Exemple #1
  * Handles a request to either validate a user login or log a user out.
  * The path that this controller/action handle are always set to the "service"
  * when authenticating with the CAS server, so CAS server communicates back to
  * the Drupal site using this controller.
 public function handle()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     // First, check if this is a single-log-out (SLO) request from the server.
     if ($request->request->has('logoutRequest')) {
         $this->casHelper->log("Logout request: passing to casLogout::handleSlo");
         // Always return a 200 code. CAS Server doesn’t care either way what
         // happens here, since it is a fire-and-forget approach taken.
         return Response::create('', 200);
     // Our CAS Subscriber, which implements forced redirect and gateway, will
     // set this query string param which indicates we should disable the
     // subscriber on the next redirect. This prevents an infinite redirect loop.
     if ($request->query->has('cas_temp_disable')) {
         $this->casHelper->log("Temp disable flag set, set session flag.");
         $_SESSION['cas_temp_disable'] = TRUE;
     // Check if there is a ticket parameter. If there isn't, we could be
     // returning from a gateway request and the user may not be logged into CAS.
     // Just redirect away from here.
     if (!$request->query->has('ticket')) {
         $this->casHelper->log("No ticket detected, move along.");
         return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));
     $ticket = $request->query->get('ticket');
     // Our CAS service will need to reconstruct the original service URL
     // when validating the ticket. We always know what the base URL for
     // the service URL (it's this page), but there may be some query params
     // attached as well (like a destination param) that we need to pass in
     // as well. So, detach the ticket param, and pass the rest off.
     $service_params = $request->query->all();
     $cas_version = $this->casHelper->getCasProtocolVersion();
     $this->casHelper->log("Configured to use CAS protocol version: {$cas_version}");
     try {
         $cas_validation_info = $this->casValidator->validateTicket($cas_version, $ticket, $service_params);
     } catch (CasValidateException $e) {
         // Validation failed, redirect to homepage and set message.
         $this->setMessage(t('There was a problem validating your login, please contact a site administrator.'), 'error');
         return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));
     try {
         $this->casLogin->loginToDrupal($cas_validation_info, $ticket);
         if ($this->casHelper->isProxy() && $cas_validation_info->getPgt()) {
             $this->casHelper->log("Storing PGT information for this session.");
         $this->setMessage(t('You have been logged in.'));
     } catch (CasLoginException $e) {
         $this->setMessage(t('There was a problem logging in, please contact a site administrator.'), 'error');
     return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));
  * Asserts that validation is executed.
 private function assertSuccessfulValidation($returnto, $for_proxy = FALSE)
     $service_params = array();
     if ($returnto) {
         $service_params['returnto'] = 'node/1';
     $validation_data = new CasPropertyBag('testuser');
     if ($for_proxy) {
     // Validation service should be called for that ticket.
     $this->casValidator->expects($this->once())->method('validateTicket')->with($this->equalTo('ST-foobar'), $this->equalTo($service_params))->will($this->returnValue($validation_data));
Exemple #3
  * Test parsing out CAS attributes from response.
  * @covers ::validateVersion2
  * @covers ::parseAttributes
 public function testParseAttributes()
     $ticket = $this->randomMachineName(8);
     $service_params = array();
     $response = "<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://example.com/cas'>\n        <cas:authenticationSuccess>\n          <cas:user>username</cas:user>\n          <cas:attributes>\n            <cas:email>foo@example.com</cas:email>\n            <cas:memberof>cn=foo,o=example</cas:memberof>\n            <cas:memberof>cn=bar,o=example</cas:memberof>\n          </cas:attributes>\n        </cas:authenticationSuccess>\n       </cas:serviceResponse>";
     $mock = new MockHandler([new Response(200, array(), $response)]);
     $handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
     $httpClient = new Client(['handler' => $handler]);
     $casHelper = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Drupal\\cas\\Service\\CasHelper')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $casValidator = new CasValidator($httpClient, $casHelper);
     $expected_bag = new CasPropertyBag('username');
     $expected_bag->setAttributes(array('email' => array('*****@*****.**'), 'memberof' => array('cn=foo,o=example', 'cn=bar,o=example')));
     $actual_bag = $casValidator->validateTicket($ticket, $service_params);
     $this->assertEquals($expected_bag, $actual_bag);
  * Main point of communication between CAS server and the Drupal site.
  * The path that this controller/action handle are always set to the "service"
  * url when authenticating with the CAS server, so CAS server communicates
  * back to the Drupal site using this controller action. That's why there's
  * so much going on in here - it needs to process a few different types of
  * requests.
 public function handle()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     // First, check if this is a single-log-out (SLO) request from the server.
     if ($request->request->has('logoutRequest')) {
         try {
         } catch (CasSloException $e) {
         // Always return a 200 code. CAS Server doesn’t care either way what
         // happens here, since it is a fire-and-forget approach taken.
         return Response::create('', 200);
     // We will be redirecting the user below. To prevent the CasSubscriber from
     // initiating an automatic authentiation on the that request (like forced
     // auth or gateway auth) and potentially creating an authentication loop,
     // we set a session variable instructing the CasSubscriber skip auto auth
     // for that request.
     $request->getSession()->set('cas_temp_disable_auto_auth', TRUE);
     /* If there is no ticket parameter on the request, the browser either:
      * (a) is returning from a gateway request to the CAS server in which
      *     the user was not already authenticated to CAS, so there is no
      *     service ticket to validate and nothing to do.
      * (b) has hit this URL for some other reason (crawler, curiosity, etc)
      *     and there is nothing to do.
      * In either case, we just want to redirect them away from this controller.
     if (!$request->query->has('ticket')) {
         $this->casHelper->log("No ticket detected, move along.");
         return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));
     // There is a ticket present, meaning CAS server has returned the browser
     // to the Drupal site so we can authenticate the user locally using the
     // ticket.
     $ticket = $request->query->get('ticket');
     // Our CAS service will need to reconstruct the original service URL
     // when validating the ticket. We always know what the base URL for
     // the service URL (it's this page), but there may be some query params
     // attached as well (like a destination param) that we need to pass in
     // as well. So, detach the ticket param, and pass the rest off.
     $service_params = $request->query->all();
     try {
         $cas_validation_info = $this->casValidator->validateTicket($ticket, $service_params);
     } catch (CasValidateException $e) {
         // Validation failed, redirect to homepage and set message.
         $this->setMessage($this->t('There was a problem validating your login, please contact a site administrator.'), 'error');
         return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));
     // Now that the ticket has been validated, we can use the information from
     // validation request to authenticate the user locally on the Drupal site.
     try {
         $this->casLogin->loginToDrupal($cas_validation_info, $ticket);
         if ($this->casHelper->isProxy() && $cas_validation_info->getPgt()) {
             $this->casHelper->log("Storing PGT information for this session.");
         $this->setMessage($this->t('You have been logged in.'));
     } catch (CasLoginException $e) {
         $this->setMessage($this->t('There was a problem logging in, please contact a site administrator.'), 'error');
     // And finally redirect the user to the homepage, or so a specific
     // destination found in the destination param (like the page they were on
     // prior to initiating authentication).
     return RedirectResponse::create($this->urlGenerator->generate('<front>'));