  * Tests derivative creation with several source on a local writable stream.
  * @dataProvider providerTestCustomStreamWrappers
  * @param string $source_scheme
  *   The source stream wrapper scheme.
  * @param string $expected_scheme
  *   The derivative expected stream wrapper scheme.
 public function testCustomStreamWrappers($source_scheme, $expected_scheme)
     $derivative_uri = $this->imageStyle->buildUri("{$source_scheme}://some/path/image.png");
     $derivative_scheme = $this->fileSystem->uriScheme($derivative_uri);
     // Check that the derivative scheme is the expected scheme.
     $this->assertSame($expected_scheme, $derivative_scheme);
     // Check that the derivative URI is the expected one.
     $expected_uri = "{$expected_scheme}://styles/{$this->imageStyle->id()}/{$source_scheme}/some/path/image.png";
     $this->assertSame($expected_uri, $derivative_uri);
  * Assert the behavior of the formatter dependencies.
  * @param array $formatter_settings
  *   The formatter settings to apply to the entity dispaly.
 protected function assertFormatterDependencyBehavior($formatter_settings)
     // Assert the image style becomes a dependency of the entity display.
     $this->loadEntityDisplay()->setComponent($this->fieldName, $formatter_settings)->save();
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('image.style.' . $this->style->id(), $this->loadEntityDisplay()->getDependencies()['config']), 'The image style was correctly added as a dependency the entity display config object.');
     // Delete the image style.
     $storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('image_style');
     $storage->setReplacementId($this->style->id(), $this->replacementStyle->id());
     // Ensure the replacement is now a dependency.
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('image.style.' . $this->replacementStyle->id(), $this->loadEntityDisplay()->getDependencies()['config']), 'The replacement style was added to the entity display.');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // The image effect configuration is stored in the 'data' key in the form,
     // pass that through for submission.
     $this->imageEffect->submitConfigurationForm($form['data'], SubformState::createForSubform($form['data'], $form, $form_state));
     if (!$this->imageEffect->getUuid()) {
     drupal_set_message($this->t('The image effect was successfully applied.'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     // The image effect configuration is stored in the 'data' key in the form,
     // pass that through for submission.
     $effect_data = array('values' => &$form_state['values']['data']);
     $this->imageEffect->submitConfigurationForm($form, $effect_data);
     if (!$this->imageEffect->getUuid()) {
     drupal_set_message($this->t('The image effect was successfully applied.'));
     $form_state['redirect_route'] = $this->imageStyle->urlInfo('edit-form');
   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager */
    $entity_type_manager = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager');
    $this->cropStorage = $entity_type_manager->getStorage('crop');
    $this->cropTypeStorage = $entity_type_manager->getStorage('crop_type');
    $this->imageStyleStorage = $entity_type_manager->getStorage('image_style');
    $this->fileStorage = $entity_type_manager->getStorage('file');

    // Create DB schemas.
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeListenerInterface $entity_type_listener */
    $entity_type_listener = $this->container->get('entity_type.listener');

    // Create test image style.
    $uuid = $this->container->get('uuid')->generate();
    $this->testStyle = $this->imageStyleStorage->create([
      'name' => 'test',
      'label' => 'Test image style',
      'effects' => [
        $uuid => [
          'id' => 'crop_crop',
          'data' => ['crop_type' => 'test_type'],
          'weight' => 0,
          'uuid' => $uuid,

