public function connect($appKey, $appSecret, $accessToken, $tokenSecret) { try { $client = new Client(self::BASE_URL . '/{version}', ['version' => '1.1']); $oauth = new OauthPlugin(['consumer_key' => $appKey, 'consumer_secret' => $appSecret, 'token' => $accessToken, 'token_secret' => $tokenSecret]); return $client->addSubscriber($oauth); } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) { $req = $e->getRequest(); $resp = $e->getResponse(); print_r($resp); die('1'); } catch (ServerErrorResponseException $e) { $req = $e->getRequest(); $resp = $e->getResponse(); die('2'); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $req = $e->getRequest(); $resp = $e->getResponse(); print_r($resp); die('3'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'AGH!'; die('4'); } }
public function setLaundryState(&$laundryPlace) { $user = '******'; $pass = '******'; try { $client = new Client($laundryPlace['url']); $request = $client->get('/LaundryState', [], ['auth' => [$user, $pass, 'Digest'], 'timeout' => 1.5, 'connect_timeout' => 1.5]); $response = $request->send(); $body = $response->getBody(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $crawler = new Crawler(); $crawler->addContent($body); foreach ($crawler->filter('img') as $img) { $resource = $img->getAttribute('src'); $img->setAttribute('src', '' . trim($resource, '/')); } $crawler->addHtmlContent('<h1>foobar</h1>'); //'<link href="" type="text/css">'); $laundryPlace['html'] = $crawler->html(); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); preg_match_all('/bgColor=Green/', $body, $greenMatches); preg_match_all('/bgColor=Red/', $body, $redMatches); $laundryPlace['busy'] = count($redMatches[0]); $laundryPlace['available'] = count($greenMatches[0]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $laundryPlace['available'] = self::NETWORK_ERROR; $laundryPlace['busy'] = self::NETWORK_ERROR; $laundryPlace['html'] = self::NETWORK_ERROR; } }
/** * Injects the livereload script. * * @param Response $response A Response instance */ protected function injectScript(Response $response) { if (function_exists('mb_stripos')) { $posrFunction = 'mb_strripos'; $substrFunction = 'mb_substr'; } else { $posrFunction = 'strripos'; $substrFunction = 'substr'; } $content = $response->getContent(); $pos = $posrFunction($content, '</body>'); if (false !== $pos) { $script = "livereload.js"; if ($this->checkServerPresence) { // GET is required, as livereload apparently does not support HEAD requests ... $request = $this->httpClient->get($script); try { $checkResponse = $this->httpClient->send($request); if ($checkResponse->getStatusCode() !== 200) { return; } } catch (CurlException $e) { // If error is connection failed, we assume the server is not running if ($e->getCurlHandle()->getErrorNo() === 7) { return; } throw $e; } } $content = $substrFunction($content, 0, $pos) . "\n" . '<script src="' . $this->httpClient->getBaseUrl() . $script . '"></script>' . "\n" . $substrFunction($content, $pos); $response->setContent($content); } }
/** * Guzzle3 Request implementation * * @param string $httpMethod * @param string $path * @param array $params * @param null $version * @param bool $isAuthorization * * @return Response|mixed * @throws ClientException * @throws AuthorizeException * @throws ServerException * @throws Error */ public function request($httpMethod = 'GET', $path = '', $params = array(), $version = null, $isAuthorization = false) { //TODO: Implement Guzzle 3 here $guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient(); switch ($httpMethod) { case 'GET': //TODO: array liked param need manual parser $request = $guzzleClient->get($path, array(), array('query' => $params)); break; default: //default:'Content-Type'=>'application/json' for "*.json" URI $json_body = json_encode($params); $request = $guzzleClient->createRequest($httpMethod, $path, array(), $json_body); $request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } try { $res = $request->send(); } catch (GuzzleException\ClientErrorResponseException $e) { //catch error 404 $error_message = $e->getResponse(); if ($isAuthorization) { throw new AuthorizeException($error_message, $error_message->getStatusCode(), $e->getPrevious()); } else { throw new ClientException($error_message, $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode(), $e->getPrevious()); } } catch (GuzzleException\ServerErrorResponseException $e) { throw new ServerException($e, '$e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()', $e->getPrevious()); } catch (GuzzleException\BadResponseException $e) { throw new Error($e->getResponse(), $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode(), $e->getPrevious()); } $response = new Response($res->json(), $res->getStatusCode()); return $response; }
