Exemple #1
 public function scrap($username, $password)
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://studentinfo.bdu.edu.et/login.aspx');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Login')->form();
     $form['dnn$ctr$Login$Login_DNN$txtUsername'] = $username;
     $form['dnn$ctr$Login$Login_DNN$txtPassword'] = $password;
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     return $client->request('POST', 'MyGrades.aspx');
Exemple #2
 protected function login()
     $page = $this->client->request('GET', 'http://fantasy.premierleague.com/');
     $form = $page->selectButton('Log In')->form();
     $this->client->submit($form, ['email' => Config::$username, 'password' => Config::$password, 'success' => 'http://fantasy.premierleague.com/accounts/login/', 'fail' => 'http://fantasy.premierleague.com/?fail']);
     $this->is_logged_in = true;
Exemple #3
 public function getByDate()
     $client = new Client();
     //$client->getClient()->setDefaultOption('config/curl/' . CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $guzzleClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(array('curl' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false)));
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://portalcfdi.facturaelectronica.sat.gob.mx/');
     $form = $crawler->filterXPath('//form')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $link = $crawler->selectLink('Contraseña')->link();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', $link->getUri());
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Enviar')->form();
     $form['Ecom_User_ID'] = 'GRI081024694';
     $form['Ecom_Password'] = '******';
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $form = $crawler->filterXPath('//form')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $form = $crawler->filterXPath('//form')->first()->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $form = $crawler->filterXPath('//form')->first()->form();
     $form['wresult'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $form->getValues()['wresult']);
     //dd(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $form->getValues()['wresult']));
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     echo $crawler->html();
Exemple #4
  * Extracts prices from HTML table.
  * @param string $button Submit button text
  * @param array $location Region or county
  * @return array
 protected function extractPricesFromTable($button, array $location)
     $prices = [];
     $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', 'http://www.ccs.cz/pages/phm2.php');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton($button)->form();
     $crawler = $this->client->submit($form, $location);
     $columnIterator = 0;
     $rowIterator = 0;
     $crawler->filter('table[class="dynamic"] td')->each(function (DomCrawler $node) use(&$prices, &$columnIterator, &$rowIterator) {
         switch ($columnIterator) {
             case 0:
                 $prices[$rowIterator]['date'] = new \DateTime($node->text());
             case 1:
                 $prices[$rowIterator]['natural95'] = $node->text();
             case 3:
                 $prices[$rowIterator]['diesel'] = $node->text();
         $columnIterator = ++$columnIterator % 5;
         $rowIterator += $columnIterator == 0 ? 1 : 0;
     return $prices;
 protected function authenticateClient()
     $crawler = $this->authenticatedClient->request('GET', $this->baseUrl . $this->loginPath);
     $form = $crawler->selectButton($this->submitButtonText)->form();
     $crawler = $this->authenticatedClient->submit($form, [$this->usernameField => $this->user['identifier'], $this->passwordField => $this->user['password']]);
     $this->assertEquals($this->loggedInLinkText, $crawler->selectLink($this->loggedInLinkText)->text());
     $this->printLn(sprintf('Authenticating with user %s wth role %s was Ok', $this->user['identifier'], $this->user['role']));
Exemple #6
 public function ensureLoggedIn()
     $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', '/user/login');
     /** @var Response $response */
     $response = $this->client->getResponse();
     if ($response->getStatus() < 200 && $response->getStatus() >= 300) {
     $loginForm = $crawler->filter('#loginPageForm')->form();
     $this->client->submit($loginForm, ['username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password]);
     if (strpos($this->client->getHistory()->current()->getUri(), 'account') === FALSE) {
         throw new \PHPUnit_Framework_Exception("Should be logged in, but is not.");
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $licence = $input->getArgument('licence');
     $center = $input->getArgument('center');
     $filterDate = $input->getOption('filter');
     $mail = $input->getOption('mail');
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://driverpracticaltest.direct.gov.uk/application');
     $output->writeln('Step 1');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('testTypeCar')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 2');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('drivingLicenceSubmit')->form();
     $form->setValues(['driverLicenceNumber' => $licence, 'extendedTest' => 'false', 'specialNeeds' => 'false']);
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 3');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('testCentreSubmit')->form();
     $form->setValues(['testCentreName' => $center]);
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 4');
     $link = $crawler->filter('.test-centre-results > li > a')->first()->link();
     $crawler = $client->click($link);
     $output->writeln('Step 5');
     $button = $crawler->selectButton('drivingLicenceSubmit');
     if ($button->count() == 0) {
         //TODO: display captcha image and ask to solve? Use decaptcha?
