart') { $aData["fv_paymentmethods"] = HelperConfig::$shop["paymentmethods"]; $aData["fv_paymentmethod"] = Tools::getFormfield('paymentmethod', ''); } if ($sPurpose == 'admin') { $aData["fv_active"] = self::getUserData('cust_active', $aUserData) == 'y' ? true : false; $aData["fv_emailverified"] = self::getUserData('cust_emailverified', $aUserData) == 'y' ? true : false; } return $aData; }
/** * @param $aItemdata * @return array */ private function admin_prepareItem($aItemdata) { $aData = ['form' => ['action' => Tools::makeLinkHRefWithAddedGetVars('/_admin/itemadmin.html', ['action' => 'showitem', 'itemno' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_no']])], 'id' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_id'], 'itemno' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_no'], 'name' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_name'], 'img' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_img'], 'price' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_price'], 'vatid' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_vatid'], 'rg' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_rg'], 'index' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_index'], 'prio' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_order'], 'group' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_group'], 'data' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_data'], 'weight' => $aItemdata["base"]['itm_weight']]; if (!HelperConfig::$shop["vat_disable"]) { $aOptions[] = '|'; foreach (HelperConfig::$shop["vat"] as $sKey => $sValue) { $aOptions[] = $sKey . '|' . $sValue; } $aData["vatoptions"] = $aOptions; unset($aOptions); } $aData["rgoptions"][] = ''; foreach (HelperConfig::$shop["rebate_groups"] as $sKey => $aValue) { $aData["rgoptions"][] = $sKey; } $aGroups = $this->admin_getItemgroups(''); $aData["groupoptions"][] = ''; foreach ($aGroups as $aValue) { $aData["groupoptions"][] = $aValue['itmg_id'] . '|' . $aValue['itmg_no'] . ' - ' . $aValue['itmg_name']; } unset($aGroups); if (isset($aItemdata["text"])) { $aData["lang"] = ['textid' => $aItemdata["text"]['itml_id'], 'nameoverride' => $aItemdata["text"]['itml_name_override'], 'text1' => $aItemdata["text"]['itml_text1'], 'text2' => $aItemdata["text"]['itml_text2']]; } return $aData; }
/** * */ public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; $sLogData = ''; $iId = \filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'custom', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE o_id = ' . $iId . ' AND o_paymentmethod' . " = 'paypal' AND o_paymentcompleted = 'n'"; $hResult = $this->db->query($sql); if ($hResult->rowCount() == 1) { $aOrder = $hResult->fetch(); $fGesamtbrutto = \HaaseIT\HCSF\Shop\Helper::calculateTotalFromDB($aOrder); $postdata = ''; foreach ($_POST as $i => $v) { $postdata .= $i . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; } $postdata .= 'cmd=_notify-validate'; $web = parse_url(HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["url"]); if ($web['scheme'] == 'https') { $web['port'] = 443; $ssl = 'ssl://'; } else { $web['port'] = 80; $ssl = ''; } $fp = @fsockopen($ssl . $web['host'], $web['port'], $errnum, $errstr, 30); if ($fp) { fputs($fp, "POST " . $web['path'] . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Host: " . $web['host'] . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($postdata) . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, $postdata . "\r\n\r\n"); $info = []; while (!feof($fp)) { $info[] = @fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); $info = implode(',', $info); if (!(strpos($info, 'VERIFIED') === false)) { $sLogData .