/** * @param string $postalCode * @param string $houseNumber * @return array */ public function lookupAddress($postalCode, $houseNumber) { $this->client->setConfig(['curl.options' => ['CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS' => '2000', 'CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER' => true]]); $url = sprintf($this->baseUrl . '/%s/%s', $postalCode, $houseNumber); $request = $this->client->get($url)->setAuth($this->apiKey, $this->apiSecret); return $request->send()->json(); }
public static function getFileCache($location, $expire = false) { if (is_bool($expire)) { $expire = 60 * 30; } $hash = sha1($location); $cacheDir = self::$cache_url; $file = "{$cacheDir}{$hash}"; if (file_exists($file)) { $file_content = file_get_contents($file); $unserialize_file = unserialize($file_content); $file_expire = $unserialize_file['expire']; if ($file_expire > time()) { return base64_decode($unserialize_file['content']); } } mt_srand(); $randomize_user_agent = self::$user_agents[mt_rand(0, count(self::$user_agents) - 1)]; $location = parse_url($location); $http = "http://{$location['host']}"; $path = "{$location['path']}?{$location['query']}"; $client = new Client($http); $request = $client->get($path); $request->setHeader('User-Agent', $randomize_user_agent); $response = $request->send(); if (!$response->isSuccessful()) { return false; } $content = $response->getBody(true); $store = array('date' => time(), 'expire' => time() + $expire, 'content' => base64_encode($content)); $serialize = serialize($store); file_put_contents($file, $serialize); return $content; }
/** * Makes the request to the server. * * @param string $server * @param string $service The rest service to access e.g. /connections/communities/all * @param string $method GET, POST or PUT * @param string $body * @param string $headers */ public function makeRequest($server, $service, $method, $options, $body = null, $headers = null, $endpointName = "connections") { $store = SBTCredentialStore::getInstance(); $settings = new SBTSettings(); $token = $store->getToken($endpointName); $response = null; $client = new Client($server); $client->setDefaultOption('verify', false); // If global username and password is set, then use it; otherwise use user-specific credentials if ($settings->getBasicAuthMethod($endpointName) == 'global') { $user = $settings->getBasicAuthUsername($endpointName); $password = $settings->getBasicAuthPassword($endpointName); } else { $user = $store->getBasicAuthUsername($endpointName); $password = $store->getBasicAuthPassword($endpointName); } try { $request = $client->createRequest($method, $service, $headers, $body, $options); if ($settings->forceSSLTrust($endpointName)) { $request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); $request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } if ($method == 'POST' && isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $request->addPostFile('file', $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); } $request->setAuth($user, $password); $response = $request->send(); } catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException $e) { $response = $e->getResponse(); } return $response; }
public function authenticate(array $credentials) { $mcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($mcrypt), MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM); mcrypt_generic_init($mcrypt, $this->cryptPassword, $iv); $url = $this->getUrl($credentials[self::USERNAME], $credentials[self::PASSWORD], $mcrypt, $iv); try { $res = $this->httpClient->get($url)->send(); } catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException $e) { if ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() === 403) { throw new \Nette\Security\AuthenticationException("User '{$credentials[self::USERNAME]}' not found.", self::INVALID_CREDENTIAL); } elseif ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode() === 404) { throw new \Nette\Security\AuthenticationException("Invalid password.", self::IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } else { throw $e; } } $responseBody = trim(mdecrypt_generic($mcrypt, $res->getBody(TRUE))); $apiData = Json::decode($responseBody); $user = $this->db->table('users')->where('id = ?', $apiData->id)->fetch(); $registered = new \DateTimeImmutable($apiData->registered->date, new \DateTimeZone($apiData->registered->timezone)); $userData = array('username' => $credentials[self::USERNAME], 'password' => $this->calculateAddonsPortalPasswordHash($credentials[self::PASSWORD]), 'email' => $apiData->email, 'realname' => $apiData->realname, 'url' => $apiData->url, 'signature' => $apiData->signature, 'language' => $apiData->language, 'num_posts' => $apiData->num_posts, 'apiToken' => $apiData->apiToken, 'registered' => $registered->getTimestamp()); if (!