/** * */ protected function compile() { global $objPage; $f_display_mode = deserialize($this->f_display_mode); $page_taxonomy = deserialize($objPage->page_taxonomy); $this->strOrderBy = $this->f_orderby ? mb_strtoupper($this->f_orderby, 'UTF-8') : ''; $taxonomyFromFE = is_array($f_display_mode) ? $f_display_mode : array(); $taxonomyFromPage = is_array($page_taxonomy) ? $page_taxonomy : array(); $tablename = $this->f_select_module; $wrapperID = $this->f_select_wrapper; $doNotSetByID = array('orderBy', 'sorting_fields', 'pagination'); $doNotSetByType = array('legend_end', 'legend_start', 'wrapper_field'); $moduleDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT tl_fmodules.id AS moduleID, tl_fmodules.*, tl_fmodules_filters.* FROM tl_fmodules LEFT JOIN tl_fmodules_filters ON tl_fmodules.id = tl_fmodules_filters.pid WHERE tablename = ? ORDER BY tl_fmodules_filters.sorting')->execute($tablename); $arrFields = array(); $fieldWidgets = array(); $this->tablename = $tablename; $mapFields = array(); $geoLocatorValues = array(); $arrCleanOptions = array(); // map view settings $mapSettings = array(); if ($this->fm_addMap) { $mapSettings['mapZoom'] = $this->fm_mapZoom; $mapSettings['mapMarker'] = $this->fm_mapMarker; $mapSettings['mapInfoBox'] = $this->fm_mapInfoBox; $mapSettings['mapType'] = $this->fm_mapType; $mapSettings['mapStyle'] = $this->fm_mapStyle; $mapSettings['mapScrollWheel'] = $this->fm_mapScrollWheel ? 'true' : 'false'; $mapSettings['lat'] = $this->fm_center_lat ? $this->fm_center_lat : '0'; $mapSettings['lng'] = $this->fm_center_lng ? $this->fm_center_lng : '0'; } // get wrapper $wrapperDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT addDetailPage, title, id, rootPage FROM ' . $tablename . ' WHERE id = ?')->execute($wrapperID)->row(); // taxonomies $blnDetailView = false; if (\Input::get('auto_item')) { $taxonomyItemDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $tablename . '_data WHERE published = "1" AND pid = ? AND (alias = ? OR id = ?)')->limit(1)->execute($wrapperID, \Input::get('auto_item'), (int) \Input::get('auto_item')); if ($taxonomyItemDB->count()) { $blnDetailView = true; } } // set params variables $this->strAutoItem = !$blnDetailView ? '' : \Input::get('auto_item'); $this->strSpecie = !$blnDetailView ? \Input::get('auto_item') : \Input::get('specie'); $this->strTag = !$blnDetailView ? \Input::get('specie') : \Input::get('tags'); while ($moduleDB->next()) { $arrModule = $moduleDB->row(); if (in_array($arrModule['fieldID'], $doNotSetByID) || in_array($arrModule['type'], $doNotSetByType)) { continue; } $getFilter = $this->getFilter($arrModule['fieldID'], $arrModule['type']); $arrModule['value'] = $getFilter['value']; $arrModule['operator'] = $getFilter['operator']; $arrModule['overwrite'] = null; $arrModule['active'] = null; // set auto_page values if ($arrModule['fieldID'] == 'auto_page' || $arrModule['autoPage']) { $arrModule = $this->setValuesForAutoPageAttribute($arrModule); } // taxonomies >> // set specie value if ($arrModule['dataFromTaxonomy'] == '1' && !\Config::get('taxonomyDisable')) { $arrModule['type'] = 'taxonomy_field'; // dyn type $arrModule = $this->setValuesForTaxonomySpecieAttribute($arrModule); } // set tags value if ($arrModule['reactToTaxonomy'] == '1' && !\Config::get('taxonomyDisable')) { $arrModule['type'] = 'taxonomy_field'; // dyn type $arrModule = $this->setValuesForTaxonomyTagsAttribute($arrModule); } // << end taxonomies $val = QueryModel::isValue($arrModule['value'], $arrModule['type']); if ($val) { $arrModule['enable'] = true; } // check if has an wrapper if ($arrModule['type'] === 'search_field' && $arrModule['isInteger'] || $arrModule['type'] === 'date_field') { $btw = Input::get($arrModule['fieldID'] . '_btw') ? Input::get($arrModule['fieldID'] . '_btw') : ''; $btwHasValue = QueryModel::isValue($btw, $arrModule['type']); if ($btwHasValue && !$val) { $arrModule['enable'] = true; $arrModule['value'] = 0; } } // map if ($arrModule['type'] == 'map_field') { // set map settings $mapFields[] = HelperModel::setGoogleMap($arrModule); // set loadMapScript to true $this->loadMapScript = true; // load map libraries if (!