    // Create test crop type.
    $this->cropType = $this->cropTypeStorage->create([
      'id' => 'test_type',
      'label' => 'Test crop type',
      'description' => 'Some nice desc.',
  * Count the number of images currently create for a style.
 function getImageCount(ImageStyleInterface $style)
     return count(file_scan_directory('public://styles/' . $style->id(), '/.*/'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function save(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     parent::save($form, $form_state);
  * Update field settings if the image style name is changed.
  * @param \Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $style
  *   The image style.
 protected static function replaceImageStyle(ImageStyleInterface $style)
     if ($style->id() != $style->getOriginalId()) {
         // Loop through all entity displays looking for formatters / widgets using
         // the image style.
         foreach (entity_load_multiple('entity_view_display') as $display) {
             foreach ($display->getComponents() as $name => $options) {
                 if (isset($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'image' && $options['settings']['image_style'] == $style->getOriginalId()) {
                     $options['settings']['image_style'] = $style->id();
                     $display->setComponent($name, $options)->save();
         foreach (entity_load_multiple('entity_form_display') as $display) {
             foreach ($display->getComponents() as $name => $options) {
                 if (isset($options['type']) && $options['type'] == 'image_image' && $options['settings']['preview_image_style'] == $style->getOriginalId()) {
                     $options['settings']['preview_image_style'] = $style->id();
                     $display->setComponent($name, $options)->save();
  * Tests building an image style URL.
 function doImageStyleUrlAndPathTests($scheme, $clean_url = TRUE, $extra_slash = FALSE)
     // Make the default scheme neither "public" nor "private" to verify the
     // functions work for other than the default scheme.
     $this->config('system.file')->set('default_scheme', 'temporary')->save();
     // Create the directories for the styles.
     $directory = $scheme . '://styles/' . $this->style->id();
     $status = file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
     $this->assertNotIdentical(FALSE, $status, 'Created the directory for the generated images for the test style.');
     // Create a working copy of the file.
     $files = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');
     $file = array_shift($files);
     $original_uri = file_unmanaged_copy($file->uri, $scheme . '://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
     // Let the image_module_test module know about this file, so it can claim
     // ownership in hook_file_download().
     \Drupal::state()->set('image.test_file_download', $original_uri);
     $this->assertNotIdentical(FALSE, $original_uri, 'Created the generated image file.');
     // Get the URL of a file that has not been generated and try to create it.
     $generated_uri = $this->style->buildUri($original_uri);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($generated_uri), 'Generated file does not exist.');
     $generate_url = $this->style->buildUrl($original_uri, $clean_url);
     // Ensure that the tests still pass when the file is generated by accessing
     // a poorly constructed (but still valid) file URL that has an extra slash
     // in it.
     if ($extra_slash) {
         $modified_uri = str_replace('://', ':///', $original_uri);
         $this->assertNotEqual($original_uri, $modified_uri, 'An extra slash was added to the generated file URI.');
         $generate_url = $this->style->buildUrl($modified_uri, $clean_url);
     if (!$clean_url) {
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($generate_url, 'index.php/') !== FALSE, 'When using non-clean URLS, the system path contains the script name.');
     // Add some extra chars to the token.
     $this->drupalGet(str_replace(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=', IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=Zo', $generate_url));
     $this->assertResponse(403, 'Image was inaccessible at the URL with an invalid token.');
     // Change the parameter name so the token is missing.
     $this->drupalGet(str_replace(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=', 'wrongparam=', $generate_url));
     $this->assertResponse(403, 'Image was inaccessible at the URL with a missing token.');
     // Check that the generated URL is the same when we pass in a relative path
     // rather than a URI. We need to temporarily switch the default scheme to
     // match the desired scheme before testing this, then switch it back to the
     // "temporary" scheme used throughout this test afterwards.
     $this->config('system.file')->set('default_scheme', $scheme)->save();
     $relative_path = file_uri_target($original_uri);
     $generate_url_from_relative_path = $this->style->buildUrl($relative_path, $clean_url);
     $this->assertEqual($generate_url, $generate_url_from_relative_path);
     $this->config('system.file')->set('default_scheme', 'temporary')->save();
     // Fetch the URL that generates the file.
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Image was generated at the URL.');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($generated_uri), 'Generated file does exist after we accessed it.');
     $this->assertRaw(file_get_contents($generated_uri), 'URL returns expected file.');
     $image = $this->container->get('image.factory')->get($generated_uri);
     $this->assertEqual($this->drupalGetHeader('Content-Type'), $image->getMimeType(), 'Expected Content-Type was reported.');