$user) { $userData['id'] = $apiData->id; $userData['group_id'] = 4; $this->db->table('users')->insert($userData); $user = $this->db->table('users')->where('username = ?', $credentials[self::USERNAME])->fetch(); } else { $user->update($userData); } return $this->createIdentity($user); }
/** * Build a new FactoryDriver * * @param Container $app */ public function __construct(Container $app) { $this->app = $app; $this->client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client(); $cookiePlugin = new CookiePlugin(new ArrayCookieJar()); $this->client->addSubscriber($cookiePlugin); }
public static function create($host, $ssl, $clientID, $apiKey) { $guzzle = new GuzzleHttpClient(($ssl ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $host . '/'); $signer = new RequestSigner($clientID, $apiKey); $guzzle->addSubscriber($signer); return new static($guzzle); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $output->writeln('Updating the WSDL file'); $client = $this->getContainer()->get('phpforce.soap_client'); // Get current session id $loginResult = $client->getLoginResult(); $sessionId = $loginResult->getSessionId(); $instance = $loginResult->getServerInstance(); $url = sprintf('', $instance); $guzzle = new Client($url, array('curl.CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST' => false, 'curl.CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER' => false)); // type=* for enterprise WSDL $request = $guzzle->get('/soap/wsdl.jsp?type=*'); $request->addCookie('sid', $sessionId); $response = $request->send(); $wsdl = $response->getBody(); $wsdlFile = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('phpforce.soap_client.wsdl'); // Write WSDL file_put_contents($wsdlFile, $wsdl); // Run clear cache command if (!$input->getOption('no-cache-clear')) { $command = $this->getApplication()->find('cache:clear'); $arguments = array('command' => 'cache:clear'); $input = new ArrayInput($arguments); $command->run($input, $output); } }
/** * @see List of available operations * @param string $operation * @return NuxeoRequest */ public function newRequest($operation) { $request = $this->client->createRequest(Request::POST, $operation, $this->headers); $request->setAuth($this->auth->getUsername(), $this->auth->getPassword()); $newRequest = new NuxeoRequest($request); return $newRequest; }
protected function setUp() { $this->httpClient = new HttpClient('http://localhost'); $this->clientMocker = new MockPlugin(); $this->httpClient->addSubscriber($this->clientMocker); $this->engineClient = new EngineClient($this->httpClient, array('collection_name' => 'widgets')); }
public function connect($errors = 0) { $client = new Client(null); if (!file_exists($this->_cookieFile)) { file_put_contents($this->_cookieFile, ""); } $cookiePlugin = new CookiePlugin(new FileCookieJar($this->_cookieFile)); $client->addSubscriber($cookiePlugin); $client->setUserAgent('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; de-de; GT-I9195 Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30'); $this->_client = $client; try { $url = $this->getLoginUrl(); $this->loginAndGetCode($url); $this->enterAnswer(); $this->gatewayMe(); $this->auth(); $this->getSid(); $this->utasRefreshNucId(); $this->auth(); $this->utasAuth(); $this->utasQuestion(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; // server down, gotta retry if ($errors < static::RETRY_ON_SERVER_DOWN && preg_match("/service unavailable/mi", $e->getMessage())) { $this->connect(++$errors); } else { throw new \Exception('Could not connect to the mobile endpoint.'); } } return array("nucleusId" => $this->nucId, "userAccounts" => $this->accounts, "sessionId" => $this->sid, "phishingToken" => $this->phishingToken, "platform" => $this->_loginDetails['platform']); }