     $form = $button->form();
     $date = (new \DateTime())->format('d/m/y');
     $form->setValues(['preferredTestDate' => $date]);
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 6');
     $slots = $crawler->filter('.slotDateTime');
     $dates = $slots->each(function ($node, $i) use($output) {
         return $node->text();
     if ($filterDate) {
         $filter = new DateFilter();
         $dates = $filter->filterDates($dates, $filterDate);
     foreach ($dates as $date) {
     if (count($dates) && $mail) {
         $mailer = new DateMailer();
         $mailer->mail($mail, $dates);
 public function testLoggedIn()
     // we don't use the trait method here since we want our
     // test to span two page requests, and we need to have
     // the session persist on the remote server
     // create a web client and hit the login page
     $url = "http://localhost/login";
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', $url);
     $response_code = $client->getResponse()->getStatus();
     // we should get 200 back
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response_code);
     // select the form on the page and populate values
     // since we are using Goutte\Client, we don't need
     // to worry about parsing the HTML to find the csrf _token
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Sign in')->form();
     $form->setValues(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'verysecret']);
     // submit the form
     $response_code_after_submit = $client->getResponse()->getStatus();
     // make sure the HTML page displayed (response code 200
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response_code_after_submit);
     // make sure we can get to the testimonial page
     $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost/add-testimonial');
     $response_code = $client->getResponse()->getStatus();
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response_code);
  * Submits a form
  * @param Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form $form A Form instance
  * @param array $values An array of form field values
  * @param bool	$assert_response_html	Should we perform standard assertions for a normal html page
  * @return Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler
 public static function submit(Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Form $form, array $values = array(), $assert_response_html = true)
     $crawler = self::$client->submit($form, $values);
     if ($assert_response_html) {
     return $crawler;
Exemple #10
  * Execute load request.
  * @return array
 public function execute()
     $client = new Client();
     $client->getClient()->setDefaultOption('verify', false);
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://loadxtreme.ph/cgi-bin/webload.cgi?state=webload');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('SEND LOAD')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('state' => 'webload', 'step' => '1', 'webtype' => '', 'uid' => $this->uid, 'pik' => $this->pik, 'pc' => $this->pc, 'cellno' => $this->cellno, 'email' => $this->email));
     return $this->response($crawler->html());
Exemple #11
 public function check()
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://www.abxexpress.com.my');
     $trackBtn = $crawler->selectButton('Track');
     $form = $trackBtn->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('tairbillno' => $this->tracking_no));
     return $crawler->html();
  * @group liveTest
 public function testRequestHostedEndpointLive()
     $requestDTO = $this->generatePaymentRequestDTO();
     $response = $this->giropayHostedService->requestHostedEndpoint($requestDTO);
     $this->assertInstanceOf("PHPCommerce\\Payment\\Dto\\PaymentResponseDTO", $response);
     $redirectUrl = $response->getResponseMap()[GiropayConstants::HOSTED_REDIRECT_URL];
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', $redirectUrl);
     //bank login screen, login with test data
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatus());
     $this->assertContains("Online-Banking: Anmelden", $client->getResponse()->__toString());
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Sicher anmelden')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('account/addition[@name=benutzerkennung]' => 'sepatest1', 'ticket/pin' => '12345'));
     //validation screen, just click next button
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatus());
     $this->assertContains("Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie eine Mobilfunknummer f&uuml;r den smsTAN-Versand", $client->getResponse()->__toString());
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('weiterButton')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array());
     //tan screen, enter tan
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatus());
     $this->assertContains("Bitte kontrollieren Sie vor der Eingabe der TAN die per SMS versandten Auftragsdaten", $client->getResponse()->__toString());
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('absendenButton')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('ticket/tan' => '123456'));
     //success screen
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatus());
     $this->assertContains("Der Auftrag wurde entgegengenommen", $client->getResponse()->getContent()->__toString());
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('back2MerchantButton')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array());
     //redirect screen
     $this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatus());
     $this->assertContains("Die R&uuml;cksprungadresse zum H&auml;ndler wird ermittelt", $client->getResponse()->getContent()->__toString());
     //wait until the redirect address is populated