$GLOBALS['loadGoogleMapLibraries']) { $GLOBALS['loadGoogleMapLibraries'] = $arrModule['mapInfoBox'] ? true : false; } } // field if ($arrModule['type'] == 'widget') { $tplName = $arrModule['widgetTemplate']; $tpl = ''; if (!$tplName) { $tplNameType = explode('.', $arrModule['widget_type'])[0]; $tplNameArr = $this->getTemplateGroup('fm_field_' . $tplNameType); $tpl = current($tplNameArr); $tpl = $this->parseTemplateName($tpl); } $fieldWidgets[$arrModule['fieldID']] = array('fieldID' => $arrModule['fieldID'], 'widgetType' => $arrModule['widget_type'], 'widgetTemplate' => $arrModule['widgetTemplate'] ? $arrModule['widgetTemplate'] : $tpl); } // has options if ($arrModule['type'] == 'simple_choice' || $arrModule['type'] == 'multi_choice') { $dcaHelper = new DCAHelper(); $arrCleanOptions[$arrModule['fieldID']] = $dcaHelper->getOptions($arrModule, $tablename, $wrapperID); } // compass if ($arrModule['type'] == 'geo_locator') { if ($arrModule['value']) { $geoLocatorValues[$arrModule['locatorType']] = $arrModule['value']; } // get delimiter if ($arrModule['locatorType'] == 'geo_distance') { $geoLocatorValues['geoDistanceDelimiter'] = $arrModule['geoDistanceDelimiter'] ? $arrModule['geoDistanceDelimiter'] : ','; } continue; } $arrFields[$arrModule['fieldID']] = $arrModule; } if (!empty($taxonomyFromFE) || !empty($taxonomyFromPage)) { $arrFields = $this->setFilterValues($taxonomyFromFE, $taxonomyFromPage, $arrFields); } // compass $arrLongLatCords = array(); $strDistanceField = ""; $strHavingQuery = ""; if ($geoLocatorValues['geo_street'] || $geoLocatorValues['geo_zip'] || $geoLocatorValues['geo_city']) { $this->blnLocatorInvoke = true; $strFECountry = $this->fm_geoLocatorCountry ? $this->fm_geoLocatorCountry : ''; $strCountry = $geoLocatorValues['geo_country'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_country'] : $strFECountry; $strGeoAddress = sprintf('%s %s %s %s, %s', $geoLocatorValues['geo_street'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_street'] : '', $geoLocatorValues['geo_zip'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_zip'] : '', $geoLocatorValues['geo_city'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_city'] : '', $geoLocatorValues['geo_state'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_state'] : '', $strCountry); $strGeoAddress = trim($strGeoAddress); if (!empty($strGeoAddress)) { $objGeoCords = GeoCoding::getInstance(); $arrLongLatCords = $objGeoCords->getGeoCords($strGeoAddress, $strCountry); } if ($arrLongLatCords['lat'] == '0' && $arrLongLatCords['lng'] == '0') { $arrLongLatCords = array(); } if (!empty($arrLongLatCords)) { $strDistance = $geoLocatorValues['geo_distance'] ? $geoLocatorValues['geo_distance'] : ''; if (\Input::get('_distance')) { $strDistance = \Input::get('_distance'); } if ($this->fm_adaptiveZoomFactor && !empty($mapSettings)) { $intDistance = (int) $strDistance; $strZoom = '12'; if ($intDistance >= 25 && $intDistance <= 50) { $strZoom = '10'; } if ($intDistance > 50 && $intDistance <= 100) { $strZoom = '8'; } if ($intDistance > 100) { $strZoom = '7'; } $mapSettings['mapZoom'] = $strDistance ? $strZoom : $mapSettings['mapZoom']; $mapSettings['lat'] = (string) $arrLongLatCords['lat']; $mapSettings['lng'] = (string) $arrLongLatCords['lng']; } $strDistanceField = "3956 * 1.6 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((" . $arrLongLatCords['lat'] . "-abs(geo_latitude)) * pi()/180 / 2),2) + COS(" . $arrLongLatCords['lat'] . " * pi()/180 ) * COS( abs(geo_latitude) * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((" . $arrLongLatCords['lng'] . "-geo_longitude) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) )) AS _distance"; $strHavingQuery = $strDistance ? " HAVING _distance < " . $strDistance . "" : ""; } } $selectedFields = $strDistanceField ? '*, ' . $strDistanceField : '*'; $qResult = HelperModel::generateSQLQueryFromFilterArray($arrFields); $qStr = $qResult['qStr']; $qTextSearch = $qResult['isFulltextSearch'] ? $qResult['$qTextSearch'] : ''; //get text search results $textSearchResults = array(); if ($qTextSearch) { $textSearchResults = QueryModel::getTextSearchResult($qTextSearch, $tablename, $wrapperID, $qResult['searchSettings']); } // get list view $addDetailPage = $wrapperDB['addDetailPage']; $rootDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $tablename . ' JOIN tl_page ON tl_page.id = ' . $tablename . '.rootPage WHERE ' . $tablename . '.id = ?')