/** * {@InheritDoc} */ public function send(Request $request) { $guzzleRequest = $this->client->createRequest($request->getMethod(), $request->getUri(), $request->getHeaders(), $request->getBody()); $guzzleResponse = $guzzleRequest->send(); $response = new Response($guzzleResponse->getStatusCode(), $guzzleResponse->getHeaders()->toArray(), $guzzleResponse->getBody(true)); return $response; }
/** * Get RealFaviconGenerator response * * @param QueryData $queryData RealFaviconGenerator query * @return mixed RealFaviconGenerator response */ protected function getResponse(QueryData $queryData) { $client = new Client($this->generator->getBaseurl()); $request = $client->post($this->generator->getUri(), null, $queryData->__toString()); $response = $client->send($request); return $response; }
/** * @dataProvider cbProvider */ public function testResponse($expectedStatusCode, $expectedResponseContent, $request, $testCase, $testHeaders) { $process = new Process('php -S [::1]:8999', __DIR__ . '/../../resources'); $process->start(); sleep(1); $signature = sha1($request . ServerMock::PROJECT_SECRET_KEY); $headers = null; if ($testHeaders) { $headers = $testHeaders; } else { $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Signature ' . $signature); } $request = $this->guzzleClient->post('/webhook_server.php?test_case=' . $testCase, $headers, $request); try { $response = $request->send(); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $process->stop(); $response = $e->getResponse(); } static::assertSame($expectedResponseContent, $response->getBody(true)); static::assertSame($expectedStatusCode, $response->getStatusCode()); static::assertArrayHasKey('x-xsolla-sdk', $response->getHeaders()); static::assertSame(Version::getVersion(), (string) $response->getHeader('x-xsolla-sdk')); static::assertArrayHasKey('content-type', $response->getHeaders()); if (204 === $response->getStatusCode()) { static::assertStringStartsWith('text/plain', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } else { static::assertStringStartsWith('application/json', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } }
/** * Test is beberlei collaborator of doctrine/cache */ public function testCollaboratorExists() { $client = new Client(''); $request = $client->get('/repos/doctrine/cache/collaborators/beberlei'); $response = $request->send(); $this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 204); }
/** * @param Application $app An Application instance * @return ControllerCollection A ControllerCollection instance */ public function connect(Application $app) { $this->initTwig(__DIR__ . '/views'); $controllers = $app['controllers_factory']; $controllers->get('/', function (Application $app) { $herokuStatus = self::STATUS_ERROR; try { $client = new Client(''); $httpResponse = $client->get('/api/v3/current-status')->send(); if ($httpResponse->getStatusCode() === 200) { $jsonArray = $httpResponse->json(); if ($jsonArray['status']['Production'] == 'green') { $herokuStatus = self::STATUS_OK; if ($jsonArray['status']['Development'] != 'green') { $herokuStatus = self::STATUS_WARNING; } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->twig->render('error.html.twig'); } return $this->twig->render('index.html.twig', ['status' => $herokuStatus]); }); return $controllers; }
/** * Constructor requires final url endpoint to send request to as * first parameter. Optional second argument is a client object of type * Guzzle\Http\Client. * * * @param string $baseUrl Host to make requests to e.g. * @param \Guzzle\Http\Client $client Instance of Guzzle client object to use. * @param bool $debug If set to true then debug messages will be emitted by the underlying Guzzle client */ public function __construct($baseUrl, \Guzzle\Http\Client $client, $debug = false) { $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; $client->setBaseUrl($this->baseUrl); $this->client = $client; $this->debug = (bool) $debug; }
/** * @return Client */ private function buildClient() { $cookiePlugin = new CookiePlugin(new ArrayCookieJar()); $client = new Client(); $client->addSubscriber($cookiePlugin); return $client; }
