/** * Defines the process for adding a new row. */ protected function addRow() { $fields = array('DiscussionID' => Discussion::getInstance()->getRandomId(), 'InsertUserID' => User::getInstance()->getRandomId(), 'Body' => \Faker\Lorem::paragraph()); $this->prepareAndInsert($fields); }
/** * Defines the process for adding a new row. */ protected function addRow() { $name = \Faker\Lorem::word(); $fields = array('Name' => $name, 'UrlCode' => \Faker\Internet::slug($name), 'Description' => \Faker\Lorem::sentence(12)); $this->prepareAndInsert($fields); }
/** * Defines the process for adding a new row. */ protected function addRow() { $name = \Faker\Lorem::word(); $fields = array('CategoryID' => Category::getInstance()->getRandomId(), 'InsertUserID' => User::getInstance()->getRandomId(), 'Name' => \Faker\Lorem::sentence(), 'Body' => \Faker\Lorem::paragraph()); $this->prepareAndInsert($fields); }
/** * Defines the process for adding a new row. */ protected function addRow() { $title = \Faker\Name::name(); $fields = array('Name' => \Faker\Internet::userName($title), 'Title' => $title, 'Location' => \Faker\Address::city(), 'About' => \Faker\Lorem::sentence(10), 'Email' => \Faker\Internet::email($title)); $this->prepareAndInsert($fields); }