Exemple #1
  * Decode string $data and get value by key
  * @param $data
  * @param string $key
  * @return string|array|null
 public static function getDecoded($data, $key)
     if (!Obj::isArray($data)) {
         $data = self::decode($data);
     return $data === false ? null : $data[$key];
Exemple #2
  * Run cron task. Attention - this method is too 'fat' to run from any app's
  * @return array|null
 public function run()
     // check if cron instances is defined
     if (!isset($this->configs['instances']) || !Obj::isArray($this->configs['instances'])) {
         return null;
     // get timestamp
     $time = time();
     $log = [];
     // each every one instance
     foreach ($this->configs['instances'] as $callback => $delay) {
         if ((int) $this->configs['log'][$callback] + $delay <= $time) {
             // prepare cron initializing
             list($class, $method) = explode('::', $callback);
             if (class_exists($class) && method_exists($class, $method)) {
                 // make static callback
                 forward_static_call([$class, $method]);
                 $log[] = $callback;
             // update log information
             $this->configs['log'][$callback] = $time + $delay;
     // write updated configs
     App::$Properties->writeConfig('Cron', $this->configs);
     return $log;
  * Build <input type="checkbox" checked {$properties} /> response
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Form\iField::make()
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function make()
     // check if options is defined
     $options = $this->properties['options'];
     if (!Obj::isIterable($options)) {
         throw new SyntaxException('Options for field ' . self::nohtml($this->name) . ' is not iterable');
     // set field type
     $this->properties['type'] = 'checkbox';
     // set this field as array html dom object
     $this->properties['name'] .= '[]';
     unset($this->properties['value'], $this->properties['id']);
     $build = null;
     foreach ($options as $opt) {
         // check if this is active element
         if (Obj::isArray($this->value) && Arr::in($opt, $this->value)) {
             $this->properties['checked'] = null;
         } else {
             // remove checked if it setted before
         $this->properties['value'] = $opt;
         // apply structured checkboxes style for each item
         $build .= App::$View->render('native/form/multi_checkboxes_list', ['item' => self::buildSingleTag('input', $this->properties) . self::nohtml($opt)]);
     return $build;
Exemple #4
  * Scan available permissions and write to cfg file
  * @return string
 public function actionBuildperms()
     // default permissions
     $permissions = ['global/write', 'global/modify', 'global/file', 'global/all'];
     // admin controllers
     $AdminAppControllers = '/Apps/Controller/Admin/';
     // scan directory
     $scan = File::listFiles($AdminAppControllers, ['.php']);
     foreach ($scan as $file) {
         $className = Str::firstIn(Str::lastIn($file, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true), '.');
         // read as plain text
         $byte = File::read($file);
         preg_match_all('/public function action(\\w*?)\\(/', $byte, $matches);
         // matches[0] contains all methods ;)
         if (Obj::isArray($matches[1]) && count($matches[1]) > 0) {
             foreach ($matches[1] as $perm) {
                 $permissions[] = 'Admin/' . $className . '/' . $perm;
     // prepare save string
     $stringSave = "<?php \n\nreturn " . var_export($permissions, true) . ';';
     File::write('/Private/Config/Permissions.php', $stringSave);
     return 'Permissions configuration is successful updated! Founded permissions: ' . count($permissions);
Exemple #5
  * Delete user row from database
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function actionDelete($id = null)
     // check if id is passed or get data from GET as array ids
     if ($id === 0 || (int) $id < 1) {
         $ids = $this->request->query->get('selected');
         if (Obj::isArray($ids) && Arr::onlyNumericValues($ids)) {
             $id = $ids;
         } else {
             throw new NotFoundException('Bad conditions');
     } else {
         $id = [$id];
     // initialize delete model
     $model = new FormUserDelete($id);
     // check if users is found
     if ($model->users === null) {
         throw new NotFoundException(__('Users are not found'));
     // check if delete is submited
     if ($model->send() && $model->validate()) {
         App::$Session->getFlashBag()->add('success', __('Users and them data are successful removed'));
     // set view response
     return $this->view->render('user_delete', ['model' => $model]);
Exemple #6
  * Upload files from ckeditor
  * @param string $type
  * @return string
  * @throws NativeException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function actionUpload($type)
     /** @var $loadFile \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile */
     $loadFile = App::$Request->files->get('upload');
     if ($loadFile === null || $loadFile->getError() !== 0) {
         return $this->errorResponse(__('File upload failed'));
     // get file extension
     $fileExt = '.' . $loadFile->guessExtension();
     // check if this request type is allowed
