createQuery() public méthode

Creates a new Query object.
public createQuery ( $dql = "" ) : Doctrine\ORM\Query
Résultat Doctrine\ORM\Query
     * Loads a locale.
     * @param mixed $resource A resource
     * @param string $locale A locale
     * @param string $domain The domain
     * @return MessageCatalogue A MessageCatalogue instance
     * @throws NotFoundResourceException when the resource cannot be found
     * @throws InvalidResourceException  when the resource cannot be loaded
    public function load($resource, $locale, $domain = 'messages')
        if ($this->loadAll !== true) {
            return new MessageCatalogue($locale);
        $dql = <<<'DQL'
                  MjrLibraryEntitiesBundle:System\Translation t
                  t.Locale = :locale
              ORDER BY t.Id ASC
        $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql);
        $query->setParameter(':locale', $locale);
        /** @var Translation[] $results */
        $results = $query->getResult();
        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale);
        if (count($results) > 0) {
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $catalogue->set($result->getIdentity(), $result->getTranslation(), $domain);
        return $catalogue;
 private function loadLicenses()
     $dql = 'SELECT l FROM Doctrine\\Bundle\\LicenseManagerBundle\\Entity\\License l INDEX BY l.spdxIdentifier';
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql);
     $licenses = $query->getResult();
     $url = "";
     $content = file_get_contents($url);
     $crawler = new Crawler($content);
     $rows = $crawler->filter('table tbody tr');
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = new Crawler($row);
         $tds = $row->filter('td');
         $isOSIApproved = $tds->eq(2)->text() === "Y";
         if (!$isOSIApproved) {
         $identifier = trim($tds->eq(1)->text());
         if (isset($licenses[$identifier])) {
         $name = $tds->eq(0)->text();
         $licenseUrl = $url . substr($tds->eq(3)->filter('a')->attr('href'), 2);
         $license = new License($name, $licenseUrl, $identifier);
 public function eliminarItemsPorInstrumento($idInstrumento)
     $query = "DELETE\r\n\r\n        FROM AppModelBundle:InstrumentoItem iin\r\n\r\n        WHERE 1 = 1\r\n        \r\n        AND iin.ins = :idInstrumento\r\n        ";
     $query = $this->em->createQuery($query);
     $query->setParameter('idInstrumento', $idInstrumento);
     return $query->execute();
  * @param VersionableInterface $resource
  * @return array
 public function getVersions(VersionableInterface $resource)
     $query = $this->_em->createQuery("SELECT v FROM ResourceVersion v INDEX BY v.version " . "WHERE v.resourceName = ?1 AND v.resourceId = ?2 ORDER BY v.version DESC");
     $query->setParameter(1, get_class($resource));
     $query->setParameter(2, $resource->getResourceId());
     return $query->getResult();
  * @param $names
  * @return array
 public function getIngredientsByName($names)
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery('SELECT i FROM CookWithMeBundle:Ingredient i WHERE IN (:names)');
     $query->setParameters(array('names' => $names));
     $ingredients = $query->getResult();
     return $ingredients;
 public function obtenerAlternativasPorItem($idItem)
     $query = "SELECT\r\n\t\    as idItem,\r\n\t\    as idAlternativa,\r\n\t\talt.texto as textoAlternativa\r\n\r\n\t\tFROM AppModelBundle:Alternativa alt\r\n\t\tJOIN alt.ite ite\r\n\r\n\t\tWHERE 1 = 1\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tAND = :idItem\r\n\t\t";
     $query = $this->em->createQuery($query);
     $query->setParameter('idItem', $idItem);
     return $query->getArrayResult();
     * ConfigService constructor.