/** * Scrape URL and collect output * @param string $url * @param OutputInterface $output */ public function scrape($url, OutputInterface $output) { $this->collection->exchangeArray([]); try { $initialPage = $this->client->get($url)->send(); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $output->writeln('<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>'); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to load initial page'); } $xml = $this->getSimpleXml($initialPage->getBody()); $items = $xml->xpath($this->config['collection']); foreach ($items as $item) { $title = $item->xpath($this->config['title']); $unitPrice = $item->xpath($this->config['unitPrice']); $itemUrl = $item->xpath($this->config['itemUrl']); $itemSize = 0; $itemDesc = null; if (isset($itemUrl[0]->attributes()['href'])) { try { $itemPage = $this->client->get((string) $itemUrl[0]->attributes()['href'])->send(); $itemPageBody = $this->getSimpleXml($itemPage->getBody()); $itemSize = $itemPage->getContentLength(); $itemDesc = $itemPageBody->xpath($this->config['desc']); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $output->writeln('<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>'); } } if ($title && $unitPrice) { $parsedPrice = (double) \trim(\str_replace('£', null, $unitPrice[0])); $this->collection->append(['title' => \trim($title[0]), 'unit_price' => $parsedPrice, 'description' => \trim($itemDesc[0]), 'size' => \round($itemSize / 1024) . 'kb']); } } return $this->collection; }
private function request($method, $path, $params = array()) { $url = $this->api . rtrim($path, '/') . '/'; // Using Guzzle library --------------------------------- $client = new Client($url, array('ssl.certificate_authority' => false, 'curl.options' => array('CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 30))); // headers $headers = array('Connection' => 'close', 'User-Agent' => 'PHPPlivo'); if (!strcmp($method, "POST")) { $request = $client->post('', $headers, json_encode($params)); $request->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); } else { if (!strcmp($method, "GET")) { $request = $client->get('', $headers, $params); $request->getQuery()->merge($params); } else { if (!strcmp($method, "DELETE")) { $request = $client->delete('', $headers, $params); $request->getQuery()->merge($params); } } } $request->setAuth($this->auth_id, $this->auth_token); $response = $request->send(); $responseData = $response->json(); $status = $response->getStatusCode(); return array("status" => $status, "response" => $responseData); }
public function getStatusFromWoeid($woeid) { $request = $this->guzzle->createRequest(self::WEBSERVICE_METHOD, self::WEBSERVICE_URI . $woeid); $response = $this->guzzle->send($request); $status = $this->parseWeatherResponse($response->xml()); return $status; }
function it_set_up_a_client_oauth_plugin_subscriber(Client $client, RequestBuilder $builder, $factory, $plugin) { $builder->getCredentials()->willReturn(['some builder credentials']); $factory->create(['some builder credentials'])->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn($plugin); $client->addSubscriber($plugin)->shouldBeCalled(); $this->secureClient($client, $builder); }
/** * @return \DOMDocument */ public function getDocument() { $request = $this->client->get($this->url); $this->response = $request->send(); $this->setHtml($this->response->getBody(true)); return parent::getDocument(); }
protected function _fetchById($id, $options) { $settings = craft()->plugins->getPlugin('weather')->getSettings(); try { $client = new Client(''); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $client->setDefaultOption("query/{$key}", $value); } if (isset($settings->apiKey) && strlen($settings->apiKey) > 0) { $client->setDefaultOption('query/APPID', $settings->apiKey); } $client->setDefaultOption('query/id', $id); $request = $client->get('/data/2.5/weather', array('$e')); $response = $request->send(); } catch (CurlException $e) { WeatherPlugin::log("Connection error to Open Weather Maps API", LogLevel::Error); return false; } if ($response->isSuccessful()) { $data = $response->json(); if ($data['cod'] == 200) { return $data; } else { WeatherPlugin::log("Error: {$data['message']}", LogLevel::Error); return false; } } }
public function store(Request $request) { // validate indata /* * - ClientId * - ShipToCompany (semi required) * - ShipToFirstname (semi required) * - ShipToLastname (semi required) * - ShipToAddress (required) * - ShipToAddress2 * - ShipToPostalCode (required) * - ShipToCity (required) * - ShipToCountry [Lista på svenska] * - ShipToEmail * - ShipToPhone * - ShipToFax * - Text1 [Eget fält] * - QuantityARTIKELNR1 [ARTIKELNR1 byts ut mot artikelnr?] numeric * - ItemIdentifier [Skicka artikelnr som värde] */ $this->validate($request, ['ClientId' => 'required', 'ShipToCompany' => 'required_without:ShipToFirstname,ShipToLastname', 'ShipToFirstname' => 'required_without:ShipToCompany', 'ShipToLastname' => 'required_without:ShipToCompany', 'ShipToAddress' => 'required', 'ShipToAddress2' => '', 'ShipToPostalCode' => 'required', 'ShipToCity' => 'required', 'ShipToCountry' => 'required', 'ShipToEmail' => '', 'ShipToPhone' => '', 'ShipToFax' => '', 'Text1' => '', 'Quantity[*]' => '', 'ItemIdentifier' => '']); // posta till $client = new Client(getenv('NORDICGATEWAY_ENDPOINT')); $request = $client->post('order13.asp', null, $request->all())->send(); return $request->getStatusCode(); }