= "-- new entry - " . date(HelperConfig::$core['locale_format_date_time']) . " --\n\n"; $sLogData .= "W00T!\n\n"; $sLogData .= \HaaseIT\Tools::debug($_REQUEST, '', true, true) . "\n\n"; // Check if the transaction id has been used before $sTxn_idQ = 'SELECT o_paypal_tx FROM orders WHERE o_paypal_tx = :txn_id'; $hTxn_idResult = $this->db->prepare($sTxn_idQ); $hTxn_idResult->bindValue(':txn_id', $_REQUEST["txn_id"]); $hTxn_idResult->execute(); if ($hTxn_idResult->rowCount() == 0) { if ($_REQUEST["mc_gross"] == number_format($fGesamtbrutto, 2, '.', '') && $_REQUEST["custom"] == $aOrder['o_id'] && $_REQUEST["payment_status"] == "Completed" && $_REQUEST["mc_currency"] == HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["currency_id"] && $_REQUEST["business"] == HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["business"]) { $aTxnUpdateData = ['o_paypal_tx' => $_REQUEST["txn_id"], 'o_paymentcompleted' => 'y', 'o_id' => $iId]; $sql = \HaaseIT\DBTools::buildPSUpdateQuery($aTxnUpdateData, 'orders', 'o_id'); $hResult = $this->db->prepare($sql); foreach ($aTxnUpdateData as $sKey => $sValue) { $hResult->bindValue(':' . $sKey, $sValue); } $hResult->execute(); $sLogData .= "-- Alles ok. Zahlung erfolgreich. TXNID: " . $_REQUEST["txn_id"] . " --\n\n"; } else { $sLogData .= "-- In my country we have problem; Problem is evaluation. Throw the data down the log!\n"; $sLogData .= "mc_gross: " . $_REQUEST["mc_gross"] . ' - number_format($fGesamtbrutto, 2, \'.\', \'\'): ' . number_format($fGesamtbrutto, 2, '.', '') . "\n"; $sLogData .= "custom: " . $_REQUEST["custom"] . ' - $aOrder[\'o_id\']: ' . $aOrder['o_id'] . "\n"; $sLogData .= "payment_status: " . $_REQUEST["payment_status"] . "\n"; $sLogData .= "mc_currency: " . $_REQUEST["mc_currency"] . ' - HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["currency_id"]: ' . HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["currency_id"] . "\n"; $sLogData .= "business: " . $_REQUEST["receiver_email"] . ' - HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["business"]: ' . HelperConfig::$shop["paypal"]["business"] . "\n\n"; } } else { // INVALID LOGGING ERROR $sLogData .= "-- new entry - " . date(HelperConfig::$core['locale_format_date_time']) . " --\n\nPHAIL\n\n"; $sLogData .= "!!! JEMAND HAT EINE ALTE TXN_ID BENUTZT: " . $_REQUEST["txn_id"] . " !!!\n\n"; $sLogData .= "!!! INVALID !!!\n\n"; } } else { $sLogData .= "-- new entry - " . date(HelperConfig::$core['locale_format_date_time']) . " --\n\nPHAIL - Transaktion fehlgeschlagen. TXNID: " . $_REQUEST["txn_id"] . "\n" . $info . "\n\n"; } $fp = fopen(PATH_LOGS . FILE_PAYPALLOG, 'a'); // Write $somecontent to our opened file. fwrite($fp, $sLogData); fclose($fp); } } die; }
} echo $sMailcontent; ?> </textarea> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="send"> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="preservenbsp" id="preservenbsp" value="yes"<?php echo \HaaseIT\Tools::getCheckbox('preservenbsp', 'yes') ? ' checked' : ''; ?> ><label for="preservenbsp">Preserve &nbsp;</label> <?php if (isset($C["premailer_enable"]) && $C["premailer_enable"]) { ?> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="usepremailer" id="usepremailer" value="yes"<?php echo \HaaseIT\Tools::getCheckbox('usepremailer', 'yes') ? ' checked' : ''; ?> ><label for="usepremailer">Use Premailer</label> <?php } if ($bEmbImgAttachmentsExist) { echo '<br><label for="embedimage">Embed these images:</label><br>'; $iSelectSize = count($sEmbImgAttachments); if ($iSelectSize > 5) { $iSelectSize = 5; } echo '<select name="EmbImg[]" id="embedimage" size="' . $iSelectSize . '" multiple="multiple">'; foreach ($sEmbImgAttachments as $sKey => $sValue) { echo '<option value="' . $sKey . '"'; if (isset($_REQUEST["EmbImg"]) && in_array($sKey, $_REQUEST["EmbImg"])) { echo ' selected';
