$storage = new KVP();
// instantiate hte digest
$auth = new AuthDigest($realm = 'Restricted Area', $domain = '/');
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
$ttl = 0;
// store forever.
// normally you would pre-load your usernames and passwords into your storage.
// using the auth object to hash the password.
// hashing the password is as simple as doing:
// md5( $username . ':' . $realm . ':' . $password );
// don't need the authdigest object to do it technically.
// but it is more convenient.
// not super encrypted, but it is a 1 way hash and unlikely that a dictionary attack
// will work to be able to reverse a list of passwords from the hashed password.
$storage->set($username, $auth->hashPassword($username, $password), $ttl);
// can also store username and password in clear text.
// only store for 1 hr
$storage->set('bazz', 'quux', $ttl = 3600);
// if not authenticated, send the usual unauthorized header, along with
// a challenge header.
if (!($is_authenticated = $auth->authenticate($storage))) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
if (!$is_authenticated) {
  <title>401 - Unauthorized</title>