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('go')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array());
     $redirectUrl = $client->getResponse()->getHeader('Location');
function obtener_info_cursos($idCarrera)
    $client = new Client();
    //Obtengo creditos y validez del curso
    $crawler = $client->request('GET', "http://www1.bedelias.edu.uy/ingenieria/muestra_mats.impr?car={$idCarrera}");
    //Obtengo las tablas por área, y almaceno los cursos de cada una
    $crawler->filter('.unoa')->each(function ($node, $index) use($idCarrera) {
        if ($index == 0) {
        //De la tabla obtengo la informacion de los cursos
        $datos_cursos = leer_tabla($node);
        //Almaceno creditos y validez
        foreach ($datos_cursos as $datos_curso) {
            try {
                guardar_creditos_validez($datos_curso[0], $datos_curso[1], $datos_curso[2]);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo $e->getMessage();
    //Obtengo porcentajes de aprobacion
    $crawler = $client->request('GET', "http://www1.bedelias.edu.uy/ingenieria/actas_curso.sel_per_car");
    //Obtengo los meses y obtengo los datos para cada periodo
    $crawler->filter('select[name="p_permes"] option')->each(function ($node, $index) use($crawler, $client, $idCarrera) {
        $form = $crawler->selectButton('Aceptar')->form();
        $actas_mes = $client->submit($form, array('p_permes' => $node->text(), "p_curri" => "C", "p_carrcic" => $idCarrera));
        //Por cada curso del periodo obtengo los datos
        $actas_mes->filter('select[name="p_matnommat"] option')->each(function ($node, $index) use($actas_mes, $client) {
            $form = $actas_mes->selectButton('Aceptar')->form();
            $datos_curso = explode(" - ", $node->html());
            $id_curso = trim($datos_curso[0]);
            $acta_curso = $client->submit($form, array('p_matnommat' => $id_curso));
            $datos = obtener_datos_aprobacion($acta_curso);
            try {
                //guardar_datos_aprobacion($id_curso, $datos);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo $e->getMessage();
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $licence = $input->getArgument('licence');
     $reference = $input->getArgument('reference');
     $filterDate = $input->getOption('filter');
     $mail = $input->getOption('mail');
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://driverpracticaltest.direct.gov.uk/login');
     $output->writeln('Step 1');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('booking-login')->form();
     $form->setValues(['username' => $licence, 'password' => $reference]);
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 2');
     $link = $crawler->filter('#date-time-change')->first()->link();
     $crawler = $client->click($link);
     $output->writeln('Step 3');
     $button = $crawler->selectButton('drivingLicenceSubmit');
     if ($button->count() == 0) {
         //TODO: display captcha image and ask to solve? Use decaptcha?
     $form = $button->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $output->writeln('Step 4');
     $slots = $crawler->filter('.slotDateTime');
     $dates = $slots->each(function ($node, $i) use($output) {
         return $node->text();
     if ($filterDate) {
         $filter = new DateFilter();
         $dates = $filter->filterDates($dates, $filterDate);
     foreach ($dates as $date) {
     if (count($dates) && $mail) {
         $mailer = new DateMailer();
         $mailer->mail($mail, $dates);
Exemple #15
 public static function authenticate()
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', Conf::DOMAIN . "/");
     // select the form and fill in some values
     $form = $crawler->filter('body > div > form')->form();
     $form['email'] = Conf::EMAIL;
     $form['password'] = Conf::PASS;
     // submit that form
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     return $client;
 public function testSubmitFormDisplaysNewValues()
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('OK')->form();
     $formValues = array('people[0][firstname]' => 'Leslie', 'people[0][surname]' => 'Winkle');
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, $formValues);
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('OK')->form();
     $values = $form->getValues();
     $this->assertEquals('Leslie', $values['people[0][firstname]']);
     $this->assertEquals('Winkle', $values['people[0][surname]']);
Exemple #17
  * @param $testId
  * @param int $operationId
  * @param array $testData
  * @return array
 public function run($testId, $operationId = 0, $testData = [])
     //$opData = $testData['operations'][$operationId];
     $orderId = $testData['orderId'];
     // Log in
     $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', $this->host . '/user/login');
     $loginFormNode = $crawler->filter('#loginPageForm');
     $loginForm = $loginFormNode->form();
     $this->client->submit($loginForm, ['username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password]);
     // Find a page with transaction form and submit it (override in subclasses)
     $crawler = $this->submitTransactionForm($orderId);
     //var_dump($this->client->getHistory(), parse_url($this->client->getHistory()->current()->getUri())); exit;
     // Go home
     $homeForm = $crawler->filter('form')->first()->form();
     $result = ['ACTION' => $homeForm->get('ACTION')->getValue(), 'RC' => $homeForm->get('RC')->getValue(), 'TRTYPE' => $homeForm->get('TRTYPE')->getValue(), 'RRN' => $homeForm->get('RRN')->getValue(), 'operation' => $operationId, 'test' => $testId, 'ORDER' => $homeForm->get('ORDER')->getValue(), 'date' => date('m/d/Y')];
     $result['history'] = ob_get_clean();
     return $result;
Exemple #18
  *  Does login with ID and access key.
