  * @see ExpressoLite\Backend\Request\LiteRequest::execute
 public function execute()
     // This method will directly output the binary stream to client.
     // Intended to be called on a "_blank" window.
     $fileName = $this->param('fileName');
     $messageId = $this->param('messageId');
     $partId = $this->param('partId');
     $mimeType = $this->isParamSet('forceDownload') ? null : $this->getMimeType($fileName);
     if ($mimeType != null) {
         //WITHOUT 'attachment' in header, will be opened in browser
         header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"{$fileName}\"");
         header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType);
     } else {
         //WITH 'attachment' in header, will be downloaded
         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileName}\"");
         header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
         header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
     $req = new Request();
     $req->setUrl($this->tineSession->getTineUrl() . '?method=Tinebase.uploadTempFile');
     //tineSession has the necessary cookies
     // directly output binary stream to client
     $req->setPostFields('requestType=HTTP&method=Expressomail.downloadAttachment&' . "messageId={$messageId}&partId={$partId}&getAsJson=false");
     $req->setHeaders(array('Connection: keep-alive', 'DNT: 1', 'User-Agent: ' . TineJsonRpc::DEFAULT_USERAGENT, 'Pragma: no-cache', 'Cache-Control: no-cache'));
     // We set our Request with binaryOutput = true. Because of this,
     // it has already outputed all the expected response. So, we return
     // a null here.
     return null;
  * Uploads raw data to Tine as a temp file that may be used as a message attachment.
  * @param  TineSession $tineSession     The TineSession used to communicate with Tine.
  * @param  string      $rawData         The file raw content
  * @param  string      $fileDisplayName The file name
  * @param  string      $mimeType        The file's mimetype
  * @return string The temp file information.
 public static function uploadTempFile(TineSession $tineSession, $rawData, $fileDisplayName, $mimeType)
     $req = new Request();
     $req->setUrl($tineSession->getTineUrl() . '?method=Tinebase.uploadTempFile&eid=' . sha1(mt_rand() . microtime()));
     //tineSession has the necessary cookies
     $req->setHeaders(array('DNT: 1', 'User-Agent: ' . TineJsonRpc::DEFAULT_USERAGENT, 'X-File-Name: ' . $fileDisplayName, 'X-File-Size: 0', 'X-File-Type: ' . $mimeType, 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest', 'X-Tine20-Request-Type: HTTP'));
     return $req->send(REQUEST::POST);