     if ($this->allowedExt[$type] === null || !Obj::isArray($this->allowedExt[$type])) {
         throw new NativeException('Hack attempt');
     // check if this file extension is allowed to upload
     if (!Arr::in($fileExt, $this->allowedExt[$type])) {
         return $this->errorResponse(__('This file type is not allowed to upload'));
     $date = Date::convertToDatetime(time(), 'd-m-Y');
     // create file hash based on name-size
     $fileNewName = App::$Security->simpleHash($loadFile->getFilename() . $loadFile->getSize()) . $fileExt;
     $savePath = Normalize::diskFullPath('/upload/' . $type . '/' . $date);
     // save file from tmp to regular
     $loadFile->move($savePath, $fileNewName);
     // generate URI of uploaded file
     $url = '/upload/' . $type . '/' . $date . '/' . $fileNewName;
     return App::$View->render('editor/load_success', ['callbackId' => (int) App::$Request->query->get('CKEditorFuncNum'), 'url' => $url], __DIR__);
Exemple #7
  * Get sitemap index files info as array
  * @return array
 public function getInfo()
     if (!Obj::isArray($this->info)) {
         return [];
     return $this->info;
Exemple #8
 public static function widget(array $params = null)
     self::$class = get_called_class();
     // check if class exist
     if (!class_exists(self::$class)) {
         return 'Error: Widget is not founded: ' . self::$class;
     // init class and pass properties
     $object = new self::$class();
     if (Obj::isArray($params) && count($params) > 0) {
         foreach ($params as $property => $value) {
             if (property_exists($object, $property)) {
                 $object->{$property} = $value;
     // prepare output
     $out = null;
     try {
         $out = $object->display();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $out;
Exemple #9
 public function makeTag($name, $value = null, $properties = null)
     // check if properties is passed well
     if ($properties !== null && !Obj::isArray($properties)) {
         throw new SyntaxException('Property must be passed as array or null! Field: ' . $name);
     // add properties to autovalidation by js (properties passed by ref)
     $this->validatorProperties($name, $properties);
     // prepare properties name and id to autobuild
     $this->globalProperties($name, $value, $properties);
     // initialize build model depend of current type
     switch ($this->type) {
         case static::TYPE_TEXT:
             // for <input type="text">
             $builder = new TextField($properties, $name);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
             $builder = new CheckboxField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_PASSWORD:
             $builder = new PasswordField($properties, $name);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_EMAIL:
             $builder = new EmailField($properties, $name);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_SELECT:
             $builder = new SelectField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_TEXTAREA:
             $builder = new TextareaField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_MULTI_CHECKBOXES:
             $builder = new MultiCheckboxField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_CAPTCHA:
             $builder = new CaptchaField($properties, $name);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_FILE:
             $builder = new FileField($properties, $name);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_HIDDEN:
             $builder = new HiddenField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_DIV_FAKE:
             $builder = new DivFakeField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_MULTISELECT:
             $builder = new MultiSelectField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
         case static::TYPE_RADIO:
             $builder = new RadioField($properties, $name, $value);
             return $builder->make();
     // if field is unknown type add notification in debugbar
     if (App::$Debug !== null) {
         App::$Debug->addMessage('Field with name [' . App::$Security->strip_tags($name) . '] have unknown type [' . $this->type . ']', 'error');
     return 'No data: ' . App::$Security->strip_tags($name);
  * Get all permissions as array
  * @return array
  * @throws SyntaxException
 public function getAllPermissions()
     $p = App::$Properties->getAll('permissions');
     if ($p === false || !Obj::isArray($p)) {
         throw new SyntaxException('User permissions settings is not founded: /Private/Config/Permissions.php');
     return $p;
Exemple #11
  * Set global variable from key=>value array (key = varname)
  * @param array $array
 public function setGlobalArray(array $array)
     if (!Obj::isArray($array)) {
     foreach ($array as $var => $value) {
         $this->globalVars[$var] = Obj::isString($value) ? App::$Security->strip_tags($value) : $value;
  * EntityContentSearch constructor. Pass search terms (query string) to model and used items to skip it by id.
  * @param $terms
  * @param int|array $skipIds
 public function __construct($terms, $skipIds = 0)
     $this->_terms = App::$Security->strip_tags(trim($terms, ' '));
     if (Obj::isLikeInt($skipIds)) {
         $this->_skip = [$skipIds];
     } elseif (Obj::isArray($skipIds)) {
         $this->_skip = $skipIds;
Exemple #13
  * Special function for locale stored attributes under serialization.
