Exemple #1
  * @test
 public function getUrlReturnsInitialValueForString()
     if (!$this->canRunLynx()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('The command "' . Tools::confParam('path_to_lynx') . '" is not available.');
     $html = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/input.html');
     $expected = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lynx.txt');
     $actual = $this->subject->getPlainText($html, 'http://my-domain.com');
     $this->assertSame($expected, $actual);
Exemple #2
 public function getPlainText($content, $baseUrl)
     $tmpFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'newsletter_');
     $contentWithBase = $this->injectBaseUrl($content, $baseUrl);
     file_put_contents($tmpFile, $contentWithBase);
     $cmd = escapeshellcmd(Tools::confParam('path_to_lynx')) . ' -force_html -dump ' . escapeshellarg($tmpFile);
     exec($cmd, $output);
     $plainText = implode("\n", $output);
     return $plainText;
Exemple #3
  * This method is designed to return some additional information about the task,
  * that may help to set it apart from other tasks from the same class
  * This additional information is used - for example - in the Scheduler's BE module
  * This method should be implemented in most task classes
  * @return	string	Information to display
 public function getAdditionalInformation()
     $objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager::class);
     $newsletterRepository = $objectManager->get(\Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Repository\NewsletterRepository::class);
     $newslettersToSend = $newsletterRepository->findAllReadyToSend();
     $newslettersBeingSent = $newsletterRepository->findAllBeingSent();
     $newslettersToSendCount = count($newslettersToSend);
     $newslettersBeingSentCount = count($newslettersBeingSent);
     $emailNotSentCount = 0;
     foreach ($newslettersToSend as $newsletter) {
         $emailNotSentCount += $newsletter->getEmailNotSentCount();
     foreach ($newslettersBeingSent as $newsletter) {
         $emailNotSentCount += $newsletter->getEmailNotSentCount();
     $emailsPerRound = Tools::confParam('mails_per_round');
     return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('task_send_emails_additional_information', 'newsletter', [$emailsPerRound, $emailNotSentCount, $newslettersToSendCount, $newslettersBeingSentCount]);
  * Fetch all email from Bounce Accounts and pipe each of them to cli/bounce.php
 public static function fetchBouncedEmails()
     // Check that th configured fetchmail is actually available
     $fetchmail = Tools::confParam('path_to_fetchmail');
     $foo = $exitStatus = null;
     exec("{$fetchmail} --version 2>&1", $foo, $exitStatus);
     if ($exitStatus) {
         throw new Exception("fetchmail is not available with path configured via Extension Manager '{$fetchmail}'. Install fetchmail or update configuration and try again.");
     // Find all bounce accounts we need to check
     $content = '';
     $servers = array();
     $objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
     $bounceAccountRepository = $objectManager->get('Ecodev\\Newsletter\\Domain\\Repository\\BounceAccountRepository');
     foreach ($bounceAccountRepository->findAll() as $bounceAccount) {
         $server = $bounceAccount->getServer();
         $protocol = $bounceAccount->getProtocol();
         $username = $bounceAccount->getUsername();
         $password = $bounceAccount->getPassword();
         $content .= "poll {$server} proto {$protocol} username \"{$username}\" password \"{$password}\"\n";
         $servers[] = $server;
     // Write a new fetchmailrc based on bounce accounts found
     $fetchmailhome = PATH_site . 'uploads/tx_newsletter';
     $fetchmailfile = "{$fetchmailhome}/fetchmailrc";
     file_put_contents($fetchmailfile, $content);
     chmod($fetchmailfile, 0600);
     // Keep messages on server
     $keep = Tools::confParam('keep_messages') ? '--keep ' : '';
     // Execute fetchtmail and ask him to pipe emails to our cli/bounce.php
     $cli_dispatcher = PATH_typo3 . 'cli_dispatch.phpsh';
     // This needs to be the absolute path of /typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh
     foreach ($servers as $server) {
         $cmd = "{$fetchmail} -s {$keep} -m \"{$cli_dispatcher} newsletter_bounce\" {$server}";
Exemple #5
  * Fetch all email from Bounce Accounts and pipe each of them to cli/bounce.php
 public static function fetchBouncedEmails()
     // Check that th configured fetchmail is actually available
     $fetchmail = Tools::confParam('path_to_fetchmail');
     $foo = $exitStatus = null;
     exec("{$fetchmail} --version 2>&1", $foo, $exitStatus);
     if ($exitStatus) {
         throw new \Exception("fetchmail is not available with path configured via Extension Manager '{$fetchmail}'. Install fetchmail or update configuration and try again.");
     // Find all bounce accounts we need to check
     $fetchmailConfiguration = '';
     $servers = [];
     $objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager::class);
     $bounceAccountRepository = $objectManager->get(\Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Repository\BounceAccountRepository::class);
     foreach ($bounceAccountRepository->findAll() as $bounceAccount) {
         $fetchmailConfiguration .= $bounceAccount->getSubstitutedConfig() . "\n";
         $servers[] = $bounceAccount->getServer();
     // Write a new fetchmailrc based on bounce accounts found
     $fetchmailHome = PATH_site . 'uploads/tx_newsletter';
     $fetchmailFile = "{$fetchmailHome}/fetchmailrc";
     file_put_contents($fetchmailFile, $fetchmailConfiguration);
     $fetchmailConfiguration = null;
     // Dont leave unencrypted values in memory around for too long.
     chmod($fetchmailFile, 0600);
     // Keep messages on server
     $keep = Tools::confParam('keep_messages') ? '--keep ' : '';
     // Execute fetchtmail and ask him to pipe emails to our cli/bounce.php
     $cli_dispatcher = PATH_typo3 . 'cli_dispatch.phpsh';
     // This needs to be the absolute path of /typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh
     foreach ($servers as $server) {
         $cmd = "{$fetchmail} -s {$keep} -m \"{$cli_dispatcher} newsletter_bounce\" {$server}";
Exemple #6
  * Returns the URL of the content of this newsletter
  * @return string
 public function getContentUrl($language = null)
     $append_url = Tools::confParam('append_url');
     $baseUrl = $this->getBaseUrl();
     if (!is_null($language)) {
         $language = '&L=' . $language;
     return $baseUrl . '/index.php?id=' . $this->getPid() . $language . $append_url;
     * Find all pairs of newsletter-email UIDs that are should be sent
     * @global \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection $TYPO3_DB
     * @param Newsletter $newsletter
     * @return array [[newsletter => 12, email => 5], ...]
    public static function findAllNewsletterAndEmailUidToSend(Newsletter $newsletter = null)
        global $TYPO3_DB;
        // Apply limit of emails per round
        $mails_per_round = (int) \Ecodev\Newsletter\Tools::confParam('mails_per_round');
        if ($mails_per_round) {
            $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $mails_per_round;
        } else {
            $limit = '';
        // Apply newsletter restriction if any
        if ($newsletter) {
            $newsletterUid = 'AND tx_newsletter_domain_model_newsletter.uid = ' . $newsletter->getUid();
        } else {
            $newsletterUid = '';
        // Find the uid of emails and newsletters that need to be sent
        $rs = $TYPO3_DB->sql_query('SELECT tx_newsletter_domain_model_newsletter.uid AS newsletter, tx_newsletter_domain_model_email.uid AS email
						FROM tx_newsletter_domain_model_email
						INNER JOIN tx_newsletter_domain_model_newsletter ON (tx_newsletter_domain_model_email.newsletter = tx_newsletter_domain_model_newsletter.uid)
						WHERE tx_newsletter_domain_model_email.begin_time = 0
                        ' . $newsletterUid . '
						ORDER BY tx_newsletter_domain_model_email.newsletter ' . $limit);
        $result = array();
        while ($record = $TYPO3_DB->sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
            $result[] = $record;
        return $result;
Exemple #8
  * Replace all links in the mail to make spy links.