     * @param ContainerInterface $config
     * @param EntityManager $em
     * @throws ConfigValueCanNotBeDecoded
     * @internal param Redis $redis
    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $config, EntityManager $em)
        $this->Cache = $config->get('snc_redis.default');
        $this->EntityManager = $em;
        $this->Entries = unserialize($this->Cache->get(self::CACHE_KEY));
        if (!is_array($this->Entries) || count($this->Entries) < 1) {
            $this->Entries = array();
            $dql = <<<'DQL'
SELECT c FROM MjrLibraryEntitiesBundle:Config c
            $query = $this->EntityManager->createQuery($dql);
            /** @var Config[] $results */
            $results = $query->getResult();
            if (count($results) > 0) {
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    if (!isset($this->Entries[$result->getModule()])) {
                        $this->Entries[$result->getModule()] = array();
                    $value = unserialize($result->getValue());
                    if (!$value instanceof ConfigInterface) {
                        throw new ConfigValueCanNotBeDecoded('The Config Value for Module ' . $result->getModule() . ' with the ident ' . $result->getIdent() . ' could not be unserialized. Please check the Value!');
                    $this->Entries[$result->getModule()][$result->getIdent()] = $value;
            $this->Cache->set(self::CACHE_KEY, serialize($this->Entries));
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = $this->getProjectApplication();
     $this->logger = $this->getLogger();
     $this->regionService = $app['region.skyforge.service'];
     /** @var EntityManager $em */
     $this->em = $app['orm.ems'][$this->regionService->getDbConnectionNameByRegion()];
     /** @var StatService $statService */
     $this->statService = $app['stat.skyforge.service'];
     $pantheonRepository = $this->em->getRepository('Erliz\\SkyforgeBundle\\Entity\\Pantheon');
     $communityRepository = $this->em->getRepository('Erliz\\SkyforgeBundle\\Entity\\Community');
     //        $lockFilePath = $app['config']['app']['path'].'/cache/curl/parse.lock';
     //        if (is_file($lockFilePath)) {
     //            throw new RuntimeException('Another parse in progress');
     //        } else {
     //            file_put_contents($lockFilePath, getmypid());
     //        }
     if ($playerId = $input->getOption('avatar')) {
         $this->statService->updatePlayer($playerId, true);
     if ($communityId = $input->getOption('id')) {
         $community = $communityRepository->find($communityId);
         if (!$community) {
             $community = $pantheonRepository->find($communityId);
         if (!$community) {
             $this->logger->addInfo(sprintf('Community with id %s not found in db', $communityId));
         } else {
             $this->updateCommunityMembers($community, $output);
     if ($input->getOption('pantheons') || $input->getOption('communities')) {
         $lastId = $input->getOption('lastId');
         if ($input->getOption('pantheons')) {
             $sqlResponse = $this->em->createQuery("\n                    SELECT, count( cnt\n                    FROM Erliz\\SkyforgeBundle\\Entity\\Pantheon pt\n                    JOIN pt.members pl\n                    group by\n                    order by cnt DESC")->getScalarResult();
             $repo = $pantheonRepository;
         } else {
             $sqlResponse = $this->em->createQuery("\n                    SELECT, count( cnt\n                    FROM Erliz\\SkyforgeBundle\\Entity\\Community pt\n                    JOIN pt.members pl\n                    group by\n                    order by cnt DESC")->getScalarResult();
             $repo = $communityRepository;
         $communityIds = array_map('current', $sqlResponse);
         $communitiesCount = count($communityIds);
         /** @var CommunityInterface $community */
         foreach ($communityIds as $index => $communityId) {
             if ($communityId == $lastId) {
                 $lastId = false;
             if ($lastId) {
             $this->updateCommunityMembers($repo->find($communityId), $output);
             $this->logger->addInfo(sprintf('Processed %s / %s', $index + 1, $communitiesCount));
     //        unlink($lockFilePath);
Exemple #9
 public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
     $roles = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT r FROM TSKUserBundle:Role r')->execute();
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $choices[$role->getName()] = $role->getName();
