public function indexAction()
     // Compile all social info.
     $owner_social = array();
     $social_types = $this->config->fa->social->toArray();
     $escaper = new \Phalcon\Escaper();
     foreach ($social_types as $social_category => $social_items) {
         foreach ($social_items as $social_type => $social_info) {
             $owner_social_item = $this->owner->contact->{$social_type};
             if (empty($owner_social_item)) {
             $social_image = $this->url->getStatic('img/contact/' . $social_type . '.gif');
             $social_title = $social_info['name'] . ': ' . $escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($owner_social_item);
             if ($social_info['format']) {
                 $social_url = sprintf($social_info['format'], $escaper->escapeUrl($owner_social_item));
                 $owner_social[] = '<a href="' . $social_url . '" target="_blank"><img class="contacticon" src="' . $social_image . '" title="' . $social_title . '"></a>';
             } else {
                 $owner_social[] = '<img class="contacticon" src="' . $social_image . '" title="' . $social_title . '">';
     $this->view->owner_social = $owner_social;
     // Commission information
     $has_commissions = $this->owner->commission_types->count() == 0;
     $this->view->has_commissions = $has_commissions;
     $this->view->accept_trades = $this->owner->getVariable('accept_trades');
     $this->view->accept_commissions = $this->owner->getVariable('accept_commissions');
     // Maturity Rating Filter
     if ($this->fa->canSeeArt('adult')) {
         $maturity_filter = array(Upload::RATING_GENERAL, Upload::RATING_ADULT, Upload::RATING_MATURE);
     } elseif ($this->fa->canSeeArt('mature')) {
         $maturity_filter = array(Upload::RATING_GENERAL, Upload::RATING_MATURE);
     } else {
         $maturity_filter = array(Upload::RATING_GENERAL);
     // Profile picture.
     if ($this->owner->profile_pic) {
         $profile_pic = Upload::find($this->owner->profile_pic);
         if ($profile_pic instanceof Upload && in_array($profile_pic->rating, $maturity_filter)) {
             if ($profile_pic->rating == Upload::RATING_ADULT) {
             $this->view->profile_pic = $profile_pic;
     // Featured picture
     if ($this->owner->featured) {
         $featured_pic = Upload::find($this->owner->featured);
         if ($featured_pic instanceof Upload && in_array($featured_pic->rating, $maturity_filter)) {
             if ($featured_pic->rating == Upload::RATING_ADULT) {
             $this->view->featured_pic = $featured_pic;
     // Upload data
     $uploads = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT up FROM Entity\\Upload up WHERE up.is_scrap = 0 AND up.rating IN (:ratings) AND up.user_id = :user_id ORDER BY DESC')->setParameter('ratings', $maturity_filter)->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->setMaxResults(14)->execute();
     if ($uploads) {
         foreach ($uploads as $row) {
             if ($row->rating == Upload::RATING_ADULT) {
         $this->view->latest_uploads = $uploads;
     // Favorite filters
     $fav_maturity_filter = $maturity_filter;
     if ($this->acl->isAllowed('administer all') || $this->user->id == $this->owner->id) {
         $fav_filter = 'n';
     } else {
         $fav_filter = $this->owner->getVariable('hide_favorites');
     switch ($fav_filter) {
         case 'e':
             // hide everything
             $fav_maturity_filter = null;
         case 'ma':
             // hide adult+mature
             unset($fav_maturity_filter[Upload::RATING_MATURE], $fav_maturity_filter[Upload::RATING_ADULT]);
         case 'a':
             // hide adult
         case 'n':
             // hide nothing
         // hide nothing
             // No changes.
     // Favorites
     if (!empty($fav_maturity_filter)) {
         $latest_faves = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT f, up FROM Entity\\Favorite f JOIN f.upload up WHERE f.user_id = :user_id AND up.rating IN (:ratings) ORDER BY DESC')->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->setParameter('ratings', $fav_maturity_filter)->setMaxResults(14)->execute();
         if ($latest_faves) {
             foreach ($latest_faves as $row) {
                 if ($row->rating == Upload::RATING_ADULT) {
             $this->view->latest_faves = $latest_faves;
     // Watched by / Is watching counts
     $watched_by_count = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT COUNT( FROM Entity\\Watch w WHERE w.target_id = :user_id')->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->getSingleScalarResult();
     $this->view->num_watched_by = $watched_by_count;
     $watching_count = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT COUNT( FROM Entity\\Watch w WHERE w.user_id = :user_id')->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->getSingleScalarResult();
     $this->view->num_watching = $watching_count;
     // Most recent journal
     $journal = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT j FROM Entity\\Journal j WHERE j.user_id = :user_id ORDER BY DESC')->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->setMaxResults(1)->getOneOrNullResult();
     $this->view->journal = $journal;
     // Shouts
     $shouts = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT s, us FROM Entity\\Shout s JOIN s.sender us WHERE s.recipient_id = :user_id ORDER BY DESC')->setParameter('user_id', $this->owner->id)->setMaxResults(12)->execute();
     $this->view->shouts = $shouts;
     // New shout form.
