Exemple #1
 static function update()
     foreach (self::$obj_list as $tab => $tab_spec) {
         // Add ft (Full Text) column
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM full_text WHERE link_to = ?';
         $arg = array($tab);
         SQL::query($sql, $arg);
         // Update Desired Columns & Records to that Field
         $buf = array();
         foreach ($tab_spec['cols'] as $col) {
             $buf[] = " coalesce({$col}::text,'') ";
         $sql = "INSERT INTO full_text ";
         $sql .= " SELECT '{$tab}',id, ";
         switch ($tab) {
             case 'contact':
                 $sql .= " kind || ': ' || CASE WHEN kind = 'Person' THEN contact ELSE company END, ";
                 $sql .= " '" . $tab_spec['name'] . " #' || id,";
         $sql .= ' (' . implode(" || ' ' || ", $buf) . '), ';
         $sql .= 'to_tsvector(' . implode(" || ' ' || ", $buf) . ')';
         $sql .= " FROM {$tab}";
         // echo "$sql\n";
 	Delete Ledger & Journal Entries
 function delete()
     $arg = array(intval($this->_data['id']));
     SQL::query('DELETE FROM account_ledger where account_journal_id = ?', $arg);
     SQL::query('DELETE FROM account_journal where id = ?', $arg);
     return true;
Exemple #3
 	Delete a Key
 	@param $k Key
 function delMeta($k)
     if (empty($this->_data['id'])) {
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM contact_meta';
     $sql .= ' WHERE contact_id = ? AND key = ?';
     $arg = array($this->_data['id'], $k);
     $res = SQL::query($sql, $arg);
     return $res;
Exemple #4
 	Update Balance
 	Updates the Invoice Balance after it's been saved
 private function _updateBalance()
     $id = intval($this->_data['id']);
     $sql = 'UPDATE invoice SET';
     $sql .= ' sub_total = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * (1 + tax_rate)) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?)';
     $sql .= ', tax_total = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * tax_rate) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?)';
     $sql .= ', bill_amount = ( SELECT SUM ( quantity * rate * (1 + tax_rate)) FROM invoice_item WHERE invoice_id = ?) ';
     // $sql.= ', paid_amount =
     $sql .= ' WHERE id = ? ';
     SQL::query($sql, array($id, $id, $id, $id));
     // die(SQL::lastError());
     // $r = array();
     // $r['sub_total'] = floatval($d->fetchOne("select sum( quantity * rate ) as sub_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // $r['tax_total'] = floatval($d->fetchOne("select sum( quantity * rate * tax_rate) as tax_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // $sql.= ' sub_total = ?, ';
     // $arg[] = floatval(SQL::fetch_one("select sum( quantity * rate * tax_rate) as tax_total from invoice_item where invoice_id={$id}"));
     // // $r['bill_amount'] = $r['sub_total'] + $r['tax_total'];
     // $sql.= ' bill_amount = ?, ';
     // $arg[] = $r['sub_total'] + $r['tax_total'];
     // // $r['paid_amount'] = $this->getTransactionSum();
     // $sql.= ' paid_amount = ? ';
     // $arg[] = $this->getTransactionSum();
     // @todo Force Marking as Paid Amount Full?
     // if ($this->status == 'Paid') {
     //	 $r['paid_amount'] = $r['bill_amount'];
     // }
     // $w = array('id = ?'=>$this->id);
     // $t = new Zend_Db_Table(array('name'=>'invoice'));
     // $t->update($r,$w);
     // @todo Save to Object Data?
     // $this->bill_amount = $r['bill_amount'];
     // $this->paid_amount = $r['paid_amount'];
     // $this->sub_total = $r['sub_total'];
     // $this->tax_total = $r['tax_total'];
 	AppModel delete
 	Destroy this object and it's index
 function delete()
     SQL::query("delete from {$this->_table} where id = {$this->_data['id']}");
Exemple #6
 	Work Order Update Balance
 	@todo handle totals differently for Subscription vs One-Time Work Orders
 private function _updateBalance()
     $id = $this->_data['id'];
     $sql = 'update workorder set ';
     $sql .= 'bill_amount = (';
     $sql .= "select sum(a_quantity * a_rate) from workorder_item ";
     $sql .= " where workorder_id={$id} and status = 'Billed' ) ";
     $sql .= ',';
     $sql .= 'open_amount = (';
     $sql .= 'select sum(a_quantity * a_rate) from workorder_item ';
     $sql .= " where workorder_id = {$id} and status in ('Active','Complete') ";
     $sql .= ") where id={$id}";
     $this->bill_amount = SQL::fetch_one("SELECT bill_amount FROM workorder WHERE id = {$id}");
     $this->open_amount = SQL::fetch_one("SELECT open_amount FROM workorder WHERE id = {$id}");