     $resolver->setDefaults(array('required' => true, 'expanded' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'choices' => $choices));
  * Marks all tips as unread
  * @param Request $request The request
  * @return array|\Dunglas\ApiBundle\Model\PaginatorInterface|\Traversable
  * @throws RuntimeException
 public function __invoke(Request $request)
     $dql = "DELETE FROM PartKeepr\\TipOfTheDayBundle\\Entity\\TipOfTheDayHistory th WHERE th.user = :user";
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql);
     $query->setParameter("user", $this->userService->getUser());
     return new Response("OK");
Exemple #11
  * После успешного логина
  * @param InteractiveLoginEvent $event
 public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
     # запоминаем время логина пользователя
     $userId = $event->getAuthenticationToken()->getUser()->getId();
     if ($userId) {
         $lastLogin = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->em->createQuery("\r\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE EvrikaMainBundle:User u\r\n\t\t\t\tSET u.lastLogin = '******'\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE = {$userId}\r\n\t\t\t")->execute();
 public function obtenerAreasPorPlan($idPlan, $idNivel, $idPeriodo)
     $query = "SELECT\r\n     as idArea,\r\n        are.nombre as nombreArea\r\n\r\n        FROM AppModelBundle:PlanArea pit\r\n        JOIN pit.are are\r\n\r\n        WHERE 1 = 1\r\n    \r\n        AND pit.pla = :idPlan\r\n        AND pit.niv = :idNivel\r\n        AND pit.per = :idPeriodo\r\n\r\n        ";
     $query = $this->em->createQuery($query);
     $query->setParameter('idPlan', $idPlan);
     $query->setParameter('idNivel', $idNivel);
     $query->setParameter('idPeriodo', $idPeriodo);
     return $query->getArrayResult();
  * Execute given dql query
  * @param string $dql
  * @param string $type
  * @return array
 private function executeQuery($dql, $type)
     $query = $this->em->createQuery($dql);
     $query->setParameter('type', $type);
     return array_map(function (array $row) {
         return $row['email'];
     }, $query->getResult());
Exemple #14
  * Load translations from the DB
  * @param  string $locale           example: en_US
  * @param  string $UnusedTextDomain not used
  * @return \Zend\I18n\Translator\TextDomain
 public function load($locale, $UnusedTextDomain = null)
     $messages = $this->entityMgr->createQuery('SELECT m.defaultText, m.text ' . 'FROM RcmI18n\\Entity\\Message m ' . 'WHERE m.locale = ?1')->setParameter(1, $locale)->getArrayResult();
     $textDomain = new TextDomain();
     foreach ($messages as &$message) {
         $textDomain[$message['defaultText']] = $message['text'];
     return $textDomain;
Exemple #15
  * Loads from the database
  * @param string $table    The table that contains the pages (with title, slug and controller, configure this as resource in your routing.yml, provide as type: db )
  * @param string $type     The resource type
  * @return RouteCollection the collection of routes stored in the database table
 public function load($table, $type = null)
     $collection = new RouteCollection();
     $pages = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT p FROM ' . $table . ' p')->execute();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $collection->add('Cms' . $page->getTitle(), new Route($page->getSlug(), array('_controller' => $page->getController(), 'pageId' => $page->getId())));
     return $collection;
Exemple #16
 public function getStocks(EntityManager $em, $parametres)
     //$parametres de where
     //categories $wct
     $wct = ' 1=1 ';
     if (isset($parametres['categories']) && is_array($parametres['categories'])) {
         $wct = '';
         $or = ' ';
         foreach ($parametres['categories'] as $pcategorie) {
             $wct .= $or . '' . $pcategorie . ' ';
             $or = ' OR ';
     //echo "<br/>\$wct=".$wct."";
     //couleurs $wco
     $wco = ' 1=1 ';
     if (isset($parametres['couleurs']) && is_array($parametres['couleurs'])) {
         $wco = '';
         $or = ' ';
         foreach ($parametres['couleurs'] as $pcouleur) {
             $wco .= $or . ' s.idcouleur=' . $pcouleur . ' ';
             $or = ' OR ';
     //echo "<br/>\$wco=".$wco."";
     //tailles $wt
     $wt = ' 1=1 ';
     if (isset($parametres['tailles']) && is_array($parametres['tailles'])) {
         $wt = '';
         $or = ' ';
         foreach ($parametres['tailles'] as $ptaille) {
             $wt .= $or . ' s.idtaille=' . $ptaille . ' ';
             $or = ' OR ';
