Exemple #1
  * Send the reminder
  * @param Texts   $texts Text object
  * @param History $hist  History
  * @param Db      $zdb   Database instance
  * @return boolean
 public function send($texts, $hist, $zdb)
     $type_name = 'late';
     if ($this->_type === self::IMPENDING) {
         $type_name = 'impending';
     if ($this->hasMail()) {
         $texts->getTexts($type_name . 'duedate', $this->_dest->language);
         $mail = new GaletteMail();
         $mail->setRecipients(array($this->_dest->email => $this->_dest->sname));
         $sent = $mail->send();
         $details = str_replace(array('%name', '%mail', '%days'), array($this->_dest->sname, $this->_dest->email, $this->_dest->days_remaining), _T("%name <%mail> (%days days)"));
         if ($sent == GaletteMail::MAIL_SENT) {
             $this->_success = true;
             $msg = '';
             if ($type_name == 'late') {
                 $msg = _T("Sent reminder mail for late membership");
             } else {
                 $msg = _T("Sent reminder mail for impending membership");
             $this->_msg = $details;
             $hist->add($msg, $details);
         } else {
             $this->_success = false;
             if ($type_name == 'late') {
                 $msg = _T("A problem happened while sending late membership mail");
             } else {
                 $msg = _T("A problem happened while sending impending membership mail");
             $this->_msg = $details;
             $hist->add($str, $details);
     } else {
         $this->_success = false;
         $this->_nomail = true;
         $str = str_replace('%membership', $type_name, _T("Unable to send %membership reminder (no mail address)."));
         $details = str_replace(array('%name', '%id', '%days'), array($this->_dest->sname, $this->_dest->id, $this->_dest->days_remaining), _T("%name (#%id - %days days)"));
         $hist->add($str, $details);
         $this->_msg = $this->_dest->sname;
     //store reminder in database
     return $this->_success;
Exemple #2
  * Set mailing recipients
  * @param array $members Array of Adherent objects
  * @return void
 public function setRecipients($members)
     $m = array();
     $this->_mrecipients = array();
     $this->_unreachables = array();
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         $email = $member->email;
         //if member mail is missing but there is a parent,
         //take the parent email.
         if (!$email && $member->hasParent()) {
             $email = $member->parent->email;
         if (trim($email) != '' && self::isValidEmail($email)) {
             if (!in_array($member, $this->_mrecipients)) {
                 $this->_mrecipients[] = $member;
             $m[$email] = $member->sname;
         } else {
             if (!in_array($member, $this->_unreachables)) {
                 $this->_unreachables[] = $member;
Exemple #3
     } else {
         $str = str_replace('%s', $member->sname . ' (' . $member->email . ')', _T("A problem happened while sending email to admin for account '%s'."));
         $error_detected[] = $str;
 // send mail to member
 if ($preferences->pref_mail_method > GaletteMail::METHOD_DISABLED && $member->email != '') {
     //send mail to member
     // Get email text in database
     $texts = new Texts($texts_fields, $preferences, array('name_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($member->sname), 'firstname_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($member->surname), 'lastname_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($member->name), 'mail_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($member->email), 'login_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($member->login), 'password_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($_POST['mdp_adh'])));
     $mtxt = $texts->getTexts('sub', $member->language);
     $mail = new GaletteMail();
     $mail->setRecipients(array($member->email => $member->sname));
     $sent = $mail->send();
     if ($sent == GaletteMail::MAIL_SENT) {
         $hist->add(str_replace('%s', $member->sname . ' (' . $member->email . ')', _T("New account mail sent to '%s'.")));
     } else {
         $str = str_replace('%s', $member->sname . ' (' . $member->email . ')', _T("A problem happened while sending new account mail to '%s'"));
         $error_detected[] = $str;
 /** FIXME: query was previously passed as second argument,
  * but it not no longer available from here :/ */
 $hist->add(_T("Self_subscription as a member: ") . strtoupper($adherent['nom_adh']) . ' ' . $adherent['prenom_adh']);
 $head_redirect = array('timeout' => 10, 'url' => 'index.php');
 $has_register = true;
     // Sent email to admin if pref checked
     if ($new && $preferences->pref_bool_mailadh) {
         // Get email text in database
         $text = 'newcont';
         if (!$contrib->isCotis()) {
             $text = 'newdonation';
         $mtxt = $texts->getTexts($text, $preferences->pref_lang);
         $mail = new GaletteMail();
         /** TODO: only super-admin is contacted here. We should send
          *  a message to all admins, or propose them a chekbox if
          *  they don't want to get bored
         $mail->setRecipients(array($preferences->pref_email_newadh => str_replace('%asso', $preferences->pref_name, _T("%asso Galette's admin"))));
         $sent = $mail->send();
         if ($sent) {
             $hist->add(preg_replace(array('/%name/', '/%email/'), array($adh->sname, $adh->email), _T("Mail sent to admin for user %name (%email)")));
         } else {
             $txt = preg_replace(array('/%name/', '/%email/'), array($adh->sname, $adh->email), _T("A problem happened while sending to admin notification for user %name (%email) contribution"));
             $error_detected[] = $txt;
 if (count($error_detected) == 0) {
     if ($contrib->isTransactionPart() && $contrib->transaction->getMissingAmount() > 0) {
         $url = 'ajouter_contribution.php?trans_id=' . $contrib->transaction->id . '&id_adh=' . $contrib->member;
     } else {
Exemple #5
 if (Core\GaletteMail::isValidEmail($adh->email)) {
     $password = new Core\Password();
     $res = $password->generateNewPassword($adh->id);
     if ($res == true) {
         $link_validity = new DateTime();
         $link_validity->add(new DateInterval('PT24H'));
         $df = _T("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $proto = 'http';
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
             $proto = 'https';
         $texts = new Texts($texts_fields, $preferences, array('change_pass_uri' => $proto . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/change_passwd.php?hash=' . urlencode($password->getHash()), 'link_validity' => $link_validity->format(_T("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'login_adh' => custom_html_entity_decode($adh->login, ENT_QUOTES)));
         $mtxt = $texts->getTexts('pwd', $adh->language);
         $mail = new Core\GaletteMail();
         $mail->setRecipients(array($adh->email => $adh->sname));
         $sent = $mail->send();
         if ($sent == Core\GaletteMail::MAIL_SENT) {
             $hist->add(str_replace('%s', $login_adh, _T("Mail sent to '%s' for password recovery.")));
             if ($from_admin === false) {
                 $success_detected[] = _T("A mail has been sent to your address.<br/>Please check your inbox and follow the instructions.");
                 $tpl->assign('success_detected', $success_detected);
                 $done = true;
             } else {
                 $success_detected[] = _T("An mail has been sent to the member.");
         } else {
             $str = str_replace('%s', $login_adh, _T("A problem happened while sending password for account '%s'"));
             $error_detected[] = $str;