  * Tests the block config schema for block plugins.
 public function testBlockConfigSchema()
     foreach ($this->blockManager->getDefinitions() as $block_id => $definition) {
         $id = strtolower($this->randomName());
         $block = Block::create(array('id' => $id, 'theme' => 'stark', 'weight' => 00, 'status' => TRUE, 'region' => 'content', 'plugin' => $block_id, 'settings' => array('label' => $this->randomName(), 'provider' => 'system', 'label_display' => FALSE), 'visibility' => array()));
         $config = \Drupal::config("block.block.{$id}");
         $this->assertEqual($config->get('id'), $id);
         $this->assertConfigSchema($this->typedConfig, $config->getName(), $config->get());
  * Retrieves suggestions for block category autocompletion.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
  *   The current request.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse
  *   A JSON response containing autocomplete suggestions.
 public function autocomplete(Request $request)
     $typed_category = $request->query->get('q');
     $matches = array();
     foreach ($this->blockManager->getCategories() as $category) {
         if (stripos($category, $typed_category) === 0) {
             $matches[] = array('value' => $category, 'label' => String::checkPlain($category));
     return new JsonResponse($matches);
  * Presents a list of blocks to add to the page variant.
  * @param \Drupal\page_manager\PageInterface $layout
  *   The page entity.
  * @param string $layout_region_id
  *   The page variant ID.
  * @return array
  *   The block selection page.
 public function selectBlock(PageInterface $page, $page_variant_id, $layout_region_id = NULL)
     // Add a section containing the available blocks to be added to the variant.
     $form = array('#type' => 'container', '#attached' => array('library' => array('core/drupal.ajax')));
     // Sort the plugins first by category, then by label.
     $plugins = $this->blockManager->getDefinitionsForContexts($page->getContexts());
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id => $plugin_definition) {
         $category = String::checkPlain($plugin_definition['category']);
         $category_key = 'category-' . $category;
         if (!isset($form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key])) {
             $form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $category, '#open' => TRUE, 'content' => array('#theme' => 'links', '#links' => array(), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('block-list'))));
         $form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key]['content']['#links'][$plugin_id] = array('title' => $plugin_definition['admin_label'], 'href' => '/admin/structure/page_manager/manage/' . $page->id() . '/manage/' . $page_variant_id . '/layout/' . $layout_region_id . '/block/' . $plugin_id . '/add', 'attributes' => array('class' => array('use-ajax', 'block-filter-text-source'), 'data-accepts' => 'application/vnd.drupal-modal', 'data-dialog-options' => Json::encode(array('width' => 700))));
     return $form;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     $configurable_types = $form['#language_types'];
     $stored_values = $this->languageTypes->get('configurable');
     $customized = array();
     $method_weights_type = array();
     foreach ($configurable_types as $type) {
         $customized[$type] = in_array($type, $stored_values);
         $method_weights = array();
         $enabled_methods = $form_state['values'][$type]['enabled'];
         $enabled_methods[LanguageNegotiationSelected::METHOD_ID] = TRUE;
         $method_weights_input = $form_state['values'][$type]['weight'];
         if (isset($form_state['values'][$type]['configurable'])) {
             $customized[$type] = !empty($form_state['values'][$type]['configurable']);
         foreach ($method_weights_input as $method_id => $weight) {
             if ($enabled_methods[$method_id]) {
                 $method_weights[$method_id] = $weight;
         $method_weights_type[$type] = $method_weights;
         $this->config('language.types')->set('negotiation.' . $type . '.method_weights', $method_weights_input)->save();
     // Update non-configurable language types and the related language
     // negotiation configuration.
     // Update the language negotiations after setting the configurability.
     foreach ($method_weights_type as $type => $method_weights) {
         $this->negotiator->saveConfiguration($type, $method_weights);
     // Clear block definitions cache since the available blocks and their names
     // may have been changed based on the configurable types.
     if ($this->blockManager) {
         // If there is an active language switcher for a language type that has
         // been made not configurable, deactivate it first.
         $non_configurable = array_keys(array_diff($customized, array_filter($customized)));
     $form_state['redirect_route']['route_name'] = 'language.negotiation';
     drupal_set_message($this->t('Language negotiation configuration saved.'));
  * Implements \Drupal\Core\Form\FormInterface::buildForm().
  * Form constructor for the main block administration form.
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $placement = FALSE;
     if ($this->request->query->has('block-placement')) {
         $placement = $this->request->query->get('block-placement');
         $form['#attached']['js'][] = array('type' => 'setting', 'data' => array('blockPlacement' => $placement));
     $entities = $this->load();
     $form['#theme'] = array('block_list');
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.tableheader';
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'block/drupal.block';
     $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'block/drupal.block.admin';
     $form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'clearfix';
     // Add a last region for disabled blocks.
     $block_regions_with_disabled = $this->regions + array(BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE => BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE);
     $form['block_regions'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $block_regions_with_disabled);
     // Weights range from -delta to +delta, so delta should be at least half
     // of the amount of blocks present. This makes sure all blocks in the same
     // region get an unique weight.
