public function testBookPublish()
     $console = new ConsoleApplication($this->app);
     // find the test books
     $books = $this->app->get('finder')->directories()->name('book*')->depth(0)->in(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/');
     foreach ($books as $book) {
         $slug = $book->getFileName();
         // mirror test book contents in temp dir
         $this->app->get('filesystem')->mirror(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/input', $this->dir . '/' . $slug);
         // look for and publish all the book editions
         $bookConfig = Yaml::parse($this->dir . '/' . $slug . '/config.yml');
         $editions = $bookConfig['book']['editions'];
         foreach ($editions as $editionName => $editionConfig) {
             // publish each book edition
             $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'publish', 'slug' => $slug, 'edition' => $editionName, '--dir' => $this->dir));
             $console->find('publish')->run($input, new NullOutput());
             // assert that generated files are exactly the same as expected
             $generatedFiles = $this->app->get('finder')->files()->notName('.gitignore')->in($this->dir . '/' . $slug . '/Output/' . $editionName);
             foreach ($generatedFiles as $file) {
                 $this->assertFileEquals(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/expected/' . $editionName . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getPathname(), sprintf("'%s' file not properly generated", $file->getPathname()));
             // assert than book publication took less than 5 seconds
             $this->assertLessThan(5, $this->app['app.timer.finish'] - $this->app['app.timer.start'], sprintf("Publication of '%s' edition for '%s' book took more than 5 seconds", $editionName, $slug));
             // reset app state before the next publishing
             $this->app = new Application();
             $console = new ConsoleApplication($this->app);
Exemple #2
 public function testBookPublish()
     $console = new ConsoleApplication($this->app);
     // find the test books
     $books = $this->app['finder']->directories()->name('book*')->depth(0)->in(__DIR__ . '/fixtures');
     foreach ($books as $book) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Temporarily marked as skipeed until we update these tests to be less fragile with whitespaces.');
         $slug = $book->getFileName();
         if ('book5' == $slug && (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') || !extension_loaded('intl'))) {
             $this->markTestSkipped('This test requires PHP 5.4.0+ with the intl extension enabled (the book contains a lot of non-latin characters that need the native PHP transliterator)');
         // mirror test book contents in temp dir
         $this->filesystem->mirror(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/input', $this->tmpDir . '/' . $slug);
         // look for and publish all the book editions
         $bookConfig = Yaml::parse($this->tmpDir . '/' . $slug . '/config.yml');
         $editionNames = array_keys($bookConfig['book']['editions']);
         foreach ($editionNames as $editionName) {
             // publish each book edition
             $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'publish', 'slug' => $slug, 'edition' => $editionName, '--dir' => $this->tmpDir));
             $console->find('publish')->run($input, new NullOutput());
             // assert that generated files are exactly the same as expected
             $generatedFiles = $this->app['finder']->files()->notName('.gitignore')->in($this->tmpDir . '/' . $slug . '/Output/' . $editionName);
             foreach ($generatedFiles as $file) {
                 if ('epub' == $file->getExtension()) {
                     // unzip both files to compare its contents
                     $workDir = $this->tmpDir . '/' . $slug . '/unzip/' . $editionName;
                     $generated = $workDir . '/generated';
                     $expected = $workDir . '/expected';
                     Toolkit::unzip($file->getRealPath(), $generated);
                     Toolkit::unzip(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/expected/' . $editionName . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname(), $expected);
                     // assert that generated files are exactly the same as expected
                     $genFiles = $this->app['finder']->files()->notName('.gitignore')->in($generated);
                     foreach ($genFiles as $genFile) {
                         $this->assertFileEquals($expected . '/' . $genFile->getRelativePathname(), $genFile->getPathname(), sprintf("ERROR on {$book}:\n '%s' file (into ZIP file '%s') not properly generated", $genFile->getRelativePathname(), $file->getPathName()));
                     // assert that all required files are generated
                     $this->checkForMissingFiles($expected, $generated);
                 } else {
                     $this->assertFileEquals(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/expected/' . $editionName . '/' . $file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getPathname(), sprintf("'%s' file not properly generated", $file->getPathname()));
             // assert that all required files are generated
             $this->checkForMissingFiles(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $slug . '/expected/' . $editionName, $this->tmpDir . '/' . $slug . '/Output/' . $editionName);
             // assert than book publication took less than 5 seconds
             $this->assertLessThan(5, $this->app['app.timer.finish'] - $this->app['app.timer.start'], sprintf("Publication of '%s' edition for '%s' book took more than 5 seconds", $editionName, $slug));
             // reset app state before the next publishing
             $this->app = new Application();
             $console = new ConsoleApplication($this->app);