 public function doResponsavelLogin()
     // get csrf token
     $this->crawler = $this->client->request('GET', $this->responsavel_endpoint);
     $token = $this->crawler->filter('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]');
     $token = $token->attr('value');
     // get form and submit
     $form = $this->crawler->selectButton('Acessar')->form();
     $this->crawler = $this->client->submit($form, ['matricula' => $this->username, 'chave' => $this->password, 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' => $token]);
     // set matricula
     $info = $this->crawler->filter('table[class="info"]');
     $this->matricula = trim($info->filter('td')->eq(5)->text());
Exemple #19

* Ejemplo para obtener las previas del curso de logica 
require_once 'goutte.phar';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
// Pagina de previas
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://www1.bedelias.edu.uy/ingenieria/muestra_prev.selcarr');
// Obtengo el boton del formulario
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Aceptar')->form();
// Envio el formulario con la carrera de Ing en computación seleccionada
$crawler = $client->submit($form, array('car' => '7200'));
// Obtengo el boton del formulario
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Aceptar')->form();
// Selecciono el curso de Lógica
$crawler = $client->submit($form, array('p_mat' => '1027'));
//Obtengo la tabla de previas
$tabla = $crawler->filter('table table tbody');
$previas_curso = array();
$tabla->filter('tr')->each(function ($node, $index) {
    global $client;
    if ($index == 0) {
    } else {
        //Obtengo los cursos hasta que aparezca la palabra examen en la 1era columna
        $tipo = $node->filter('td')->eq(0)->text();
        if ($tipo == ' Curso ' or strlen($tipo) == 4) {
Exemple #20
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $this->info("Welcome to OBIKAS COurse List Crawler\n");
     $time1 = time();
     $courses = array();
     $obikas_data = array();
     $client = new Client();
     $obikas = "http://registration.boun.edu.tr";
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', $obikas . '/schedule.htm');
     $tmp = $crawler->filter('option')->each(function ($node) {
         return $node->extract(array('value'))[0];
     $this->info("OBIKAS Semester List:");
     foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
         echo $key . " => " . $value . "\n";
     do {
         $selected_semester = $this->ask('Please enter the semester number: ');
         if ($selected_semester != 0 && empty($selected_semester) || !isset($tmp[$selected_semester])) {
             $this->info("Wrong semester number. ");
     } while ($selected_semester != 0 && empty($selected_semester) || !isset($tmp[$selected_semester]));
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Go')->form();
     $form['semester'] = $tmp[$selected_semester];
     echo "\nGetting department list...";
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     echo "DONE\n";
     $tmp = $crawler->filter('td > a')->each(function ($node) {
         return $node->extract(array('href'))[0];
     echo "\nGetting course list";
     foreach ($tmp as $value) {
         echo ".";
         $crawler2 = $client->request('GET', $obikas . $value);
         $tmp = $crawler2->filter('body > font > table > tr')->each(function ($node) {
             $tmp2 = $node->filter('td')->each(function ($node2) {
                 return $node2->text();
             return $tmp2;
         $column_names = $tmp[2];
         foreach (array_slice($tmp, 3) as $value2) {
             $tmp_array = null;
             foreach ($value2 as $key => $cell) {
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Code.Sec") {
                     $tmp_array['code'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Name") {
                     $tmp_array['name'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Instr.") {
                     $tmp_array['instructor'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Cr.") {
                     $tmp_array['credits'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Ects") {
                     $tmp_array['credits'] .= '/' . trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Days") {
                     $tmp_array['days'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Hours") {
                     $tmp_array['hours'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Rooms") {
                     $tmp_array['rooms'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
             $courses[] = $tmp_array;
     $data = null;
     $tmp_psorlab = null;
     $tmp_course = null;
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         if ($course['name'] == 'LAB' || $course['name'] == 'P.S.') {
             $tmp_psorlab[] = $course;
         } else {
             if (count($tmp_psorlab) > 0) {
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($tmp_psorlab as $psorlab) {
                     $psorlab['code'] = $tmp_course['code'] . ' ' . $psorlab['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $psorlab['credits'] = '';
                     $psorlab['name'] = $tmp_course['name'];
                     $data[] = $psorlab;
                 $tmp_psorlab = null;
             $data[] = $course;
             $tmp_course = $course;
     $this->info("\n\nGetting course list is DONE.");
     file_put_contents(public_path() . '/courses.json', json_encode($data));
     $this->info("Course list saved to " . public_path() . '/courses.json');
     $this->info("\nTotal Course Count: " . count($courses) . ", Execution Time: " . round((time() - $time1) / 60, 2) . " minutes.");
Exemple #21
 * Post a comment to drupal.org.
