Exemple #1
 public function configure(BuilderInterface $builder, ElementFactoryInterface $elementFactory)
     $types = array('pdo_mysql' => 'MySQL', 'pdo_pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlsrv' => 'Microsoft SQL Server', 'oci8' => 'Oracle Database', 'sqlanywhere' => 'SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere');
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newSelect('type', 'Type', $types, 'The driver which is used to connect to the database'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newInput('host', 'Host', 'text', 'The IP or hostname of the database server'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newInput('username', 'Username', 'text', 'The name of the database user'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newInput('password', 'Password', 'password', 'The password of the database user'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newInput('database', 'Database', 'text', 'The name of the database which is used upon connection'));
Exemple #2
 public function configure(BuilderInterface $builder, ElementFactoryInterface $elementFactory)
     $methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'];
     $methods = array_combine($methods, $methods);
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newInput('url', 'Url', 'text', 'Sends a HTTP request to the given url'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newSelect('method', 'Method', $methods, 'The used request method'));
     //$builder->add($elementFactory->newTextArea('headers', 'Headers', 'yaml', 'Optional the '));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newTextArea('body', 'Body', 'text', 'The request body. Inside the body it is possible to use a template syntax to add dynamic data. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/template.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the template syntax.'));
Exemple #3
 public function configure(BuilderInterface $builder, ElementFactoryInterface $elementFactory)
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newSelect('statusCode', 'Status-Code', Http::$codes, 'The returned status code'));
     $builder->add($elementFactory->newTextArea('response', 'Response', 'json', 'The response in JSON format. Inside the response it is possible to use a template syntax to add dynamic data. Click <a ng-click="help.showDialog(\'help/template.md\')">here</a> for more informations about the template syntax.'));