     $this->assertEqual($this->drupalGetHeader('Content-Length'), $image->getFileSize(), 'Expected Content-Length was reported.');
     if ($scheme == 'private') {
         $this->assertEqual($this->drupalGetHeader('Expires'), 'Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
         $this->assertNotEqual(strpos($this->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'no-cache'), FALSE, 'Cache-Control header contains \'no-cache\' to prevent caching.');
         $this->assertEqual($this->drupalGetHeader('X-Image-Owned-By'), 'image_module_test', 'Expected custom header has been added.');
         // Make sure that a second request to the already existing derivative
         // works too.
         $this->assertResponse(200, 'Image was generated at the URL.');
         // Make sure that access is denied for existing style files if we do not
         // have access.
         $this->assertResponse(403, 'Confirmed that access is denied for the private image style.');
         // Repeat this with a different file that we do not have access to and
         // make sure that access is denied.
         $file_noaccess = array_shift($files);
         $original_uri_noaccess = file_unmanaged_copy($file_noaccess->uri, $scheme . '://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
         $generated_uri_noaccess = $scheme . '://styles/' . $this->style->id() . '/' . $scheme . '/' . drupal_basename($original_uri_noaccess);
         $this->assertFalse(file_exists($generated_uri_noaccess), 'Generated file does not exist.');
         $generate_url_noaccess = $this->style->buildUrl($original_uri_noaccess);
         $this->assertResponse(403, 'Confirmed that access is denied for the private image style.');
         // Verify that images are not appended to the response. Currently this test only uses PNG images.
         if (strpos($generate_url, '.png') === FALSE) {
             $this->fail('Confirming that private image styles are not appended require PNG file.');
         } else {
             // Check for PNG-Signature (cf. http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/chapter08.html#png.ch08.div.2) in the
             // response body.
             $this->assertNoRaw(chr(137) . chr(80) . chr(78) . chr(71) . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(26) . chr(10), 'No PNG signature found in the response body.');
     } else {
         $this->assertEqual($this->drupalGetHeader('Expires'), 'Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
         $this->assertEqual(strpos($this->drupalGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'no-cache'), FALSE, 'Cache-Control header contains \'no-cache\' to prevent caching.');
         if ($clean_url) {
             // Add some extra chars to the token.
             $this->drupalGet(str_replace(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=', IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=Zo', $generate_url));
             $this->assertResponse(200, 'Existing image was accessible at the URL with an invalid token.');
     // Allow insecure image derivatives to be created for the remainder of this
     // test.
     $this->config('image.settings')->set('allow_insecure_derivatives', TRUE)->save();
     // Create another working copy of the file.
     $files = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');
     $file = array_shift($files);
     $original_uri = file_unmanaged_copy($file->uri, $scheme . '://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
     // Let the image_module_test module know about this file, so it can claim
     // ownership in hook_file_download().
     \Drupal::state()->set('image.test_file_download', $original_uri);
     // Suppress the security token in the URL, then get the URL of a file that
     // has not been created and try to create it. Check that the security token
     // is not present in the URL but that the image is still accessible.
     $this->config('image.settings')->set('suppress_itok_output', TRUE)->save();
     $generated_uri = $this->style->buildUri($original_uri);
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($generated_uri), 'Generated file does not exist.');
     $generate_url = $this->style->buildUrl($original_uri, $clean_url);
     $this->assertIdentical(strpos($generate_url, IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '='), FALSE, 'The security token does not appear in the image style URL.');
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Image was accessible at the URL with a missing token.');
     // Stop supressing the security token in the URL.
     $this->config('image.settings')->set('suppress_itok_output', FALSE)->save();
     // Ensure allow_insecure_derivatives is enabled.
     $this->assertEqual($this->config('image.settings')->get('allow_insecure_derivatives'), TRUE);
     // Check that a security token is still required when generating a second
     // image derivative using the first one as a source.
     $nested_url = $this->style->buildUrl($generated_uri, $clean_url);
     $matches_expected_url_format = (bool) preg_match('/styles\\/' . $this->style->id() . '\\/' . $scheme . '\\/styles\\/' . $this->style->id() . '\\/' . $scheme . '/', $nested_url);
     $this->assertTrue($matches_expected_url_format, "URL for a derivative of an image style matches expected format.");
     $nested_url_with_wrong_token = str_replace(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '=', 'wrongparam=', $nested_url);
     $this->assertResponse(403, 'Image generated from an earlier derivative was inaccessible at the URL with a missing token.');
     // Check that this restriction cannot be bypassed by adding extra slashes
     // to the URL.