 * @param int $issue_id
 *   The drupal.org node ID to post the comment to.
 * @param string $comment
 *   Text for the comment field.
 * @param string $patch
 *   Optional, file name to attach as patch.
function post_comment($issue_id, $comment, $patch = NULL)
    global $debug;
    if ($debug) {
        print $comment;
    static $client;
    if (!$client) {
        // Perform a user login.
        global $drupal_user, $drupal_password;
        $client = new Client();
        $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://drupal.org/user');
        $form = $crawler->selectButton('Log in')->form();
        // $user and $password must be set in user_password.php.
        $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('name' => $drupal_user, 'pass' => $drupal_password));
        $login_errors = $crawler->filter('.messages-error');
        if ($login_errors->count() > 0) {
            logger("Login to drupal.org failed.");
    $issue_page = $client->request('GET', "https://www.drupal.org/node/{$issue_id}");
    $comment_form = $issue_page->selectButton('Save')->form();
    $form_values['nodechanges_comment[comment_body][und][0][value]'] = $comment;
    // We need to HTML entity decode the issue summary here, otherwise we
    // would post back a double-encoded version, which would result in issue
    // summary changes that we don't want to touch.
    $form_values['body[und][0][value]'] = html_entity_decode($comment_form->get('body[und][0][value]')->getValue(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    if ($patch) {
        // There can be uploaded files already, so we need to iterate to the most
        // recent file number.
        $file_nr = 0;
        while (!isset($comment_form["files[field_issue_files_und_{$file_nr}]"])) {
        $status = $comment_form['field_issue_status[und]']->getValue();
        // Set the issue to "needs review" if it is not alreay "needs review" or RTBC.
        if ($status != 8 && $status != 14) {
    $client->submit($comment_form, $form_values);
Exemple #22

use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://www.flysaa.com/za/en/searchpnr.secured?loc=za&lan=en');
$form = $crawler->selectButton('LOGIN')->form();
$form['pnrCode'] = 'ZYF002';
$form['surName'] = 'Moolman';
$form['windowResLogin'] = '';
$form['abmjasa'] = 'SEARCH';
$crawler = $client->submit($form);
if (strpos($crawler->text(), 'Your reservation number could not be found') !== false) {
    echo 'Ticket could not be verified';
} else {
    echo 'Ticket Verified';
Exemple #23

require_once 'goutte.phar';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
// Pagina de previas
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://www1.bedelias.edu.uy/ingenieria/actas_exam.sel_per_car');
//Obtengo la tabla de previas
$tabla = $crawler->filter('table table');
$valores_periodos = array();
$periodos = $tabla->filter("select[name='p_permes'] option")->each(function ($node, $index) {
    global $valores_periodos;
    array_push($valores_periodos, $node->text());
// Obtengo el boton del formulario
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Aceptar')->form();
$crawler = $client->submit($form, array('p_permes' => $valores_periodos[2], "p_curri" => "C", "p_carrcic" => "7200"));
echo $crawler->html();
  * @Route("/hsm/v1/api/hotels/search", name="hotels")
  * @Method({"GET"})
  * @param Request $request
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function getHotelsAction(Request $request)
     // Prepare data from request for form submission
     $origin = $request->query->get('departingAirportCode');
     $destination = $request->query->get('airportCode');
     $startDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $request->query->get('travelStartDate'));
     $startDate = $startDate->format('n/j/Y');
     $endDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $request->query->get('travelEndDate'));
     $endDate = $endDate->format('n/j/Y');
     $rooms = $request->query->get('rooms');
     $adults = (int) $request->query->get('adults');
     $children = (int) $request->query->get('children');
     $flightPrice = (int) $request->query->get('flightPrice');
     $formParams = array('ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$origin' => $origin, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$destination' => $destination, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$departure' => $startDate, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$return' => $endDate, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$passengers$numrooms' => 1, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$passengers$pr$ctl00$pi$adults' => $adults, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$passengers$pr$ctl00$pi$children' => $children, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$hotelcheckin' => $startDate, 'ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$hotelcheckout' => $endDate);
     if ($children > 0) {
         $i = 1;
         while ($i <= $children) {
             $formParams['ctl00$ctl01$ContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder$SearchComponents$scc$rt$passengers$pr$ctl00$pi$cr$ctl0' . $i . '$ChildAgeInput'] = rand(1, 14);