     $shout_form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->shout->toArray();
     $shout_form_config['action'] = $this->url->routeFromHere(array('action' => 'shout'));
     $shout_form = new \FA\Form($shout_form_config);
     $this->view->shout_form = $shout_form;
 public function favoriteAction()
     $csrf_key = $this->getParam('key');
     // Verify this isn't a cross-domain attack before proceeding
     if ($this->csrf->verify($csrf_key, '_upload_content')) {
         // TODO: Check comment hiding rate limit here!
         $upload_id = (int) $this->getParam('id');
         $upload = Upload::find($upload_id);
         // Verifying if the Upload exists
         if (!$upload instanceof Upload) {
             throw new \FA\Exception('Upload not found!');
         $favorite = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT f FROM \\Entity\\Favorite f WHERE f.upload_id = :upload_id')->setParameter('upload_id', $upload->id)->getArrayResult();
         // Verify the user can even progress further
         // If the favorite exists, delete it. If not, create it!
         // TODO: Look into soft deleting
         if (count($favorite) > 0) {
         } else {
             $favorite = new Favorite();
             $favorite->upload = $upload;
             $favorite->user = $this->user;
         // Redirect to the Upload page to our comment!
         // TODO: Add a way to auto-lock on to the comment. Maybe a perma-link style approach?
         return $this->redirectToName('upload_view', array('id' => $upload->id));
 public function indexAction()
     $upload_id = (int) $this->getParam('id');
     // Grab the submission information (Which includes the uploader's info and comments)
     $upload = Upload::find($upload_id);
     if (!$upload instanceof Upload) {
         throw new \FA\Exception('Upload not found!');
     $view = $this->view;
     $view->upload = $upload;
     $view->is_favorited = false ? '+Favorite' : '-Favorite';
     $view->comment_csrf_str = $this->csrf->generate('_upload_comments');
     $view->upload_csrf_str = $this->csrf->generate('_upload_content');
     $view->file_mime = $upload->getMIME();
     $view->keyword_arr = $upload->getKeywords();
     $view->created_at = \FA\Utilities::fa_date_format($upload->created_at, $upload->user->getTimezoneDiff());
     if ($this->user != NULL) {
         // Determine if the user is the owner of the upload
         $view->is_owner = $upload->user->id == $this->user->id;
         // Get if the user prefer fullview first
         $view->fullview = $this->user->fullview ? 'true' : 'false';
         // Apparently, Volt doesn't seem to want convert straight to string
     // Comments!
     // Create the comment forms
     $form_config = $this->current_module_config->forms->upload_comment->toArray();
     $form_config['action'] = $this->url->named('upload_view', array('id' => $upload->id)) . '/comment/new';
     // Add the action so they can actually comment!
     $view->comment_form = new \FA\Form($form_config);
     // Reply form. Uses the same config, but different id.
     $form_config['action'] = '';
     // No need for this.
     $form_config['id'] = 'reply_form';
     $view->reply_form = new \FA\Form($form_config);
     // Edit form. Same story.
     $form_config['id'] = 'edit_form';
     $view->edit_form = new \FA\Form($form_config);
     // Construct the comments
     $comment_ents = \Entity\UploadComment::getRepository()->findBy(array('upload_id' => $upload->id), array('id' => 'DESC'));
     // TODO: Move to CommentTrait for a more global use
     // Initialize our upload comment array
     $up_comments = array();
     foreach ($comment_ents as $comment) {
         // Get the comment's parents
         $parent_path = array_reverse($comment->getParentPath());
         // Map the array, creating new arrays along the way
         $results = self::_mapArray($parent_path, array($comment), 'a');
         // Merge our new array with our overall one!
         $up_comments = array_merge_recursive($results, $up_comments);
     // Flatten the array to allow Volt to run through it without issue
     $view->upload_comments = \Nette\Utils\Arrays::flatten($up_comments);
     // Only need to do these when users with access need to see these stats.
     if ($this->acl->isAllowed('administer all')) {
         $view->total_deleted_comments = 0;
         $view->total_deleted_comments_by_admin = 0;
         $view->total_deleted_comments_by_uploader = 0;
         $view->total_deleted_comments_by_poster = 0;
         // Get the total comments deleted
         foreach ($comment_ents as $comment) {
             $deleting_user = $comment->deleting_user;
             if ($deleting_user != NULL) {
                 // Post has been deleted
                 // Determine who deleted it!
                 if ($deleting_user->id == $comment->user_id) {
                     // Poster deleted it!
                 } elseif ($deleting_user->id == $upload->user . id) {
                     // Uploader deleted it!
                 } elseif ($this->acl->userAllowed('administer all', $deleting_user)) {
                     // Admin deleted it!
     // Grab the EXIF info (If any) and pass it to the view
     // TODO: Will need to determine if we need to include more or less information
     //$exif = exif_read_data($upload->getFullPath(), 'EXIF');
     //$view->exif_info = ($exif ? $exif : '');
     // Legacy stuff
     // TODO: Move this off to either ACL or some other config. Most if not all is controller specific
     $view->edit_duration_sec = \Entity\UploadComment::getEditDuration();
     // Assuming this is for versioning.