->execute($wrapperID)->row(); $qOrderByStr = $this->getOrderBy(); $qProtectedStr = ' AND published = "1"'; // preview mode if (HelperModel::previewMode()) { $qProtectedStr = ''; } // get all items $listDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT ' . $selectedFields . ' FROM ' . $tablename . '_data WHERE pid = ' . $wrapperID . $qProtectedStr . $qStr . $strHavingQuery . $qOrderByStr)->query(); // image size $imgSize = false; // Override the default image size if ($this->imgSize != '') { $size = deserialize($this->imgSize); if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) { $imgSize = $this->imgSize; } } $arrItems = array(); while ($listDB->next()) { $arrItem = $listDB->row(); if (HelperModel::sortOutProtected($arrItem, $this->User->groups)) { continue; } if (!HelperModel::outSideScope($arrItem['start'], $arrItem['stop'])) { continue; } // image $imagePath = $this->generateSingeSrc($listDB); if ($imagePath) { $arrItem['singleSRC'] = $imagePath; } if ($imgSize) { $arrItem['size'] = $imgSize; } // create href $arrItem['href'] = null; if ($addDetailPage == '1' && $listDB->source == 'default') { // reset target $arrItem['target'] = ''; $arrItem['href'] = $this->generateUrl($rootDB, $arrItem['alias']); // $listDB->alias } if ($arrItem['source'] == 'external') { $arrItem['href'] = $arrItem['url']; } if ($arrItem['source'] == 'internal') { // reset target $arrItem['target'] = ''; $jumpToDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_page WHERE id = ?')->execute($listDB->jumpTo)->row(); $strTaxonomyUrl = \Config::get('taxonomyDisable') ? '' : $this->generateTaxonomyUrl(); $arrItem['href'] = $this->generateFrontendUrl($jumpToDB, $strTaxonomyUrl); } // check for text search if ($qTextSearch) { if (!$textSearchResults[$arrItem['id']]) { continue; } } // $arrItems[] = $arrItem; } // set random if ($this->strOrderBy == 'RAND') { shuffle($arrItems); } //pagination $strPagination = ''; $total = count($arrItems); $strPagination = $this->createPagination($total); $this->Template->pagination = $strPagination; $strResults = ''; $template = $this->fm_addMap ? $this->fm_map_template : $this->f_list_template; $objTemplate = new FrontendTemplate($template); for ($i = $this->listViewOffset; $i < $this->listViewLimit; $i++) { $item = $arrItems[$i]; // parse value if map is enabled if ($this->fm_addMap) { $item['geo_latitude'] = $item['geo_latitude'] ? $item['geo_latitude'] : '0'; $item['geo_longitude'] = $item['geo_longitude'] ? $item['geo_longitude'] : '0'; $item['title'] = mb_convert_encoding($item['title'], 'UTF-8'); $item['description'] = mb_convert_encoding($item['description'], 'UTF-8'); $item['info'] = mb_convert_encoding($item['info'], 'UTF-8'); } if ($item['addGallery'] && $item['multiSRC'] && !$this->fm_disableGallery) { $objGallery = new GalleryGenerator(); $objGallery->id = $item['id']; $objGallery->sortBy = $item['sortBy']; $objGallery->orderSRC = $item['orderSRC']; $objGallery->metaIgnore = $item['metaIgnore']; $objGallery->numberOfItems = $item['numberOfItems']; $objGallery->perPage = $item['perPageGallery']; $objGallery->perRow = $item['perRow']; $objGallery->size = $item['size']; $objGallery->fullsize = $item['fullsize']; $objGallery->galleryTpl = $item['galleryTpl']; $objGallery->getAllImages($item['multiSRC']); $item['gallery'] = $objGallery->renderGallery(); } // set css and id $item['cssID'] = deserialize($item['cssID']); $item['itemID'] = $item['cssID'][0]; $item['itemCSS'] = $item['cssID'][1] ? ' ' . $item['cssID'][1] : ''; // set date format $date = date('Y-m-d', $item['date']); $time = date('H:i', $item['time']); $dateTime = $time ? $date . ' ' . $time : $date; $item['dateTime'] = $dateTime; $item['date'] = $item['date'] ? date($objPage->dateFormat, $item['date']) : ''; $item['time'] = $item['time'] ? date($objPage->timeFormat, $item['time']) : ''; // distance if ($item['_distance']) { $item['_distance'] = number_format($item['_distance'], 2, $geoLocatorValues['geoDistanceDelimiter'], $geoLocatorValues['geoDistanceDelimiter']); $item['_distanceLabel'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['fm_distance']; } // set more $item['more'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['more']; // get list view ce $objCte = ContentModelExtend::findPublishedByPidAndTable($item['id'], $tablename . '_data', array('fview' => 'list')); $arrElements = array(); if ($objCte !