  * @param string $attribute
  * @return array|null|string
 public function getLocaled($attribute)
     // if always decoded
     if (Obj::isArray($this->{$attribute})) {
         return $this->{$attribute}[App::$Request->getLanguage()];
     if (!Obj::isString($attribute) || Str::likeEmpty($this->{$attribute})) {
         return null;
     return Serialize::getDecodeLocale($this->{$attribute});
Exemple #14
  * Set property values from configurations
 public function before()
     $properties = App::$Properties->getAll();
     if ($properties === false || !Obj::isArray($properties)) {
     // set default values
     foreach (App::$Properties->getAll() as $key => $value) {
         if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
             $this->{$key} = $value;
Exemple #15
  * Build xml output and save it into sitemap folder
  * @param string $uniqueName
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
 public function save($uniqueName)
     // check if data exists
     if ($this->data === null || !Obj::isArray($this->data)) {
         return false;
     // list data each every language, render xml output and write into file
     foreach ($this->data as $lang => $items) {
         $xml = App::$View->render('native/sitemap_urlset', ['items' => $items]);
         File::write(EntityIndexList::INDEX_PATH . '/' . $uniqueName . '.' . $lang . '.xml', $xml);
     return true;
Exemple #16
  * Build console controllers.
  * php console.php Controller/Action index
 public static function run()
     global $argv;
     $output = null;
     if (!Obj::isArray($argv) || Str::likeEmpty($argv[1])) {
         $output = 'Console command is unknown! Type "console main/help" to get help guide';
     } else {
         $controller_action = $argv[1];
         $arrInput = explode('/', $controller_action);
         $controller = ucfirst(strtolower($arrInput[0]));
         $action = ucfirst(strtolower($arrInput[1]));
         if ($action == null) {
             $action = 'Index';
         // set action and id
         $action = 'action' . $action;
         $id = null;
         if (isset($argv[2])) {
             $id = $argv[2];
         try {
             $controller_path = '/Apps/Controller/' . env_name . '/' . $controller . '.php';
             if (file_exists(root . $controller_path) && is_readable(root . $controller_path)) {
                 include_once root . $controller_path;
                 $cname = 'Apps\\Controller\\' . env_name . '\\' . $controller;
                 if (class_exists($cname)) {
                     $load = new $cname();
                     if (method_exists($cname, $action)) {
                         if ($id !== null) {
                             $output = @$load->{$action}($id);
                         } else {
                             $output = @$load->{$action}();
                     } else {
                         throw new NativeException('Method ' . $action . '() not founded in ' . $cname . ' in file {root}' . $controller_path);
                 } else {
                     throw new NativeException('Namespace\\Class - ' . $cname . ' not founded in {root}' . $controller_path);
             } else {
                 throw new NativeException('Controller not founded: {root}' . $controller_path);
         } catch (NativeException $e) {
     return self::$Output->write($output);
Exemple #17
  * Add ckeditor library's to lazyload
  * @return null
 public function display()
     App::$Alias->setCustomLibrary('js', $this->baseUrl . '/ckeditor.js');
     App::$Alias->setCustomLibrary('js', $this->baseUrl . '/adapters/jquery.js');
     $jsInitializeCode = "\$('.{$this->targetClass}').ckeditor({";
     $jsInitializeCode .= "language: '{$this->language}', customConfig: '{$this->config}.js', ";
     if ($this->jsConfig !== null && Obj::isArray($this->jsConfig)) {
         foreach ($this->jsConfig as $obj => $value) {
             $jsInitializeCode .= $obj . ": '" . $value . "', ";
     $jsInitializeCode .= "});";
     App::$Alias->addPlainCode('js', $jsInitializeCode);
     return null;
Exemple #18
  * Get single row by defined type and sys_name with query caching
  * @param string $type
  * @param string|array $sys_name
  * @return mixed|null
  * @throws SyntaxException
 public static function getItem($type, $sys_name)
     foreach (self::all() as $object) {
         if ($object->type === $type) {
             //&& $object->sys_name === $sys_name) {
             if (Obj::isArray($sys_name) && Arr::in($object->sys_name, $sys_name)) {
                 // many different app name - maybe alias or something else
                 return $object;
             } elseif (Obj::isString($sys_name) && $object->sys_name === $sys_name) {
                 return $object;
     return null;
Exemple #19
  * String html tags and escape quotes
  * @param string|array $html
  * @param boolean $escapeQuotes
  * @return string|array|null
 public function strip_tags($html, $escapeQuotes = true)
     // recursive usage
     if (Obj::isArray($html)) {
         foreach ($html as $key => $value) {
             $html[$key] = $this->strip_tags($value, $escapeQuotes);
         return $html;
     $text = strip_tags($html);
     if ($escapeQuotes) {