     //echo "<br/>\$wt=".$wt."";
     //paramètres de regroupement group By
     if (isset($parametres['regrouper']) && $parametres['regrouper'] == "produit") {
         /* $q = $queryBuilder->select("'IDENTITY( AS id',  sum(s.qtestock) as qtestock, sum(s.qtedefectueux) as qtedefectueux, s.idproduit ")
            ->from("ImieProduitBundle:Stock", "s")
            ->leftJoin("s.idproduit", "p")
            ->leftJoin("p.idcategorie", "c")
            ->leftJoin("p.idimage", "i")  
         $query = $em->createQuery("SELECT \n             count( as gammes, sum(s.qtestock) as qtestock, sum(s.qtedefectueux) as qtedefectueux,\n             'IDENTITY(s.idproduit) AS idproduit' , as idproduit, p.nom as nom, p.prix as prix, \n             'IDENTITY(p.idcategorie) AS idcategorie' ,  c.nom as categorie,   \n             'IDENTITY(p.idimage) AS idimage' ,   i.nom as image\n             FROM ImieProduitBundle:Stock s \n             LEFT JOIN ImieProduitBundle:produit p with s.idproduit = \n             LEFT JOIN ImieProduitBundle:categorie c with p.idcategorie = \n             LEFT JOIN ImieProduitBundle:image i with p.idimage = \n             WHERE ( (" . $wct . ") AND (" . $wco . ")  AND (" . $wt . ") )\n             GROUP BY s.idproduit ,  p.idcategorie, p.idimage, c.nom, i.nom\n             ORDER BY p.idcategorie ASC, s.idproduit ASC\n             ");
     } elseif (isset($parametres['regrouper']) && $parametres['regrouper'] == "categorie") {
         $query = $em->createQuery("SELECT \n             count( as gammes, sum(s.qtestock) as qtestock, sum(s.qtedefectueux) as qtedefectueux,\n             'IDENTITY(s.idproduit) AS idproduit' ,\n             'IDENTITY(p.idcategorie) AS idcategorie' ,  c.nom as categorie  \n             FROM ImieProduitBundle:Stock s \n             LEFT JOIN ImieProduitBundle:produit p with s.idproduit = \n             LEFT JOIN ImieProduitBundle:categorie c with p.idcategorie = \n             WHERE ( (" . $wct . ") AND (" . $wco . ")  AND (" . $wt . ") )\n             GROUP BY  p.idcategorie, c.nom\n             ORDER BY p.idcategorie ASC, s.idproduit ASC\n             ");
     } else {
         $queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
         $q = $queryBuilder->select("s, c, p, i")->from("ImieProduitBundle:Stock", "s")->leftJoin("s.idproduit", "p")->leftJoin("p.idcategorie", "c")->leftJoin("p.idimage", "i");
         $q->where(" 1 = 1 ")->andWhere($wct)->andWhere($wco)->andWhere($wt);
         $q->add('orderBy', 'p.idcategorie ASC, s.idproduit ASC,s.idtaille ASC ');
         $query = $q->getQuery();
     $stocks = $query->getResult();
     return $stocks;
 public function testFindOpenOpps()
     $result = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT a,b
             FROM MeetingMinder\\AttendeeBundle\\Entity\\OpenOpp a
             JOIN a.sales b
             WHERE a.sales = :id
             ORDER BY a.week ASC')->setParameter(':id', 2)->getArrayResult();
 public function getVilles()
     $query = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT DISTINCT s.ville FROM AddressBook\\Entity\\Societe s ORDER BY s.ville');
     $villes = $query->getScalarResult();
     // Pour revenir à une dimension
     $villes = array_map(function ($row) {
         return $row['ville'];
     }, $villes);
     return $villes;
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array
 public function getCountGroupByArtist($limit = 10)
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery('
         SELECT COUNT(t) AS nb, AS name, AS id
         FROM AppBundle:Artist a
         LEFT JOIN a.tracks t
         GROUP BY
     return $query->getResult();
 public function removeGarbageFiles()
     $dql = 'SELECT cf FROM SciGroupTinymcePluploadFileManagerBundle:ContentFile cf WHERE cf.uploadedAt < :uploaded_at';
     $threshold = new \DateTime(sprintf('now - %d secs', $this->garbageFileTtl));
     $garbageFiles = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('uploaded_at', $threshold)->iterate();
     foreach ($garbageFiles as $garbageFile) {
     * Build a populated paginator instance
     * @param int $limit
     * @return \Leapt\CoreBundle\Paginator\PaginatorInterface
    protected function buildPaginator($limit)
        $this->loadFixture(new LoadPlayerData($limit));
        $dql = <<<DQL
            SELECT p FROM Leapt\\CoreBundle\\Tests\\Paginator\\Entity\\Player p
        $query = static::$em->createQuery($dql)->setMaxResults($limit);
        $paginator = new DoctrineORMPaginator($query);
        return $paginator;
  * Checks if the specified manufacturer exists.