/** * */ private function handleOrderItems() { if (isset($_GET['clearorphanedorderitems'])) { $this->db->exec('DELETE FROM orders_items WHERE oi_o_id NOT IN (SELECT o_id FROM orders)'); } /** @var \PDOStatement $hResult */ $hResult = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM orders_items WHERE oi_o_id NOT IN (SELECT o_id FROM orders)'); $this->P->cb_customdata['rows_orders_items'] = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($this->P->cb_customdata['rows_orders_items'] > 0) { $aListSetting = [['title' => 'oi_id', 'key' => 'oi_id', 'width' => '8%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_o_id', 'key' => 'oi_o_id', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_cartkey', 'key' => 'oi_cartkey', 'width' => '13%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_amount', 'key' => 'oi_amount', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_vat', 'key' => 'oi_vat', 'width' => '8%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_rg', 'key' => 'oi_rg', 'width' => '8%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_rg_rebate', 'key' => 'oi_rg_rebate', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_price_netto_list', 'key' => 'oi_price_netto_list', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_price_netto_sale', 'key' => 'oi_price_netto_sale', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_price_netto_rebated', 'key' => 'oi_price_netto_rebated', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'oi_price_brutto_use', 'key' => 'oi_price_brutto_use', 'width' => '9%', 'linked' => false]]; $aData = $hResult->fetchAll(); $this->P->cb_customdata['rows_orders_items_list'] = Tools::makeListtable($aListSetting, $aData, $this->twig); } }
/** * */ public function preparePage() { $this->P = new \HaaseIT\HCSF\CorePage($this->serviceManager); $this->P->cb_pagetype = 'content'; $this->P->cb_subnav = 'admin'; $this->P->cb_customcontenttemplate = 'pageadmin'; // adding language to page here if (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) && $_REQUEST["action"] == 'insert_lang') { $Ptoinsertlang = new UserPage($this->serviceManager, $_REQUEST["page_key"], true); if ($Ptoinsertlang->cb_id != NULL && $Ptoinsertlang->oPayload->cl_id == NULL) { $Ptoinsertlang->oPayload->insert($Ptoinsertlang->cb_id); header('Location: /_admin/pageadmin.html?page_key=' . $Ptoinsertlang->cb_key . '&action=edit'); die; } else { die(HardcodedText::get('pageadmin_exception_couldnotinsertlang')); } } if (!isset($this->get["action"])) { $this->P->cb_customdata["pageselect"] = $this->showPageselect(); } elseif (($this->get["action"] == 'edit' || $this->get["action"] == 'delete') && isset($_REQUEST["page_key"]) && $_REQUEST["page_key"] != '') { if ($this->get["action"] == 'delete' && isset($this->post["delete"]) && $this->post["delete"] == 'do') { // delete and put message in customdata $Ptodelete = new UserPage($this->serviceManager, $this->get["page_key"], true); if ($Ptodelete->cb_id != NULL) { $Ptodelete->remove(); } else { die(HardcodedText::get('pageadmin_exception_pagetodeletenotfound')); } $this->P->cb_customdata["deleted"] = true; } else { // edit or update page if (isset($_REQUEST["page_key"]) && ($Ptoedit = new UserPage($this->serviceManager, $_REQUEST["page_key"], true))) { if (isset($_REQUEST["action_a"]) && $_REQUEST["action_a"] == 'true') { if (HelperConfig::$core['pagetext_enable_purifier']) { $purifier = \HaaseIT\HCSF\Helper::getPurifier('page'); } else { $purifier = false; } $Ptoedit->cb_pagetype = $this->post['page_type']; $Ptoedit->cb_group = $this->post['page_group']; $Ptoedit->cb_pageconfig = $this->post['page_config']; $Ptoedit->cb_subnav = $this->post['page_subnav']; $Ptoedit->purifier = $purifier; $Ptoedit->write(); if ($Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_id != NULL) { $Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_html = $this->post['page_html']; $Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_title = $this->post['page_title']; $Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_description = $this->post['page_description']; $Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_keywords = $this->post['page_keywords']; $Ptoedit->oPayload->purifier = $purifier; $Ptoedit->oPayload->write(); } $Ptoedit = new UserPage($this->serviceManager, $_REQUEST["page_key"], true); $this->P->cb_customdata["updated"] = true; } $this->P->cb_customdata["page"] = $Ptoedit; $this->P->cb_customdata["admin_page_types"] = HelperConfig::$core["admin_page_types"]; $this->P->cb_customdata["admin_page_groups"] = HelperConfig::$core["admin_page_groups"]; $aOptions = ['']; foreach (HelperConfig::$navigation as $sKey => $aValue) { if ($sKey == 'admin') { continue; } $aOptions[] = $sKey; } $this->P->cb_customdata["subnavarea_options"] = $aOptions; unset($aOptions); // show archived versions of this page if ($Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_id != NULL) { /** @var \PDOStatement $hResult */ $hResult = $this->serviceManager->get('db')->query('SELECT * FROM content_lang_archive WHERE cl_id = ' . $Ptoedit->oPayload->cl_id . " AND cl_lang = '" . HelperConfig::$lang . "' ORDER BY cla_timestamp DESC"); $iArchivedRows = $hResult->rowCount(); if ($iArchivedRows > 0) { $aListSetting = [['title' => 'cla_timestamp', 'key' => 'cla_timestamp', 'width' => '15%', 'linked' => false], ['title' => 'cl_html', 'key' => 'cl_html', 'width' => '40%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true], ['title' => 'cl_keywords', 'key' => 'cl_keywords', 'width' => '15%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true], ['title' => 'cl_description', 'key' => 'cl_description', 'width' => '15%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true], ['title' => 'cl_title', 'key' => 'cl_title', 'width' => '15%', 'linked' => false, 'escapehtmlspecialchars' => true]]; $aData = $hResult->fetchAll(); $this->P->cb_customdata['archived_list'] = \HaaseIT\Tools::makeListtable($aListSetting, $aData, $this->serviceManager->get('twig')); } } } else { die(HardcodedText::get('pageadmin_exception_pagenotfound')); } } } elseif ($this->get["action"] == 'addpage') { $aErr = []; if (isset($this->post["addpage"]) && $this->post["addpage"] == 'do') { $sPagekeytoadd = \trim(\filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pagekey', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS)); if (mb_substr($sPagekeytoadd, 0, 2) == '/_') { $aErr["reservedpath"] = true; } elseif (strlen($sPagekeytoadd) < 4) { $aErr["keytooshort"] = true; } else { $Ptoadd = new UserPage($this->serviceManager, $sPagekeytoadd, true); if ($Ptoadd->cb_id == NULL) { if ($Ptoadd->insert($sPagekeytoadd)) { header('Location: /_admin/pageadmin.html?page_key=' . $sPagekeytoadd . '&action=edit'); die; } else { die(HardcodedText::get('pageadmin_exception_couldnotinsertpage')); } } else { $aErr["keyalreadyinuse"] = true; } } $this->P->cb_customdata["err"] = $aErr; unset($aErr); } $this->P->cb_customdata["showaddform"] = true; } }
private static function getDebug($aP, $P) { if (!empty($_POST)) { Tools::debug($_POST, '$_POST'); } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST)) { Tools::debug($_REQUEST, '$_REQUEST'); } if (!empty($_SESSION)) { Tools::debug($_SESSION, '$_SESSION'); } Tools::debug($aP, '$aP'); //Tools::debug($P, '$P'); }