         $text = $this->escapeQuotes($text);
     return $text;
Exemple #20
  * Display language switcher as html or get builded result as array
  * @return array|null|string
 public function display()
     // prevent loading on disabled multi-language property
     if ($this->multiLangEnabled !== true) {
         return null;
     // check if languages is defined and count more then 1
     if (!Obj::isArray($this->langs) || count($this->langs) < 2) {
         return null;
     // build output items for listing
     $items = [];
     foreach ($this->langs as $lang) {
         $items[] = ['type' => 'link', 'link' => App::$Alias->baseUrlNoLang . '/' . $lang . App::$Request->getPathInfo(), 'text' => '<img src="" class="flag flag-' . $lang . '" alt="' . $lang . '"/>', 'html' => true, '!secure' => true];
     if ($this->onlyArrayItems) {
         return $items;
     return Listing::display(['type' => 'ul', 'property' => $this->css, 'items' => $items]);
Exemple #21
  * Find latest release in github API and get required info
 private function findLatestVersion()
     // get remote api with json response
     $gitJson = File::getFromUrl(static::API_LATEST_RELEASE);
     if ($gitJson === null || $gitJson === false) {
     // parse api response to model attributes
     $git = json_decode($gitJson, true);
     $this->lastVersion = $git['tag_name'];
     // get download url to full compiled distributive (uploaded to each release as .zip archive, placed in release.assets)
     $download = null;
     if (Obj::isArray($git['assets'])) {
         foreach ($git['assets'] as $asset) {
             if ($asset['content_type'] === 'application/zip' && $asset['state'] === 'uploaded') {
                 $download = $asset['browser_download_url'];
     $this->lastInfo = ['name' => $git['name'], 'created_at' => Date::convertToDatetime($git['published_at'], Date::FORMAT_TO_HOUR), 'download_url' => $download];
Exemple #22
  * Initialize event on happend
  * @return mixed
 public function run()
     // dynamicly parse input params
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (count($args) < 1) {
         return false;
     // get event name
     $eventName = array_shift($args);
     // get event args as array if passed
     $eventArgs = @array_shift($args);
     // if event is registered
     if (isset($this->events[$eventName]) && Obj::isArray($this->events[$eventName])) {
         foreach ($this->events[$eventName] as $callback) {
             // call anonymous function with args if passed
             return call_user_func_array($callback, $eventArgs);
     // set to post runned actions
     $this->runned[$eventName] = $eventArgs;
     return false;
Exemple #23
  * Get sorted by relevance search response. Method return result as array: [relevance => [title, snippet, uri, date], ...]
  * @return array
 public function getRelevanceSortedResult()
     $result = [];
     // each every content type
     foreach ($this->results as $type => $items) {
         if (!Obj::isArray($items)) {
         // each every element
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             /** @var AbstractSearchResult $item */
             // build unique relevance. Problem: returned relevance from query is integer
             // and can be duplicated. So, we add random complex float value and make it string to sort in feature
             $uniqueRelevance = (string) ($item->getRelevance() + mt_rand(0, 999) / 10000);
             // build response
             $result[$uniqueRelevance] = ['title' => $item->getTitle(), 'snippet' => $item->getSnippet(), 'uri' => $item->getUri(), 'date' => $item->getDate()];
     // sort output by relevance
     // return result as array
     return $result;
  * Build <select @properties>@optionsDOM</select> container 
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @see \Ffcms\Core\Helper\HTML\Form\iField::make()
 public function make()
     // check if options is defined
     $options = $this->properties['options'];
     $optionsKey = (bool) $this->properties['optionsKey'];
     if (!Obj::isIterable($options)) {
         throw new SyntaxException('Options for field ' . self::nohtml($this->name) . ' is not iterable');
     // set global field type
     $this->properties['type'] = 'select';
     // add multiple element
     $this->properties['multiple'] = null;
     $this->properties['name'] .= '[]';
     unset($this->properties['value'], $this->properties['options'], $this->properties['optionsKey']);
     // build options as HTML DOM element: <option @value>@text</option>
     $optionsDOM = null;
     foreach ($options as $val => $text) {
         // check if options key is value
         $optionProperty = null;
         if ($optionsKey === true) {
             $optionProperty['value'] = $val;
             // check if current element is active
             if (Obj::isArray($this->value) && Arr::in((string) $val, $this->value)) {
                 $optionProperty['selected'] = 'selected';
         } else {
             if (Obj::isArray($this->value) && Arr::in((string) $text, $this->value)) {
                 $optionProperty['selected'] = 'selected';
         $optionsDOM .= self::buildContainerTag('option', $optionProperty, $text);