             // hardcode children age since it is not receive from "Priceline" call
     // Access and submit form
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://package.barcelo.com/Search/Default.aspx');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Search')->form();
     $client->submit($form, $formParams);
     // Select flight before accessing hotels page, so that it reflects correct price
     $flightDepartCrawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://package.barcelo.com/Availability/Default.aspx?itin=1&cmpt=A&leg=1');
     $itemIds = $flightDepartCrawler->filter('.airContainer2')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) use($flightPrice) {
         $price = $node->filter('.airPrice2')->text();
         $price = (int) str_replace(array('$', ','), '', $price);
         if ($price === $flightPrice) {
             $value = $node->filter('#Button3')->getNode(0)->getAttribute('onclick');
             $expl = explode(',', $value);
             $itemId = preg_replace('/\'/', '', $expl[1]);
             return $itemId;
         return null;
     foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) {
         if (!is_null($itemId)) {
             $jsonItem = new \stdClass();
             $jsonItem->itinerary = 1;
             $jsonItem->itemId = $itemId;
             $jsonItem->legNumber = 1;
             $jsonItem->availabilityFlow = 'StandardToModalFlow';
             $json = '{"itinerary":1,"itemId":"' . $itemId . '","legNumber":1,"availabilityFlow":"StandardToModalFlow"}';
             $client->request('POST', 'http://package.barcelo.com/availability/AvailabilityAddItem.asmx/AddAirItem', array(), array(), array('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'), $json);
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://package.barcelo.com/Availability/Default.aspx?itin=1&cmpt=H');
     // Select elements from crawler
     $nameList = $crawler->filter('.hotelTitleZone2')->extract(array('_text'));
     $priceList = $crawler->filter('.componentPriceHotel2')->extract(array('_text'));
     $locationList = $crawler->filter('.hotelLocationZone')->extract(array('_text'));
     $landmarkList = $crawler->filter('.hotelLandmark')->extract(array('_text'));
     $imageFilterList = $crawler->filter('.imgPosition');
     $imageList = array();
     foreach ($imageFilterList as $element) {
         $imageList[] = $element->getAttribute('src');
     $response = array();
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < count($nameList)) {
         $hotel = new \stdClass();
         $hotel->id = hash('md5', time() . rand());
         $hotel->url = null;
         $hotel->name = trim(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', '', $nameList[$i]));
         $hotel->address = '';
         // sa completam cu adresa corecta dupa ce incarcam harta sau sa punem locationList?
         $hotel->addressComponents = array();
         $hotel->phone = null;
         $hotel->latitude = '';
         $hotel->longitude = '';
         $hotel->mapurl = '';
         $hotel->imageUrl = $imageList[$i];
         $hotel->distanceFromAirport = $this->extractDistance($landmarkList[$i]);
         $hotel->description = null;
         $hotel->score = '';
         $hotel->location = $this->extractLocation($locationList[$i]);
         $hotel->rooms = array();
         $hotel->dining = null;
         $hotel->accommodations = null;
         $hotel->amenities = null;
         $hotel->featured = null;
         $hotel->slideshowimages = null;
         // extract room information
         $val = $crawler->filter('#_f' . $i)->filter('input[name="hotelComponentBtn"]')->getNode(0)->getAttribute('onclick');
         preg_match_all('/\\?(.*?)\'/', $val, $out);
         $partUrl = '?' . trim($out[1][0]);
         $roomInfoCrawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://package.barcelo.com/Availability/RatesForHotel.aspx' . $partUrl);
         $roomTypeNameList = $roomInfoCrawler->filter('.roomTypeName2')->extract('_text');
         $roomPriceList = $roomInfoCrawler->filter('.roomSelect')->extract('_text');
         $j = 0;
         while ($j < count($roomTypeNameList)) {
             $room = new \stdClass();
             $room->name = trim(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', '', $roomTypeNameList[$j]));
             $room->roomRecId = hash('md5', time() . rand());
             $room->description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec neque felis, vestibulum eu viverra eget, maximus quis lacus. Vestibulum euismod in erat id consequat.';
             $room->image = '';
             $room->numQualified = null;
             $room->availCodeID = 1;
             $guestCount = new \stdClass();
             $guestCount->nights = array();
             $totalPrice = $this->extractTotalPrice($roomPriceList[$j]);
             $guestCount->regularPrice = $totalPrice;
             $guestCount->totalPrice = $totalPrice;
             $guestCount->taxes = 0;
             $guestCount->numGuests = $adults + $children;
             $room->guestCount = $guestCount;
             $hotel->rooms[] = $room;
         $response[] = $hotel;
     return new JsonResponse($response);
  * Performs the user login on drupal.org.
