function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
     /** @var ResponseInterface $response */
     $response = $next();
     $lang = $this->locale->locale();
     // The check for app->translation is made here instead of conditionally adding this middleware
     // because loaded modules can change this setting.
     if (!$this->settings->translation || !$lang) {
         return $response;
     if (!isset(self::$translation[$lang])) {
         // Load and merge all translation files now.
         self::$translation[$lang] = [];
         $trans =& self::$translation[$lang];
         $folders = $this->settings->languageFolders;
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             $path = "{$folder}/{$lang}.ini";
             $newTrans = fileExists($path) ? parse_ini_file($path) : null;
             if ($newTrans) {
                 $trans = array_merge($trans, $newTrans);
         if (!$trans) {
             $paths = array_map(function ($path) {
                 return "<li>" . ErrorConsole::shortFileName($path);
             }, $folders);
             throw new ConfigException("A translation file for language <b>{$lang}</b> was not found.\n<p>Search paths:\n<ul>" . implode('', $paths) . "</ul>", FlashType::ERROR);
     $out = preg_replace_callback(self::FIND_TRANS_KEY, function ($args) use($lang) {
         $a = $args[1];
         return empty(self::$translation[$lang][$a]) ? '$' . $a : preg_replace('#\\r?\\n#', '<br>', self::$translation[$lang][$a]);
     }, $response->getBody());
     return $response->withBody($this->responseFactory->makeBody($out));