  * @param string $name The manufacturer name
  * @return true if the manufacturer exists, false otherwise
 protected function manufacturerExists($name)
     $dql = "SELECT COUNT(m) FROM PartKeepr\\ManufacturerBundle\\Entity\\Manufacturer m WHERE = :name";
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql);
     $query->setParameter('name', $name);
     if ($query->getSingleScalarResult() == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 public function createPaginator($dql, $page, $limit)
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql)->setMaxResults($limit)->setFirstResult($offset);
     $paginator = new Paginator($query);
     $adapter = new DoctrinePaginatorAdapter($paginator);
     $zendPaginator = new ZendPaginator($adapter);
     return $zendPaginator;
 public function testEhCapazDeCriarUmUsuario()
     $this->_em = $this->doctrineContainer->getEntityManager();
     $usuario = $this->getUsuario();
     $this->assertEquals('Corrupto', $usuario->getNome());
     $usuarios = $this->_em->createQuery('select u from Application\\Entity\\Usuario u')->execute();
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($usuarios));
     //FIX: usuário admin
Exemple #25
 public function listCompanies($page = 1, $pageSize = 20)
     $query = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT c, cls FROM SSEICSSBundle:Company c LEFT JOIN c.class cls ORDER BY ASC');
     $paginator = new Paginator($query);
     $totalRecruits = count($paginator);
     $pagesCount = ceil($totalRecruits / $pageSize);
     $paginator->getQuery()->setFirstResult($pageSize * ($page - 1))->setMaxResults($pageSize);
     $list = $query->getArrayResult();
     return ["totalRecruits" => $totalRecruits, "currentPage" => $page, "pagesCount" => $pagesCount, "list" => $list];
Exemple #26
  * Loads a locale.
  * @param mixed $resource A resource
  * @param string $locale A locale
  * @param string $domain The domain
  * @return MessageCatalogue A MessageCatalogue instance
  * @api
  * @throws NotFoundResourceException when the resource cannot be found
  * @throws InvalidResourceException  when the resource cannot be loaded
 public function load($resource, $locale, $domain = 'messages')
     $query = $this->em->createQuery("SELECT Trn " . "FROM AppBundle:Translation\\Language Lng, AppBundle:Translation\\Message Msg, AppBundle:Translation\\Translation Trn " . "WHERE Lng.locale = :locale " . "AND Trn.language = Lng AND Trn.domain = :domain AND Trn.inCharge = true " . "AND Trn.message = Msg")->setParameter('locale', $locale)->setParameter('domain', $domain == 'messages' ? '' : $domain);
     $translations = $query->getResult();
     $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue($locale);
     /** @var \AppBundle\Entity\Translation\Translation $translation */
     foreach ($translations as $translation) {
         $catalogue->set($translation->getMessage()->getName(), $translation->getText(), $translation->getDomain() == '' ? 'messages' : $translation->getDomain());
     return $catalogue;
  * Add command to job queue if it has not been added earlier
  * @param string $command
  * @param array $commandArgs
  * @param boolean $needFlush
  * @return boolean|integer
 protected function addJob($command, $commandArgs = array(), $needFlush = false)
     $currJob = $this->em->createQuery("SELECT j FROM JMSJobQueueBundle:Job j WHERE j.command = :command AND j.state <> :state")->setParameter('command', $command)->setParameter('state', Job::STATE_FINISHED)->getOneOrNullResult();
     if (!$currJob) {
         $job = new Job($command, $commandArgs);
         if ($needFlush) {
     return $currJob ? $currJob->getId() : true;
Exemple #28
    public function getIdRandomQuestion($leve)
        $res = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT FROM LDS\\Bundles\\DashboardBundle\\Entity\\Questions q WHERE q.level = :level')->setParameter('level', $leve)->getScalarResult();
        $ids = array_map('current', $res);
        $resutl = $this->em->createQuery('
				SELECT q FROM LDS\\Bundles\\DashboardBundle\\Entity\\Questions q
				WHERE >= :random
    			AND q.level = :level
			')->setParameters(array('random' => $ids[array_rand($ids)], 'level' => $leve))->setMaxResults(1)->getSingleResult();
        return $resutl;
  * Updates the tip database. Expects an array of page names.
  * This method clears all page names and re-creates them. This saves
  * alot of engineering, because we don't need to match contents
  * within the database against contents in an array.
  * @param array $aPageNames The page names as array. Page names are stored as string.
 private function updateTipDatabase(array $aPageNames)
     $dql = 'DELETE FROM PartKeepr\\TipOfTheDayBundle\\Entity\\TipOfTheDay';
     $query = $this->entityManager->createQuery($dql);
     foreach ($aPageNames as $pageName) {
         $tip = new TipOfTheDay();
 public function testNaCriacao()
     $tarefa = new Entity\Tarefa('TesteNome', 100, 1);
     $this->_em = $this->doctrineContainer->getEntityManager();
     $tarefas = $this->_em->createQuery('select t from Application\\Entity\\Tarefa t')->execute();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($tarefas));
     $tarefaBanco = $tarefas[0];
     $this->assertEquals('TesteNome', $tarefaBanco->getNome());
     $this->assertEquals(100, $tarefaBanco->getCusto());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $tarefaBanco->getPasso());