     $this->drupalGet(substr_replace($nested_url_with_wrong_token, '//styles/', strrpos($nested_url_with_wrong_token, '/styles/'), strlen('/styles/')));
     $this->assertResponse(403, 'Image generated from an earlier derivative was inaccessible at the URL with a missing token, even with an extra forward slash in the URL.');
     $this->drupalGet(substr_replace($nested_url_with_wrong_token, '////styles/', strrpos($nested_url_with_wrong_token, '/styles/'), strlen('/styles/')));
     $this->assertResponse(403, 'Image generated from an earlier derivative was inaccessible at the URL with a missing token, even with multiple forward slashes in the URL.');
     // Make sure the image can still be generated if a correct token is used.
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Image was accessible when a correct token was provided in the URL.');
     // Check that requesting a nonexistent image does not create any new
     // directories in the file system.
     $directory = $scheme . '://styles/' . $this->style->id() . '/' . $scheme . '/' . $this->randomMachineName();
     $this->drupalGet(file_create_url($directory . '/' . $this->randomString()));
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($directory), 'New directory was not created in the filesystem when requesting an unauthorized image.');
Exemple #10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     drupal_set_message($this->t('The image effect %name has been deleted.', array('%name' => $this->imageEffect->label())));
     $form_state['redirect_route'] = $this->imageStyle->urlInfo('edit-form');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     drupal_set_message($this->t('The image effect %name has been deleted.', array('%name' => $this->imageEffect->label())));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function save(array $form, array &$form_state)
     $form_state['redirect_route'] = $this->entity->urlInfo('edit-form');
  * Generates a derivative, given a style and image path.
  * After generating an image, transfer it to the requesting agent.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  *   The request object.
  * @param string $scheme
  *   The file scheme, defaults to 'private'.
  * @param \Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $image_style
  *   The image style to deliver.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  *   The transferred file as response or some error response.
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException
  *   Thrown when the user does not have access to the file.
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\ServiceUnavailableHttpException
  *   Thrown when the file is still being generated.
 public function deliver(Request $request, $scheme, ImageStyleInterface $image_style)
     $target = $request->query->get('file');
     $image_uri = $scheme . '://' . $target;
     // Check that the style is defined, the scheme is valid, and the image
     // derivative token is valid. Sites which require image derivatives to be
     // generated without a token can set the
     // 'image.settings:allow_insecure_derivatives' configuration to TRUE to
     // bypass the latter check, but this will increase the site's vulnerability
     // to denial-of-service attacks. To prevent this variable from leaving the
     // site vulnerable to the most serious attacks, a token is always required
     // when a derivative of a style is requested.
     // The $target variable for a derivative of a style has
     // styles/<style_name>/... as structure, so we check if the $target variable
     // starts with styles/.
     $valid = !empty($image_style) && file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($scheme);
     if (!$this->config('image.settings')->get('allow_insecure_derivatives') || strpos(ltrim($target, '\\/'), 'styles/') === 0) {
         $valid &= $request->query->get(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN) === $image_style->getPathToken($image_uri);
     if (!$valid) {
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     $derivative_uri = $image_style->buildUri($image_uri);
     $headers = array();
     // If using the private scheme, let other modules provide headers and
     // control access to the file.
     if ($scheme == 'private') {
         if (file_exists($derivative_uri)) {
             return parent::download($request, $scheme);
         } else {
             $headers = $this->moduleHandler()->invokeAll('file_download', array($image_uri));
             if (in_array(-1, $headers) || empty($headers)) {
                 throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     // Don't try to generate file if source is missing.
     if (!file_exists($image_uri)) {
         // If the image style converted the extension, it has been added to the
         // original file, resulting in filenames like image.png.jpeg. So to find
         // the actual source image, we remove the extension and check if that
         // image exists.
         $path_info = pathinfo($image_uri);
         $converted_image_uri = $path_info['dirname'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path_info['filename'];
         if (!file_exists($converted_image_uri)) {
             $this->logger->notice('Source image at %source_image_path not found while trying to generate derivative image at %derivative_path.', array('%source_image_path' => $image_uri, '%derivative_path' => $derivative_uri));
             return new Response($this->t('Error generating image, missing source file.'), 404);
         } else {
             // The converted file does exist, use it as the source.
             $image_uri = $converted_image_uri;
     // Don't start generating the image if the derivative already exists or if
     // generation is in progress in another thread.