     // build <select @properties>@optionsDOM</select>
     return self::buildContainerTag('select', $this->properties, $optionsDOM, true);
Exemple #25
require_once root . '/Loader/Autoload.php';
// make fast-access alias \App::$Object
// class_alias('Ffcms\Core\App', 'App');
class App extends Ffcms\Core\App
 * Alias for translate function for fast usage. Example: __('Welcome my friend')
 * @param string $text
 * @param array $params
 * @return string
function __($text, array $params = [])
    return \App::$Translate->translate($text, $params);
try {
    // prepare to run
    $app = \App::factory(['Database' => true, 'User' => true, 'Mailer' => true, 'Cache' => true]);
    $cronManager = new \Ffcms\Core\Managers\CronManager(\App::$Properties->getAll('Cron'));
    $logs = $cronManager->run();
    if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
        if ($logs !== null && \Ffcms\Core\Helper\Type\Obj::isArray($logs) && count($logs) > 0) {
            echo 'Run cron tasks: ' . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $logs);
        } else {
            echo 'No tasks runned';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    (new \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException($e->getMessage()))->display();
  * Set GET param to property array
  * @param int|string $page_id
  * @return array
 protected function setUrlPage($page_id)
     $url = $this->url;
     switch (count($url)) {
         // check nulls if not set
         case 1:
             // only controller/action is defined
             $url[1] = null;
             $url[2] = null;
         case 2:
             $url[2] = null;
     // add page param if > 0
     if ((int) $page_id > 0) {
         // merge with ?page if query is not empty
         if (Obj::isArray($url[3])) {
             $url[3] = Arr::merge($url[3], ['page' => $page_id]);
         } else {
             // just set ?page=$page_id
             $url[3] = ['page' => $page_id];
     return $url;
  * Get field value from input POST/GET/AJAX data with defined security level (html - safe html, !secure = fully unescaped)
  * @param string $field_name
  * @return array|null|string
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function getFieldValue($field_name)
     // get type of input data (where we must look it up)
     $inputType = Str::lowerCase($this->_sendMethod);
     $filterType = 'text';
     // get declared field sources and types
     $sources = $this->sources();
     $types = $this->types();
     // validate sources for current field
     if (Obj::isArray($sources) && array_key_exists($field_name, $sources)) {
         $inputType = Str::lowerCase($sources[$field_name]);
     if (Obj::isArray($types)) {
         // check if field is array-nested element by dots and use first element as general
         $filterField = $field_name;
         // check if field_name is dot-separated array and use general part
         if (Str::contains('.', $field_name)) {
             $filterField = Str::firstIn($field_name, '.');
         if (array_key_exists($filterField, $types)) {
             $filterType = Str::lowerCase($types[$filterField]);
     // get clear field value
     $field_value = $this->getRequest($field_name, $inputType);
     // apply security filter for input data
     if ($inputType !== 'file') {
         if ($filterType === 'html') {
             $field_value = App::$Security->secureHtml($field_value);
         } elseif ($filterType !== '!secure') {
             $field_value = App::$Security->strip_tags($field_value);
     return $field_value;
Exemple #28
        	<span class="spaced hidden-xs"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
                <a href="<?php 
    echo \App::$Alias->baseUrl . $item['uri'];
    echo __('Comments');
: <span itemprop="commentCount" id="comment-count-<?php 
    echo $item['id'];
            <span class="pull-right">
    if ((int) $catConfigs['showTags'] === 1 && $item['tags'] !== null && Obj::isArray($item['tags'])) {
                <span class="spaced"><i class="fa fa-tags hidden-xs"></i>
        foreach ($item['tags'] as $tag) {
            echo Url::link(['content/tag', $tag], $tag, ['class' => 'label label-default']) . "&nbsp;";
                <meta itemprop="keywords" content="<?php 
        implode(',', $item['tags']);
Exemple #29
  * Create <a></a> block link
  * @param string|array $to
  * @param string $name
  * @param array|null $property
  * @return string
 public static function link($to, $name, array $property = null)
     $compile_property = self::applyProperty($property);
     if (!Obj::isArray($to)) {
         // callback magic (:
         $to = [$to];
     // call Url::to(args)
     $callbackTo = call_user_func_array([__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Url', 'to'], $to);
     return '<a href="' . $callbackTo . '"' . $compile_property . '>' . $name . '</a>';
Exemple #30
  * Get property by key of current category
  * @param string $key
  * @return bool|string|null
 public function getProperty($key)
     $properties = $this->configs;
     // check if properties is defined
     if (!Obj::isArray($properties) || !array_key_exists($key, $properties)) {
         return false;
     return $properties[$key];