== null) { $intCount = 0; $intLast = $objCte->count() - 1; while ($objCte->next()) { $arrCss = array(); $objRow = $objCte->current(); if ($intCount == 0 || $intCount == $intLast) { if ($intCount == 0) { $arrCss[] = 'first'; } if ($intCount == $intLast) { $arrCss[] = 'last'; } } $objRow->classes = $arrCss; $arrElements[] = $this->getContentElement($objRow, $this->strColumn); ++$intCount; } } $item['teaser'] = $arrElements; // set odd and even classes $item['cssClass'] = $i % 2 ? ' even' : ' odd'; //field if (!empty($fieldWidgets)) { $arrayAsValue = array('list.blank', 'list.keyValue', 'table.blank'); foreach ($fieldWidgets as $widget) { $id = $widget['fieldID']; $tplName = $widget['widgetTemplate']; $type = $widget['widgetType']; $value = $item[$id]; if (in_array($type, $arrayAsValue)) { $value = deserialize($value); } // unserialize $objFieldTemplate = new FrontendTemplate($tplName); $objFieldTemplate->setData(array('value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'item' => $item)); $item[$id] = $objFieldTemplate->parse(); } } // set last first classes if ($i == 0) { $item['cssClass'] .= ' first'; } if ($i == $this->listViewLimit - 1) { $item['cssClass'] .= ' last'; } // create marker path if ($item['addMarker'] && $item['markerSRC']) { if ($this->markerCache[$item['markerSRC']]) { $item['markerSRC'] = $this->markerCache[$item['markerSRC']]; } else { $markerDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM tl_files WHERE uuid = ?')->execute($item['markerSRC']); if ($markerDB->count()) { $pathInfo = $markerDB->row()['path']; if ($pathInfo) { $this->markerCache[$item['markerSRC']] = $pathInfo; $item['markerSRC'] = $pathInfo; } } } } // map settings from field if (!empty($mapFields)) { foreach ($mapFields as $map) { $objMapTemplate = new FrontendTemplate($map['template']); $item['mapSettings'] = $map; $objMapTemplate->setData($item); $item[$map['fieldID']] = $objMapTemplate->parse(); } } // mapSettings if (!empty($mapSettings)) { $item['mapSettings'] = $mapSettings; } // set fe view id $item['feViewID'] = $this->feViewID; // set clean options if (!empty($arrCleanOptions)) { $item['cleanOptions'] = $arrCleanOptions; // overwrite clean options foreach ($arrCleanOptions as $fieldID => $options) { if ($item[$fieldID] && is_string($item[$fieldID])) { $arrValues = explode(',', $item[$fieldID]); $arrValuesAsString = array(); $arrValuesAsArray = array(); if (is_array($arrValues)) { foreach ($arrValues as $val) { $arrValuesAsArray[$val] = $options[$val]; $arrValuesAsString[] = $options[$val]; } } $item[$fieldID . 'AsArray'] = $arrValuesAsArray; $item[$fieldID] = implode(', ', $arrValuesAsString); } } } // floating class $item['floatClass'] = 'float_' . $item['floating']; //set data $objTemplate->setData($item); $strTitle = $item['title']; //set image if ($item['addImage']) { $this->addImageToTemplate($objTemplate, array('singleSRC' => $item['singleSRC'], 'alt' => $item['alt'], 'title' => $item['imgTitle'], 'size' => $item['size'], 'fullsize' => $item['fullsize'], 'caption' => $item['caption'])); } // set enclosure $objTemplate->enclosure = array(); if ($item['addEnclosure']) { $this->addEnclosuresToTemplate($objTemplate, $item); } $objTemplate->title = $strTitle; // fix title bug $objTemplate->addBefore = $item['floatClass'] == 'float_below' ? false : true; $strResults .= $objTemplate->parse(); } // set map settings if (!empty($mapSettings)) { // set map settings array to template $this->Template->mapSettings = $mapSettings; // set loadMapScript to true $this->loadMapScript = true; // load map libraries if (!$GLOBALS['loadGoogleMapLibraries']) { $GLOBALS['loadGoogleMapLibraries'] = $mapSettings['mapInfoBox'] ? true : false; } } // set js files if ($this->loadMapScript) { $language = $objPage->language ? $objPage->language : 'en'; $GLOBALS['TL_HEAD']['mapJS'] = DiverseFunction::setMapJs($language); } $this->Template->feViewID = $this->feViewID; $this->Template->results = $total < 1 ? '<p class="no-results">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['noResult'] . '</p>' : $strResults; }
