  * prepares a request for execution
 protected function build()
     $method = $this->get('method');
     // ensure the appropriate method is being used
     if (null === constant('\\Guzzle\\Http\\Message\\RequestInterface::' . strtoupper($method))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must use a valid REST method.');
     //end if
     $url = $this->get('service');
     // convert passed arguments into a collection
     if ($args = $this->get('args')) {
         $args = new \Guzzle\Common\Collection((array) $args);
         $url = \Guzzle\Guzzle::inject($url, $args);
     //end if
     // set up the request object
     $this->request = $this->client->{$method}($url);
     // assign query data if passed
     if ($query = $this->get('query')) {
     //end if
  * Validates that all required args are included in a config object,
  * and if not, throws an InvalidArgumentException with a helpful error message.  Adds
  * default args to the passed config object if the parameter was not
  * set in the config object.
  * @param array $params Params to validate
  * @param Collection $config Configuration settings
  * @param bool $strict (optional) Set to FALSE to allow missing required fields
  * @param bool $validate (optional) Set to TRUE or FALSE to validate data.
  *     Set to false when you only need to add default values and statics.
  * @return array|bool Returns an array of errors or TRUE on success
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if any args are missing and $strict is TRUE
 public function validateConfig(array $params, Collection $config, $strict = true, $validate = true)
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($params as $name => $arg) {
         // Set the default or static value if it is not set
         $configValue = $arg->getValue($config->get($name));
         // Inject configuration information into the config value
         if (is_string($configValue)) {
             $configValue = Guzzle::inject($configValue, $config);
         // Ensure that required arguments are set
         if ($validate && $arg->getRequired() && ($configValue === null || $configValue === '')) {
             $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be supplied.' . ($arg->getDoc() ? '  (' . $arg->getDoc() . ').' : '');
         // Ensure that the correct data type is being used
         if ($validate && $this->typeValidation && $configValue !== null && ($argType = $arg->getType())) {
             $validation = $this->validateConstraint($argType, $configValue);
             if ($validation !== true) {
                 $errors[] = $validation;
         // Run the value through attached filters
         $configValue = $arg->filter($configValue);
         $config->set($name, $configValue);
         // Check the length values if validating data
         if ($validate) {
             $argMinLength = $arg->getMinLength();
             if ($argMinLength && strlen($configValue) < $argMinLength) {
                 $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be >= ' . $arg->getMinLength() . ' characters.';
             $argMaxLength = $arg->getMaxLength();
             if ($argMaxLength && strlen($configValue) > $argMaxLength) {
                 $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be <= ' . $arg->getMaxLength() . ' characters.';
         $config->set($name, $configValue);
     if (empty($errors)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($strict) {
             throw new ValidationException('Validation errors: ' . implode("\n", $errors));
     return $errors;
  * @covers Guzzle\Guzzle::inject
  * @dataProvider dataProvider
 public function testInjectsConfigData($output, $input, $config)
     $this->assertEquals($output, Guzzle::inject($input, new Collection($config)));