Exemple #1
  * Load languages
  * @return bool Return true when language has been loaded. false otherwise
 protected function loadLangMap()
     // Set LanguageMap first, because we need to tell application,
     // we already tried to get lang file so it will not waste time retrying it.
     $this->pool['LanguageMap'] = $typedLangData = $langMapTemp = $errors = array();
     $compiledLangFile = $this->configs['Compiled'] . Framework::DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'compiledLanguage.' . $this->pool['Language'] . '.php';
     $langContent = $defaultLangContent = $langKey = $langVal = '';
     if ($this->configs['Renew'] || !($this->pool['LanguageMap'] = static::loadDataCache($compiledLangFile, $this->configs['CacheBegin']))) {
         Framework::summonHook('template_load_language', array(), $errors);
         // load default lang file then client lang file
         // Must load default lang first
         foreach ($this->getLanguageFormMap('default') as $file) {
             if (is_readable($file)) {
                 $defaultLangContent .= file_get_contents($file) . "\n";
             } else {
                 new Error('LANGUAGE_DEFAULT_FILE_NOTFOUND', array($file), 'ERROR');
                 return false;
         // And then, the client lang
         if ($this->pool['Language'] != 'default') {
             foreach ($this->getLanguageFormMap($this->pool['Language']) as $file) {
                 if (is_readable($file)) {
                     $langContent .= file_get_contents($file) . "\n";
                 } else {
                     new Error('LANGUAGE_FILE_NOTFOUND', array($file), 'WARNING');
         foreach (array('Default' => explode("\n", $defaultLangContent), 'Client' => explode("\n", $langContent)) as $langType => $langMapPre) {
             foreach ($langMapPre as $lang) {
                 $langMapTemp = explode('=', $lang, 2);
                 if (!isset($langMapTemp[1])) {
                     // If $langMapTemp[1] not set, may means this is just a comment.
                 $langKey = trim($langMapTemp[0]);
                 $langVal = trim($langMapTemp[1]);
                 if (isset($typedLangData[$langType][$langKey])) {
                     new Error('LANGUAGE_KEY_ALREADY_DECLARED', array($langKey, $typedLangData[$langType][$langKey]), 'WARNING');
                 $this->pool['LanguageMap'][$langKey] = $langVal;
                 $typedLangData[$langType][$langKey] = $langVal;
         if ($this->saveDataCache($compiledLangFile, $this->pool['LanguageMap'])) {
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #2
  * Automatically initialize a class and execute a method of it
  * @param object $app Calling string with ClassName::MethodName format
  * @param array $args Arguments of calling
  * @param bool $cache Load the cached instance, and cache it after initialize.
  * @return mixed|bool Return the result of called method when success, false otherwise
 public function run($app, array $args = array(), $cache = false)
     $callResult = null;
     $errors = array();
     $appParam = explode('::', str_replace(array('::', '->'), '::', $app), 2);
     if (!($handler = $this->getInstance($appParam[0], $args, $cache))) {
         return false;
     if (isset($appParam[1]) && method_exists($handler, $appParam[1])) {
         $hookResult = Framework::summonHook('call_' . $appParam[0] . '::' . $appParam[1] . '_before', $args, $errors);
         $callResult = $this->callFunction(array($handler, $appParam[1]), $args);
         Framework::summonHook('call_' . $appParam[0] . '::' . $appParam[1] . '_after', array('Call' => $callResult, 'Hook' => $hookResult), $errors);
     } elseif (method_exists($handler, 'run')) {
         $hookResult = Framework::summonHook('call_' . $appParam[0] . '_before', $args, $errors);
         $callResult = $this->callFunction(array($handler, 'run'), $args);
         Framework::summonHook('call_' . $appParam[0] . '_after', array('Call' => $callResult, 'Hook' => $hookResult), $errors);
     return $handler;