     $weight_delta = round(count($entities) / 2);
     // Build the form tree.
     $form['edited_theme'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->theme);
     $form['blocks'] = array('#type' => 'table', '#header' => array(t('Block'), t('Category'), t('Region'), t('Weight'), t('Operations')), '#attributes' => array('id' => 'blocks'));
     // Build blocks first for each region.
     foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
         $definition = $entity->getPlugin()->getPluginDefinition();
         $blocks[$entity->get('region')][$entity_id] = array('label' => $entity->label(), 'entity_id' => $entity_id, 'weight' => $entity->get('weight'), 'entity' => $entity, 'category' => $definition['category']);
     // Loop over each region and build blocks.
     foreach ($block_regions_with_disabled as $region => $title) {
         $form['blocks']['#tabledrag'][] = array('action' => 'match', 'relationship' => 'sibling', 'group' => 'block-region-select', 'subgroup' => 'block-region-' . $region, 'hidden' => FALSE);
         $form['blocks']['#tabledrag'][] = array('action' => 'order', 'relationship' => 'sibling', 'group' => 'block-weight', 'subgroup' => 'block-weight-' . $region);
         $form['blocks'][$region] = array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('region-title', 'region-title-' . $region), 'no_striping' => TRUE));
         $form['blocks'][$region]['title'] = array('#markup' => $region != BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE ? $title : t('Disabled'), '#wrapper_attributes' => array('colspan' => 5));
         $form['blocks'][$region . '-message'] = array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('region-message', 'region-' . $region . '-message', empty($blocks[$region]) ? 'region-empty' : 'region-populated')));
         $form['blocks'][$region . '-message']['message'] = array('#markup' => '<em>' . t('No blocks in this region') . '</em>', '#wrapper_attributes' => array('colspan' => 5));
         if (isset($blocks[$region])) {
             foreach ($blocks[$region] as $info) {
                 $entity_id = $info['entity_id'];
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id] = array('#attributes' => array('class' => array('draggable')));
                 if ($placement && $placement == drupal_html_class($entity_id)) {
                     $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['#attributes']['id'] = 'block-placed';
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['info'] = array('#markup' => String::checkPlain($info['label']), '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('block')));
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['type'] = array('#markup' => $info['category']);
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['region-theme']['region'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $region, '#empty_value' => BlockInterface::BLOCK_REGION_NONE, '#title' => t('Region for @block block', array('@block' => $info['label'])), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#options' => $this->regions, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('block-region-select', 'block-region-' . $region)), '#parents' => array('blocks', $entity_id, 'region'));
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['region-theme']['theme'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $this->theme, '#parents' => array('blocks', $entity_id, 'theme'));
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['weight'] = array('#type' => 'weight', '#default_value' => $info['weight'], '#delta' => $weight_delta, '#title' => t('Weight for @block block', array('@block' => $info['label'])), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('block-weight', 'block-weight-' . $region)));
                 $form['blocks'][$entity_id]['operations'] = $this->buildOperations($info['entity']);
     // Do not allow disabling the main system content block when it is present.
     if (isset($form['blocks']['system_main']['region'])) {
         $form['blocks']['system_main']['region']['#required'] = TRUE;
     $form['actions'] = array('#tree' => FALSE, '#type' => 'actions');
     $form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save blocks'), '#button_type' => 'primary');
     $form['place_blocks']['title'] = array('#type' => 'container', '#children' => '<h3>' . t('Place blocks') . '</h3>', '#attributes' => array('class' => array('entity-meta-header')));
     $form['place_blocks']['filter'] = array('#type' => 'search', '#title' => t('Filter'), '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#size' => 30, '#placeholder' => t('Filter by block name'), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('block-filter-text'), 'data-element' => '.entity-meta', 'title' => t('Enter a part of the block name to filter by.')));
     $form['place_blocks']['list']['#type'] = 'container';
     $form['place_blocks']['list']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'entity-meta';
     // Sort the plugins first by category, then by label.
     $plugins = $this->blockManager->getSortedDefinitions();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id => $plugin_definition) {
         $category = String::checkPlain($plugin_definition['category']);
         $category_key = 'category-' . $category;
         if (!isset($form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key])) {
             $form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $category, '#open' => TRUE, 'content' => array('#theme' => 'links', '#links' => array(), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('block-list'))));
         $form['place_blocks']['list'][$category_key]['content']['#links'][$plugin_id] = array('title' => $plugin_definition['admin_label'], 'route_name' => 'block.admin_add', 'route_parameters' => array('plugin_id' => $plugin_id, 'theme' => $this->theme), 'attributes' => array('class' => array('use-ajax', 'block-filter-text-source'), 'data-accepts' => 'application/vnd.drupal-modal', 'data-dialog-options' => Json::encode(array('width' => 700))));
     return $form;