     $lock_name = 'image_style_deliver:' . $image_style->id() . ':' . Crypt::hashBase64($image_uri);
     if (!file_exists($derivative_uri)) {
         $lock_acquired = $this->lock->acquire($lock_name);
         if (!$lock_acquired) {
             // Tell client to retry again in 3 seconds. Currently no browsers are
             // known to support Retry-After.
             throw new ServiceUnavailableHttpException(3, $this->t('Image generation in progress. Try again shortly.'));
     // Try to generate the image, unless another thread just did it while we
     // were acquiring the lock.
     $success = file_exists($derivative_uri) || $image_style->createDerivative($image_uri, $derivative_uri);
     if (!empty($lock_acquired)) {
     if ($success) {
         $image = $this->imageFactory->get($derivative_uri);
         $uri = $image->getSource();
         $headers += array('Content-Type' => $image->getMimeType(), 'Content-Length' => $image->getFileSize());
         // \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\FinishResponseSubscriber::onRespond()
         // sets response as not cacheable if the Cache-Control header is not
         // already modified. We pass in FALSE for non-private schemes for the
         // $public parameter to make sure we don't change the headers.
         return new BinaryFileResponse($uri, 200, $headers, $scheme !== 'private');
     } else {
         $this->logger->notice('Unable to generate the derived image located at %path.', array('%path' => $derivative_uri));
         return new Response($this->t('Error generating image.'), 500);
  * Generates a derivative, given a style and image path.
  * After generating an image, transfer it to the requesting agent.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  *   The request object.
  * @param string $scheme
  *   The file scheme, defaults to 'private'.
  * @param \Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $image_style
  *   The image style to deliver.
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException
  *   Thrown when the user does not have access to the file.
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\ServiceUnavailableHttpException
  *   Thrown when the file is still being generated.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  *   The transferred file as response or some error response.
 public function deliver(Request $request, $scheme, ImageStyleInterface $image_style)
     $target = $request->query->get('file');
     $image_uri = $scheme . '://' . $target;
     // Check that the style is defined, the scheme is valid, and the image
     // derivative token is valid. Sites which require image derivatives to be
     // generated without a token can set the
     // 'image.settings:allow_insecure_derivatives' configuration to TRUE to
     // bypass the latter check, but this will increase the site's vulnerability
     // to denial-of-service attacks.
     $valid = !empty($image_style) && file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($scheme);
     if (!$this->config('image.settings')->get('allow_insecure_derivatives')) {
         $valid &= $request->query->get(IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN) === $image_style->getPathToken($image_uri);
     if (!$valid) {
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     $derivative_uri = $image_style->buildUri($image_uri);
     $headers = array();
     // If using the private scheme, let other modules provide headers and
     // control access to the file.
     if ($scheme == 'private') {
         if (file_exists($derivative_uri)) {
             return parent::download($request, $scheme);
         } else {
             $headers = $this->moduleHandler()->invokeAll('file_download', array($image_uri));
             if (in_array(-1, $headers) || empty($headers)) {
                 throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     // Don't try to generate file if source is missing.
     if (!file_exists($image_uri)) {
         watchdog('image', 'Source image at %source_image_path not found while trying to generate derivative image at %derivative_path.', array('%source_image_path' => $image_uri, '%derivative_path' => $derivative_uri));
         return new Response($this->t('Error generating image, missing source file.'), 404);
     // Don't start generating the image if the derivative already exists or if
     // generation is in progress in another thread.
     $lock_name = 'image_style_deliver:' . $image_style->id() . ':' . Crypt::hashBase64($image_uri);
     if (!file_exists($derivative_uri)) {
         $lock_acquired = $this->lock->acquire($lock_name);
         if (!$lock_acquired) {
             // Tell client to retry again in 3 seconds. Currently no browsers are
             // known to support Retry-After.
             throw new ServiceUnavailableHttpException(3, $this->t('Image generation in progress. Try again shortly.'));
     // Try to generate the image, unless another thread just did it while we
     // were acquiring the lock.
     $success = file_exists($derivative_uri) || $image_style->createDerivative($image_uri, $derivative_uri);
     if (!empty($lock_acquired)) {
     if ($success) {
         $image = $this->imageFactory->get($derivative_uri);
         $uri = $image->getSource();
         $headers += array('Content-Type' => $image->getMimeType(), 'Content-Length' => $image->getFileSize());
         return new BinaryFileResponse($uri, 200, $headers);
     } else {
         watchdog('image', 'Unable to generate the derived image located at %path.', array('%path' => $derivative_uri));
         return new Response($this->t('Error generating image.'), 500);
   * Tests crop type crud pages.
  public function testCropTypeCrud() {
    // Anonymous users don't have access to crop type admin pages.