/** * @param $arrData * @return mixed */ protected function createGeoCoding($arrData) { $countries = $this->getCountries(); $address_street = $arrData['address_street'] ? $arrData['address_location'] : ''; $address_addition = $arrData['address_addition'] ? $arrData['address_location'] : ''; $address_location = $arrData['address_location'] ? $arrData['address_location'] : ''; $address_zip = $arrData['address_zip'] ? $arrData['address_zip'] : ''; $address_country = $arrData['address_country'] ? $countries[$arrData['address_country']] : ''; $geo_address = ''; if ($address_location || $address_zip || $address_country) { $geo_address = $address_street . ' ' . $address_addition . ' ' . $address_zip . ' ' . $address_location . ' ' . $address_country; } if (!$geo_address) { $geo_address = $arrData['geo_address'] ? $arrData['geo_address'] : ''; } // $cords = array(); // if ($geo_address) { $geoCoding = GeoCoding::getInstance(); $cords = $geoCoding->getGeoCords($geo_address, $address_country); } if (!empty($cords)) { $arrData['geo_latitude'] = $cords['lat'] ? $cords['lat'] : ''; $arrData['geo_longitude'] = $cords['lng'] ? $cords['lng'] : ''; } return $arrData; }
/** * @param DataContainer $dca * @return null */ public function saveGeoCoding(DataContainer $dca) { if (!$dca->activeRecord) { return null; } $geo_address = ''; $countries = $this->getCountries(); $address_street = $dca->activeRecord->address_street ? $dca->activeRecord->address_street : ''; $address_addition = $dca->activeRecord->address_addition ? $dca->activeRecord->address_addition : ''; $address_location = $dca->activeRecord->address_location ? $dca->activeRecord->address_location : ''; $address_zip = $dca->activeRecord->address_zip ? $dca->activeRecord->address_zip : ''; $address_country = $dca->activeRecord->address_country ? $countries[$dca->activeRecord->address_country] : ''; // if ($address_location || $address_zip || $address_country) { $geo_address = $address_street . ' ' . $address_addition . ' ' . $address_zip . ' ' . $address_location . ' ' . $address_country; } // if (!$geo_address) { $geo_address = $dca->activeRecord->geo_address ? $dca->activeRecord->geo_address : ''; } // $cords = array(); // if ($geo_address) { $geoCoding = GeoCoding::getInstance(); $cords = $geoCoding->getGeoCords($geo_address, $address_country, true); } if (!empty($cords)) { $tableName = $dca->table ? $dca->table : Input::get('table'); $id = $dca->id ? $dca->id : Input::get('id'); $lat = $cords['lat'] ? $cords['lat'] : ''; $lng = $cords['lng'] ? $cords['lng'] : ''; if (!$tableName || !$id) { return null; } $this->Database->prepare('UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET geo_latitude=?,geo_longitude=? WHERE id = ?')->execute($lat, $lng, $id); } }
/** * @param \DataContainer $dc * @return null */ public function saveGeoCoding(\DataContainer $dc) { if (!$dc->activeRecord) { return null; } $geo_address = $dc->activeRecord->fm_center_address ? $dc->activeRecord->fm_center_address : ''; $address_country = 'en'; // not needed here // $cords = array(); // if ($geo_address) { $geoCoding = GeoCoding::getInstance(); $cords = $geoCoding->getGeoCords($geo_address, $address_country, true); } if (!empty($cords)) { $tableName = $dc->table ? $dc->table : Input::get('table'); $id = $dc->id ? $dc->id : Input::get('id'); $lat = $cords['lat'] ? $cords['lat'] : ''; $lng = $cords['lng'] ? $cords['lng'] : ''; if (!$tableName || !$id) { return null; } $this->Database->prepare('UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET fm_center_lat=?,fm_center_lng=? WHERE id = ?')->execute($lat, $lng, $id); } }