public function onRenderShoppingComplete() { $app = $this->app; $orderId = $app['session']->get(''); if (!$orderId) { $app->log('onRenderShoppingComplete event orderId not found', array(), Logger::ERROR); return; } $Order = $app['eccube.repository.order']->find($orderId); if (!$Order) { $app->log('onRenderShoppingComplete event Order not found', array(), Logger::ERROR); return; } $FreeeLight = $app['eccube.plugin.repository.freeelight']->find(1); if (!$FreeeLight && !$FreeeLight->getCompanyId()) { $app->log('onRenderShoppingComplete event Freee not setup', array(), Logger::ERROR); return; } $OAuth2 = $app['eccube.plugin.repository.freee_oauth2']->find(FreeeOAuth2::DEFAULT_ID); if (!$OAuth2) { $app->log('onRenderShoppingComplete event Freee OAuth2 unauthorization', array(), Logger::ERROR); return; } $client = new Client(''); if ($OAuth2->isExpire()) { $params = array('grant_type' => 'refresh_token', 'client_id' => $FreeeLight->getClientId(), 'client_secret' => $FreeeLight->getClientSecret(), 'refresh_token' => $OAuth2->getRefreshToken()); $data = $client->post('/oauth/token?grant_type=refresh_token', array(), $params)->send()->json(); $OAuth2->setPropertiesFromArray($data); $app['orm.em']->flush(); } else { $app['session']->set('access_token', 'not expire'); } $AccountItem = $app['eccube.plugin.repository.freee_account_item']->findOneBy(array('name' => '売掛金')); $Tax = $app['eccube.plugin.repository.freee_tax']->findOneBy(array('name' => 'sales_with_tax_8')); $Wallet = $app['eccube.plugin.repository.freee_wallet']->findOneBy(array('name' => '現金')); $client = new Client(''); $detail = new \StdClass(); $detail->account_item_id = $AccountItem->getId(); $detail->tax_code = $Tax->getCode(); $detail->amount = $Order->getPaymentTotal(); $detail->item_id = null; $detail->section_id = null; $detail->tag_ids = array(); $detail->description = ""; $payment = new \StdClass(); $payment->date = date('Y-m-d'); $payment->from_walletable_type = $Wallet->getType(); $payment->from_walletable_id = $Wallet->getId(); $payment->amount = $Order->getPaymentTotal(); $params = array("company_id" => $FreeeLight->getCompanyId(), "issue_date" => date('Y-m-d'), "due_date" => null, "type" => "income", "partner_id" => null, "ref_number" => $Order->getId(), "details" => array($detail), "payments" => array()); $app['session']->set('complete_params', json_encode($params)); try { $request = $client->post('/api/1/deals.json', array('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $OAuth2->getAccessToken(), 'content-type' => 'application/json'), array()); $request->setBody(json_encode($params)); $result = $request->send()->json(); $app['session']->set('complete', $result); } catch (\Exception $e) { $app->log($e->getMessage(), array(), Logger::ERROR); } }
/** * @dataProvider cbProvider */ public function testResponse($expectedStatusCode, $expectedResponseContent, $request, $testCase, $testHeaders) { $signature = sha1($request . self::PROJECT_SECRET_KEY); if ($testHeaders) { $headers = $testHeaders; } else { $headers = array('Authorization' => 'Signature ' . $signature); } $request = self::$httpClient->post('/webhook_server.php?test_case=' . $testCase, $headers, $request); try { $response = $request->send(); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $response = $e->getResponse(); } static::assertSame($expectedResponseContent, $response->getBody(true)); static::assertSame($expectedStatusCode, $response->getStatusCode()); static::assertArrayHasKey('x-xsolla-sdk', $response->getHeaders()); static::assertSame(Version::getVersion(), (string) $response->getHeader('x-xsolla-sdk')); static::assertArrayHasKey('content-type', $response->getHeaders()); if (Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT === $response->getStatusCode()) { static::assertStringStartsWith('text/plain', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } else { static::assertStringStartsWith('application/json', (string) $response->getHeader('content-type')); } }