  * @return \Goutte\Client
  *   The client holding the authenticated session.
 private function login()
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://www.drupal.org/user');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Log in')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, ['name' => $this->user, 'pass' => $this->password]);
     // @todo this does not work for 2 factor authentication accounts.
     $login_errors = $crawler->filter('.messages-error');
     if ($login_errors->count() > 0) {
         throw new Exception('Login on drupal.org failed for user ' . $this->user);
     return $client;
Exemple #26
 * greatrevenueproperty@gmail.com
 * GR1qaz2wsx
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$a = array();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://crm.bkkcitismart.com/');
$form = $crawler->selectButton('')->form();
//$crawler = $client->submit($form, array('data[User][user_name]' => "akekarirk_h", 'data[User][password]' => "waiwaiwai01"));
$crawler = $client->submit($form, array('data[User][user_name]' => $_GET['username'], 'data[User][password]' => $_GET['password']));
$crawler = $client->request('GET', "http://crm.bkkcitismart.com/Auth");
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://crm.bkkcitismart.com/Properties');
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://crm.bkkcitismart.com/properties/index/page:' . $_GET['page']);
$regexBookMark = '/(\'\\/bookmark_group\\/bookmarkgrp_popup\\/runningnumber:)\\w+(\\/prop_id:)\\d+(\\/user_id:)\\d+\'/';
$regexEdit = '/(\'\\/properties\\/edit\\/prop_id:)\\d+(\\/ref_no:)\\w+\'/';
$regexView = '/(\'\\/properties\\/propertyviewProject\\/prop_id:)\\d+\'/';
$dirFile = "edit";
if ($_GET["download_type"] == "edit") {
    $regex = $regexEdit;
    $dirFile = "edit";
} else {
    if ($_GET["download_type"] == "view") {
        $regex = $regexView;
        $dirFile = "view";
Exemple #27
 * get moneyforward csv data
 * @author egmc
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
use Goutte\Client;
$login_url = 'https://moneyforward.com/users/sign_in';
$csv_url = 'https://moneyforward.com/cf/csv';
if ($argc < 3) {
    die("usage: php {$argv['0']} your_id your_password (optional)date[yyyy-mm]" . PHP_EOL);
$login_id = $argv[1];
$password = $argv[2];
$datetime = new DateTime();
if (isset($argv[3])) {
    $datetime = new DateTime($argv[3]);
$params = ['from' => $datetime->format('Y/m') . "/01", 'month' => $datetime->format('m'), 'year' => $datetime->format('Y')];
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', $login_url);
$form = $crawler->selectButton('commit')->form();
$crawler = $client->submit($form, ['user[email]' => $login_id, 'user[password]' => $password]);
$query = http_build_query($params);
$client->request('GET', "{$csv_url}?{$query}");
if ($client->getResponse()->getStatus() == "200") {
    echo $client->getResponse()->getContent();
} else {
    die("failed to get csv data" . PHP_EOL);
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $time1 = time();
     $courses = array();
     $obikas_data = array();
     $client = new Client();
     $obikas = "http://registration.boun.edu.tr";
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', $obikas . '/schedule.htm');
     $tmp = $crawler->filter('option')->each(function ($node) {
         return $node->extract(array('value'))[0];
     foreach ($tmp as $value) {
         $obikas_data[$value] = null;
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Go')->form();
     $form['semester'] = key($obikas_data);
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     $tmp = $crawler->filter('td > a')->each(function ($node) {
         return $node->extract(array('href'))[0];
     foreach ($tmp as $value) {
         $crawler2 = $client->request('GET', $obikas . $value);
         $tmp = $crawler2->filter('body > font > table > tr')->each(function ($node) {
             $tmp2 = $node->filter('td')->each(function ($node2) {
                 return $node2->text();
             return $tmp2;
         $column_names = $tmp[2];
         foreach (array_slice($tmp, 3) as $value2) {
             $tmp_array = null;
             foreach ($value2 as $key => $cell) {
                 //$obikas_data[$tmp[0][1]][$tmp[1][1]][$value[0]][$column_names[$key]] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xC2).chr(0xA0));
                 //$tmp_array[$column_names[$key]] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xC2).chr(0xA0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Code.Sec") {
                     $tmp_array['code'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Name") {
                     $tmp_array['name'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Instr.") {
                     $tmp_array['instructor'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Cr.") {
