Exemple #1
 * @param $layername
 * @param $map
 * @param $query_arr
 * @param $format
 * @return array
 * @throws Exception
function prepareFile($layername, $map, $query_arr, $format)
    $now = date("Ymd_His");
    $layerAlias = Helpers::normalize($layername);
    $fileName = TEMP_PATH . $layerAlias . '_' . $now;
    $fileExt = "zip";
    $makeZip = true;
    //$fsize = -1;
    // Get project
    $project = Helpers::getQgsProject(PROJECT_PATH . $map . '.qgs');
    if (!$project["status"]) {
        throw new Exception($project["message"]);
    // Get layer
    $layer = Helpers::getLayer($layername, $project["message"]);
    if (!$layer["status"]) {
        throw new Exception($layer["message"]);
    // Get layer info
    $lay_info = Helpers::getLayerInfo($layer["message"]);
    if (!$lay_info["status"]) {
        throw new Exception($lay_info["message"]);
    //other option to get it from layer_info
    $conn = str_replace(array('\'', '"'), '', $layer["message"]->datasource);
    //removing text sslmode and all after that
    $conn = "PG:" . rtrim(substr($conn, 0, strpos($conn, 'sslmode')));
    $table = $lay_info["message"]['table'];
    $geom = $lay_info["message"]['geom_column'];
    $source_srid = (string) $layer["message"]->srs->spatialrefsys->srid;
    $extent = explode(",", $query_arr['map0_extent']);
    $xmin = $extent[0];
    $ymin = $extent[1];
    $xmax = $extent[2];
    $ymax = $extent[3];
    $srid = substr(strrchr($query_arr['SRS'], ':'), 1);
    $options = "";
    switch ($format) {
        case 'SHP':
            $format_name = 'ESRI Shapefile';
            $options = "-lco ENCODING=UTF-8";
        case 'DXF':
            $format_name = $format;
            //$options = '-select field_list=""';
        case 'CSV':
            $format_name = $format;
            $options = "-lco SEPARATOR=SEMICOLON";
            $makeZip = false;
            $fileExt = 'csv';
            throw new Exception('Format not supported');
    //I removed _a_srs parameter, something not right in QGIS ' -a_srs EPSG:'.$srid.
    $mycmd = OGR2OGR . ' -f "' . $format_name . '" "' . $fileName . '.' . strtolower($format) . '" ' . $options . ' "' . $conn . '" -sql "SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $geom . ' && ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope(' . $xmin . ', ' . $ymin . ', ' . $xmax . ', ' . $ymax . ', ' . $srid . '),' . $source_srid . ')" -progress';
    //$mycmd = OGR2OGR . ' -s_srs EPSG:3857 -t_srs EPSG:2170 -f "'.$format_name.'" "'.$fileName .'.'.strtolower($format).'" ' . $options . ' "'.$conn.'" -sql "SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$geom.' && ST_MakeEnvelope(' .$xmin .', ' .$ymin .', ' .$xmax .', ' .$ymax .', ' .$srid .')" -progress';
    $output = shell_exec($mycmd);
    $fullFileNameZip = $fileName . "." . $fileExt;
    if ($makeZip) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        if ($zip->open($fullFileNameZip, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot write " . $fullFileNameZip);
        //$zip->addFile("./" .$filename ,$now ."/" .$filename);
        $zip->addFile($fileName . '.' . strtolower($format), basename($fileName . '.' . strtolower($format)));
        if ($format == 'SHP') {
            $zip->addFile($fileName . '.shx', basename($fileName . '.shx'));
            $zip->addFile($fileName . '.dbf', basename($fileName . '.dbf'));
            $zip->addFile($fileName . '.prj', basename($fileName . '.prj'));
            $zip->addFile($fileName . '.cpg', basename($fileName . '.cpg'));
        //removing shp
        if ($format == 'SHP') {
            unlink($fileName . '.dbf');
            unlink($fileName . '.shx');
            unlink($fileName . '.cpg');
        if (file_exists($fileName . '.' . strtolower($format))) {
            unlink($fileName . '.' . strtolower($format));
        //$fsize = filesize('./' .$filename_zip);
        //$fsize = filesize($fullFileNameZip);
    } else {
        //for formats that are not zipped (CSV...)
        //$fsize = filesize($fileName . '.' . strtolower($format));
    return base64_encode($fullFileNameZip);