  * @param \Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Model\Email $email The email to prepare the newsletter for
  * @param bool $isPreview whether we are preparing a preview version (if true links will not be stored in database thus no statistics will be available)
 private function injectLinksSpy(Email $email, $isPreview)
     /* Exchange all http:// links  html */
     preg_match_all('|<a [^>]*href="(https?://[^"]*)"|Ui', $this->html, $urls);
     // No-Track Marker
     $notrackMarker = Tools::confParam('no-track');
     foreach ($urls[1] as $i => $url) {
         // Check for a no-track marker
         if (!empty($notrackMarker) && stripos($url, $notrackMarker) != false) {
         $newUrl = $this->getLinkAuthCode($email, $url, $isPreview);
         /* Two step replace to be as precise as possible */
         $link = str_replace($url, $newUrl, $urls[0][$i]);
         $this->html = str_replace($urls[0][$i], $link, $this->html);
  * Sends an email to the address configured in extension settings when a recipient unsubscribe
  * @param \Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Model\Newsletter $newsletter
  * @param \Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Model\RecipientList $recipientList
  * @param \Ecodev\Newsletter\Domain\Model\Email $email
  * @return void
 protected function notifyUnsubscribe($newsletter, $recipientList, Email $email)
     $notificationEmail = Tools::confParam('notification_email');
     // Use the page-owner as user
     if ($notificationEmail == 'user') {
         $rs = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_query("SELECT email\n\t\t\tFROM be_users\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN pages ON be_users.uid = pages.perms_userid\n\t\t\tWHERE pages.uid = " . $newsletter->getPid());
         list($notificationEmail) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($rs);
     // If cannot find valid email, don't send any notification
     if (!\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::validEmail($notificationEmail)) {
     // Build email texts
     $baseUrl = 'http://' . $newsletter->getDomain();
     $urlRecipient = $baseUrl . '/typo3/alt_doc.php?&edit[tx_newsletter_domain_model_email][' . $email->getUid() . ']=edit';
     $urlRecipientList = $baseUrl . '/typo3/alt_doc.php?&edit[tx_newsletter_domain_model_recipientlist][' . $recipientList->getUid() . ']=edit';
     $urlNewsletter = $baseUrl . '/typo3/alt_doc.php?&edit[tx_newsletter_domain_model_newsletter][' . $newsletter->getUid() . ']=edit';
     $subject = \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('unsubscribe_notification_subject', 'newsletter');
     $body = \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('unsubscribe_notification_body', 'newsletter', array($email->getRecipientAddress(), $urlRecipient, $recipientList->getTitle(), $urlRecipientList, $newsletter->getTitle(), $urlNewsletter));
     // Actually sends email
     $message = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Mail\\MailMessage');
     $message->setTo($notificationEmail)->setFrom(array($newsletter->getSenderEmail() => $newsletter->getSenderName()))->setSubject($subject)->setBody($body, 'text/html');
  * Returns the URL of the content of this newsletter
  * @return string
 public function getContentUrl($language = null)
     $append_url = Tools::confParam('append_url');
     $domain = $this->getDomain();
     if (!is_null($language)) {
         $language = '&L=' . $language;
     $protocol = Tools::confParam('protocol');
     //stefano: protocol is now set through "basic.protocol" parameter
     return "{$protocol}{$domain}/index.php?id=" . $this->getPid() . $language . $append_url;
Exemple #11
  * Returns the URL of the content of this newsletter
  * @return string
 public function getContentUrl($language = null)
     $append_url = Tools::confParam('append_url');
     $domain = $this->getDomain();
     if (!is_null($language)) {
         $language = '&L=' . $language;
     return "http://{$domain}/index.php?id=" . $this->getPid() . $language . $append_url;