                     $tmp_array['credits'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Ects") {
                     $tmp_array['credits'] .= '/' . trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Days") {
                     $tmp_array['days'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Hours") {
                     $tmp_array['hours'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
                 if ($column_names[$key] == "Rooms") {
                     $tmp_array['rooms'] = trim(trim($cell), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
             $courses[] = $tmp_array;
             /*if ($tmp_array['name'] == 'LAB' || $tmp_array['name'] == 'P.S.') {
                   //$tmp_array['code'] = end($courses)['code'] . ' ' . $tmp_array['name'];
                   $tmp_array['code'] = $tmp_array['code'] . ' ' . $tmp_array['name'];
                   $tmp_array['credits'] = '';
                   $tmp_array['name'] = end($courses)['name'];
                   $tmp_psorlab[] = $tmp_array;
                       foreach ($tmp_psorlab as $psorlab) {
                           $courses[] = $psorlab;
                       $tmp_psorlab = array();
                       $courses[] = $tmp_array;
             /*if($tmp_array['name'] == 'LAB' || $tmp_array['name'] == 'P.S.'){
                   $tmp_psorlab[] = $tmp_array;
                   $tmp_end = end($courses);
                   if(count($tmp_psorlab) == 1){
                       $tmp_psorlab[0]['code'] = $tmp_end['code'].' '.$tmp_psorlab[0]['name'];
                       $tmp_psorlab[0]['credits'] = '';
                       $tmp_psorlab[0]['name'] = $tmp_end['name'];
                       $courses[] = $tmp_psorlab[0];
                   }elseif(count($tmp_psorlab) > 1){
                       $i = 1;
                       foreach ($tmp_psorlab as $psorlab) {
                           $psorlab['code'] = $tmp_end['code'].' '.$psorlab['name'].' '.$i++;
                           $psorlab['credits'] = '';
                           $psorlab['name'] = $tmp_end['name'];
                           $courses[] = $psorlab;
                   }else(count($tmp_psorlab) == 0){
                       $courses[] = $tmp_array;
                   $tmp_psorlab = null;
             //$obikas_data[$tmp[0][1]][$tmp[1][1]][$value[0]] = $tmp_array;
     $data = null;
     $tmp_psorlab = null;
     $tmp_course = null;
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         if ($course['name'] == 'LAB' || $course['name'] == 'P.S.') {
             $tmp_psorlab[] = $course;
         } else {
             if (count($tmp_psorlab) > 0) {
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($tmp_psorlab as $psorlab) {
                     $psorlab['code'] = $tmp_course['code'] . ' ' . $psorlab['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $psorlab['credits'] = '';
                     $psorlab['name'] = $tmp_course['name'];
                     $data[] = $psorlab;
                 $tmp_psorlab = null;
             $data[] = $course;
             $tmp_course = $course;
     file_put_contents(public_path() . '/courses.json', json_encode($data));
     echo (time() - $time1) / 60 . ' dakika sürdü. Toplam kayıt sayısı: ' . count($courses);
     //$crawler = $crawler->filter('body > table > tbody > tr > td');
  * Validates an Safair ticket via web scraper
  * @param array $ticketDetails
  * @return Boolean
 protected function verifySafair($ticketDetails)
     $client = new Client();
     //Do not verify SSL for this host as we get SSL errors...
     $guzzleClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(array('curl' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false)));
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'https://www.flysafair.co.za/manage/Manage-booking');
     $form = $crawler->selectButton('Retrieve booking')->form();
     $form['PNR'] = $ticketDetails['ticketref'];
     $form['lastName'] = Auth::user()->lastname;
     $crawler = $client->submit($form);
     if (!strpos($crawler->text(), "\n                    Your booking could not be found. Please check the spelling and try again.\n                ")) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $client = new Client();
     $crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://rustorka.com/forum/tracker.php?f[]=-1');
     $form = $crawler->filter(".borderless.bCenter input")->selectButton('Вход')->form();
     $crawler = $client->submit($form, array('login_username' => env('RUSTORKA_LOGIN'), 'login_password' => env('RUSTORKA_PASSWORD')));
     $links = [];
     $links = $crawler->filter("div.bottom_info a")->each(function (Crawler $node) use($links) {
         $links = $node->link();
         return $links;
     if ($links) {
         foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
             if ($key > 0) {
                 $crawler = $client->click($link);