    // Can access pages if logged in and no crop types exist.
    $this->assertText(t('No crop types available.'));
    $this->assertLink(t('Add crop type'));

    // Can access add crop type form.
    $this->clickLink(t('Add crop type'));

    // Create crop type.
    $edit = [
      'id' => strtolower($this->randomMachineName()),
      'label' => $this->randomMachineName(),
      'description' => $this->randomGenerator->sentences(10),
    $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/crop/add', $edit, t('Save crop type'));
    $this->assertRaw(t('The crop type %name has been added.', ['%name' => $edit['label']]));
    $label = $this->xpath("//td[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' menu-label ')]");
    $this->assert(strpos($label[0]->asXML(), $edit['label']) !== FALSE, 'Crop type label found on listing page.');

    // Check edit form.
    $this->assertText(t('Edit @name crop type', ['@name' => $edit['label']]));
    $this->assertFieldById('edit-label', $edit['label']);

    // See if crop type appears on image effect configuration form.
    $this->drupalGet('admin/config/media/image-styles/manage/' . $this->testStyle->id() . '/add/crop_crop');
    $option = $this->xpath("//select[@id='edit-data-crop-type']/option");
    $this->assert(strpos($option[0]->asXML(), $edit['label']) !== FALSE, 'Crop type label found on image effect page.');
    $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/media/image-styles/manage/' . $this->testStyle->id() . '/add/crop_crop', ['data[crop_type]' => $edit['id']], t('Add effect'));
    $this->assertText(t('The image effect was successfully applied.'));
    $this->assertText(t('Manual crop uses @name crop type', ['@name' => $edit['label']]));
    $this->testStyle = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('image_style')->loadUnchanged($this->testStyle->id());
    $this->assertEqual($this->testStyle->getEffects()->count(), 1, 'One image effect added to test image style.');
    $effect_configuration = $this->testStyle->getEffects()->getIterator()->current()->getConfiguration();
    $this->assertEqual($effect_configuration['data'], ['crop_type' => $edit['id']], 'Manual crop effect uses correct image style.');

    // Try to access edit form as anonymous user.
    $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/crop/manage/' . $edit['id']);

    // Try to create crop type with same machine name.
    $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/crop/add', $edit, t('Save crop type'));
    $this->assertText(t('The machine-readable name is already in use. It must be unique.'));

    // Delete crop type.
    $this->assertLink('Test image style');
    $this->assertText(t('Are you sure you want to delete the crop type @name?', ['@name' => $edit['label']]));
    $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/crop/manage/' . $edit['id'] . '/delete', [], t('Delete'));
    $this->assertRaw(t('The crop type %name has been deleted.', ['%name' => $edit['label']]));
    $this->assertText(t('No crop types available.'));